New Republican Gov not fond of non-Christians

most of those wars were not fought FOR religion, but religion was used as an excuse to get others to fight them

then Religion becomes a major factor.....right?.....

first guy....."hey lets go and take that land.....

second guy.....well i dont know,they look pretty tough.......

first guy....but they are not Catholics!!!.......

second guy......FUCKING HEATHENS.....ATTACK!!!......
most of those wars were not fought FOR religion, but religion was used as an excuse to get others to fight them

then Religion becomes a major factor.....right?.....

first guy....."hey lets go and take that land.....

second guy.....well i dont know,they look pretty tough.......

first guy....but they are not Catholics!!!.......

second guy......FUCKING HEATHENS.....ATTACK!!!......
thats an extreme over simplification
and many of those wars were defensive in nature

AKA we are being invaded
it appears to me that on this thread people are revealing their own prejudices.

as usual

color me guilty Del.....i dont like it when some guy walks around saying how HE is saved.....and the rest of the world is not....unless of course you do what he i said....i have seen to many of these kind of people show me how big a hypocrite they are AND some of them are VERY Judgemental......i would love to see the look on many of these peoples faces when Judgement day comes and MANY of them are told that they are not welcome in the Kingdom of Christ.....because of THEIR Hypercritical,Judgemental Character.....

I don't like it when asswipes come onto a message board and declare that people shouldn't be able to publicly assert their religion, despite the constitutional protection of that right.

So what?

thats fine Allie.....but if it gets thrown in my face.....i throw of the other nice things about a Message board.....and the Constitution.....see how that works?.....
xtians will deny their bloody heritage because they know their primitive religion is a violent ideology that worships human sacrifice

where in the New Testament is there Human Sacrifice?.......and dont give me the Old Testament shit....When Jesus came on the scene.....the Old Testament became just that....OLD.....

There's a reason Christ is referred to as the Lamb, you idiot. Jesus was the final sacrifice. And he was human.

the son of "God" was Human?.....someone who said he is not of this Earth.....someone who showed everyone he was MUCH more than Human by the things he did?.....i think Allie you might be a slight Idiot yourself to think that Jesus was anything human outside of the way he appeared to the people then so they can maybe relate to the man.....if he was indeed who he said he was he was no human.....and yes i am saying he would have been an extraterrestrial go ahead and call me an idiot again.....because then i am going to ask you who or what kind of being do you think his father was......
was he speaking at this church as a part of his duties as Governor?

doesnt matter to me soon as he said what mind went right to those so-called Christians i have known who say the same stuff......i remember at work once...we were all waiting to turn in our keys....the guy who takes them was one of these people whom i speak of....always had his Bible with him.....he was talking with another guy who also carried his big deal there....but one of the carriers remarked how we have to get off the clock later....well this guy looked at the guy he was talking to and said....."well jimmy i guess we know who is going to see our Lord and who is going to fall in the Crack to Hell".....give me a break.....we got on his ass real quick.....i dont care for that type of person...."Thou is better than Thee"......fuck them....
sure it matters, it goes to the context
his speech at the church(sermon if you wish) was not in the role of Governor
im not talking about him as Gov......he may be a great Governor.....i have been talking about what he said.....he just told me and many others what he thinks of those not like him......i have seen this mindset to often....and yes i have no doubts he believes this to his core.....but then again....he is a Politician.....
most of those wars were not fought FOR religion, but religion was used as an excuse to get others to fight them

then Religion becomes a major factor.....right?.....

first guy....."hey lets go and take that land.....

second guy.....well i dont know,they look pretty tough.......

first guy....but they are not Catholics!!!.......

second guy......FUCKING HEATHENS.....ATTACK!!!......
thats an extreme over simplification
and many of those wars were defensive in nature

AKA we are being invaded
yea by the second guy......somebody has to be the he wants your land or your Gold.....and if that dont get the Troops riled up.....the old "they are not of our belief" seems to work pretty know..."For GOD and Country" worked with the Indians....
religious wars are among the most popular type......and violence against each other because of Religion....history is full of this may not be the top reason.....but im sure its up there...

