Netanyahu apologises to Turkish PM for Israeli role in Gaza flotilla raid

IHH began in 1992 as a humanitarian mission to offer relief to victims injured and displaced during the Bosnian war. They have held Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council since 2004, and since becoming a fully-registered NGO in 1995, IHH — The Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief — has accumulated more than 60,000 volunteers for their grassroots humanitarian efforts in 120 countries all over the world. Since May 31st, the number of volunteers has skyrocketed.
Ah. Blessed be da believer, of course.
Estas diciendo Que tu sabes leer Español?
Why Senor José Mohammed, even a Muslim convert on another forum was bragging about the Muslims active in converting those in Mexico, Central and South America. In fact, he even mentioned another convert, some guy who worked in a prison but who is now down there trying to convert others to Islam. Strange how so many of the converts to Islam in American come from the prison system. I guess when you have radical Imams preaching in the prisons, it is easy for them to convince the inmates to convert. And, José Mohammed, from your time in America, I am sure you realize that people don't have to even be fluent in Español. All they have to do is ask an Hispanic friend or neighbor what is going on and what is in their newspapers
IHH began in 1992 as a humanitarian mission to offer relief to victims injured and displaced during the Bosnian war. They have held Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council since 2004, and since becoming a fully-registered NGO in 1995, IHH — The Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief — has accumulated more than 60,000 volunteers for their grassroots humanitarian efforts in 120 countries all over the world. Since May 31st, the number of volunteers has skyrocketed.

After the attack on the Mavi Marmara, I had an opportunity to ask the vice president of IHH, Huseyin Oruc, about accusations of IHH terror links. While he was not interested in dignifying such claims, he was very emphatic about the transparency of IHH’s work over the years, and hoped people would look at their large-scale sanitation and medical missions around the African continent — including 40,000 cataract surgeries in Sudan alone, clean water projects in Ethiopia- and IHH’s extensive work dealing with orphans in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Gaza. While they are an Islamic organization, Oruc told me that IHH refuses to differentiate who receives attention based on religion, race, or political affiliation, and has noted their various projects in South America where Muslim populations are slight.
IHH ? The Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief ? War in Context
What else is new?? The author of your piece is always writing something derogatory about Israel. Tell us why no one was harmed on the other boats when they peacefully let the Israelis come aboard and inspect the cargo. Some of those on the boat in question were saying they wanted to be martyrs before they set sail so no doubt they had violence in mind.
"It is a curious thing that few people asked the Israeli government why they would release 'terrorists' that they had in their custody, and even fewer asked for (or received) solid evidence to support this claim."

IHH ? The Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief ? War in Context

What legal authority did the Jews have to board a vessel in international waters, the same mandate they used to murder 34 US Service members aboard the USS Liberty in 1968? If that one's to tough for you, tell me why your heroes opened fire from their helicopter BEFORE they came under attack? Then tell me why the "terrorist/martyrs" didn't murder three commandos they had captured?

Ken O'Keefe, a former US Marine, was one of the defenders of the Mavi Marmara when Israel attacked the vessel in international waters on MEMORIAL DAY 2010:

"I and hundreds of others know the truth that makes a mockery of the brave and moral Israeli military.

"We had in our full possession, three completely disarmed and helpless commandos.

"These boys were at our mercy, they were out of reach of their fellow murderers, inside the ship and surrounded by 100 or more men.

"I looked into the eyes of all three of these boys and I can tell you they had the fear of God in them. They looked at us as if we were them, and I have no doubt they did not believe there was any way they would survive that day.

"They looked like frightened children in the face of an abusive father."

On Cowardice and Violence » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Cue the song and dance about Muslim crimes throughout recorded history.
This old fool? No country in the planet lists the IHH as a terror organization including the USA and France besides Israel. IHH has delivered aid to 120 countries over the part 16 years. They are a member of the UN economic and security council and is legitimately operating in Turkey. That's why they aren't being prosecuted. Now what you don't tell people of this 'Jean' guy is he's siding with Franc and Hutu power who perpetrated the Rwanda genocide and he's doing his best to make sure French honor is not comprised in the Rwanda slaughter of 800,000 Tutsis.
And here the people in a Mali town were thanking the French for getting rid of the Islamists for them. Oh, Bob, I don't think the IHH has anything to do with the UN with regard to the security council.
What did the Security Council do for Furkan Dogan?

"Furkan Doğan, a 19-year-old with dual Turkish and United States citizenship, was on the central area of the top deck filming with a small video camera when he was first hit with live fire. It appears that he was lying on the deck in a conscious, or semi-conscious, state for some time.

"In total Furkan received five bullet wounds, to the face, head, back thorax, left leg and foot.

"All of the entry wounds were on the back of his body, except for the face wound which entered to the right of his nose.

"According to forensic analysis, tattooing around the wound in his face indicates that the shot was delivered at point blank range."

