Never A Dull Moment From This Girl

The more I read what 1%er posts here...the more I'm convinced that he's never EVER owned let alone run a business! He's the prototypical low skill worker who resents the fact that his boss makes more than he does...even though HE'S never put in hundreds of hours of work that he didn't get paid for like most business owners do while they're trying to grow a business!

I'm not a Putinbot that propagated fast food can't afford to pay a living wage. Chick blew that lie.

Was that supposed to make sense?
He rarely does...

I never been North O' Nashville. Did I do something wrong with People from Detroit, Who Also think Capitalism should be destroyed in favor of Nativist Industries?! Can we get more Obama money, Hm?! One of them talks like Eminem.
It's a pretty simple concept to anyone who's actually a business owner (instead of one that pretends to be one like yourself!)...wages are determined by supply and demand. Right now we have record unemployment which means that there are more jobs out there than there are people to fill them. It's a situation where employees are in a stronger bargaining position because if they are skilled at what they do...then there are other employers out there that would LOVE to hire them away from their present employer! In order to keep those good employees as an employer I'm forced to give more to retain them. If I don't then I will lose good employees.

If you believe that, read this; This CEO Took A Pay Cut To Give Employees $70,000 A Year. Now He’s Battling Amazon. | HuffPost

Yeah, he's battling Amazon, but not in company success.

I did some reading (your link and others) about this guy. He created a tech company which usually does very well and with little competition. In any case, he nearly lost everything during the recession by his own admission. Also, as a CEO of a small company (less than 120 employees) he was paying himself up to three times what a CEO normally makes for a company that size before he began this crusade; this according to a Bloomberg report.

Afterwards he became a celebrity. He was on talk shows and even scored a half-mil book deal. He now gets much of his business through that popularity than the service itself. However from what I read, here is what I see the problem as:

If we do go into another recession, I doubt this company will survive unless he does cut employees pay. I see the same problem once the limelight is off for a while and he is just another credit card processing company. A true story about the recession:

At the heart of the recession, my employer almost closed up like many transportation companies did at the time. He didn't confess this to me until much later on long after the recession ended. Anyway, he was able to stay afloat by using rainy day funds he saved for many years; something his competitors didn't do. What his competitors did that he didn't do was spend every last dime on pay increases while times were good, nor did he ever layoff one driver. There were many times at the heart of the recession we just came in and had BS sessions. We had four, five and at times six drivers just sitting outside at a nearby dead end street we go to when there is not much to do.

You can't stay in business very long paying your workers to do nothing, but my employer did. Not only did he never layoff a driver, he kept his promise of an 8 hour pay no if's and's or but's about it. He didn't rescind that policy until things started looking grim. It was my idea he only pay us for the hours we work. He refused to accept my offer, but had no choice later on as the recession kept hold.

What this guy (Dan Price) is doing is the same thing our failed competitors did. He's not building any reserve for bad times. He's a young guy and only experienced one recession in his adult life whereas my employer survived several and learned each time.

So I too learned from that experience. I have a rainy day fund just in case. Sure, my tenants could all use things: new windows, new carpeting, central AC, more parking area, but I'm conservative in what I spend so if times do get bad again, I don't have to worry about selling out and losing a lot of money in the process.

"In times of peace--prepare for war."
Author unknown.

WOW! Anything to bash employers that pay a living wage. How Putinbot of you!

You admit on a public forum that you are a slumlord? How stupid of you.

Wow, anything to bash people who refuse to pay you for the "pleasure" of having your worthless ass sitting around doing nothing.

You admit on a public forum that you're a liar and an imbecile every time you post, but that doesn't seem to bother YOU.

So now you're calling the American Worker....."worthless asses?" How Putinbot of you!
No, she is calling YOU a worthless ass, you worthless ass.
Not having new windows is squaller? What about not having rain showers in the bathroom or a 120" television in each apartment?

My tenants are plenty happy. They have an affordable place to live, close to a bus line, close to the highway, a beautiful backyard with a fireplace, and I don't have annual rent increases.

If there were better deals elsewhere, I would not have long-term tenants as I have today.

As long as the windows are still intact and functioning and you promptly replace them if they get damaged, I can see not giving much of a crap about getting new ones all the time. Ditto carpets. If I can get damage repaired and have them cleaned once in a while, I'm perfectly happy to make that trade-off for a low rent, accessibility, and being left alone. So will most people. And I don't believe for a second that One actually applies the unreasonable standards he pretends to advocate to his own life.

By the way, guys, the word is "squalor".

What fake one-percenter doesn't know is that by law, the city mandates an inspection of every apartment before each occupation. This is a cost to me of $225.00. They inspect the inside of the apartment, the property itself, any associated area the tenant may be using such as the basement for laundry, the garage for parking, the hallways for exiting and entering the building.

You cannot allow a new tenant to move in unless that inspection passes all city and state codes. Furthermore, if a tenant has an issue that the landlord will not address, the tenant can submit their monthly rent to the city to hold in escrow, and the city will not release that money to the landlord until the issue is resolved.

Cleveland has a voluntary inspection program. Most of you slumlords are yelling UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!!

I don't live in the city, I live in the suburbs. So no, it's not voluntary. If you get caught renting a unit to somebody without an inspection, the tenant is removed, and you can receive a fine up to $1,000.00 and/ or six months in jail.

Are you slumlords are yelling UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!!
Are you on drugs?

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