New Corona Variant, that might be very dangerous, spreads in South Africa

The joke’s on you, Dipshit. No vaccine affects viral loads, which are the same, in mouths, throats and noses of both vaxxed and unvaxxed. In addition, viruses that have confronted the vaccine can mutate and end up back on these surfaces, to be exchanged via aerosols. The virus that mutated against the vaccine can continue to mutate in another unvaxxed host.
That is not so. Viral load is how much of the virus you have in your body. The more the virus has replicated, the higher your viral load will be, and the more infectious you likely are. The more virus you have in your airways, the more you will release when you exhale or cough, as you are experiencing more “viral shedding.” The more serious the cases the more viral load that is transferred. Asymptomatic cases transmit very small viral loads where hospitalized cases can transfer tens of thousands of viral particles in a single cough. Since vaccines reduce replication, they certain reduce viral loads.

That is not so. Viral load is how much of the virus you have in your body. The more the virus has replicated, the higher your viral load will be, and the more infectious you likely are. The more virus you have in your airways, the more you will release when you exhale or cough, as you are experiencing more “viral shedding.” The more serious the cases the more viral load that is transferred. Asymptomatic cases transmit very small viral loads where hospitalized cases can transfer tens of thousands of viral particles in a single cough. Since vaccines reduce replication, they certain reduce viral loads.

Incorrect. Viral loads on the surfaces of both the vaxxed and the unvaxxed are the same. These unvaxxed surfaces are mouth, throat, and nasal passages.
There is no such thing as fully vaccinated. The communist virus will continue to evolve on the unvaccinated surfaces of the vaccinated. Homo sapiens' mistake was not to find and study the source. Omicron is an expression of that mistake.
Wrong. The virus must have a host and enter cells in order replicant. Once vaccinated, antibodies can be produced to fight the virus in any part of the body.
That is not so. Viral load is how much of the virus you have in your body. The more the virus has replicated, the higher your viral load will be, and the more infectious you likely are. The more virus you have in your airways, the more you will release when you exhale or cough, as you are experiencing more “viral shedding.” The more serious the cases the more viral load that is transferred. Asymptomatic cases transmit very small viral loads where hospitalized cases can transfer tens of thousands of viral particles in a single cough. Since vaccines reduce replication, they certain reduce viral loads.

Just don't know how on earth all the medical workers survived when the vaccines were non-existent. Then Biden wants to just fire them after all the COVID bomb's they jumped on. Worse he refuses to look at natural immunity in which is better than any vaccine can ever be. Anti-bodies from past pandemics are being found in the blood streams of the elderly survivors decades later according to studies and by Fauci himself.
Wrong. The virus must have a host and enter cells in order replicant. Once vaccinated, antibodies can be produced to fight the virus in any part of the body.
Incorrect again. To the other reading prisoners, you must appear absurd denying that the vaxxed can collect viruses on their mouths, throats and tongues without those viruses ever having confronted the vaccine, which viruses can then be re-directed back into the environment. Do these viruses mutate one those surfaces, or do they not?
As if the unvaxxed surfaces of the vaxxed were not enough, there's the fact that some coronaviruses can remain infectious outside the host for up to 28 days on steels surfaces (pig coronavirus TGEV). There's more absurdity: assuming the viruses on the unvaccinated surfaces of mouth, nasal passages or throat are not infectious.
Just don't know how on earth all the medical workers survived when the vaccines were non-existent. Then Biden wants to just fire them after all the COVID bomb's they jumped on. Worse he refuses to look at natural immunity in which is better than any vaccine can ever be. Anti-bodies from past pandemics are being found in the blood streams of the elderly survivors decades later according to studies and by Fauci himself.
As of last April 2021, 3600 have died over 12 months. However, since the arrival of the vaccines, the rate has slowed dramatically.

