New DNC President Demostrates Democrats Spew Ignorance and Lies (Electoral College)

DNC head Tom Perez falsely claims Electoral College 'not a creation of the Constitution'

"Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez incorrectly stated "the Electoral College is not a creation of the Constitution" during a Tuesday night speech.

"The Electoral College is not a creation of the Constitution," Perez said during a lecture at Indiana University Law School. "It doesn’t have to be there."

The Electoral College, a mechanism for indirect election of the president created by the Founding Fathers as a compromise between smaller states and larger states, is clearly laid out in
Article II of the Constitution: "Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress."

This is the same dumbass who just denied knowing anything about and not finding any records to show the previous chairwoman / the DNC gave millions to a foreign agent through a Russia-linked firm for a false report containing Russia-generated propaganda against Trump.

Today - in reaction to all the evidence coming out against Hillary, DWS, Mueller, Holder, Comey, and Obama - libtards and snowflakes be like:

View attachment 156688

Can't wait for that showdown. Should we tell them the process of AMENDING the Constitution or the seats in Senate are not by population or national popular vote total also? Naww.. Let 'em get riled.
Perez is an idiot.

As for the myth that HRC would have won a popular-vote election, one might note the following:

Had the rules been changed prior to the start of the first primaries, the entire election cycle would have played out totally differently. The entire focus during both the primaries and the general election would have been the most populous states. Iowa? WGAS? There is no telling who would have won the nominations on either side, but the probability is that Sanders would have won for the Democrats. In the Republican field with so many good candidates running, it is likely that money would have been a bigger factor. It is unknowable.

With the rules as they were, millions of Republicans in Blue states simply declined to vote, especially in California, where the Senate race pitted one Democrat versus another Democrat.

Next time, if a popular vote format would be adopted (not practically possible), Trump would beat anyone currently in the Democrat "firmament." Joe Biden would likely be the Dem nominee, but his history is so full of public idiocy, he would have to win on policy, and with his party so far to the Left, he would lose in a landslide.

Perez is an idiot.
With his credentials, and yet doesn’t know that?. Somethings wrong with this picture. Someone might want to check his credentials are legit. Lol
This is the guy who Democrats all said "Hey, let's put this guy in charge"

Tom Perez Lectures in Front of Law School Crowd That Electoral College 'Not Part of Constitution'
/----/ Dems hate the EC until it works in their favor.

With his credentials, and yet doesn’t know that?. Somethings wrong with this picture. Someone might want to check his credentials are legit. Lol

You're assuming he doesn't know that .....

Personally I suspect that he is well aware of the fact that the electoral college is enshrined in the Constitution and choose to intentionally mislead his audience in order to garner support for his "cause" and provide a talking point to help the useful idiots spread his "message".

How likely do you think it is that there are law students that attended his lecture out there right now arguing for the elimination of the EC and using the "it's not part of the Constitution" talking point because that's what the DNC Chair told 'em.
I started to include or he is intentionally deceiving those that can be but, chose not to. Lol
With his credentials, and yet doesn’t know that?. Somethings wrong with this picture. Someone might want to check his credentials are legit. Lol

You're assuming he doesn't know that .....

Personally I suspect that he is well aware of the fact that the electoral college is enshrined in the Constitution and choose to intentionally mislead his audience in order to garner support for his "cause" and provide a talking point to help the useful idiots spread his "message".

How likely do you think it is that there are law students that attended his lecture out there right now arguing for the elimination of the EC and using the "it's not part of the Constitution" talking point because that's what the DNC Chair told 'em.
This is the guy who Democrats all said "Hey, let's put this guy in charge"

Tom Perez Lectures in Front of Law School Crowd That Electoral College 'Not Part of Constitution'
/----/ Dems hate the EC until it works in their favor.

"The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy." ~Trump in 2012

True, but we are not a democracy.
tell trump that then, hero.
Perez - again, the new DNC chairman - also claims he knew nothing about the DNC spending $9 MILLION on the dossier. At least that isn't as bad as Debbie Wasserman-Schultz - the former DNC Chairwoman who did the spending - claiming she knew nothing about it. :p
Trump never claimed it wasn’t in the constitution, silly, like Tom Perez falsely claimed.
This is the guy who Democrats all said "Hey, let's put this guy in charge"

Tom Perez Lectures in Front of Law School Crowd That Electoral College 'Not Part of Constitution'
/----/ Dems hate the EC until it works in their favor.

"The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy." ~Trump in 2012

True, but we are not a democracy.
tell trump that then, hero.

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