Never Trust A Communist....And That Is What Democrats Have Become...First Biden/Harris Press Conference Is Packed Full Of Lies


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The Democrat Party has gone full-communist. One thing anyone who used to live in a communist country will tell you is you cannot trust a communist government. This is why they take over all of the media in a country. Because they lie to their people with reckless abandon.

Biden/Harris is perfect for the first communist White House in American history. Biden can't remember what he said 5 minutes ago, and Harris lies so naturally even when everyone in the room knows it's total hogwash. You have to be a really demented person or ambitious person to lie like she does. The trick to being a good Democrat/Communist politician is effective lying. Lie convincingly and you have a future in the Democrat/Communist Party.

But problem with liars is they don't like alternative viewpoints. They stifle descent. They bully everyone around them into silence. The Truth destroys their self-esteem. They're literally living in a fantasy world.
Yesterday ABC rolled these two idiots out like they were rock stars. And all of the nasty exchanges between the two never happened if you watched this broadcast.

Joe Biden has been spending the last several months criticizing the Trump Administration and making suggestions on how to better fight COVID-19....never mentioning that most of the suggestions he was making were exactly what Trump had already implemented. Democrats have been doing everything they could to destroy the economy....yet they felt they could get away with using the economic downturn caused by the pandemic against Trump, claiming that he ran the economy into the ground. This lie exposes their tactics. They have been using Corona-virus to wage a political campaign to win back the White House.

If you have a facebook account click on this link and watch this video....and it will explain the threat communism in America is in detail.
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Hillarious..Accusing others of being a communists from a bonafide member of the Trumpist Socialist Party, you know that party? Socialism for farmers and Trumpers as well as full support of the commies Putin and Kim. You know these Trumpist socialists. These are the same people who lauded Trump when Trump praised Xi for 70 years of communist rule.
Hillarious..Accusing others of being a communists from a bonafide member of the Trumpist Socialist Party, you know that party? Socialism for farmers and Trumpers as well as full support of the commies Putin and Kim. You know these Trumpist socialists. These are the same people who lauded Trump when Trump praised Xi for 70 years of communist rule.
What's the new term democrats love to use?

Oh yeah, I remember... DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM... which is democrat lite for COMMUNISM.

No party and their tactics has more closely resemble HITLER and his BROWN SHIRTS than the new radical democrat party.
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Those who are not blind partisans and shills have unanimously condemned this pick. After talking himself into a corner by promise to discriminate based on race and gender, he chose the worst of the mediocre group.

Harris is a shameless attention-seeker who has a record of intemperate, slanderous remarks (not even mentioning her awful record as a prosecutor and A.G.). She once attempted to disqualify a judicial nominee for being a Catholic. She went full bore with the baseless slanders against Justice K, including a gross, ridiculous attempt to trick him in a perjury trap during the Q&A. ("Have you ever had a conversation with anyone from [a large law firm]?")

This is one election where the best campaign strategy for Republicans will be to TELL THE TRUTH about the Democrats and their platform. If Americans know THE TRUTH, they will reject the democrats and re-elect someone whom very few people like. It will be 2016 all over again.

All hail Trump!
The Democrat Party has gone full-communist. One thing anyone who used to live in a communist country will tell you is you cannot trust a communist government. This is why they take over all of the media in a country. Because they lie to their people with reckless abandon.

Biden/Harris is perfect for the first communist White House in American history. Biden can't remember what he said 5 minutes ago, and Harris lies so naturally even when everyone in the room knows it's total hogwash. You have to be a really demented person or ambitious person to lie like she does. The trick to being a good Democrat/Communist politician is effective lying. Lie convincingly and you have a future in the Democrat/Communist Party.

But problem with liars is they don't like alternative viewpoints. They stifle descent. They bully everyone around them into silence. The Truth destroys their self-esteem. They're literally living in a fantasy world.
Yesterday ABC rolled these two idiots out like they were rock stars. And all of the nasty exchanges between the two never happened if you watched this broadcast.

Joe Biden has been spending the last several months criticizing the Trump Administration and making suggestions on how to better fight COVID-19....never mentioning that most of the suggestions he was making were exactly what Trump had already implemented. Democrats have been doing everything they could to destroy the economy....yet they felt they could get away with using the economic downturn caused by the pandemic against Trump, claiming that he ran the economy into the ground. This lie exposes their tactics. They have been using Corona-virus to wage a political campaign to win back the White House.

