New Poll: Trump Is KILLING It!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Geller Report ^ | May 16, 2019

As he should be. The economy is booming, wages are up, unemployment is down, and America is respected once again, specifically by China, Russia, and Iran. Life is great in America, contrary to what the fake news media says.

According to the poll, Trump’s approval rating is at 51%, despite the fact that over 90% of the media coverage of the President is viciously hostile and bias. His numbers among millennial’s, women, and suburban voters are trending up steadily as well. These numbers should make the Democrats and the mainstream media very nervous.

However, these numbers are they are likely inaccurate. Americans have never seen an economy like this, and this poll is actually saying that only a little more than half of American voters approve of the job that President Trump is doing? BULLSHIT and impossible!

Like the polls for the 2016 presidential election that predicted a Hillary Clinton landslide, these polls are terribly bias and flawed. Trump’s approval rating is likely closer to 60 percent.

According to a new Zogby poll, President Trump is killing it. His job approval has climbed over 50%, (51%) the highest of his tenure as president, higher than Barack Obama’s (48%) was at the same time in his presidency.

Additionally, the majority of millennial’s (18-29) approve of the president (51%); even more of the age group from 25-34 approves of him (53%), and even more of those aged 35-54 (59%). 58% of men approved of Trump, a slim minority of women (48%) approved of him.

48% of suburban voters approved of Trump and a whopping 60% of rural voters approved.

Zogby wrote, “President Trump’s job approval rating has seen a post Mueller report boost! We called it a few weeks ago. But that’s not the complete story as to why the president has reached a peak in his job approval rating. Trump is also riding high on positive economic news-a record high stock market, low unemployment, and solid GDP growth at home.”


The “Trump” positive handwriting is on the wall for all Americans to see and hear. It’s simple, Trump Rally, 32,000 supporters, Biden Rally, 250 people. Case closed, BUT you will never hear the lapdog DemonRAT media spend any appreciable time pon the fact that the only place a DemmonRAT candidate can draw any sizable crowd is in an area populated by a large DemonRAT union or huge minority group!
Geller Report ^ | May 16, 2019

As he should be. The economy is booming, wages are up, unemployment is down, and America is respected once again, specifically by China, Russia, and Iran. Life is great in America, contrary to what the fake news media says.

According to the poll, Trump’s approval rating is at 51%, despite the fact that over 90% of the media coverage of the President is viciously hostile and bias. His numbers among millennial’s, women, and suburban voters are trending up steadily as well. These numbers should make the Democrats and the mainstream media very nervous.

However, these numbers are they are likely inaccurate. Americans have never seen an economy like this, and this poll is actually saying that only a little more than half of American voters approve of the job that President Trump is doing? BULLSHIT and impossible!

Like the polls for the 2016 presidential election that predicted a Hillary Clinton landslide, these polls are terribly bias and flawed. Trump’s approval rating is likely closer to 60 percent.

According to a new Zogby poll, President Trump is killing it. His job approval has climbed over 50%, (51%) the highest of his tenure as president, higher than Barack Obama’s (48%) was at the same time in his presidency.

Additionally, the majority of millennial’s (18-29) approve of the president (51%); even more of the age group from 25-34 approves of him (53%), and even more of those aged 35-54 (59%). 58% of men approved of Trump, a slim minority of women (48%) approved of him.

48% of suburban voters approved of Trump and a whopping 60% of rural voters approved.

Zogby wrote, “President Trump’s job approval rating has seen a post Mueller report boost! We called it a few weeks ago. But that’s not the complete story as to why the president has reached a peak in his job approval rating. Trump is also riding high on positive economic news-a record high stock market, low unemployment, and solid GDP growth at home.”


The “Trump” positive handwriting is on the wall for all Americans to see and hear. It’s simple, Trump Rally, 32,000 supporters, Biden Rally, 250 people. Case closed, BUT you will never hear the lapdog DemonRAT media spend any appreciable time pon the fact that the only place a DemmonRAT candidate can draw any sizable crowd is in an area populated by a large DemonRAT union or huge minority group!

