New National Poll: Obama With Sizable Lead Over "Out of Touch" Romney

Every other major poll has the difference between Obama and Romney from a tie to a 1-4 point difference funny how Bloomberg comes with a 13 point difference in favor of Obama. Anyone else sense some bullshit in the force.

The numbers are probably very off, even I said that. What I'm more interested in are the questions of "Do you want Mitt Romney's economic policies instead" and the answer was a resounding no. And again, the Selzer group is well respected by all in the industry, so I don't smell a conspiracy.
lol, Bloomingberg must of polled high school students..

they preferred Obama's economic policy...

anyone know just what the hell obama's economic policy is?

man oh man, what a joke
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I don't know if Romney is "out of touch" but doesn't his religious cult believe God lives inside of a mountain in Utah?

Yes, and also that when you die, if you're a good cultist you go to your very own planet.

You Fuckers make me sick. Don't Dare ever speak ill of Islam, But it's perfectly ok to Trash Morons. lol

Actually, fucktard, I'm an atheist. I make fun of ALL religions; at least the religious people who say stupid fucking shit. Make fun of Islam all you want, dude. Doesn't make Mormonism a sci-fi franchise with non-profit status.
Yes, and also that when you die, if you're a good cultist you go to your very own planet.

You Fuckers make me sick. Don't Dare ever speak ill of Islam, But it's perfectly ok to Trash Morons. lol

Actually, fucktard, I'm an atheist. I make fun of ALL religions; at least the religious people who say stupid fucking shit. Make fun of Islam all you want, dude. Doesn't make Mormonism a sci-fi franchise with non-profit status.

I don't give A fuck if they worship Mickey Mouse. It is their Right, and you are a fucking Loser for Trashing them. Lets here some of this Islam Trashing you claim you do.
Every other major poll has the difference between Obama and Romney from a tie to a 1-4 point difference funny how Bloomberg comes with a 13 point difference in favor of Obama. Anyone else sense some bullshit in the force.

The numbers are probably very off, even I said that. What I'm more interested in are the questions of "Do you want Mitt Romney's economic policies instead" and the answer was a resounding no. And again, the Selzer group is well respected by all in the industry, so I don't smell a conspiracy.

People can believe what they want in regards to this Bloomberg poll but when one poll is that far off from the other's I question it if we had one poll that showed Romney with a double digit lead but no other poll showed that or was even close to it I would question it as well.
You Fuckers make me sick. Don't Dare ever speak ill of Islam, But it's perfectly ok to Trash Morons. lol

Actually, fucktard, I'm an atheist. I make fun of ALL religions; at least the religious people who say stupid fucking shit. Make fun of Islam all you want, dude. Doesn't make Mormonism a sci-fi franchise with non-profit status.

I don't give A fuck if they worship Mickey Mouse. It is their Right, and you are a fucking Loser for Trashing them. Lets here some of this Islam Trashing you claim you do.

Okay, I'll trash Islam. I think they're a misogynistic group of assholes. I think it's disgusting that they would kill someone for showing their sacred prophet in a picture or something like that. I think they, like all fundamentally fucked up religions, sow the seeds of "God's Will" into the minds of their followers and brainwash them into giving massive amounts of tax free dollars to them.

I don't think they're all terrorists. I don't think they're all bad people. But I don't like some of the tenets of their faith. Just like I don't like homophobic Catholics and Protestants.
Every other major poll has the difference between Obama and Romney from a tie to a 1-4 point difference funny how Bloomberg comes with a 13 point difference in favor of Obama. Anyone else sense some bullshit in the force.

The numbers are probably very off, even I said that. What I'm more interested in are the questions of "Do you want Mitt Romney's economic policies instead" and the answer was a resounding no. And again, the Selzer group is well respected by all in the industry, so I don't smell a conspiracy.

People can believe what they want in regards to this Bloomberg poll but when one poll is that far off from the other's I question it if we had one poll that showed Romney with a double digit lead but no other poll showed that or was even close to it I would question it as well.

Sure. The numbers are DEFINITELY an anomaly. Everyone knows this will be a TIGHT race unless something blows up on either side. Again, I look more at the opinion questions than the "who are you going to vote for?" questions.
Bloomberg is the only one showing such a lead. Gallup and Rammussen, both having a much better track record on these issues then Bloomberg, have Romney leading.

Gallup Presidential Election Trial Heat Results: Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

But hey, you cling to anything that gives you hope.


OK, while I will agree that this poll is probably an outlier, in what Bizarro universe does Rasmussen have a "better track record".

Give it up with the "Rasmussen is the most accurate" thing already. Nobody really believes it.
anyone know just what the hell obama's economic policy is?

You mean you don't and you're still against it? What a fucking idiot YOU are.

well then, how about about you tell us what it is, you find it interesting they prefer Obama's.