Natural immunity is not being ignored. It is an important part of ending an epidemic. Once a sufficient percentage of the population is protected regardless of whether it comes from natural immunity or the vaccine, the virus will be denied hosts and the epidemic will come to an end. There are several reasons why we don't just depend on natural immunity and let nature take it's course.
  • The vaccine created protection, saves lives and will shorten the epidemic.
  • Unlike protection provided by vaccines, a strong natural immunity gained from infection from one variant often does not carry over to other variants.
  • Strong natural immunity comes from serious infections. Mild infections produce less natural immunity. This is why we have so many reinfections.
  • Lastly, research shows that unlike vaccines, natural is not very consistent in regard to amount of immunity or length of immunity.
As of last April 2021, 3600 have died over 12 months. However, since the arrival of the vaccines, the rate has slowed dramatically.

Natural immunity is not being ignored. It is an important part of ending an epidemic. Once a sufficient percentage of the population is protected regardless of whether it comes from natural immunity or the vaccine, the virus will be denied hosts and the epidemic will come to an end. There are several reasons why we don't just depend on natural immunity and let nature take it's course.
  • The vaccine created protection, saves lives and will shorten the epidemic.
  • Unlike protection provided by vaccines, a strong natural immunity gained from infection from one variant often does not carry over to other variants.
  • Strong natural immunity comes from serious infections. Mild infections produce less natural immunity. This is why we have so many reinfections.
  • Lastly, research shows that unlike vaccines, natural is not very consistent in regard to amount of immunity or length of immunity.
Then why is natural immunity being attacked by the leftist and Biden ? Like you said, natural immunity is also an important part in the ending of the pandemic, otherwise natural immunity is denying the virus a host, and for those who haven't had the COVID yet, but decided to get the shot because they haven't had it yet, well they are also denying the virus it's host. But Joe made war with natural immunity, because him and his political minion's wanted to inflict pain on anyone that weren't just going to be forced into getting something that they knew they didn't need, and this was because they had already had COVID, and they had gained a natural immunity to it. So in many cases like with the nurses and such, they could go back in to help the sick once they had gotten over the virus themselves. Then dummy Biden listening to his evil handler's decided that natural immunity wasn't good enough, so get in line say's the Nazi Biden administration.

You trying to water it all down is evidence of your political biases, but we all knew that already.
As of last April 2021, 3600 have died over 12 months. However, since the arrival of the vaccines, the rate has slowed dramatically.

Natural immunity is not being ignored. It is an important part of ending an epidemic. Once a sufficient percentage of the population is protected regardless of whether it comes from natural immunity or the vaccine, the virus will be denied hosts and the epidemic will come to an end. There are several reasons why we don't just depend on natural immunity and let nature take it's course.
  • The vaccine created protection, saves lives and will shorten the epidemic.
  • Unlike protection provided by vaccines, a strong natural immunity gained from infection from one variant often does not carry over to other variants.
  • Strong natural immunity comes from serious infections. Mild infections produce less natural immunity. This is why we have so many reinfections.
  • Lastly, research shows that unlike vaccines, natural is not very consistent in regard to amount of immunity or length of immunity.
If everyone gets vaccinated it's not going to get rid of covid. And vaccinated peeps are spreading it just the same
Then why is natural immunity being attacked by the leftist and Biden ? Like you said, natural immunity is also an important part in the ending of the pandemic, otherwise natural immunity is denying the virus a host, and for those who haven't had the COVID yet, but decided to get the shot because they haven't had it yet, well they are also denying the virus it's host. But Joe made war with natural immunity, because him and his political minion's wanted to inflict pain on anyone that weren't just going to be forced into getting something that they knew they didn't need, and this was because they had already had COVID, and they had gained a natural immunity to it. So in many cases like with the nurses and such, they could go back in to help the sick once they had gotten over the virus themselves. Then dummy Biden listening to his evil handler's decided that natural immunity wasn't good enough, so get in line say's the Nazi Biden administration.