Cracks me up how the cultists cherry pick whichever poll has the most favorable numbers for trump. What now, zombie? Rasmussen is out and Zogby is in?

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Geller Report ^ | May 16, 2019

As he should be. The economy is booming, wages are up, unemployment is down, and America is respected once again, specifically by China, Russia, and Iran. Life is great in America, contrary to what the fake news media says.

According to the poll, Trump’s approval rating is at 51%, despite the fact that over 90% of the media coverage of the President is viciously hostile and bias. His numbers among millennial’s, women, and suburban voters are trending up steadily as well. These numbers should make the Democrats and the mainstream media very nervous.

However, these numbers are they are likely inaccurate. Americans have never seen an economy like this, and this poll is actually saying that only a little more than half of American voters approve of the job that President Trump is doing? BULLSHIT and impossible!

Like the polls for the 2016 presidential election that predicted a Hillary Clinton landslide, these polls are terribly bias and flawed. Trump’s approval rating is likely closer to 60 percent.

According to a new Zogby poll, President Trump is killing it. His job approval has climbed over 50%, (51%) the highest of his tenure as president, higher than Barack Obama’s (48%) was at the same time in his presidency.

Additionally, the majority of millennial’s (18-29) approve of the president (51%); even more of the age group from 25-34 approves of him (53%), and even more of those aged 35-54 (59%). 58% of men approved of Trump, a slim minority of women (48%) approved of him.

48% of suburban voters approved of Trump and a whopping 60% of rural voters approved.

Zogby wrote, “President Trump’s job approval rating has seen a post Mueller report boost! We called it a few weeks ago. But that’s not the complete story as to why the president has reached a peak in his job approval rating. Trump is also riding high on positive economic news-a record high stock market, low unemployment, and solid GDP growth at home.”


The “Trump” positive handwriting is on the wall for all Americans to see and hear. It’s simple, Trump Rally, 32,000 supporters, Biden Rally, 250 people. Case closed, BUT you will never hear the lapdog DemonRAT media spend any appreciable time pon the fact that the only place a DemmonRAT candidate can draw any sizable crowd is in an area populated by a large DemonRAT union or huge minority group!

Cracks me up how the cultists cherry pick whichever poll has the most favorable numbers for trump. What now, zombie? Rasmussen is out and Zogby is in?


Just like you ABNORMAL, LOW IQ scum do!:abgg2q.jpg::dance:
After 2016 I have virtually zero faith in polls, no matter which way they swing.
Geller Report ^ | May 16, 2019

As he should be. The economy is booming, wages are up, unemployment is down, and America is respected once again, specifically by China, Russia, and Iran. Life is great in America, contrary to what the fake news media says.

According to the poll, Trump’s approval rating is at 51%, despite the fact that over 90% of the media coverage of the President is viciously hostile and bias. His numbers among millennial’s, women, and suburban voters are trending up steadily as well. These numbers should make the Democrats and the mainstream media very nervous.

However, these numbers are they are likely inaccurate. Americans have never seen an economy like this, and this poll is actually saying that only a little more than half of American voters approve of the job that President Trump is doing? BULLSHIT and impossible!

Like the polls for the 2016 presidential election that predicted a Hillary Clinton landslide, these polls are terribly bias and flawed. Trump’s approval rating is likely closer to 60 percent.

According to a new Zogby poll, President Trump is killing it. His job approval has climbed over 50%, (51%) the highest of his tenure as president, higher than Barack Obama’s (48%) was at the same time in his presidency.

Additionally, the majority of millennial’s (18-29) approve of the president (51%); even more of the age group from 25-34 approves of him (53%), and even more of those aged 35-54 (59%). 58% of men approved of Trump, a slim minority of women (48%) approved of him.

48% of suburban voters approved of Trump and a whopping 60% of rural voters approved.

Zogby wrote, “President Trump’s job approval rating has seen a post Mueller report boost! We called it a few weeks ago. But that’s not the complete story as to why the president has reached a peak in his job approval rating. Trump is also riding high on positive economic news-a record high stock market, low unemployment, and solid GDP growth at home.”


