Never let a tragedy go to waste. you've already decided that folks who live in the inner city aren't worth much. It reminds me of the fact that the same people who wrote the second amendment also owned slaves and put in writing that one of them was worth 3/5 of a white man.

It's time somebody showed up with a little reasonable logic and stopped this medieval nonsense.

oh i have?.....apparently your not bright enough to see the point i was making in comparison to the statement you made.....gang bangers and people who do violence ....i can care less about them and their lives....the regular people i care about....but you now belong to a party that just strings these people along and does nothing for who doesn't think that those people are worth much? sure as hell must not.....


figured you would not be able to comment.....instead you are worried about an apostrophe.....whats the matter Gramps?.....was i right? and your new adopted party like to let the inner City people think you care about them,but in can give a shit....right Old Timing Man?.....
No new laws will come from this but your paranoia is noted.

Not from lack of trying, or did you miss the point?

The point was you whining "They're coming to take mah gunzzz" and I'm telling you that simply won't happen and none of us care about your view of gun rights. It's like a gay dude screaming that he's gay to everyone and thinking everyone is out to get him, when nobody cares.

Great analogy.









No died in that China tax of bringing that up. It's a strawman argument. There were no survivors in this and many children are dead. It's time to end this shit. We as a nation need stricter gun control. Mental evaluation for every gun purchase. Check into family history of mental illness. It is time to stop putting guns in the hands of the mentally ill.
How do you propose preventing crackpots from stealing weapons or obtaining them via the black market?

Which is exactly what happened... Those were not his guns.

One more thing... I keep hearing garbage like what Campbell said about supporters of the 2nd Amendment defending their rights "just two hours after attack".... What that jackass ignores is all the calls immediately from the left to make more laws restricting firearms.
Guess we are supposed to just sit back and let that happen??

Sorry, but I'm not sitting back and being quiet.

why? let them call for it, and give it a day. Nothing is going to be done within that day.
Next day take up the cause defending the right.
Here's the wingnut brigade right on cue....not letting a tragedy go to waste. Get bent, asshole :up_yours:

Exactly. This thread was started what, two hours after the event and immediately after it hit the news, and what's his priority?
Apprehending the gunman?
Getting kids to safety?
Treating the victims?
Consoling the witnesses and parents now scarred for life?

Nooooo - his priority is protecting Lord Gun Almighty. That is what's important.

This sums up the whole problem. We're not just a gun culture, we're a culture of death. Protecting Almighty Gun is more important than protecting Life.

IMHO people who could even think this way should have an immediate mandatory psychiatric evaluation.
Yet you say nothing of the gun grabbers, whose knee-jerk response is more more completely ineffective rules, regulations and restrictions upon the law abiding.

Maybe the one needing the psych evaluation you [sic].

Here tip: post come alive when use verb. Make heap difference. It easy.

What "gun grabbers"?? Nobody grabbed any guns here; this post, as well as the one it echoed, was about the priority list of the OP placing Almighty Gun above the lives of children. That's where the thread starts as established.

And that observation, you believe, is cause for psychiatric evaluation?
Less guns being made? No gun shows would help alot. If you make it harder to obtain, it's less likely to happen.
making it harder for who?.....the Law abiding guy?....or the Bad Guys?.....

Weren't the guns used legally paid for?

You know, that semi auto rifle.

but who is he making it harder to obtain guns.....the bad guys or the good guys?....the bad guys have their ways to get them and no matter what you do in the legal world.....they will still get them......that's my point....
In October 2011, the Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development released a report studying annual violent death rates around the world from 2004 through 2009, and ranked the most violent countries based on the average rates. The study found that a quarter of all violent deaths happen in just 14 countries. Here are the top 10 countries on the list, with background on what contributes to each nation's high murder rate.

Here's a clue to the liberals whining about America's gun culture. We don't make the top ten list. Maybe because we have so many armed citizens.

In October 2011, the Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development released a report studying annual violent death rates around the world from 2004 through 2009, and ranked the most violent countries based on the average rates. The study found that a quarter of all violent deaths happen in just 14 countries. Here are the top 10 countries on the list, with background on what contributes to each nation's high murder rate.

Here's a clue to the liberals whining about America's gun culture. We don't make the top ten list. Maybe because we have so many armed citizens.


America is safer than El Salvador. Good to know.

How about comparing gun violence to other first-world countries?

Repeated studies have shown that the United States is far and away the leader among the world's developed countries in gun violence and gun deaths. There is no other developed country that is even close. Over 30,000 Americans die every year from gun violence. Most of these are suicides but in excess of 12,000 a year are homicides. Another 200,000 Americans are estimated to be injured each year due to guns.
How can a gun-crazed society lead the world? | David Rothkopf

A Land Without Guns: How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths - Max Fisher - The Atlantic

The Rest of the First World Is Astounded by America's Enduring Gun Culture - Global - The Atlantic Wire
In October 2011, the Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development released a report studying annual violent death rates around the world from 2004 through 2009, and ranked the most violent countries based on the average rates. The study found that a quarter of all violent deaths happen in just 14 countries. Here are the top 10 countries on the list, with background on what contributes to each nation's high murder rate.

Here's a clue to the liberals whining about America's gun culture. We don't make the top ten list. Maybe because we have so many armed citizens.


America is safer than El Salvador. Good to know.