If you have a facebook account click on this link and watch this video....and it will explain the threat communism in America is in detail.

Oh, so now they are full communist??

I thought you folks thought they were full communist back when McCarthy was trying to destroy great men like Paul Robeson.....
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Calling something communist because your policy proposals suck is par for the course for conservatives...
The Democrat Party has gone full-communist.
This is why trying to communicate with a Trumpster is essentially pointless. This is a perfectly serious and accepted statement in their world.
And now the propagandists like yourself and rightwinger crawl out of the woodwork to attempt to refute my OP without taking the time to absorb it. You didn't have time to see even a fraction of the video yet you're already assuming it's content. Instead focusing on what you call an exaggeration on my part. Maybe you can ignore the content some more and correct my spelling and grammar, Mkay?
The Democrat Party has gone full-communist. One thing anyone who used to live in a communist country will tell you is you cannot trust a communist government. This is why they take over all of the media in a country. Because they lie to their people with reckless abandon.

Biden/Harris is perfect for the first communist White House in American history. Biden can't remember what he said 5 minutes ago, and Harris lies so naturally even when everyone in the room knows it's total hogwash. You have to be a really demented person or ambitious person to lie like she does. The trick to being a good Democrat/Communist politician is effective lying. Lie convincingly and you have a future in the Democrat/Communist Party.

But problem with liars is they don't like alternative viewpoints. They stifle descent. They bully everyone around them into silence. The Truth destroys their self-esteem. They're literally living in a fantasy world.
Yesterday ABC rolled these two idiots out like they were rock stars. And all of the nasty exchanges between the two never happened if you watched this broadcast.

Joe Biden has been spending the last several months criticizing the Trump Administration and making suggestions on how to better fight COVID-19....never mentioning that most of the suggestions he was making were exactly what Trump had already implemented. Democrats have been doing everything they could to destroy the economy....yet they felt they could get away with using the economic downturn caused by the pandemic against Trump, claiming that he ran the economy into the ground. This lie exposes their tactics. They have been using Corona-virus to wage a political campaign to win back the White House.

If you have a facebook account click on this link and watch this video....and it will explain the threat communism in America is in detail.

Oh, so now they are full communist??

I thought you folks thought they were full communist back when McCarthy was trying to destroy great men like Paul Robeson.....
View attachment 374487

Calling something communist because your policy proposals suck is par for the course for conservatives... don't seem to understand the difference between being a communist out of power and being a communist IN power and in complete control.
Hillarious..Accusing others of being a communists from a bonafide member of the Trumpist Socialist Party, you know that party? Socialism for farmers and Trumpers as well as full support of the commies Putin and Kim. You know these Trumpist socialists. These are the same people who lauded Trump when Trump praised Xi for 70 years of communist rule.
What's the new term democrats love to use?

Oh yeah, I remember... DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM... which is democrat lite for COMMUNISM.

No party and their tactics has more closely resembled HITLER and his BROWN SHIRTS than the new radical democrat party.
No you are confusing Democrats with the new Trumpist Socialist Party.
Try and say something intelligent...
I am speaking the truth. Trumpism is a mishmash of ideologies, one of which is socialistic policies towards those that they deem are important to the party. Trump has praised Putin, Kim and Chinese communists rule. That is documented.

You can live in denial, but that is the truth.
Hillarious..Accusing others of being a communists from a bonafide member of the Trumpist Socialist Party, you know that party? Socialism for farmers and Trumpers as well as full support of the commies Putin and Kim. You know these Trumpist socialists. These are the same people who lauded Trump when Trump praised Xi for 70 years of communist rule.
What's the new term democrats love to use?

Oh yeah, I remember... DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM... which is democrat lite for COMMUNISM.

No party and their tactics has more closely resembled HITLER and his BROWN SHIRTS than the new radical democrat party.
Stalin called Social Democrats Social Fascists :smoke:
The Democrat Party has gone full-communist. One thing anyone who used to live in a communist country will tell you is you cannot trust a communist government. This is why they take over all of the media in a country. Because they lie to their people with reckless abandon.

