New Republicans are C.I.N.O's

Donald Trump has roughly a 90% approval rating among Republican voters in this country. This AFTER he, and Republicans in Congress, passed a gigantic TAX CUT and windfall of cash targeted to Trump himself and the uber rich that crashed the economy 10 years ago. To do this, they INCREASED THE BUDGET DEFICIT to $1 trillion after we worked under the Obama Presidency to reduce it by over $1 trillion.
Trump Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits Officially Begin This Week

In addition......they want to increase military spending AND build a stupid wall along the southern border that will not only cost billions to maintain, but, will have almost no effect on illegal immigration.

So, question is......are new Republicans the OPPOSITE of conservatives? When all is said and done, are the new Republicans not the party of 'tax and spend'.....but, 'borrow and spend and crash'? Is this what we can expect from Republicans moving forward?

It must be given almost the entire party has signed off on what they just did as a party. Remember, when we were recovering from the financial crisis they presided over (remember, a Republican was in office at the time of the crash)......every bit of stimulus had to be budget neutral for Obama?! Now......borrow......spend.....borrow.....spend. That is the new Republican Party; they truly are 'conservatives in name only'.

Conservatives, like so-called Liberals, are full of hypocrisy.
Nope. I supported Bush because the alternatives offered, and his opponents while in office were totally unacceptable. His daddy right through Obama were all globalists, as were the alternatives. It was simply a matter of degree.

Now the masks are off, and look how chummy they all are.

The Freedom Caucus is a good defensive line.
Do you support spending hundreds of billions of dollars to build a wall along the southern border?

Hundreds? No. Why are you going all hyperbolic?

I would like to see a wall, yes, along with - this being an issue of national security - troops stationed at the southern border.

I would also like to see a biometric national ID system installed. Without either a citizen or guest ID you can do no business in the United States. No employment, no housing, no licenses of any kind, no government aid, no bank account, no nothing.
You should talk to Merkel about that system of proof of citizenship and the penalties for being without it. It meshes with what I've read about E. Germany during the Soviet regime. Oh, yeah! And they had a wall to keep western culture OUT. Of course you'll claim it was to keep E Germans IN, but I'm betting that's not what loyal commies thought. They wanted no part of our 'decadence'.

That's an extremely silly argument, bullwinkle. Essentially what you are saying is that home security measures are Soviet in influence.
Probably IS a silly argument, billy. But I do associate buffer walls with E Germany aka USSR. I know it worked for China a while back to keep armies out, but seems futile these days. Do you think the cost is worth it?

As part of a multifaceted program, yes.
"New" republicans? How do you separate "new" republicans from republicans? It' all a bullshit effort by the left to try to split the republican party while democrats are leaderless, incoherent and searching for an agenda. Should we be socialists or capitalists? Hmmm.
Look at your link! The New York Slime is about as reliable to report facts as a three-year old is to tell you who ate all of the cookies. You need to look at your sources. The Slime works for the DNC as a mouthpiece.
Sure goober.......the Pulitzer prize winning NY Times is less believable than Trump who has been proven to be caught in countless lie after lie. Why would you believe this?!? Because the liar is telling you to believe it.

I'd tell you how obviously pathetic that is....but, I think you actually know that already; you just don't care.

The NY Slime is proven to be correct about as often as a stopped clock.
I take the NYT keeps publishing stuff you don't want to read.

No. The New York Slimes keeps printing lies we all do not need to hear.
I see it as truths you don't want to hear.

You are blind.
Donald Trump has roughly a 90% approval rating among Republican voters in this country. This AFTER he, and Republicans in Congress, passed a gigantic TAX CUT and windfall of cash targeted to Trump himself and the uber rich that crashed the economy 10 years ago. To do this, they INCREASED THE BUDGET DEFICIT to $1 trillion after we worked under the Obama Presidency to reduce it by over $1 trillion.
Trump Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits Officially Begin This Week

In addition......they want to increase military spending AND build a stupid wall along the southern border that will not only cost billions to maintain, but, will have almost no effect on illegal immigration.

So, question is......are new Republicans the OPPOSITE of conservatives? When all is said and done, are the new Republicans not the party of 'tax and spend'.....but, 'borrow and spend and crash'? Is this what we can expect from Republicans moving forward?

It must be given almost the entire party has signed off on what they just did as a party. Remember, when we were recovering from the financial crisis they presided over (remember, a Republican was in office at the time of the crash)......every bit of stimulus had to be budget neutral for Obama?! Now......borrow......spend.....borrow.....spend. That is the new Republican Party; they truly are 'conservatives in name only'.

We have Conservatives and Liberals, they are a minority. Then you have the majority which are the left and the right who drift with the wind and move depending on what their masters say.
"New" republicans? How do you separate "new" republicans from republicans? It' all a bullshit effort by the left to try to split the republican party while democrats are leaderless, incoherent and searching for an agenda. Should we be socialists or capitalists? Hmmm.
Not is very difficult to break up a cult. It has been years that Republicans have actually believed in mathematics, science, logic, or common sense. The Trump election proves that the right wing is unable to be broken apart. The only thing that really differs is what their focus is....and their true focus is dependent on what their so-called leaders or FOX 'News' says it should be.

Don't get me started on Democratic argument from me on that one. Democrats do have an agenda....just do a God-awful job of putting it out there. Democrats are like herding cats; which is why they are so difficult to organize as a political party. They'd prefer to debate issues....but, that has been proven not to fly in modern day politics. Too bad, because that is what is required in a democracy such as ours....but, that's where we are at right now.

The suggestion that the ONLY two choices are 'socialism' and 'capitalism' is utterly ridiculous. There are thousands of miles in between. The irony, of course, is Trump and his nonsense, are responsible for more government power-grabs than any Democrat that I can remember.....but, his followers are either too stubborn or too stupid to recognize it. That is what Trump counts on.......the stupidity of the American voter.
Sure goober.......the Pulitzer prize winning NY Times is less believable than Trump who has been proven to be caught in countless lie after lie. Why would you believe this?!? Because the liar is telling you to believe it.

I'd tell you how obviously pathetic that is....but, I think you actually know that already; you just don't care.

The NY Slime is proven to be correct about as often as a stopped clock.
I take the NYT keeps publishing stuff you don't want to read.

No. The New York Slimes keeps printing lies we all do not need to hear.
I see it as truths you don't want to hear.

You are blind.
Trump tells you they are lies, so, you fall in line and believe him. Why?!?! God only knows. Trump has been proven to lie to everyone over and over and over and over......but you STILL believe every god****ed word out of the man's mouth? That is either complete stupidity or complete bullheadedness.....either is unacceptable.

We are seeing the Presidency being run by the far right wing.....their 'news organizations' (FOX "News", Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones etc.) make news up as they go. They do so because they know there is a market out there.....and they've cornered that market.

There is a reason Trump incessantly talks about 'fake news'...even when things are proven to be true. He knows that his entire platform is built around actual 'fake news', he pulls the oldest trick in the political book. Take your own weakness and cast that onto your political opponents. That is the one thing Trump is good at....being a hypocrite. NOBODY in the history of American politics is better at hypocritical banter than Trump.

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