New "Order of Protection" laws back door gun confiscation...of course they are...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
One thing to know about anti gunners is that there is no such thing as "common sense" gun laws....every law they propose has a purpose beyond their "common sense" gun control....take new order of protection laws...seems like common sense...someone files a complaint against an ex husband....and the police confiscate their guns............until you are the man or woman with the order of protection put out against you and you are innocent....but with these laws you are guilty without due process.....

They also endanger women or men from dangerous exes...for are a deranged know the focus of your derangement has a gun meant to protect your victim from you go to court and get a restraining order....and the police disarm your victim for can then use your own gun, borrow or steal a gun....or use a 10 dollar Wal Mart hatchet to kill your ex.....and they will already be disarmed....

Attorney Barry Covert Order of Protection Can Be Backdoor Gun Confiscation 8211 GunsAmerica Digest

On the issue of Order of Protection, or retraining order, Barry had some very insightful comments. Basically, it’s not uncommon during an acrimonious divorce for one spouse to slap the other with an order of protection, even if no crime has been committed. It’s a way for that spouse to gain an upper hand during the divorce proceedings (especially if there are children involved) as well as to make the other’s life a living hell.

When an order of protection is issued in New York State (and many others) that spouse has to surrender to the state all his/her firearms, as Barry pointed out. Once this happens, it becomes very difficult for that individual to restore his or her Second Amendment rights. With courts and judges erring on the side of the accuser and not the accused, it becomes a form of backdoor gun confiscation.

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