Wrong. Wars for power are by far the most popular type, and always have been. And "you're sure" of something that's utterly untrue. Way to form opinions based on prejudice and bigotry rather than fact. I'm disappointed in you.

As it happens, in the list of the top twenty human-created atrocities (ranked by death toll), only one is religious in nature, and that wasn't any of the major religions we know today. It was an ugly little murder cult that existed in India until the 19th century. And even they were probably in it more for the loot than for the religion.

are you serious?....outside of those little skirmishes called the Crusades....between 1560 and 1715...there were dozens of wars and general strife....because of Religion....wars have historically been fought over religion, resources, and land......dont take my word for it what i did.....look it up.....those 3 were the most popular answers.....some Dictator wanting Power wasnt there.....but one of those 3 ( religion, resources, and land.).....were no doubt given as a reason he wants to go to war....

The Crusades were about land and power, not religion.
Quantum.....just what the guy said.....tells me that is what he feels....thats enough for me.....i have met quite a few that have openly expressed the same shit......its like saying..."well im saved,your on a different plane than you,God loves me....YOU...well we will see wont we"....

And what you are saying tells me that your problem is not with him, but with Christians in general. Believe it or not, that is not his problem.

only the type of Christian that talks like this guy.....and if he is around will be his problem.....

No it won't, because his actions are protected by law. If you do anything to prevent him from exercising his rights the problem will definitely be yours.
''I was elected as a Republican candidate. But once I became governor ... I became the governor of all the people. I intend to live up to that. I am color blind," Bentley said in a short speech given about an hour after he took the oath of office as governor.

Then Bentley, who for years has been a deacon at First Baptist Church in Tuscaloosa, gave what sounded like an altar call.

"There may be some people here today who do not have living within them the Holy Spirit," Bentley said. ''But if you have been adopted in God's family like I have, and like you have if you're a Christian and if you're saved, and the Holy Spirit lives within you just like the Holy Spirit lives within me, then you know what that makes? It makes you and me brothers. And it makes you and me brother and sister."

Bentley added, ''Now I will have to say that, if we don't have the same daddy, we're not brothers and sisters. So anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I'm telling you, you're not my brother and you're not my sister, and I want to be your brother."


Gov.-elect Robert Bentley intends to be governor over all, but says only Christians are his 'brothers and sisters' |

The parable of the Good Samaritan concerned what?
I won't say that. But I will say that if the guy was a muslim, a jew or an atheist and saying the same thing, the people who are high-fiving each other here would be having a nervous breakdown.

Just because everyone on your side of the debate is a hypocrite does not mean everyone on this side is.

oh really?.....EVERYONE on Jills side is a hypocrite?........pitch that Tent Quantum..... i think your Windbag side might be showing up....

You have already admitted that your problem is personal, and has absolutely nothing to do with Bentley. You are the one that wants to claim some dort of right to restrict his constitutional rights. That, in my view, makes you a hypocrite. If you have a prblem with it, prove me wrong.
Just because everyone on your side of the debate is a hypocrite does not mean everyone on this side is.

oh really?.....EVERYONE on Jills side is a hypocrite?........pitch that Tent Quantum..... i think your Windbag side might be showing up....

I can't speak for anyone else, but i'm pretty attuned to the fact that i'd be comfortable with my own religion being in the lead, but wouldn't want anyone else's shoved down my throat..... which means i know that no one's religion should be made part of government... and i know i don't want anyone who can't separate his day job from his religion shouldn't be a leader.

I ask this rather simple question again. What has Bentley done that gives you any indication that he cannot do exactly what you are requiring of him? He did not try to shove his religion down anyone's throat, they all walked into that church of their own free will. Ther were no guards there forcing people to respond to the invitation. He is not trying to use the power of his office as governor to force his religion down anyone's throat.

