Neo Nazis Are Wonderful People: Here is proof.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In comments to reporters at the White House on Friday, Donald J. Trump stirred controversy by lavishing an alleged wife beater with praise that he historically has reserved for child molesters and Nazis.

Reporters who heard the President’s comments were taken aback since, in the past, the President had given no indication that he held wife beaters in the same high esteem in which he holds supporters of child abuse and white supremacy.

And liberals think this crap is funny?

What a bunch of hateful assholes.
Do you understand what satire is?

Yes, and the message carried by this satire, ie that President Trump supports child molesters and Nazis, is very hateful, turning Americans against each other and tearing this nation apart.

What happened to unity?

Word up brother! That is exactly what T-rump is doing!! Ask him what happened to unity.
Virginia teen shot girlfriend’s parents and self because they wouldn’t let their daughter date a neo-Nazi

I wonder if he said "Merry Christmas " before he pulled the trigger

A Reston, VA couple are dead and their daughter’s boyfriend is in critical condition after the teenager shot them both and then himself because they refused to let their daughter date a neo-Nazi.
The Washington Post said that Buckley Kuhn-Fricker, 43, and her husband Scott, 48, were shot dead in their daughter’s bedroom in the early morning hours of Friday, Dec. 22 and that the teen gunman turned the gun on himself, but survived.

Do any of you right wingers want to try to defend this? I mean, after all, how many of you blamed the victim after Charlottesville. How many of you defended Trump when he said there are fine people on both sides and that the Nazis had a permit to march when the counter protesters , allegedly did not!! Speak up! Let's hear from you scum bukettes

The Washington Post said that Buckley Kuhn-Fricker, 43, and her husband Scott, 48, were shot dead in their daughter’s bedroom in the early morning hours of Friday, Dec. 22 and that the teen gunman turned the gun on himself, but survived.

Mrs. Kuhn-Fricker’s mother Janet Kuhn told the Post that the family had deep misgivings about the boy their daughter was dating. Mrs. Kuhn-Fricker called the teen an “outspoken neo-Nazi” and friends and family say she had forced her daughter to break up with the boy in the days before the double murder.

“We can’t allow her to see someone associated with Nazis,” a friend who spoke on the condition of anonymity recalled Kuhn-Fricker saying. “We don’t associate with hate groups in our house.”

The two teens had been dating since June. The family became concerned when their daughter began to parrot pro-Nazi talking points like blaming Europe’s Jewish population for World War II.

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Mrs. Kuhn-Fricker — a social justice activist who specialized in improving the lives of the elderly — saw messages on her daughter’s phone attributed to an online account believed to be operated by the teen boy, who the Post declined to name.

The concerned mom printed off copies of the messages, which “had retweeted missives praising Hitler, supporting Nazi book burnings, calling for ‘white revolution,’ making derogatory comments about Jews and featuring an illustration of a man hanging from a noose beneath a slur for gay people.”

She submitted the information to the principal of her daughter and the boy’s school and asked the boy’s mother to keep him away from her daughter.

Late Friday night, the Kuhn-Fricker’s were awakened by a noise in their daughter’s room. They found the boy there brandishing a gun. An angry confrontation reportedly ensued, wherein the boy murdered both adults and shot himself.

Mrs. Kuhn-Fricker’s final Facebook post, written when she believed she had permanently excised the disturbed teen from her family’s life, said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

The quote is commonly attributed to Irish philosopher and statesman Edmund Burke.

Read the full report here.

Watch video about this story, embedded below:
Trumps kind of "people"

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In comments to reporters at the White House on Friday, Donald J. Trump stirred controversy by lavishing an alleged wife beater with praise that he historically has reserved for child molesters and Nazis.

Reporters who heard the President’s comments were taken aback since, in the past, the President had given no indication that he held wife beaters in the same high esteem in which he holds supporters of child abuse and white supremacy.

And liberals think this crap is funny?

What a bunch of hateful assholes.
Do you understand what satire is?

Yes, and the message carried by this satire, ie that President Trump supports child molesters and Nazis, is very hateful, turning Americans against each other and tearing this nation apart.

What happened to unity?

