Netflix's 'Catching Killers' - "Body Count: The Green River Killer"


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
I'm finding myself watching more and more of these types of documentaries but each time I watch one on the Green River Killer I seem to glean a tiny bit more insight with each viewing.

I made the mistake of allowing a previously unknown to me travel company make my arrangements for transportation and lodging when I headed north to Seattle from Los Angeles to work on a software contract downtown for my first time. They found me lodging in what is apparently the middle of "The Strip" from where serial killer Gary Ridgeway liked to select his victims. That's when I first became a videographer <snark>

I remember listening to the news one day in which a black guy on death row was appealing his death sentence and his main argument was disparity of treatment/outcome for the same crime. He specially mentioned that Gary Ridgeway has killed over 60 women and he's not being put to death versus the black guy's one murder conviction for which he was being put to death.

I don't remember the black guy's name so I'm unable to look him up and see if he manager to cheat death when Washington state abolished the death penalty back in 2018 as being unconstitutional.

Netflix's Catching Killers (2021) Review: Harrowing
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...innocent white guys also go to jail like the West Memphis 3 /etc etc .......they put Bundy to death
..also, with a lot of crimes, including serial killers, they will take death off the list if they give information on body locations/unsolved murders/confessions/etc.......there's more to it.......
I enjoy such shows also. Always had a respect for honest, intelligent policing (unlike what we have in the Canadian model) and/or spycraft. I enjoy listening to them describe what motivated them and their tireless commitment to justice.

The best investigators will almost always be the most principled and moral characters as well. The type who won't take a bribe or bend the rules to get a collar. What drives them to catch evil criminals is well beyond just a paycheque. That it so be commended. Like a soldier in war, lies only cost lives (or indictments).

I've always suggested that one has to be insane to try and commit a crime today. The technology is stacked in the favour of the police and on the risk/reward continuum, short of a multi-million dollar heist, why would ANYONE engage in crime unless they were literally insane?

So, it's safe to say that these shows aren't just about evil, they are an exploration into the swirling brain of the insane.
I'm finding myself watching more and more of these types of documentaries but each time I watch one on the Green River Killer I seem to glean a tiny bit more insight with each viewing.

I made the mistake of allowing a previously unknown to me travel company make my arrangements for transportation and lodging when I headed north to Seattle from Los Angeles to work on a software contract downtown for my first time. They found me lodging in what is apparently the middle of "The Strip" from where serial killer Gary Ridgeway liked to select his victims. That's when I first became a videographer <snark>

I remember listening to the news one day in which a black guy on death row was appealing his death sentence and his main argument was disparity of treatment/outcome for the same crime. He specially mentioned that Gary Ridgeway has killed over 60 women and he's not being put to death versus the black guy's one murder conviction for which he was being put to death.

I don't remember the black guy's name so I'm unable to look him up and see if he manager to cheat death when Washington state abolished the death penalty back in 2018 as being unconstitutional.

Netflix's Catching Killers (2021) Review: Harrowing
When I watch programs like this, I stare at the faces of the killers, trying to see some kind of clue.

The scary thing is, you can't. This guy was a perfect example. Just another guy, quiet, no big deal.

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