Documents reveal how U.S. let Israel whitewash 'execution' of American Furkan Dogan

Be sure to blame Muslims in Sudan or Syria since you're obviously too cowardly to ever blame Israel or the US for crimes they commit.
This old fool? No country in the planet lists the IHH as a terror organization including the USA and France besides Israel. IHH has delivered aid to 120 countries over the part 16 years. They are a member of the UN economic and security council and is legitimately operating in Turkey. That's why they aren't being prosecuted. Now what you don't tell people of this 'Jean' guy is he's siding with Franc and Hutu power who perpetrated the Rwanda genocide and he's doing his best to make sure French honor is not comprised in the Rwanda slaughter of 800,000 Tutsis.
And here the people in a Mali town were thanking the French for getting rid of the Islamists for them. Oh, Bob, I don't think the IHH has anything to do with the UN with regard to the security council.
What did the Security Council do for Furkan Dogan?

"Furkan Doğan, a 19-year-old with dual Turkish and United States citizenship, was on the central area of the top deck filming with a small video camera when he was first hit with live fire. It appears that he was lying on the deck in a conscious, or semi-conscious, state for some time.

"In total Furkan received five bullet wounds, to the face, head, back thorax, left leg and foot.

"All of the entry wounds were on the back of his body, except for the face wound which entered to the right of his nose.

"According to forensic analysis, tattooing around the wound in his face indicates that the shot was delivered at point blank range."

Documents reveal how U.S. let Israel whitewash 'execution' of American Furkan Dogan

Be sure to blame Muslims in Sudan or Syria since you're obviously too cowardly to ever blame Israel or the US for crimes they commit.

Mondoweiss Bahahahahahaha. Georgie boy you idiot, everyone knows thagt the dummie Turks attacked first, and the shayetet 13 started by using non lethal force. They had pistols on their back which they had to use because the Arab animals were using weapons. God bless the IDF for their heroic actions and god damn those who try to vilify them
What else is new?? The author of your piece is always writing something derogatory about Israel. Tell us why no one was harmed on the other boats when they peacefully let the Israelis come aboard and inspect the cargo. Some of those on the boat in question were saying they wanted to be martyrs before they set sail so no doubt they had violence in mind.
"It is a curious thing that few people asked the Israeli government why they would release 'terrorists' that they had in their custody, and even fewer asked for (or received) solid evidence to support this claim."

IHH ? The Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief ? War in Context

What legal authority did the Jews have to board a vessel in international waters, the same mandate they used to murder 34 US Service members aboard the USS Liberty in 1968? If that one's to tough for you, tell me why your heroes opened fire from their helicopter BEFORE they came under attack? Then tell me why the "terrorist/martyrs" didn't murder three commandos they had captured?

Ken O'Keefe, a former US Marine, was one of the defenders of the Mavi Marmara when Israel attacked the vessel in international waters on MEMORIAL DAY 2010:

"I and hundreds of others know the truth that makes a mockery of the brave and moral Israeli military.

"We had in our full possession, three completely disarmed and helpless commandos.

"These boys were at our mercy, they were out of reach of their fellow murderers, inside the ship and surrounded by 100 or more men.

"I looked into the eyes of all three of these boys and I can tell you they had the fear of God in them. They looked at us as if we were them, and I have no doubt they did not believe there was any way they would survive that day.

"They looked like frightened children in the face of an abusive father."

On Cowardice and Violence » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Cue the song and dance about Muslim crimes throughout recorded history.

The Israelis are murderers? Then why did they let so many live?
The next time these animals try to break the LEGAL blockade, Israel should take all of them off the ship, then blow up the ship with hellfire missiles and make them swim back to Turkey
And here the people in a Mali town were thanking the French for getting rid of the Islamists for them. Oh, Bob, I don't think the IHH has anything to do with the UN with regard to the security council.
What did the Security Council do for Furkan Dogan?

"Furkan Doğan, a 19-year-old with dual Turkish and United States citizenship, was on the central area of the top deck filming with a small video camera when he was first hit with live fire. It appears that he was lying on the deck in a conscious, or semi-conscious, state for some time.

"In total Furkan received five bullet wounds, to the face, head, back thorax, left leg and foot.

"All of the entry wounds were on the back of his body, except for the face wound which entered to the right of his nose.

"According to forensic analysis, tattooing around the wound in his face indicates that the shot was delivered at point blank range."

Documents reveal how U.S. let Israel whitewash 'execution' of American Furkan Dogan

Be sure to blame Muslims in Sudan or Syria since you're obviously too cowardly to ever blame Israel or the US for crimes they commit.

