Nearly all of recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated

No, but you ARE dumb enough to panic about a "pandemic" that 100 years from now no one will be able to prove happened.
COVID put a hole in the numbers. From the stock market, to the US population growth, there will always be an asterisk after 2020.

No, it didn't. The CDC finally admitted that 87% claimed covid deaths are actually due to other causes.

Hell, 37,000 deaths were people in HOSPICE! Those are people who are dead, they just haven't flipped the final switch.

In other words the vast number of claimed covid deaths are lies.
Recent studies have shown that NATURAL immunity cant be measured by anti-body tests after 9 months, but the NATURAL response is THERE in the bone marrow where it's supposed to hang out and is strong
If it can't be measured, how do they know it's there? Can you link me on this?

I'm pretty sure you need bone marrow samples.. You don't want to be doing that on THOUSANDS of folks "just for the yucks".... But you need to look at folks that were naturally infected MANY MONTHS prior to find the immunity signals..

The bone marrow is the memory bank for immunity response..

2) The number of folks with NATURAL IMMUNITY is AT LEAST twice the number of REPORTED CASES. Many studies think it's more like 4 to 5 times.. That's 66 to 100 million.
Those numbers don't reflect reality. It you look at coronavirus cases, hospitalizations, deaths, etc, you find that the number has gone down proportional to the number of vaccinations.

If there were that many people with immunity from having recovered from COVID, you would have see a completely different curve. That 140 million fully vaccinated provided the protections that the 100 million claimed natural immunity didn't put a dent into.
But you MIGHT be dumb enough to not figure out why such a large percentage of MEDICAL personnel have NOT chosen to get vaccinated....
Actually they rate medical personnel amongst the highest vaccinated.

Among health care workers, pharmacists had the lowest hesitancy at 8.5%, while medical assistants, emergency medical technicians and home health, nursing, psychiatric or personal-care aids had the highest hesitancy at 20.5%, they noted.

Sorry man -- the LARGEST NUMBER of medical personnel are in that 20.5% refusal rate.. The flack and noise about pharmacists versus nurses is just noise.. And if almost half of CDC WORKERS are refusniks -- why would that is?? I pretty sure I know the answer... Just checking to see if you can think independently...
Those numbers don't reflect reality. It you look at coronavirus cases, hospitalizations, deaths, etc, you find that the number has gone down proportional to the number of vaccinations.

OH HELL NO... You don't understand. The 36Million figure of REPORTED cases are only those that went for testing and/or sought medical treatment. It was WELL KNOWN by the CDC and all the standards of monitoring viral outbreaks that the NUMBER of reported would ALWAYS BE less than half of the TOTAL infections.. IN FACT, early on -- the CDC used a factor of 2 in their TOTALs..

I'm talking over the the WHOLE COURSE of this pandemonium pandemic.. Not JUST RECENTLY..

The number of people who HAD CVID and didn't know it or only had MINOR symptoms was 2 to 6 times HIGHER than the numbers you get on the media. So NATURAL IMMUNITY BY ITSELF is about 1/2 the goalline for having HERD immunity without even counting the vaccinated...
Among health care workers, pharmacists had the lowest hesitancy at 8.5%, while medical assistants, emergency medical technicians and home health, nursing, psychiatric or personal-care aids had the highest hesitancy at 20.5%, they noted.
Sorry man -- the LARGEST NUMBER of medical personnel are in that 20.5% refusal rate.. The flack and noise about pharmacists versus nurses is just noise.. And if almost half of CDC WORKERS are refusniks -- why would that is?? I pretty sure I know the answer... Just checking to see if you can think independently...
Q: And if almost half of CDC WORKERS are refusniks -- why would that is??

A: Because that's obviously wrong.

The researchers noted that previous studies have shown vaccine hesitation decreases with increased education. Their findings fell along with that research, with higher levels of vaccine hesitancy in fields that don’t typically require advanced degrees.
Among health care workers, pharmacists had the lowest hesitancy at 8.5%, while medical assistants, emergency medical technicians and home health, nursing, psychiatric or personal-care aids had the highest hesitancy at 20.5%, they noted.
Sorry man -- the LARGEST NUMBER of medical personnel are in that 20.5% refusal rate.. The flack and noise about pharmacists versus nurses is just noise.. And if almost half of CDC WORKERS are refusniks -- why would that is?? I pretty sure I know the answer... Just checking to see if you can think independently...
Q: And if almost half of CDC WORKERS are refusniks -- why would that is??

A: Because that's obviously wrong.

The researchers noted that previous studies have shown vaccine hesitation decreases with increased education. Their findings fell along with that research, with higher levels of vaccine hesitancy in fields that don’t typically require advanced degrees.