Word up brother! That is exactly what T-rump is doing!! Ask him what happened to unity.

Trump never "lavished praise" on nazis, and you are a piece of shit liar for saying he did

But by constantly repeating the same bullshit lie, over and over again, you hope to convince the stupid that there must be something to it.

You are vile.

And your actions are what are tearing this nation apart.
Virginia teen shot girlfriend’s parents and self because they wouldn’t let their daughter date a neo-Nazi

I wonder if he said "Merry Christmas " before he pulled the trigger

A Reston, VA couple are dead and their daughter’s boyfriend is in critical condition after the teenager shot them both and then himself because they refused to let their daughter date a neo-Nazi.
The Washington Post said that Buckley Kuhn-Fricker, 43, and her husband Scott, 48, were shot dead in their daughter’s bedroom in the early morning hours of Friday, Dec. 22 and that the teen gunman turned the gun on himself, but survived.

Do any of you right wingers want to try to defend this? I mean, after all, how many of you blamed the victim after Charlottesville. How many of you defended Trump when he said there are fine people on both sides and that the Nazis had a permit to march when the counter protesters , allegedly did not!! Speak up! Let's hear from you scum bukettes

The Washington Post said that Buckley Kuhn-Fricker, 43, and her husband Scott, 48, were shot dead in their daughter’s bedroom in the early morning hours of Friday, Dec. 22 and that the teen gunman turned the gun on himself, but survived.

Mrs. Kuhn-Fricker’s mother Janet Kuhn told the Post that the family had deep misgivings about the boy their daughter was dating. Mrs. Kuhn-Fricker called the teen an “outspoken neo-Nazi” and friends and family say she had forced her daughter to break up with the boy in the days before the double murder.

“We can’t allow her to see someone associated with Nazis,” a friend who spoke on the condition of anonymity recalled Kuhn-Fricker saying. “We don’t associate with hate groups in our house.”

The two teens had been dating since June. The family became concerned when their daughter began to parrot pro-Nazi talking points like blaming Europe’s Jewish population for World War II.

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Mrs. Kuhn-Fricker — a social justice activist who specialized in improving the lives of the elderly — saw messages on her daughter’s phone attributed to an online account believed to be operated by the teen boy, who the Post declined to name.

The concerned mom printed off copies of the messages, which “had retweeted missives praising Hitler, supporting Nazi book burnings, calling for ‘white revolution,’ making derogatory comments about Jews and featuring an illustration of a man hanging from a noose beneath a slur for gay people.”

She submitted the information to the principal of her daughter and the boy’s school and asked the boy’s mother to keep him away from her daughter.

Late Friday night, the Kuhn-Fricker’s were awakened by a noise in their daughter’s room. They found the boy there brandishing a gun. An angry confrontation reportedly ensued, wherein the boy murdered both adults and shot himself.

Mrs. Kuhn-Fricker’s final Facebook post, written when she believed she had permanently excised the disturbed teen from her family’s life, said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

The quote is commonly attributed to Irish philosopher and statesman Edmund Burke.

Read the full report here.

Watch video about this story, embedded below:
Trumps kind of "people"

A fringe group,and it is an asshole move to try to smear half the nation with them.

You are an asshole.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In comments to reporters at the White House on Friday, Donald J. Trump stirred controversy by lavishing an alleged wife beater with praise that he historically has reserved for child molesters and Nazis.

Reporters who heard the President’s comments were taken aback since, in the past, the President had given no indication that he held wife beaters in the same high esteem in which he holds supporters of child abuse and white supremacy.

And liberals think this crap is funny?

What a bunch of hateful assholes.
Do you understand what satire is?

Yes, and the message carried by this satire, ie that President Trump supports child molesters and Nazis, is very hateful, turning Americans against each other and tearing this nation apart.

What happened to unity?

Word up brother! That is exactly what T-rump is doing!! Ask him what happened to unity.

Trump never "lavished praise" on nazis, and you are a piece of shit liar for saying he did

But by constantly repeating the same bullshit lie, over and over again, you hope to convince the stupid that there must be something to it.

You are vile.