The “Trump” positive handwriting is on the wall for all Americans to see and hear. It’s simple, Trump Rally, 32,000 supporters, Biden Rally, 250 people. Case closed, BUT you will never hear the lapdog DemonRAT media spend any appreciable time pon the fact that the only place a DemmonRAT candidate can draw any sizable crowd is in an area populated by a large DemonRAT union or huge minority group!

Cracks me up how the cultists cherry pick whichever poll has the most favorable numbers for trump. What now, zombie? Rasmussen is out and Zogby is in?


Just like you ABNORMAL, LOW IQ scum do!:abgg2q.jpg::dance:
No, not just like me as I don't change polls to cite because I like the results of one over another.

The moron doing that is you.
Geller Report ^ | May 16, 2019

As he should be. The economy is booming, wages are up, unemployment is down, and America is respected once again, specifically by China, Russia, and Iran. Life is great in America, contrary to what the fake news media says.

According to the poll, Trump’s approval rating is at 51%, despite the fact that over 90% of the media coverage of the President is viciously hostile and bias. His numbers among millennial’s, women, and suburban voters are trending up steadily as well. These numbers should make the Democrats and the mainstream media very nervous.

However, these numbers are they are likely inaccurate. Americans have never seen an economy like this, and this poll is actually saying that only a little more than half of American voters approve of the job that President Trump is doing? BULLSHIT and impossible!

Like the polls for the 2016 presidential election that predicted a Hillary Clinton landslide, these polls are terribly bias and flawed. Trump’s approval rating is likely closer to 60 percent.

According to a new Zogby poll, President Trump is killing it. His job approval has climbed over 50%, (51%) the highest of his tenure as president, higher than Barack Obama’s (48%) was at the same time in his presidency.

Additionally, the majority of millennial’s (18-29) approve of the president (51%); even more of the age group from 25-34 approves of him (53%), and even more of those aged 35-54 (59%). 58% of men approved of Trump, a slim minority of women (48%) approved of him.

48% of suburban voters approved of Trump and a whopping 60% of rural voters approved.

Zogby wrote, “President Trump’s job approval rating has seen a post Mueller report boost! We called it a few weeks ago. But that’s not the complete story as to why the president has reached a peak in his job approval rating. Trump is also riding high on positive economic news-a record high stock market, low unemployment, and solid GDP growth at home.”


The “Trump” positive handwriting is on the wall for all Americans to see and hear. It’s simple, Trump Rally, 32,000 supporters, Biden Rally, 250 people. Case closed, BUT you will never hear the lapdog DemonRAT media spend any appreciable time pon the fact that the only place a DemmonRAT candidate can draw any sizable crowd is in an area populated by a large DemonRAT union or huge minority group!
Remember, there are more Democrats than Republicans, minority and young voters are increasing and older conservative voters are decreasing. The polls may be accurate, the only question is how they translate to votes, will the unsatisfied stay home?
Remember, there are more Democrats than Republicans, minority and young voters are increasing and older conservative voters are decreasing. The polls may be accurate, the only question is how they translate to votes, will the unsatisfied stay home?
Actually the 25-34 range are disillusioned libs who get a wake up call into reality and over half of them are now changing their minds on capitalism and the free market. They are becoming conservative in financial matters and that is driving their voting... Its no wonder every demonRat out there is trying to tell this group 'vote for me and your college is free'..

They are losing the battle with Women, minorities, and just about every demographic out there. Only the very young are still duped by the lefts deceptions.
After 2016 I have virtually zero faith in polls, no matter which way they swing.

I agree. I'm not a poll watcher because the results depend on the questions asked and who is asked. To many variables to take any poll seriously.

Hell the polls had Hitlery as the next POTUS.

Actually the 25-34 range are disillusioned libs who get a wake up call into reality and over half of them are now changing their minds on capitalism and the free market. They are becoming conservative in financial matters and that is driving their voting... Its no wonder every demonRat out there is trying to tell this group 'vote for me and your college is free'..