Biden/Harris is perfect for the first communist White House in American history. Biden can't remember what he said 5 minutes ago, and Harris lies so naturally even when everyone in the room knows it's total hogwash. You have to be a really demented person or ambitious person to lie like she does. The trick to being a good Democrat/Communist politician is effective lying. Lie convincingly and you have a future in the Democrat/Communist Party.

But problem with liars is they don't like alternative viewpoints. They stifle descent. They bully everyone around them into silence. The Truth destroys their self-esteem. They're literally living in a fantasy world.
Yesterday ABC rolled these two idiots out like they were rock stars. And all of the nasty exchanges between the two never happened if you watched this broadcast.

Joe Biden has been spending the last several months criticizing the Trump Administration and making suggestions on how to better fight COVID-19....never mentioning that most of the suggestions he was making were exactly what Trump had already implemented. Democrats have been doing everything they could to destroy the economy....yet they felt they could get away with using the economic downturn caused by the pandemic against Trump, claiming that he ran the economy into the ground. This lie exposes their tactics. They have been using Corona-virus to wage a political campaign to win back the White House.

If you have a facebook account click on this link and watch this video....and it will explain the threat communism in America is in detail.

And exactly what makes them communist? You yourself have never said all you have posted is hype and nothing real. How are they communist, what communistic policies are they pushing as a plank? Well?
Those who are not blind partisans and shills have unanimously condemned this pick. After talking himself into a corner by promise to discriminate based on race and gender, he chose the worst of the mediocre group.

Harris is a shameless attention-seeker who has a record of intemperate, slanderous remarks (not even mentioning her awful record as a prosecutor and A.G.). She once attempted to disqualify a judicial nominee for being a Catholic. She went full bore with the baseless slanders against Justice K, including a gross, ridiculous attempt to trick him in a perjury trap during the Q&A. ("Have you ever had a conversation with anyone from [a large law firm]?")

This is one election where the best campaign strategy for Republicans will be to TELL THE TRUTH about the Democrats and their platform. If Americans know THE TRUTH, they will reject the democrats and re-elect someone whom very few people like. It will be 2016 all over again.

All hail Trump!
Trump doesn't know how to tell the truth, he is the biggest liar to come down the trail.....
Hillarious..Accusing others of being a communists from a bonafide member of the Trumpist Socialist Party, you know that party? Socialism for farmers and Trumpers as well as full support of the commies Putin and Kim. You know these Trumpist socialists. These are the same people who lauded Trump when Trump praised Xi for 70 years of communist rule.
What's the new term democrats love to use?

Oh yeah, I remember... DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM... which is democrat lite for COMMUNISM.

No party and their tactics has more closely resembled HITLER and his BROWN SHIRTS than the new radical democrat party.
No you are confusing Democrats with the new Trumpist Socialist Party.
Try and say something intelligent...
I am speaking the truth. Trumpism is a mishmash of ideologies, one of which is socialistic policies towards those that they deem are important to the party. Trump has praised Putin, Kim and Chinese communists rule. That is documented.

You can live in denial, but that is the truth.
No, no you're not speaking any truth, and conservatives and patriots follow the president, and their beliefs are based in America, it's laws, the constitution, patriotism and nationalism. There is no mishmash, they all go hand in hand.

As far as what Trump has said about Putin, Xi and Un, he has given them credit when they deserved it, as in being a better player for the world, and also no one has been HARDER on Putin, Xi and Un than president Trump, and that is documented.
As Dennis Prager often points out: for the Left, The Truth is not a fundamental value. It is less important than The Narrative.
The Dennis is in full denial mode as he is most often about Republicans so he gets half the story.
The Democrat Party has gone full-communist. One thing anyone who used to live in a communist country will tell you is you cannot trust a communist government. This is why they take over all of the media in a country. Because they lie to their people with reckless abandon.

Biden/Harris is perfect for the first communist White House in American history. Biden can't remember what he said 5 minutes ago, and Harris lies so naturally even when everyone in the room knows it's total hogwash. You have to be a really demented person or ambitious person to lie like she does. The trick to being a good Democrat/Communist politician is effective lying. Lie convincingly and you have a future in the Democrat/Communist Party.

