"New DNA research shows that Swedes primarily originate from Ukraine" checkmate racists


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
so Swedes are white Ukrainians that's way 2 flags are so similar ))), so new the racists can take a rest . LOL :lamo

"When the presenter of the documentary series "The first Swedes" tested their DNA, it turned out that his genetic material was largely identical to that of people who lived here 4 500 years ago. And most of this genetic heritage comes from - Ukraine.

In the documentary series "The first Swedes", archeologist Jonathan Lindström travels around Sweden in search of the tracks of the first people who settled here."

Ny DNA-forskning visar att svenskar framför allt härstammar från Ukraina
That's not really a surprise at all, seeing how we are a Indo-European people, The Indo-european Urheimat is usually considered to be in the area north of and inbetween of the Black and Caspain seas. Modern day Ukraine and the Russian Caucasus.

Also Ukrainians are white. And the ancient Indo-European people that remained in the urheimat area where also largerly Europid in appearance. Just google the "Scythians".
There were Vikings in Ukraine too.

It's unclear who the Scythians were, some have said they spoke an Indo-European language, some said it's Turkic. In any case, I believe the language factor in dealing with ethnicity and genetic makeup is overstated even in the present, more so in the 19th or early 20th century.
There were Vikings in Ukraine too.

It's unclear who the Scythians were, some have said they spoke an Indo-European language, some said it's Turkic. In any case, I believe the language factor in dealing with ethnicity and genetic makeup is overstated even in the present, more so in the 19th or early 20th century.

i´d recommend you to find Omeljan Pritsak books ,

"Scholars such as Omeljan Pritsak and Horace G. Lunt offer explanations that go beyond simplistic attempts to attribute 'ethnicity' on prima facie interpretation of literary, philological, and archaeological evidence. They view the Rus' as disparate, and often mutually antagonistic, clans of charismatic warriors and traders who formed wide-ranging networks across the North and Baltic Seas.[109][110] They were a "multi-ethnic, multilingual and non-territorial community of sea nomads and trading settlements" that contained numerous Norsemen—but equally Slavs, Balts, and Finns.[109]"

i am 100% sure that Scythians were Indo-Europeans

agreed. Hungary has had Latin as the official language , it helped them understand Rumanians but it has nothing to do with Hungarian language
That's not really a surprise at all, seeing how we are a Indo-European people, The Indo-european Urheimat is usually considered to be in the area north of and inbetween of the Black and Caspain seas. Modern day Ukraine and the Russian Caucasus.

Also Ukrainians are white. And the ancient Indo-European people that remained in the urheimat area where also largerly Europid in appearance. Just google the "Scythians".
man you are right, but many racists got shock from the first part of this program . LOL and putler´s propagandacondoms jumped into this of cos

Swedes Seethe Over Documentary Claiming Their Ancestors Were Dark-Skinned
That's not really a surprise at all, seeing how we are a Indo-European people, The Indo-european Urheimat is usually considered to be in the area north of and inbetween of the Black and Caspain seas. Modern day Ukraine and the Russian Caucasus.

Also Ukrainians are white. And the ancient Indo-European people that remained in the urheimat area where also largerly Europid in appearance. Just google the "Scythians".
man you are right, but many racists got shock from the first part of this program . LOL and putler´s propagandacondoms jumped into this of cos

Swedes Seethe Over Documentary Claiming Their Ancestors Were Dark-Skinned
The racists are the ones who made the documentary dipshit.

This is literally cultural and ethnic appropriation.

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