They are losing the battle with Women, minorities, and just about every demographic out there. Only the very young are still duped by the lefts deceptions.

I think you are a little delusional. Most of these young kids are realizing Capitalism is a shit sandwich.
Actually the 25-34 range are disillusioned libs who get a wake up call into reality and over half of them are now changing their minds on capitalism and the free market. They are becoming conservative in financial matters and that is driving their voting... Its no wonder every demonRat out there is trying to tell this group 'vote for me and your college is free'..

They are losing the battle with Women, minorities, and just about every demographic out there. Only the very young are still duped by the lefts deceptions.

I think you are a little delusional. Most of these young kids are realizing Capitalism is a shit sandwich.
Idealism is the privilege of youth. Stupidity is not.
Americans have never seen an economy like this,
That seems like a pretty ridiculous statement to make.
It's not true, of course, especially since GDP is only moderate by historical standards, and it's being paid for by the exploding Keynesian deficit.

But this is the post-truth era, where we can just make shit up, talk ourselves and each other into it, and then run with it like it's real.

I'm sure this type of behavior bodes really really well for our future.
Last edited:
Geller Report ^ | May 16, 2019

As he should be. The economy is booming, wages are up, unemployment is down, and America is respected once again, specifically by China, Russia, and Iran. Life is great in America, contrary to what the fake news media says.

According to the poll, Trump’s approval rating is at 51%, despite the fact that over 90% of the media coverage of the President is viciously hostile and bias. His numbers among millennial’s, women, and suburban voters are trending up steadily as well. These numbers should make the Democrats and the mainstream media very nervous.

However, these numbers are they are likely inaccurate. Americans have never seen an economy like this, and this poll is actually saying that only a little more than half of American voters approve of the job that President Trump is doing? BULLSHIT and impossible!

Like the polls for the 2016 presidential election that predicted a Hillary Clinton landslide, these polls are terribly bias and flawed. Trump’s approval rating is likely closer to 60 percent.

According to a new Zogby poll, President Trump is killing it. His job approval has climbed over 50%, (51%) the highest of his tenure as president, higher than Barack Obama’s (48%) was at the same time in his presidency.

Additionally, the majority of millennial’s (18-29) approve of the president (51%); even more of the age group from 25-34 approves of him (53%), and even more of those aged 35-54 (59%). 58% of men approved of Trump, a slim minority of women (48%) approved of him.

48% of suburban voters approved of Trump and a whopping 60% of rural voters approved.

Zogby wrote, “President Trump’s job approval rating has seen a post Mueller report boost! We called it a few weeks ago. But that’s not the complete story as to why the president has reached a peak in his job approval rating. Trump is also riding high on positive economic news-a record high stock market, low unemployment, and solid GDP growth at home.”


The “Trump” positive handwriting is on the wall for all Americans to see and hear. It’s simple, Trump Rally, 32,000 supporters, Biden Rally, 250 people. Case closed, BUT you will never hear the lapdog DemonRAT media spend any appreciable time pon the fact that the only place a DemmonRAT candidate can draw any sizable crowd is in an area populated by a large DemonRAT union or huge minority group!

Cracks me up how the cultists cherry pick whichever poll has the most favorable numbers for trump. What now, zombie? Rasmussen is out and Zogby is in?

What you and your criminal leaders have done to President Trump is not a laughing matter. Thanks for showing the USMB board that you're no better than the leadership who crippled America by laying a clever trap for President Trump to spend half his time fighting off lies and false allegations based on their lying bullshit and intentional insertion of a dossier they knew for a fact was lying bullshit to take him out.

You damn failed. Alla yas are nothing but the north end of a horse goin' south, imho.
Geller Report ^ | May 16, 2019

As he should be. The economy is booming, wages are up, unemployment is down, and America is respected once again, specifically by China, Russia, and Iran. Life is great in America, contrary to what the fake news media says.