Mondoweiss Bahahahahahaha. Georgie boy you idiot, everyone knows thagt the dummie Turks attacked first, and the shayetet 13 started by using non lethal force. They had pistols on their back which they had to use because the Arab animals were using weapons. God bless the IDF for their heroic actions and god damn those who try to vilify them
Wrong again.
The Jews opened fire from their helicopter BEFORE they illegally boarded a ship in international waters.
What else is new?? The author of your piece is always writing something derogatory about Israel. Tell us why no one was harmed on the other boats when they peacefully let the Israelis come aboard and inspect the cargo. Some of those on the boat in question were saying they wanted to be martyrs before they set sail so no doubt they had violence in mind.
"It is a curious thing that few people asked the Israeli government why they would release 'terrorists' that they had in their custody, and even fewer asked for (or received) solid evidence to support this claim."

IHH ? The Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief ? War in Context

What legal authority did the Jews have to board a vessel in international waters, the same mandate they used to murder 34 US Service members aboard the USS Liberty in 1968? If that one's to tough for you, tell me why your heroes opened fire from their helicopter BEFORE they came under attack? Then tell me why the "terrorist/martyrs" didn't murder three commandos they had captured?

Ken O'Keefe, a former US Marine, was one of the defenders of the Mavi Marmara when Israel attacked the vessel in international waters on MEMORIAL DAY 2010:

"I and hundreds of others know the truth that makes a mockery of the brave and moral Israeli military.

"We had in our full possession, three completely disarmed and helpless commandos.

"These boys were at our mercy, they were out of reach of their fellow murderers, inside the ship and surrounded by 100 or more men.

"I looked into the eyes of all three of these boys and I can tell you they had the fear of God in them. They looked at us as if we were them, and I have no doubt they did not believe there was any way they would survive that day.

"They looked like frightened children in the face of an abusive father."

On Cowardice and Violence » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Cue the song and dance about Muslim crimes throughout recorded history.

The Israelis are murderers? Then why did they let so many live?
Kosher mercy?

"The Israeli forces attacked without warning and without attempting to contact us. Thirty four Americans were killed in the attack and another 174 were wounded."

USS Liberty Memorial
What did the Security Council do for Furkan Dogan?

"Furkan Doğan, a 19-year-old with dual Turkish and United States citizenship, was on the central area of the top deck filming with a small video camera when he was first hit with live fire. It appears that he was lying on the deck in a conscious, or semi-conscious, state for some time.

"In total Furkan received five bullet wounds, to the face, head, back thorax, left leg and foot.

"All of the entry wounds were on the back of his body, except for the face wound which entered to the right of his nose.

"According to forensic analysis, tattooing around the wound in his face indicates that the shot was delivered at point blank range."

Documents reveal how U.S. let Israel whitewash 'execution' of American Furkan Dogan

Be sure to blame Muslims in Sudan or Syria since you're obviously too cowardly to ever blame Israel or the US for crimes they commit.

Mondoweiss Bahahahahahaha. Georgie boy you idiot, everyone knows thagt the dummie Turks attacked first, and the shayetet 13 started by using non lethal force. They had pistols on their back which they had to use because the Arab animals were using weapons. God bless the IDF for their heroic actions and god damn those who try to vilify them
Wrong again.
The Jews opened fire from their helicopter BEFORE they illegally boarded a ship in international waters.

George you huge liar, the Israelis warned them by radio to turn the ship around ofr they would be boarded.
They knew they would be boarded, they were breaking a bloackade. What part about that don't you comprende? If you break a blockade, your ship will get boarded!
This old fool? No country in the planet lists the IHH as a terror organization including the USA and France besides Israel. IHH has delivered aid to 120 countries over the part 16 years. They are a member of the UN economic and security council and is legitimately operating in Turkey. That's why they aren't being prosecuted. Now what you don't tell people of this 'Jean' guy is he's siding with Franc and Hutu power who perpetrated the Rwanda genocide and he's doing his best to make sure French honor is not comprised in the Rwanda slaughter of 800,000 Tutsis.
And here the people in a Mali town were thanking the French for getting rid of the Islamists for them. Oh, Bob, I don't think the IHH has anything to do with the UN with regard to the security council.
What did the Security Council do for Furkan Dogan?

"Furkan Doğan, a 19-year-old with dual Turkish and United States citizenship, was on the central area of the top deck filming with a small video camera when he was first hit with live fire. It appears that he was lying on the deck in a conscious, or semi-conscious, state for some time.

"In total Furkan received five bullet wounds, to the face, head, back thorax, left leg and foot.

"All of the entry wounds were on the back of his body, except for the face wound which entered to the right of his nose.

"According to forensic analysis, tattooing around the wound in his face indicates that the shot was delivered at point blank range."

