New Report: Trump wanted Sessions to Protect Him From the Russian Probe

You keep dodging and weaving like OJ but STILL won’t answer the question.
Both of us know why. Wink wink.
What question?
What the fuck are you talking about “ before he ran for president?”
Manafort and Flynn were a part of his team WHILE he was running for president.
Are you really that stupid?

Idiot. Manafort was guilty of doing shit that happened BEFORE he even met President Trump and before President Trump ran for office. Look it up. Again Flynn was a moron for lying to FBI but can we expect from someone who also lied to VP Pence and President Trump,he isn't very trustworthy but you idiots will have no problem believing him of course.
You ask what question?
The OP question. The one I pointed out to you three times.
Why won’t you just be honest that you’re incapable of answering it on the grounds you’d incriminate yourself.
Typical deplorable!
Already answered it! Sessions JOB is to investigate and to oversee ALL investigations not recuse himself because he as a SENATOR met with a foreign diplomat. Sessions is a damn pushover for all his bluster and big talk. You are taking the word of a lying author that President Trump wanted protection.
Wolff has tapes of all his interviews. Oops.
So much for him being a liar. You’re just way too easy.
Can't wait to hear them! I HIGHLY doubt we ever will so.
I see you were too chickenshit to answer the simple OP question.

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