And your actions are what are tearing this nation apart.
trump nazi sympathizer - Bing
And liberals think this crap is funny?

What a bunch of hateful assholes.
Do you understand what satire is?

Yes, and the message carried by this satire, ie that President Trump supports child molesters and Nazis, is very hateful, turning Americans against each other and tearing this nation apart.

What happened to unity?

Word up brother! That is exactly what T-rump is doing!! Ask him what happened to unity.

Trump never "lavished praise" on nazis, and you are a piece of shit liar for saying he did

But by constantly repeating the same bullshit lie, over and over again, you hope to convince the stupid that there must be something to it.

You are vile.

And your actions are what are tearing this nation apart.
trump nazi sympathizer - Bing

I understand that you can't defend your actions in your own words, in plain sight.

thus, my point stands as the final word.

Trump never "lavished praise" on nazis, and you are a piece of shit liar for saying he did

But by constantly repeating the same bullshit lie, over and over again, you hope to convince the stupid that there must be something to it.

You are vile.

And your actions are what are tearing this nation apart.
Do any of you right wingers want to try to defend this?
Nope. He's one of yours. A STATIST. A worshiper of GODvernment.
Wrong. You know he's a Republican. Trump told us some Nazi's are "very fine people".

No Democrat believes that.
Trump told us some Nazi's are "very fine people".

No, but that's what your masters have told you to say.

or, do you actually have a quote of that?
Do any of you right wingers want to try to defend this?
No, fucktard. No one wants to defend it because no one likes Nazis. You might be able to convince the idiots on your side that the right supports Nazis, but its all bullshit, which is why you arent getting any republicans to defend it. How fucking stupid ARE you?
Do you understand what satire is?

Yes, and the message carried by this satire, ie that President Trump supports child molesters and Nazis, is very hateful, turning Americans against each other and tearing this nation apart.

What happened to unity?

Word up brother! That is exactly what T-rump is doing!! Ask him what happened to unity.

Trump never "lavished praise" on nazis, and you are a piece of shit liar for saying he did

But by constantly repeating the same bullshit lie, over and over again, you hope to convince the stupid that there must be something to it.

You are vile.

And your actions are what are tearing this nation apart.
trump nazi sympathizer - Bing

I understand that you can't defend your actions in your own words, in plain sight.

thus, my point stands as the final word.

Trump never "lavished praise" on nazis, and you are a piece of shit liar for saying he did

But by constantly repeating the same bullshit lie, over and over again, you hope to convince the stupid that there must be something to it.

You are vile.

And your actions are what are tearing this nation apart.
Typical bullshit response from someone who cannot refute the documentation being presented. You make some shit up about it not being "in my own words" and then call numerous sources lies. Just pathetic.!!
Do any of you right wingers want to try to defend this?
No, fucktard. No one wants to defend it because no one likes Nazis. You might be able to convince the idiots on your side that the right supports Nazis, but its all bullshit, which is why you arent getting any republicans to defend it. How fucking stupid ARE you?
Let me ask you something. How many Republicans have spoken out against the blatant hatred, racism and anti Semitism that is griping the country and being suborned by Trump? I can't think of any. Silence is as bad as openly supporting the far right because it is dishonest. They are pretending that it isn't happening.
Do any of you right wingers want to try to defend this?
No, fucktard. No one wants to defend it because no one likes Nazis. You might be able to convince the idiots on your side that the right supports Nazis, but its all bullshit, which is why you arent getting any republicans to defend it. How fucking stupid ARE you?
Let me ask you something. How many Republicans have spoken out against the blatant hatred, racism and anti Semitism that is griping the country and being suborned by Trump? I can't think of any. Silence is as bad as openly supporting the far right because it is dishonest. They are pretending that it isn't happening.
Are you referring to the fact that every Democratic Presidential Platform is anti-Israel until all the Jewish donors threaten to withdraw donations?
Do any of you right wingers want to try to defend this?
Nope. He's one of yours. A STATIST. A worshiper of GODvernment.
Wrong. You know he's a Republican. Trump told us some Nazi's are "very fine people".

No Democrat believes that.
Trump told us some Nazi's are "very fine people".