Documents reveal how U.S. let Israel whitewash 'execution' of American Furkan Dogan

Be sure to blame Muslims in Sudan or Syria since you're obviously too cowardly to ever blame Israel or the US for crimes they commit.
It seems that Georgie Boy is unable to tell us why those Turks said they wanted to be martyrs before they set off and then consequently attacked the Israeli soldiers when they started boarding the ship. Does anyone really think that Georgie Boy cares about the Turks? He is having fun with this because those he calls "the Koshers" are involved. If a Christian, Buddhist or Hindu kid happened to be killed by the Muslims, Georgie Boy's eyes would be closed to it since "the Koshers" were not involved. Meanwhile, has anyone seen Georgie Boy complain about the fact that many Somali youth leave American and join the terrorists. He doesn't concern himself with this, the same way he doesn't concern himself with the Muslims in different locations recruiting young kids to be suicide bombers.. No one has claimed, Georgie Boy, that any country was perfect, but you never miss an opportunity to blame the U.S. or Israel for something, but cowardly you somehow never seems to blame the Muslim countries for anything.
And here the people in a Mali town were thanking the French for getting rid of the Islamists for them. Oh, Bob, I don't think the IHH has anything to do with the UN with regard to the security council.
What did the Security Council do for Furkan Dogan?

"Furkan Doğan, a 19-year-old with dual Turkish and United States citizenship, was on the central area of the top deck filming with a small video camera when he was first hit with live fire. It appears that he was lying on the deck in a conscious, or semi-conscious, state for some time.

"In total Furkan received five bullet wounds, to the face, head, back thorax, left leg and foot.

"All of the entry wounds were on the back of his body, except for the face wound which entered to the right of his nose.

"According to forensic analysis, tattooing around the wound in his face indicates that the shot was delivered at point blank range."

Documents reveal how U.S. let Israel whitewash 'execution' of American Furkan Dogan

Be sure to blame Muslims in Sudan or Syria since you're obviously too cowardly to ever blame Israel or the US for crimes they commit.
It seems that Georgie Boy is unable to tell us why those Turks said they wanted to be martyrs before they set off and then consequently attacked the Israeli soldiers when they started boarding the ship. Does anyone really think that Georgie Boy cares about the Turks? He is having fun with this because those he calls "the Koshers" are involved. If a Christian, Buddhist or Hindu kid happened to be killed by the Muslims, Georgie Boy's eyes would be closed to it since "the Koshers" were not involved. Meanwhile, has anyone seen Georgie Boy complain about the fact that many Somali youth leave American and join the terrorists. He doesn't concern himself with this, the same way he doesn't concern himself with the Muslims in different locations recruiting young kids to be suicide bombers.. No one has claimed, Georgie Boy, that any country was perfect, but you never miss an opportunity to blame the U.S. or Israel for something, but cowardly you somehow never seems to blame the Muslim countries for anything.


Turks waiting for soldiers to come down.
Mondoweiss Bahahahahahaha. Georgie boy you idiot, everyone knows thagt the dummie Turks attacked first, and the shayetet 13 started by using non lethal force. They had pistols on their back which they had to use because the Arab animals were using weapons. God bless the IDF for their heroic actions and god damn those who try to vilify them
Wrong again.
The Jews opened fire from their helicopter BEFORE they illegally boarded a ship in international waters.

George you huge liar, the Israelis warned them by radio to turn the ship around ofr they would be boarded.
They knew they would be boarded, they were breaking a bloackade. What part about that don't you comprende? If you break a blockade, your ship will get boarded!
Define "blockade"

Do Jews have a God-given right to board ships in international waters that other nations don't?
I suppose the fact that Jews executed an unarmed US citizen on Memorial Day means little to you.
Wrong again.
The Jews opened fire from their helicopter BEFORE they illegally boarded a ship in international waters.

George you huge liar, the Israelis warned them by radio to turn the ship around ofr they would be boarded.
They knew they would be boarded, they were breaking a bloackade. What part about that don't you comprende? If you break a blockade, your ship will get boarded!
Define "blockade"

Do Jews have a God-given right to board ships in international waters that other nations don't?
I suppose the fact that Jews executed an unarmed US citizen on Memorial Day means little to you.

Let me ask you something Georgie. What did the Turks think would happen when they attacked armed special forces?
When I say blockade, i mean the naval blockade of Gaza, which the U.N deems legal
When I say blockade, i mean the naval blockade of Gaza, which the U.N deems legal
"Many legal assessments of the Gaza flotilla raid were published subsequent to the event. International law experts (and non-lawyers) differed over the legality of the action by Israel.

"Most agree that Israel was required to respond with at most a proportionate use of force in the face of violent resistance; whether the force used was proportionate was disputed.[1][2]

"Approximately one year after the event, the UN investigative committee for the 2010 Flotilla to Gaza concluded that the blockade is 'legal,' and that Israel was 'justified in stopping vessels even outside its territorial waters,' and although the committee found an 'excessive' response was mounted, Israel 'owes no apology or reparation.'"

Legal assessments of the Gaza flotilla raid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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