Netflix net neutrality.......ooooops


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
The company's chief financial officer, David Wells, told an investor conference Wednesday that Netflix isn't "pleased" about the Federal Communications Commission's recent vote on net neutrality, which slapped strong new rules on Internet providers.

It's a shocking admission for a company that led the charge on aggressive regulations for Comcast, Verizon and other broadband companies. Last week, the FCC handed Web companies a big victory when it decided to regulate Internet providers under Title II of the Communications Act — just like legacy telephone companies. Netflix tries to explain its apparent sudden flip-flop on net neutrality - The Washington Post
I remain confident that Obama & Company will find a way to pervert the good parts of net neutrality to impose new fees and taxes on internet usage. I also continue to believe government will try to find censorship within grasp but, at least for now, the courts will overturn it. A situation that could change depending on how seriously one takes actuarial tables.
Granny wants to keep her interweb neutral so she don't gotta pay a interweb tax...

What is Net Neutrality and Why Does it Matter?
June 14, 2016 - Supporters note that all internet traffic will be treated equally; critics fear a detrimental effect on broadband investment and have concerns about price regulation, too
Advocates for net neutrality won a significant victory Tuesday when a federal appeals court ruled that the internet is effectively a public utility, upholding a hotly contested regulation requiring broadband firms to treat all online traffic equally. But what does that mean for U.S. consumers and internet service providers?

What is net neutrality?

Net neutrality is the concept of barring service providers from blocking, censoring or discriminating against any content provider. Under this principle, companies that provide internet access to most homes and businesses are prohibited from favoring one website over another or punishing sites because of their business practices or political positions.

How is the government involved?

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission proposed rules to make sure cable and phone companies don't manipulate traffic. They can't create special fast lanes for some data, like video from YouTube, or intentionally block or slow web traffic.

Why is the industry opposed to the idea?

The ruling gives the FCC the power to regulate the internet more strictly. Companies say the stricter regulation will undermine investment in broadband, and that it's not clear what is and isn't allowed under the greater authority the FCC has to investigate unspecified complaints. But President Barack Obama last year said the new rules would protect innovation, while allowing equal opportunity for the next generation of entrepreneurs, large and small. The service providers also are concerned about price regulation, even though the FCC has said it won't preapprove prices for service.

How does this affect consumers?

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