No, but that's what your masters have told you to say.

or, do you actually have a quote of that?

Right, our masters control our minds and make us believe that we head something that we didn't

Trump Called White Supremacists 'Very Fine People' But An Athlete Who Protests Is A 'Son Of A Bitch' | HuffPost

Is it possible that you are so brainwashed that you believe that this did not happen?.
Do any of you right wingers want to try to defend this?
Nope. He's one of yours. A STATIST. A worshiper of GODvernment.
Wrong. You know he's a Republican. Trump told us some Nazi's are "very fine people".

No Democrat believes that.
Trump told us some Nazi's are "very fine people".

No, but that's what your masters have told you to say.

or, do you actually have a quote of that?

Right, our masters control our minds and make us believe that we head something that we didn't

Trump Called White Supremacists 'Very Fine People' But An Athlete Who Protests Is A 'Son Of A Bitch' | HuffPost

Is it possible that you are so brainwashed that you believe that this did not happen?.
not seeing quote from Trump saying white supremacists or Nazis are good people.

I am seeing one of your masters interpreting what he said for their own purposes

(I know it's hard for you to understand, bur not everyone against the removal of the statue was a white supremacist, or a Nazi)
Do any of you right wingers want to try to defend this?
No, fucktard. No one wants to defend it because no one likes Nazis. You might be able to convince the idiots on your side that the right supports Nazis, but its all bullshit, which is why you arent getting any republicans to defend it. How fucking stupid ARE you?
Let me ask you something. How many Republicans have spoken out against the blatant hatred, racism and anti Semitism that is griping the country and being suborned by Trump? I can't think of any. Silence is as bad as openly supporting the far right because it is dishonest. They are pretending that it isn't happening.
Are you referring to the fact that every Democratic Presidential Platform is anti-Israel until all the Jewish donors threaten to withdraw donations?
Once again, you are just pulling dung out of your rear and throwing against the wall to see if will stick. Some threatened to pull funding if the Dems let Sanders and Warren pull them to far to the left

Refusing to kiss Israel's ass is not being anti Israel or anti Semitic. Obama wanted a two state solution and had a balanced approach to Israel. Trump shit all over that by moving the embassy.
Do any of you right wingers want to try to defend this?
Nope. He's one of yours. A STATIST. A worshiper of GODvernment.
Wrong. You know he's a Republican. Trump told us some Nazi's are "very fine people".

No Democrat believes that.
Trump told us some Nazi's are "very fine people".

No, but that's what your masters have told you to say.

or, do you actually have a quote of that?

Right, our masters control our minds and make us believe that we head something that we didn't

Trump Called White Supremacists 'Very Fine People' But An Athlete Who Protests Is A 'Son Of A Bitch' | HuffPost

Is it possible that you are so brainwashed that you believe that this did not happen?.
not seeing quote from Trump saying white supremacists or Nazis are good people.

I am seeing one of your masters interpreting what he said for their own purposes

(I know it's hard for you to understand, bur not everyone against the removal of the statue was a white supremacist, or a Nazi)
OK Smart ass Try this one trump very fine people comment - Bing video
Nope. He's one of yours. A STATIST. A worshiper of GODvernment.
Wrong. You know he's a Republican. Trump told us some Nazi's are "very fine people".

No Democrat believes that.
Trump told us some Nazi's are "very fine people".

No, but that's what your masters have told you to say.

or, do you actually have a quote of that?

Right, our masters control our minds and make us believe that we head something that we didn't

Trump Called White Supremacists 'Very Fine People' But An Athlete Who Protests Is A 'Son Of A Bitch' | HuffPost

Is it possible that you are so brainwashed that you believe that this did not happen?.
not seeing quote from Trump saying white supremacists or Nazis are good people.

I am seeing one of your masters interpreting what he said for their own purposes

(I know it's hard for you to understand, bur not everyone against the removal of the statue was a white supremacist, or a Nazi)
OK Smart ass Try this one trump very fine people comment - Bing video

finally, his quote.

Thank you.

now, point out where he was referring ONLY to white supremacists or Nazis.

and, on the other side, was he referring ONLY to antifa?

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