How about comparing gun violence to other first-world countries?

Repeated studies have shown that the United States is far and away the leader among the world's developed countries in gun violence and gun deaths. There is no other developed country that is even close. Over 30,000 Americans die every year from gun violence. Most of these are suicides but in excess of 12,000 a year are homicides. Another 200,000 Americans are estimated to be injured each year due to guns.
How can a gun-crazed society lead the world? | David Rothkopf

A Land Without Guns: How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths - Max Fisher - The Atlantic

The Rest of the First World Is Astounded by America's Enduring Gun Culture - Global - The Atlantic Wire

Why? I mean unless it's your contention that people in 1st world nations are inherently more moral human beings than those in born in third world nations, I don't see how it would matter to murder rates. Sounds like pretty racist, xenophobic, right wing thinking to me.
Woman buys guns for self-protection because she lives in a big house after her divorce.

Son uses her guns to kill 20 1st graders.

Something needs to be done. If the guy didn't have access to guns none of this would have happened.
What a tragedy....My heart goes out to those poor kids and their families....
This most probably won't be the last time this sort of thing will happen, but a knee jerk reaction will not do anyone any good...Period...

I noticed the moron in chief pretending to wipe his eye when addressing the tragedy...Made me sick to watch his acting...:eusa_boohoo:
Woman buys guns for self-protection because she lives in a big house after her divorce.

Son uses her guns to kill 20 1st graders.

Something needs to be done. If the guy didn't have access to guns none of this would have happened.

The thing is Ravi....if men didn't have access to their dicks then there wouldn't be any rapes...Sorry, but that's the sort of logic that comes across here..
You have to realize that when a person is intent on killing then "nothing" short of getting them first will stop it...Over here in the UK all guns have to be securely locked in a steel cabinet when not in use...Each cabinet has 2 different keys and they have to be kept in a safe place...Nothing is 100% secure though and as has been stated here, you don't need a gun to kill people AND you most certainly won't stop criminals from obtaining them no matter WHAT laws you enact...
Woman buys guns for self-protection because she lives in a big house after her divorce.

Son uses her guns to kill 20 1st graders.

Something needs to be done. If the guy didn't have access to guns none of this would have happened.

The thing is Ravi....if men didn't have access to their dicks then there wouldn't be any rapes...Sorry, but that's the sort of logic that comes across here..
You have to realize that when a person is intent on killing then "nothing" short of getting them first will stop it...Over here in the UK all guns have to be securely locked in a steel cabinet when not in use...Each cabinet has 2 different keys and they have to be kept in a safe place...Nothing is 100% secure though and as has been stated here, you don't need a gun to kill people AND you most certainly won't stop criminals from obtaining them no matter WHAT laws you enact...
None of that changes the fact that if he hadn't had access to guns this tragedy wouldn't have happened.
Woman buys guns for self-protection because she lives in a big house after her divorce.

Son uses her guns to kill 20 1st graders.

Something needs to be done. If the guy didn't have access to guns none of this would have happened.

The thing is Ravi....if men didn't have access to their dicks then there wouldn't be any rapes...

I'm extremely pro 2nd amendment but a lot of the psychosis and paranoia from ardent gun owners was bizarre to me until I read this sentence. No wonder why you people are so paranoid they're going to take your guns, you're using them as a male substitute. I'd be worried too if I thought the government was coming to take my penis.
Calls for greater gun control after mass shooting at elementary school | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Morons, more laws won't stop people bent on killing. Unless they plan to seal our borders and our coastline outlawing guns won't stop them from being available to crooks and killers.

By the way? In China a man murdered a bunch of elementary school children with a knife. One does not need a gun. And the ability to construct a huge bomb is pretty available as well.

Just so you know, I will never surrender my weapons.

You have to sleep sometime. And you have to go to work sometime.

Look, this ain't rocket science. Most of the developed world restricts gun ownership and they have few gun deaths.
Woman buys guns for self-protection because she lives in a big house after her divorce.

Son uses her guns to kill 20 1st graders.

Something needs to be done. If the guy didn't have access to guns none of this would have happened.

The thing is Ravi....if men didn't have access to their dicks then there wouldn't be any rapes...Sorry, but that's the sort of logic that comes across here..
You have to realize that when a person is intent on killing then "nothing" short of getting them first will stop it...Over here in the UK all guns have to be securely locked in a steel cabinet when not in use...Each cabinet has 2 different keys and they have to be kept in a safe place...Nothing is 100% secure though and as has been stated here, you don't need a gun to kill people AND you most certainly won't stop criminals from obtaining them no matter WHAT laws you enact...
None of that changes the fact that if he hadn't had access to guns this tragedy wouldn't have happened.

Hmm, how would you propose we stop access to guns for the criminally minded? Banning them? Seems to have worked real well with Cocaine, Heroin and Meth, which have been 100% banned for decades, yet available in EVERY city, town and suburb in the country.
What a tragedy....My heart goes out to those poor kids and their families....
This most probably won't be the last time this sort of thing will happen, but a knee jerk reaction will not do anyone any good...Period...

I noticed the moron in chief pretending to wipe his eye when addressing the tragedy...Made me sick to watch his acting...:eusa_boohoo:

Yes, I assume he is a callous asshole just like he is depicted in the rightwing media

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