New member, ready to take a stand

an uber nationalist

someone call TK and tell him his soul mate is here
Ich Kampfe is also the name of a book by a guy named Hitler. So by extension would you say you are a Nationalist Socialist?


The book was titled "Mein Kampf" ("My Struggle" or "My Fight")

The phrase "ich kämpfe" must not necessarily have any national-socialst leanings at all. but of course, it could....

....wait and see.


Woo. I assumed nothing about the poster and I found Ich Kampfe at Google:

He'll feel right at home here.
Looks like some recruiting has been taking place among our more German-esque members.
"ready to take a stand?

are you here to "take this great nation back" from the Plutocrats, who own Washington & the media among other holdings? Thats what I'm here to do :mad:

No. I am not a National Socialist. Simply because the name happens to be the title of a book Hitler wrote does not automatically make myself a National Socialist, that's like saying speaking German makes you a National Socialist, which it definitely does not (even though everybody has a fetish for finding reasons for calling people Nazis.)


I left out the unique letters and stuff on purpose simply to make it more simple to log on in the future. I realize that it is the incorrect spelling, but thank you for the little lesson on German. I've always had a fascination with the German language.

Also, Ich Kampfe is a real book written in NS Germany. I would post an image, but apparently I am not allowed to use simple image tags so Google it if you do not mind. The first address should be Amazon depending on which search engine you use.


There you go! Now you get it!

Thank you all for the welcome and the courtesy, I greatly appreciate it.

As am American Jew living in Germany, I can strongly support that statement. The German language is a beautiful, poetic, lyric language that has nothing to do with any political system at all.

BTW, the IPA equivalent of "kämpfe" would be "kaempfe". That's how you get around Umlauts. :D
Ich Kampfe is also the name of a book by a guy named Hitler.

No. Not really.

Your clumsy attempt to link so you could type "hitler" is noted, though.

There was no attempt to do any such thing. I simply asked the obvious question. Why all the fuss?
Ich Kampfe was a handbook given to new members of the Nazi party.
The text of Ich Kämpfe was written by leaders of the various paramilitary sections of the Nazi Party as a testament to the success of their Movement. There are sections by Dr. Josef Goebbels, Reichsleiters Phillip Bouhler, Alfred Rosenberg, Dr. Robert Ley, Professor Dr. Groß, Arthur Axmann, etc. Subjects covered include the SS, the SA, NSFK, NSF, NSKK, Promise of Loyalty to the Führer, Program of the NSDAP, the German Concept of Freedom, the National Socialist Revolution, Honor List of the Martyrs of the Movement, Our Will, the Responsibilities of Political Leaders, the National Socialist Way of Life, the Responsibility of Party Members, Dates in the History of the NSDAP, etc., etc.

I stand partially corrected. Indeed, that book did exist and is attributed to that ugly old dude who had the problem with his right hand, but actually it was written by others in his name.

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