Zone1 Netanyahu wishes Christians worldwide a Merry Christmas from the holy land


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
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For all those who dislike Jews, he wishes others a Merry Christmas. When he was at his lowest point after Oct 7th, Israeli citizens angry and wanting.him to resign, it was Billy Grahams son who went to Israel and prayed for him. It's the same G-d, just different beliefs regarding the Messiah among other contrasts. MSN “My dear Christian friends, as you gather with your family and friends this Christmas, I wish the Christian community in Israel and around the world blessings for a Merry Christmas from the Holy Land," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu began in a video posted on X/Twitter on Tuesday
May God bless, keep, and protect the Jewish people, and fill Jerusalem with peace overflowing. May God bless Netenyahu and his family in Jesus name, Amen.
Billy Grahams son

is really a Jew and so was Billy.

is really a Jew and so was Billy.

A Jew can be a Christian, Muslim or any other religion, it doesn't matter their lineage back directly to Abraham. There is a big difference between ethnicity and ones religious beliefs. There are plenty of secular citizens in Israel
A Jew can be a Christian, Muslim or any other religion, it doesn't matter their lineage back directly to Abraham. There is a big difference between ethnicity and ones religious beliefs. There are plenty of secular citizens in Israel

Sort of, kind of, but many "Christians" are complete frauds. All of the white preachers on TV are really Jews. Franklin Graham and his late daddy are two. Billy Graham was an "enabler" of the two worst traitors in US history, W and LBJ.

At some point it really requires an IQ under 5 to believe you are "unchosen" and "commanded by Gawd to serve the Chosen" from a religious book written by the Chosen and overwhelmingly rejected by the Chosen.

Indeed, there have been mass Bible burnings in Israel... this was one, and the internet heavily censors it. CNN has pulled it.

the deputy mayor who organized the Orthodox Jewish students responsible for the burning of hundreds of New Testaments has publicly apologized to Christians worldwide for the intolerant act and for any hurt feelings it might have produced.

The burning of the New Testaments last Thursday by yeshiva students was regrettable and unplanned, said Deputy Mayor Uzi Aharon of the central Israeli town Or Yehuda to The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.

Aharon had initially defiantly defended the students' action when news broke out about the Bible burning. He had described their action to various media outlets as "purging the evil among us," fighting those that break the law by trying to convert Jews
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