You, on the other hand, are calling for him not to have freedom of speech or religion. That makes you wrong here, not him.
religious wars are among the most popular type......and violence against each other because of Religion....history is full of this may not be the top reason.....but im sure its up there...

Wrong. Wars for power are by far the most popular type, and always have been. And "you're sure" of something that's utterly untrue. Way to form opinions based on prejudice and bigotry rather than fact. I'm disappointed in you.

As it happens, in the list of the top twenty human-created atrocities (ranked by death toll), only one is religious in nature, and that wasn't any of the major religions we know today. It was an ugly little murder cult that existed in India until the 19th century. And even they were probably in it more for the loot than for the religion.

are you serious?....outside of those little skirmishes called the Crusades....between 1560 and 1715...there were dozens of wars and general strife....because of Religion....wars have historically been fought over religion, resources, and land......dont take my word for it what i did.....look it up.....those 3 were the most popular answers.....some Dictator wanting Power wasnt there.....but one of those 3 ( religion, resources, and land.).....were no doubt given as a reason he wants to go to war....

How many people do you think died in the Crusades, genius? Try approximately 3 million TOTAL. That is, 3 million people in all of the Crusades COMBINED. That's a big number, I know, but in the history of anthropogenic disasters and atrocities, it's not enough to put the combined Crusades in the top twenty, and it's even less impressive when you consider that that's spead out over, as you said, almost two hundred years. Hell, the United States alone performs more abortions a year than the annual Crusade death toll.

Dozens of wars and general strife, sure. But again, power is a lot more popular reason for that than religion, although admittedly power struggles have often liked to cloak themselves as a holy war in order to gain some sort of legitimacy.

I note that wherever you "looked it up", you didn't bother to name the source OR link it. I'm going to guess Wikipedia, that great source of serious, high-level scholarship. :lol: Try this source instead. It references actual historians. Twentieth Century Atlas - Historical Body Count

Let me break it down for you and anyone else around here who's dumb enough to believe you.

World War II - 63 million
Mao Tse Tung's Cultural Revolution - 40 million
Genghis Khan - 40 million
British Occupation of India - 27 million
Fall of the Ming Dynasty - 25 million
Taiping Rebellion - 20 million
Joseph Stalin - 20 million
Mideast Slave Trade - 19 million
Timur Lenk (otherwise known as Tamerlane or Timur the Lame) - 17 million
(all numbers are approximate)

I could go on, but I can assure you, there's no religion listed there. The Thirty Years War, which claims an approximate death toll of 7.5 million (over the entire thirty years), is viewed as partially religious in nature, because the factions were Catholic on one side and Protestant on the other, but it was primarily a civil war, with both sides looking for power and control.

Wars in more primitive times, for all that they acquired ferocious historical reputations, didn't actually involve a lot of people by modern standards, nor did they involve weapons with enormous destructive power (again, by modern standards). A goodly portion of their death tolls were actually made up by the famines that they caused and the rampant spread of disease they managed to engender.
Good to know this man is actually "these people", and that MLK Jr's dream of people being judged individually on their own character, rather than as indistinguishable members of a group, is still a long way off.

Cecile.....just by this guy saying what he said.....tells me something of his sorry....but i have run into to many "Religious" people that talked just like this guy and they were some of the biggest Hypocrites i have ever had the displeasure of meeting......sorry im just somewhat jaded by this kind of shit....

No, it tells you nothing about HIS character, but it tells ME a lot about the prejudice you've decided to project onto him (eg. "these people"). You know nothing about him except that you've decided he's [fill in the blank] sort of person, just like So-And-So, and you're all butt-hurt by a total stranger not thinking of you as his brother.

