New Biden ad targets black voters

Sorry, Trump's trend line on black unemployment followed Obama's precisely.
the sad paradox of Obama's presidency is that a president who was going to lift up black America economically didn't deliver. From 2009 to 2015, the incomes of black Americans fell by more than $900 per family adjusted for inflation.
I especially like the scene where they all bust out laughing when Donald claims to have done more for blacks than anyone with the POSSIBLE exception of Abraham Lincoln. :D

"How dare you illiterate black bastards try to leave this plantation after all we HAVEN'T done for you in half a century."
I especially like the scene where they all bust out laughing when Donald claims to have done more for blacks than anyone with the POSSIBLE exception of Abraham Lincoln. :D

I wonder if any of those black men sitting around the barber shop really know the history of Joe Biden? Do they know that he wrote the Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill? Do they not know that was legislation that led to the incarceration of more black people than any other legislation ever passed in this nation? Donald Trump got prison reform passed to FREE many of the people that Joe Biden put in prison but they think Biden is the one who's their pal? To be quite blunt...those are some clueless individuals!
I especially like the scene where they all bust out laughing when Donald claims to have done more for blacks than anyone with the POSSIBLE exception of Abraham Lincoln. :D

I wonder if any of those black men sitting around the barber shop really know the history of Joe Biden? Do they know that he wrote the Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill? Do they not know that was legislation that led to the incarceration of more black people than any other legislation ever passed in this nation? Donald Trump got prison reform passed to FREE many of the people that Joe Biden put in prison but they think Biden is the one who's their pal? To be quite blunt...those are some clueless individuals!

If we're going for the racism contest between Uncle Joe's bills from the 1970s/ 80s vs Donald's racism since birth -
Donnie WINS!
I especially like the scene where they all bust out laughing when Donald claims to have done more for blacks than anyone with the POSSIBLE exception of Abraham Lincoln. :D

I wonder if any of those black men sitting around the barber shop really know the history of Joe Biden? Do they know that he wrote the Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill? Do they not know that was legislation that led to the incarceration of more black people than any other legislation ever passed in this nation? Donald Trump got prison reform passed to FREE many of the people that Joe Biden put in prison but they think Biden is the one who's their pal? To be quite blunt...those are some clueless individuals!

If we're going for the racism contest between Uncle Joe's bills from the 1970s/ 80s vs Donald's racism since birth -
Donnie WINS!

When you have intelligent black men like Larry Elder and Thomas Sowell shutting this down, you should be able to find the intelligence to at least think on it.

Thomas Sowell: "No Hard Evidence" That Trump Is A Racist
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I especially like the scene where they all bust out laughing when Donald claims to have done more for blacks than anyone with the POSSIBLE exception of Abraham Lincoln. :D

He actually has done more. You're laughing at lies and propaganda. Im not surprised. Trumps black vote percentage was 8 percent and now 26 percent.

Exactly. I'd be interested in seeing how other presidents do in comparison. First Step Act. Opportunity Zones. Cutting taxes for lower and middle income. Lowest unemployment ever prior to C19. Eliminating job killing regulations. Rising incomes.

Oh, but he's not eloquent and pandering.

Should have added School Choice. Illegal Immigration also greatly hurts black Americans, and we know Trump's efforts to keep this under control.
I especially like the scene where they all bust out laughing when Donald claims to have done more for blacks than anyone with the POSSIBLE exception of Abraham Lincoln. :D

He did more than Barry did...
Whenever I hear that Biden "targets" people...

Well, the best case scenario is that those people have the bald haircut in the coming day.
I especially like the scene where they all bust out laughing when Donald claims to have done more for blacks than anyone with the POSSIBLE exception of Abraham Lincoln. :D

I wonder if any of those black men sitting around the barber shop really know the history of Joe Biden? Do they know that he wrote the Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill? Do they not know that was legislation that led to the incarceration of more black people than any other legislation ever passed in this nation? Donald Trump got prison reform passed to FREE many of the people that Joe Biden put in prison but they think Biden is the one who's their pal? To be quite blunt...those are some clueless individuals!

If we're going for the racism contest between Uncle Joe's bills from the 1970s/ 80s vs Donald's racism since birth -
Donnie WINS!

It's a simple concept...Doc! When Joe Biden had power...he used that power to incarcerate blacks in record numbers...when Donald Trump had power...he used that power to reform prison sentencing and set blacks free. So why would any rational black person see Joe Biden as his "friend"? Biden has used black voters for decades while giving them nothing in return but misery!
The fact that Biden actually has to compete for black votes shows how far the libs have declined.

It shows that Biden is not making the same mistake Clinton did. She took the black vote for granted and in states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, it cost her dearly. It shows that Biden is on the ball.
The fact that Biden actually has to compete for black votes shows how far the libs have declined.

It shows that Biden is not making the same mistake Clinton did. She took the black vote for granted and in states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, it cost her dearly. It shows that Biden is on the ball.
Crazy Joe: If you don't vote for me I'm gonna change your race! :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
I especially like the scene where they all bust out laughing when Donald claims to have done more for blacks than anyone with the POSSIBLE exception of Abraham Lincoln. :D

He actually has done more. You're laughing at lies and propaganda. Im not surprised. Trumps black vote percentage was 8 percent and now 26 percent.

Exactly. I'd be interested in seeing how other presidents do in comparison. First Step Act. Opportunity Zones. Cutting taxes for lower and middle income. Lowest unemployment ever prior to C19. Eliminating job killing regulations. Rising incomes.

Oh, but he's not eloquent and pandering.

Support given to historically black colleges.
The fact that Biden actually has to compete for black votes shows how far the libs have declined.

It shows that Biden is not making the same mistake Clinton did. She took the black vote for granted and in states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, it cost her dearly. It shows that Biden is on the ball.
Clinton didn't lose Michigan and Pennsylvania because of the black vote...she lost them because of the blue collar vote recognizing that Democrats don't really care about working people anymore.
The fact that Biden actually has to compete for black votes shows how far the libs have declined.

It shows that Biden is not making the same mistake Clinton did. She took the black vote for granted and in states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, it cost her dearly. It shows that Biden is on the ball.
'If you aren't voting Biden you ain't black' ... and if you're black you ain't 'diverse'...

I especially like the scene where they all bust out laughing when Donald claims to have done more for blacks than anyone with the POSSIBLE exception of Abraham Lincoln. :D

He actually has done more. You're laughing at lies and propaganda. Im not surprised. Trumps black vote percentage was 8 percent and now 26 percent.

Do I have another taker on my bet? Donald gets 12% of the black vote and I leave the board forever. Less and you leave for a month.
26% ??? :auiqs.jpg:

Haven't seen a commie yet that will keep their word. If biden were so confident about minority votes he wouldn't be pandering to them so much. Identity politics are failing, you commies are going to have to come up with a different shtick.

Does Biden have an ad yet that explains how / why Democrat virus lockdowns wiped out 41% of all black-owned small businesses?

Welcome to the policies of economic slavery designed to ruin the economy and force blacks back onto the Democrat 'plantation'...

I especially like the scene where they all bust out laughing when Donald claims to have done more for blacks than anyone with the POSSIBLE exception of Abraham Lincoln. :D

That Biden feels he has to run an ad targeted to black voters should concern you

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