You trying to water it all down is evidence of your political biases, but we all knew that already.
I don't think there is any attack on natural immunity. I see how it might seem so since every health organization in the country is pushing vaccinations rather getting immunity by getting sick. I doubt the CDC or any health organization would suggest a good strong case of Covid to get good immunity in lieu of the vaccine.

BTW just because you had covid does not mean you'll have enough immunity to throw off a serious case of covid. Natural immunity certainly exist and it is important to ending the epidemic but it is very inconsistent in regard to strength and longevity.
If everyone gets vaccinated it's not going to get rid of covid. And vaccinated peeps are spreading it just the same
That depends on what you mean by getting vaccinated. If everyone was fully vaccinated and got the booster as needed, we would certainly end the epidemic, however it could become endemic.

With just natural immunity, reaching herd immunity is not a good way to go. That's what we did in 2018 with the Spanish Influenza epidemic because we had no vaccines. With a population of just 20 million, the epidemic sweep across America killing 750,000. With today's population, that death toll could be as high as 12 million in the US. and instead of 2 years, it could last a lot longer.

Fully vaccinating a country is the fastest way to get life back to normal with the least deaths. However, we know that due to vaccine hesitancy that is not possible so we have to rely on both vaccines and natural immunity which is why the epidemic will last at least another year and possibly a lot longer if we keep getting more variants.
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That depends on what you mean by getting vaccinated. If everyone was fully vaccinated and got the booster as needed, we would certainly end the epidemic, however it could become endemic.

With just natural immunity, reaching herd immunity is not a good way to go. That's what we did in 2018 with the Spanish Influenza epidemic because we had no vaccines. With a population of just 20 million, the epidemic sweep across America killing 750,000. With today's population, that death toll could be as high as 12 million in the US. and instead of 2 years, it could last a lot longer.

Fully vaccinating a country is the fastest way to get life back to normal with the least deaths. However, we know that due to vaccine hesitancy that is not possible so we have to rely on both vaccines and natural immunity which is why the epidemic will last at least another year and possibly a lot longer if we keep getting more variants.
The Wrath of God is severe
I don't think there is any attack on natural immunity. I see how it might seem so since every health organization in the country is pushing vaccinations rather getting immunity by getting sick. I doubt the CDC or any health organization would suggest a good strong case of Covid to get good immunity in lieu of the vaccine.

BTW just because you had covid does not mean you'll have enough immunity to throw off a serious case of covid. Natural immunity certainly exist and it is important to ending the epidemic but it is very inconsistent in regard to strength and longevity.
Bidens take on the shot is fully political
I doubt that. Both of the Bidens are at an age where Covid is more likely to be deadly.
I have no idea what she didn't trust in Trump's vaccine rollout.
All she said was that she wouldn't take the vaccine based on Trump's word alone, but would take it on the word of scientists.

Which, duh, of course. It was a stupid series of questions by the moderator.
That depends on what you mean by getting vaccinated. If everyone was fully vaccinated and got the booster as needed, we would certainly end the epidemic, however it could become endemic.

With just natural immunity, reaching herd immunity is not a good way to go. That's what we did in 2018 with the Spanish Influenza epidemic because we had no vaccines. With a population of just 20 million, the epidemic sweep across America killing 750,000. With today's population, that death toll could be as high as 12 million in the US. and instead of 2 years, it could last a lot longer.

Fully vaccinating a country is the fastest way to get life back to normal with the least deaths. However, we know that due to vaccine hesitancy that is not possible so we have to rely on both vaccines and natural immunity which is why the epidemic will last at least another year and possibly a lot longer if we keep getting more variants.
There is no such thing as fully vaccinated.
Like a lot of stuff, fully vaccinated is defined by the goverment
Ok, and is the government always right ? Nope... They can screw up worse than anyone, and so what did Biden say - "there is no federal solution to the pandemic". If he got one right, it was that one. They need to get out of the medical business, and just help if they need to, otherwise by funding medical tech that makes sense, but stop trying to run everything as if they know everything because they don't.

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