Call me when you can talk about HIM, and not about whoever hurt your feelings that you've decided he's the twin to based on one statement.
Wrong. Wars for power are by far the most popular type, and always have been. And "you're sure" of something that's utterly untrue. Way to form opinions based on prejudice and bigotry rather than fact. I'm disappointed in you.

As it happens, in the list of the top twenty human-created atrocities (ranked by death toll), only one is religious in nature, and that wasn't any of the major religions we know today. It was an ugly little murder cult that existed in India until the 19th century. And even they were probably in it more for the loot than for the religion.

are you serious?....outside of those little skirmishes called the Crusades....between 1560 and 1715...there were dozens of wars and general strife....because of Religion....wars have historically been fought over religion, resources, and land......dont take my word for it what i did.....look it up.....those 3 were the most popular answers.....some Dictator wanting Power wasnt there.....but one of those 3 ( religion, resources, and land.).....were no doubt given as a reason he wants to go to war....

The Crusades were about land and power, not religion.

Oh, they were about religion, but let's face it: fighting for God isn't nearly as appealing unless you're sure God is going to reward you with lots of loot.
Wrong. Wars for power are by far the most popular type, and always have been. And "you're sure" of something that's utterly untrue. Way to form opinions based on prejudice and bigotry rather than fact. I'm disappointed in you.

As it happens, in the list of the top twenty human-created atrocities (ranked by death toll), only one is religious in nature, and that wasn't any of the major religions we know today. It was an ugly little murder cult that existed in India until the 19th century. And even they were probably in it more for the loot than for the religion.

are you serious?....outside of those little skirmishes called the Crusades....between 1560 and 1715...there were dozens of wars and general strife....because of Religion....wars have historically been fought over religion, resources, and land......dont take my word for it what i did.....look it up.....those 3 were the most popular answers.....some Dictator wanting Power wasnt there.....but one of those 3 ( religion, resources, and land.).....were no doubt given as a reason he wants to go to war....

The Crusades were about land and power, not religion.
And what you are saying tells me that your problem is not with him, but with Christians in general. Believe it or not, that is not his problem.

only the type of Christian that talks like this guy.....and if he is around will be his problem.....

No it won't, because his actions are protected by law. If you do anything to prevent him from exercising his rights the problem will definitely be yours.

oh fucking bullshit.....if throws his shit at me i get to sling it back.....thats my dont believe in that ...TOUGH SHIT....
Just because everyone on your side of the debate is a hypocrite does not mean everyone on this side is.

oh really?.....EVERYONE on Jills side is a hypocrite?........pitch that Tent Quantum..... i think your Windbag side might be showing up....

You have already admitted that your problem is personal, and has absolutely nothing to do with Bentley. You are the one that wants to claim some dort of right to restrict his constitutional rights. That, in my view, makes you a hypocrite. If you have a prblem with it, prove me wrong.

im not trying to restrict his rights....he can say what the fuck he wants....but if he says this shit to me....he gets my shit back at him...thats MY Constitutional Right......if that makes me a Hypocrite then you dont know what a Hypocrite is....if you have a problem with that, then you prove me wrong....
Wrong. Wars for power are by far the most popular type, and always have been. And "you're sure" of something that's utterly untrue. Way to form opinions based on prejudice and bigotry rather than fact. I'm disappointed in you.

As it happens, in the list of the top twenty human-created atrocities (ranked by death toll), only one is religious in nature, and that wasn't any of the major religions we know today. It was an ugly little murder cult that existed in India until the 19th century. And even they were probably in it more for the loot than for the religion.

are you serious?....outside of those little skirmishes called the Crusades....between 1560 and 1715...there were dozens of wars and general strife....because of Religion....wars have historically been fought over religion, resources, and land......dont take my word for it what i did.....look it up.....those 3 were the most popular answers.....some Dictator wanting Power wasnt there.....but one of those 3 ( religion, resources, and land.).....were no doubt given as a reason he wants to go to war....