According to the poll, Trump’s approval rating is at 51%, despite the fact that over 90% of the media coverage of the President is viciously hostile and bias. His numbers among millennial’s, women, and suburban voters are trending up steadily as well. These numbers should make the Democrats and the mainstream media very nervous.

However, these numbers are they are likely inaccurate. Americans have never seen an economy like this, and this poll is actually saying that only a little more than half of American voters approve of the job that President Trump is doing? BULLSHIT and impossible!

Like the polls for the 2016 presidential election that predicted a Hillary Clinton landslide, these polls are terribly bias and flawed. Trump’s approval rating is likely closer to 60 percent.

According to a new Zogby poll, President Trump is killing it. His job approval has climbed over 50%, (51%) the highest of his tenure as president, higher than Barack Obama’s (48%) was at the same time in his presidency.

Additionally, the majority of millennial’s (18-29) approve of the president (51%); even more of the age group from 25-34 approves of him (53%), and even more of those aged 35-54 (59%). 58% of men approved of Trump, a slim minority of women (48%) approved of him.

48% of suburban voters approved of Trump and a whopping 60% of rural voters approved.

Zogby wrote, “President Trump’s job approval rating has seen a post Mueller report boost! We called it a few weeks ago. But that’s not the complete story as to why the president has reached a peak in his job approval rating. Trump is also riding high on positive economic news-a record high stock market, low unemployment, and solid GDP growth at home.”


The “Trump” positive handwriting is on the wall for all Americans to see and hear. It’s simple, Trump Rally, 32,000 supporters, Biden Rally, 250 people. Case closed, BUT you will never hear the lapdog DemonRAT media spend any appreciable time pon the fact that the only place a DemmonRAT candidate can draw any sizable crowd is in an area populated by a large DemonRAT union or huge minority group!

Cracks me up how the cultists cherry pick whichever poll has the most favorable numbers for trump. What now, zombie? Rasmussen is out and Zogby is in?

What you and your criminal leaders have done to President Trump is not a laughing matter. Thanks for showing the USMB board that you're no better than the leadership who crippled America by laying a clever trap for President Trump to spend half his time fighting off lies and false allegations based on their lying bullshit and intentional insertion of a dossier they knew for a fact was lying bullshit to take him out.

You damn failed. Alla yas are nothing but the north end of a horse goin' south, imho.

Oh? What have they done that Republican leaders haven't done to Democrats?
Cracks me up how the cultists cherry pick whichever poll has the most favorable numbers for trump. What now, zombie? Rasmussen is out and Zogby is in?


suck on it, dimocrap scumbag


Looks like you the one sucking. Sucking trump, that is. :suck:

And with a photoshopped image, no less.
Geller Report ^ | May 16, 2019

As he should be. The economy is booming, wages are up, unemployment is down, and America is respected once again, specifically by China, Russia, and Iran. Life is great in America, contrary to what the fake news media says.

According to the poll, Trump’s approval rating is at 51%, despite the fact that over 90% of the media coverage of the President is viciously hostile and bias. His numbers among millennial’s, women, and suburban voters are trending up steadily as well. These numbers should make the Democrats and the mainstream media very nervous.

However, these numbers are they are likely inaccurate. Americans have never seen an economy like this, and this poll is actually saying that only a little more than half of American voters approve of the job that President Trump is doing? BULLSHIT and impossible!

Like the polls for the 2016 presidential election that predicted a Hillary Clinton landslide, these polls are terribly bias and flawed. Trump’s approval rating is likely closer to 60 percent.

According to a new Zogby poll, President Trump is killing it. His job approval has climbed over 50%, (51%) the highest of his tenure as president, higher than Barack Obama’s (48%) was at the same time in his presidency.

Additionally, the majority of millennial’s (18-29) approve of the president (51%); even more of the age group from 25-34 approves of him (53%), and even more of those aged 35-54 (59%). 58% of men approved of Trump, a slim minority of women (48%) approved of him.

48% of suburban voters approved of Trump and a whopping 60% of rural voters approved.