Okay. It's really kind of simple.

Raise taxes on the top earners to levels that they paid during the Clinton administration and make needed cuts responsibly. Don't gut medicare but increase or leave Defense alone, that kind of shit.

Raising taxes and cutting spending, you know what most economists say we need to do too.
You mean you don't and you're still against it? What a fucking idiot YOU are.

well then, how about about you tell us what it is, you find it interesting they prefer Obama's.

Okay. It's really kind of simple.

Raise taxes on the top earners to levels that they paid during the Clinton administration and make needed cuts responsibly. Don't gut medicare but increase or leave Defense alone, that kind of shit.

Raising taxes and cutting spending, you know what most economists say we need to do too.

lol, that's not Obama's plan..that's your plan....but you are a typical leftie it's alway raise taxes on people when they suggest cutting Government
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well then, how about about you tell us what it is, you find it interesting they prefer Obama's.

Okay. It's really kind of simple.

Raise taxes on the top earners to levels that they paid during the Clinton administration and make needed cuts responsibly. Don't gut medicare but increase or leave Defense alone, that kind of shit.

Raising taxes and cutting spending, you know what most economists say we need to do too.

lol, that's not Obama's plan..that's your plan....but you are a typical leftie it's alway raise taxes on people when they suggest cutting Government

Uhh okay, Dummy. What's his plan then? And if you say "TURN US INTO A COMMUNIST SOCIETY!!!!11111" you are immediately branded a Birther dumbass.
The numbers are probably very off, even I said that. What I'm more interested in are the questions of "Do you want Mitt Romney's economic policies instead" and the answer was a resounding no. And again, the Selzer group is well respected by all in the industry, so I don't smell a conspiracy.

People can believe what they want in regards to this Bloomberg poll but when one poll is that far off from the other's I question it if we had one poll that showed Romney with a double digit lead but no other poll showed that or was even close to it I would question it as well.

Sure. The numbers are DEFINITELY an anomaly. Everyone knows this will be a TIGHT race unless something blows up on either side. Again, I look more at the opinion questions than the "who are you going to vote for?" questions.
I find the who are going to vote for to be the more relevant question since who you vote for is what decides elections.
If Romney wants to win, he needs to stop behaving insincerely. These cheesy grits moments are making him look as fake as a three dollar bill.

He also needs to stop dodging questions the way he did on Face the Nation the other day. What an embarrassing display of equivocation that was.

The man's balls are the size of peas.

The first and last time Romney ever impressed me was when he smacked the living shit out of Newt Gingrich in the Florida primary debate. Newt was ended right then and there. He died before his body hit the floor.

For about two minutes there, Romney was a hard pounder.

Unfortunately, his true nature is that of a flake.

Obama will win because Romney caused too many GOP voters to stay home.

Unless Obama royally screws up and causes too many Dem voters to stay home.

This won't be decided by who's best. This will be decided by which one is perceived as the least incompetent.

Romney doesn't need advice from a troll. He's doing fine. He's rightfully pointing out how Obama has screwed up the economy and taken government out of control. The message is simple and people enjoy listening to that type of straight talk. When you have such a failure for a president, you don't need to make it difficult. Only peons like yourself are looking for personality gaffes. He's not getting the peon vote. We know that in advance. That's Obama's base.
If Romney wants to win, he needs to stop behaving insincerely. These cheesy grits moments are making him look as fake as a three dollar bill.

He also needs to stop dodging questions the way he did on Face the Nation the other day. What an embarrassing display of equivocation that was.

The man's balls are the size of peas.

The first and last time Romney ever impressed me was when he smacked the living shit out of Newt Gingrich in the Florida primary debate. Newt was ended right then and there. He died before his body hit the floor.

For about two minutes there, Romney was a hard pounder.

Unfortunately, his true nature is that of a flake.

Obama will win because Romney caused too many GOP voters to stay home.

Unless Obama royally screws up and causes too many Dem voters to stay home.

This won't be decided by who's best. This will be decided by which one is perceived as the least incompetent.

Romney doesn't need advice from a troll. He's doing fine. He's rightfully pointing out how Obama has screwed up the economy and taken government out of control. The message is simple and people enjoy listening to that type of straight talk. When you have such a failure for a president, you don't need to make it difficult. Only peons like yourself are looking for personality gaffes. He's not getting the peon vote. We know that in advance. That's Obama's base.

very true..he needs to stay on that message and not get sucked in by the liberal lapdog media on all the distractions this administration is throwing out..he'll do fine
Romney isn't really a flake g5000 just a true gentlemen trying too hard in my opinion. Well he gets the ship turning in the right direction. We have to hold these newly elected peoples feet to the fire from now on. And we've already started...

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