How many people do you think died in the Crusades, genius? Try approximately 3 million TOTAL. That is, 3 million people in all of the Crusades COMBINED. That's a big number, I know, but in the history of anthropogenic disasters and atrocities, it's not enough to put the combined Crusades in the top twenty, and it's even less impressive when you consider that that's spead out over, as you said, almost two hundred years. Hell, the United States alone performs more abortions a year than the annual Crusade death toll.

Dozens of wars and general strife, sure. But again, power is a lot more popular reason for that than religion, although admittedly power struggles have often liked to cloak themselves as a holy war in order to gain some sort of legitimacy.

I note that wherever you "looked it up", you didn't bother to name the source OR link it. I'm going to guess Wikipedia, that great source of serious, high-level scholarship. :lol: Try this source instead. It references actual historians. Twentieth Century Atlas - Historical Body Count

Let me break it down for you and anyone else around here who's dumb enough to believe you.

World War II - 63 million
Mao Tse Tung's Cultural Revolution - 40 million
Genghis Khan - 40 million
British Occupation of India - 27 million
Fall of the Ming Dynasty - 25 million
Taiping Rebellion - 20 million
Joseph Stalin - 20 million
Mideast Slave Trade - 19 million
Timur Lenk (otherwise known as Tamerlane or Timur the Lame) - 17 million
(all numbers are approximate)

I could go on, but I can assure you, there's no religion listed there. The Thirty Years War, which claims an approximate death toll of 7.5 million (over the entire thirty years), is viewed as partially religious in nature, because the factions were Catholic on one side and Protestant on the other, but it was primarily a civil war, with both sides looking for power and control.

Wars in more primitive times, for all that they acquired ferocious historical reputations, didn't actually involve a lot of people by modern standards, nor did they involve weapons with enormous destructive power (again, by modern standards). A goodly portion of their death tolls were actually made up by the famines that they caused and the rampant spread of disease they managed to engender.

Cecile....nobody here was talking about how many people have died because of any type of war.....i believe the discussion was about the causes of wars and what part Religion has played in starting if you wanna call someone stupid.....take a look in the FUCKING mirror.....there is someone there that would like to meet ya.....
Good to know this man is actually "these people", and that MLK Jr's dream of people being judged individually on their own character, rather than as indistinguishable members of a group, is still a long way off.

Cecile.....just by this guy saying what he said.....tells me something of his sorry....but i have run into to many "Religious" people that talked just like this guy and they were some of the biggest Hypocrites i have ever had the displeasure of meeting......sorry im just somewhat jaded by this kind of shit....

No, it tells you nothing about HIS character, but it tells ME a lot about the prejudice you've decided to project onto him (eg. "these people"). You know nothing about him except that you've decided he's [fill in the blank] sort of person, just like So-And-So, and you're all butt-hurt by a total stranger not thinking of you as his brother.

Call me when you can talk about HIM, and not about whoever hurt your feelings that you've decided he's the twin to based on one statement.

well for you to be so defencive tells me must be the same way.....and im not "BUTT-HURT" by this guy not thinking of me as his Brother.....people like him and me wont get i can give a rats ass.....
are you serious?....outside of those little skirmishes called the Crusades....between 1560 and 1715...there were dozens of wars and general strife....because of Religion....wars have historically been fought over religion, resources, and land......dont take my word for it what i did.....look it up.....those 3 were the most popular answers.....some Dictator wanting Power wasnt there.....but one of those 3 ( religion, resources, and land.).....were no doubt given as a reason he wants to go to war....

The Crusades were about land and power, not religion.

Read your history. Scions of the great, and not so great, houses went on Crusades so that they had a chance to have an fortune for themselves and an inheritance for their children. The alternative would have been a massive upheaval in the culture and government structure. The Crusades probably kept the feudal structure around for a few centuries longer than it would have lasted otherwise. Calling it a Holy War just gave them political cover and the blessing of the Holy Roman Empire. Plus, it got the church a lot of money.

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