Zogby wrote, “President Trump’s job approval rating has seen a post Mueller report boost! We called it a few weeks ago. But that’s not the complete story as to why the president has reached a peak in his job approval rating. Trump is also riding high on positive economic news-a record high stock market, low unemployment, and solid GDP growth at home.”


The “Trump” positive handwriting is on the wall for all Americans to see and hear. It’s simple, Trump Rally, 32,000 supporters, Biden Rally, 250 people. Case closed, BUT you will never hear the lapdog DemonRAT media spend any appreciable time pon the fact that the only place a DemmonRAT candidate can draw any sizable crowd is in an area populated by a large DemonRAT union or huge minority group!

Cracks me up how the cultists cherry pick whichever poll has the most favorable numbers for trump. What now, zombie? Rasmussen is out and Zogby is in?


Just like you ABNORMAL, LOW IQ scum do!:abgg2q.jpg::dance:
No, not just like me as I don't change polls to cite because I like the results of one over another.

The moron doing that is you.
YOU cite polls. That makes you a moron. The very notion that all the big polling companies don't cherry pick the data to get the outcome they want is so laughable that it should be a red flag for mental illness.

The economy is on fire, it cannot be disputed.

I know, I know. You hate and have to express it somehow.
Geller Report ^ | May 16, 2019

As he should be. The economy is booming, wages are up, unemployment is down, and America is respected once again, specifically by China, Russia, and Iran. Life is great in America, contrary to what the fake news media says.

According to the poll, Trump’s approval rating is at 51%, despite the fact that over 90% of the media coverage of the President is viciously hostile and bias. His numbers among millennial’s, women, and suburban voters are trending up steadily as well. These numbers should make the Democrats and the mainstream media very nervous.

However, these numbers are they are likely inaccurate. Americans have never seen an economy like this, and this poll is actually saying that only a little more than half of American voters approve of the job that President Trump is doing? BULLSHIT and impossible!

Like the polls for the 2016 presidential election that predicted a Hillary Clinton landslide, these polls are terribly bias and flawed. Trump’s approval rating is likely closer to 60 percent.

According to a new Zogby poll, President Trump is killing it. His job approval has climbed over 50%, (51%) the highest of his tenure as president, higher than Barack Obama’s (48%) was at the same time in his presidency.

Additionally, the majority of millennial’s (18-29) approve of the president (51%); even more of the age group from 25-34 approves of him (53%), and even more of those aged 35-54 (59%). 58% of men approved of Trump, a slim minority of women (48%) approved of him.

48% of suburban voters approved of Trump and a whopping 60% of rural voters approved.

Zogby wrote, “President Trump’s job approval rating has seen a post Mueller report boost! We called it a few weeks ago. But that’s not the complete story as to why the president has reached a peak in his job approval rating. Trump is also riding high on positive economic news-a record high stock market, low unemployment, and solid GDP growth at home.”


The “Trump” positive handwriting is on the wall for all Americans to see and hear. It’s simple, Trump Rally, 32,000 supporters, Biden Rally, 250 people. Case closed, BUT you will never hear the lapdog DemonRAT media spend any appreciable time pon the fact that the only place a DemmonRAT candidate can draw any sizable crowd is in an area populated by a large DemonRAT union or huge minority group!

Cracks me up how the cultists cherry pick whichever poll has the most favorable numbers for trump. What now, zombie? Rasmussen is out and Zogby is in?


Just like you ABNORMAL, LOW IQ scum do!:abgg2q.jpg::dance:
No, not just like me as I don't change polls to cite because I like the results of one over another.

The moron doing that is you.
YOU cite polls. That makes you a moron. The very notion that all the big polling companies don't cherry pick the data to get the outcome they want is so laughable that it should be a red flag for mental illness.

The economy is on fire, it cannot be disputed.

I know, I know. You hate and have to express it somehow.
And many Americans don't think trump gets much credit for it after he inherited a strong and growing economy; which is why his ratings are as low as they are. We'll see next year how accurate the polls are.

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