New Anti Trump Ad

I wonder if any political ads have much effect these days, Donald Trump literally has a cult following, as evidenced by this forum daily.

It is nice to see him hoisted by his own petard.
I like old Joe, but wish he would not run for a 2nd term. What worries me almost as much as the insurrectionist Trump is the lack of a formidable defense against the creeping fascism of today's GOP.
Democrats winning all kinds of elections, as they have been doing, is a defense against that fascism. It is just going to take another generation, maybe.

Expanding the Supreme Court, as it is now 13, and not 9, Courts of Appeal today would also help.

One thing at a time.
---Post-indictment poll: Trump surges to largest-ever lead over DeSantis---

Democrats winning all kinds of elections, as they have been doing, is a defense against that fascism. It is just going to take another generation, maybe.

Expanding the Supreme Court, as it is now 13, and not 9, Courts of Appeal today would also help.

One thing at a time.
Democrats are winning by default, because they are running against people like Trump, which is a sickness a majority of Americans do not embrace. However, the Democrats are not offering up sterling choices on who to vote for, leaving many feeling underwhelmed.
been seeing some anti-Trump ads on Roku, blaming him for signing the First Step Act.

One of the first people released committed a murder,

(can't find them online)

Seems both sides wanted it passed.

Veto would have died, if he tried it.

Nothing like propaganda, is there?
Democrats winning all kinds of elections, as they have been doing, is a defense against that fascism. It is just going to take another generation, maybe.

Expanding the Supreme Court, as it is now 13, and not 9, Courts of Appeal today would also help.

One thing at a time.
Nah. Expanding the SC is not the way. Besides, where does it stop? What is the magic number where everyone is happy?

This is a good motivation for people to vote. You don't like the makeup of the present SC? Then do something about it. Elect a Dem who will appoint progressive judges.
Well, if we're going to take the candidate's own words and hold them to their own standards, Biden would not fair well at all...

Now, make no mistake, I do not like Trump and would not vote for him, but fair is fair...

Speaking about COVID and COVID deaths:

At the time of the debate, COVID deaths under Trump were approximately, according to Biden in the clip: 220,000

Total COVID deaths under Biden's as of December 19, 2021: 393,547

By the time Biden's first year was in the books, the death toll exceeded Trump.

( Fact Check: Have More Americans Died From COVID Under Biden Than Trump? ) <---- should be read to the end...


Once again Biden will not be getting my vote. But COVID deaths isn't the reason...
These are pro-Biden Republicans- what else would you expect them to say?
Establishment Republicans were Trump's enemy from the beginning. They only play nice because the right wing electorate supports him. The moment they get their chance they will crucify him. Same situation as Bernie and the Democrats.

The establishment left and right are on the same team. They don't want people that push for radical change.
---Post-indictment poll: Trump surges to largest-ever lead over DeSantis---

Democrats are making Trump stronger.
---Post-indictment poll: Trump surges to largest-ever lead over DeSantis---

Sleepy Joe's insistence to his DOJ to launch charges and indictments against President Trump basically has sealed the nomination up for Trump. It guarantees that Trump will be the only Republican to get publicity , none of the others have a hope of getting any momentum at all.

My guess is that it won't be too many weeks down the line when candidates start withdrawing from the race, I'm sure they are already figuring out a graceful exit strategy.
Nah. Expanding the SC is not the way. Besides, where does it stop? What is the magic number where everyone is happy?

This is a good motivation for people to vote. You don't like the makeup of the present SC? Then do something about it. Elect a Dem who will appoint progressive judges.
The explanation I heard is that there are 9 Judges because at the time there were 9 Appeal Courts.
Now there are 13 Courts, therefore there should be 4 more Judges.

We shall see with time what will happen.
The explanation I heard is that there are 9 Judges because at the time there were 9 Appeal Courts.
Now there are 13 Courts, therefore there should be 4 more Judges.

We shall see with time what will happen.

It will happen after President Trump is elected next year, and the libs heads explode.
The explanation I heard is that there are 9 Judges because at the time there were 9 Appeal Courts.
Now there are 13 Courts, therefore there should be 4 more Judges.

We shall see with time what will happen.
Not exactly. A little more information here

FDR's packing the SC ran into problems and he was voted down. But I do like one of his proposals - Judges must retire when they hit 70. Under that rule, Alito & Thomas would be affected. 72 & 74 respectively.

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