But problem with liars is they don't like alternative viewpoints. They stifle descent. They bully everyone around them into silence. The Truth destroys their self-esteem. They're literally living in a fantasy world.
Yesterday ABC rolled these two idiots out like they were rock stars. And all of the nasty exchanges between the two never happened if you watched this broadcast.

Joe Biden has been spending the last several months criticizing the Trump Administration and making suggestions on how to better fight COVID-19....never mentioning that most of the suggestions he was making were exactly what Trump had already implemented. Democrats have been doing everything they could to destroy the economy....yet they felt they could get away with using the economic downturn caused by the pandemic against Trump, claiming that he ran the economy into the ground. This lie exposes their tactics. They have been using Corona-virus to wage a political campaign to win back the White House.

If you have a facebook account click on this link and watch this video....and it will explain the threat communism in America is in detail.

And exactly what makes them communist? You yourself have never said all you have posted is hype and nothing real. How are they communist, what communistic policies are they pushing as a plank? Well?

I posted a link to a video on the bottom of the OP that answers that question........course you never took the time to watch it.
The Democrat Party has gone full-communist. One thing anyone who used to live in a communist country will tell you is you cannot trust a communist government. This is why they take over all of the media in a country. Because they lie to their people with reckless abandon.

Biden/Harris is perfect for the first communist White House in American history. Biden can't remember what he said 5 minutes ago, and Harris lies so naturally even when everyone in the room knows it's total hogwash. You have to be a really demented person or ambitious person to lie like she does. The trick to being a good Democrat/Communist politician is effective lying. Lie convincingly and you have a future in the Democrat/Communist Party.

But problem with liars is they don't like alternative viewpoints. They stifle descent. They bully everyone around them into silence. The Truth destroys their self-esteem. They're literally living in a fantasy world.
Yesterday ABC rolled these two idiots out like they were rock stars. And all of the nasty exchanges between the two never happened if you watched this broadcast.

Joe Biden has been spending the last several months criticizing the Trump Administration and making suggestions on how to better fight COVID-19....never mentioning that most of the suggestions he was making were exactly what Trump had already implemented. Democrats have been doing everything they could to destroy the economy....yet they felt they could get away with using the economic downturn caused by the pandemic against Trump, claiming that he ran the economy into the ground. This lie exposes their tactics. They have been using Corona-virus to wage a political campaign to win back the White House.

If you have a facebook account click on this link and watch this video....and it will explain the threat communism in America is in detail.

And exactly what makes them communist? You yourself have never said all you have posted is hype and nothing real. How are they communist, what communistic policies are they pushing as a plank? Well?

I posted a link to a video on the bottom of the OP that answers that question........course you never took the time to watch it.

I don't want to watch a video I want you to state exactly what communistic programs or ideals the Democrats have in their plank while running for office..I doubt you can....
As Dennis Prager often points out: for the Left, The Truth is not a fundamental value. It is less important than The Narrative.
The Dennis is in full denial mode as he is most often about Republicans so he gets half the story.
Even though Harris graded out as the most leftist Senator in Congress....their State Controlled Media is calling her a "MIDDLE OF THE ROAD MODERATE".
This is a classic communist tactic.

To illustrate what Communists do.....they use time to slowly implement their policies. I remember 8 years ago being shouted down when I suggested that Obama was providing Obamacare to illegals. Now today Democrats want to give illegals Medicare because they claim they're paying taxes like the rest of us.
As Dennis Prager often points out: for the Left, The Truth is not a fundamental value. It is less important than The Narrative.
The Dennis is in full denial mode as he is most often about Republicans so he gets half the story.
Even though Harris graded out as the most leftist Senator in Congress....their State Controlled Media is calling her a "MIDDLE OF THE ROAD MODERATE".
This is a classic communist tactic.

To illustrate what Communists do.....they use time to slowly implement their policies. I remember 8 years ago being shouted down when I suggested that Obama was providing Obamacare to illegals. Now today Democrats want to give illegals Medicare because they claim they're paying taxes like the rest of us.
What politician doesn't use slowly implemented policies. Obamacare to illegals is not a communist doctrine it would be closer to a Christian ideal to want to take care of the poor.

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