You calling me a liar? Read my sigline.. Do you need a link? Or are you invested enough in independent thought to go find them?
Those numbers don't reflect reality. It you look at coronavirus cases, hospitalizations, deaths, etc, you find that the number has gone down proportional to the number of vaccinations.
The number of people who HAD CVID and didn't know it or only had MINOR symptoms was 2 to 6 times HIGHER than the numbers you get on the media. So NATURAL IMMUNITY BY ITSELF is about 1/2 the goalline for having HERD immunity without even counting the vaccinated...
As I said, based on the number of total estimated cases, using the 4-5 time asymptomatic multiplier, that means there were 100 million recovered cases. Which didn't put a dent into the rising number of new cases, hospitalizations and deaths.

You should have seen a self limiting rise due to herd immunity taking dropping the rate of spread, but the data clearly shows no such result.

Instead when you look at the number of vaccinations, there is a clear unmistakable impact on cases, hospitalizations and deaths.

It's like the case numbers dropped off a cliff. And the only thing keeping them where they are is vaccine hesitancy, preventing finishing the job.
And bear in mind that MORE THAN HALF of the CDC are bureaucrats and clerical workers. NOT medical professionals, before you start accusing me of making shit up.. They come to work for the paycheck -- NOT the glory of science..

Why 1/2 are unvaccinated in that demographic?? I've got a great theory...
As I said, based on the number of total estimated cases, using the 4-5 time asymptomatic multiplier, that means there were 100 million recovered cases. Which didn't put a dent into the rising number of new cases, hospitalizations and deaths.
Youre calculator is all wumpus.. As far as the REPORTING GOES, those UNREPORTED CASES were by definition UNREPORTED, UNTALLIED, and UNCALCULATED in ANY of the actual CDC final numbers given to the press.

The only time the CDC used and INCLUDED "unreported" or #of infections that were ASYMPTOMATIC was when they were calculating and modeling FUTURES of how many cases there would be.

Put on your thinking gear... All those big numbers of folks with natural immunity that NEVER KNEW or sought testing/treatment would NEVER SHOW in the #recovered from covid...
Youre calculator is all wumpus.. As far as the REPORTING GOES, those UNREPORTED CASES were by definition UNREPORTED, UNTALLIED, and UNCALCULATED in ANY of the actual CDC final numbers given to the press.
Let's do a quick herd immunity calculation. If the number of asymptomatic was 5 and 10 times the number of reported cases.

At 5 times, that would be 50% herd immunity, which would significantly stop the rise in reported cases. And at 10 times, it would drop the new cases to practically zero. Which the data shows did not happen.

In contrast the rollout of the vaccine, and subsequent drop in casees shows how well the vaccine works. It's simple cause and effect.

With herd immunity the cases continued to rise.
With the vaccine cases fell dramatically.
Here's a data point that says 40% of nursing staff remained UNVAXXED as of beginning June..

Here's a link to the LARGE number of refusniks AT the CDC office staffs. As of 2nd week May...

During a Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee hearing Senator Richard Burr (R-Va.) asked the nation’s pandemic health leaders how many of their employees were vaccinated.

Dr. Anthony Faucci said he was not certain when asked how many employees had been vaccinated, he estimated 60%. FDA official Dr. Peter Marks agreed stating he believed a little over half of his staff had been vaccinated.
Darwin Awards are on me.

COVID is now killing just those who are too stupid, stubborn or Trump loving to get vaccinated.

Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.
You'll need delta boosters
I recommend you get ten to protect your grandma

Watch it if ya dare

Banned from YouTube
Youre calculator is all wumpus.. As far as the REPORTING GOES, those UNREPORTED CASES were by definition UNREPORTED, UNTALLIED, and UNCALCULATED in ANY of the actual CDC final numbers given to the press.
Let's do a quick herd immunity calculation. If the number of asymptomatic was 5 and 10 times the number of reported cases.

At 5 times, that would be 50% herd immunity, which would significantly stop the rise in reported cases. And at 10 times, it would drop the new cases to practically zero. Which the data shows did not happen.

In contrast the rollout of the vaccine, and subsequent drop in casees shows how well the vaccine works. It's simple cause and effect.

With herd immunity the cases continued to rise.
With the vaccine cases fell dramatically.

What are using for herd immunity?? Fauci started the bidding at 65% in about May and UPPED that to 80% in June when the lines to vaccinated started to thin-out.. So -- after REMOVING ALL the people UNDER 18 and taking about 70% as herd immunity target and guessing that about 1/2 of the UNREPORTED with natural immunity also got vaxxed (pretty damn generous) -- what number do you get for how shots in arms are neccessary?
Youre calculator is all wumpus.. As far as the REPORTING GOES, those UNREPORTED CASES were by definition UNREPORTED, UNTALLIED, and UNCALCULATED in ANY of the actual CDC final numbers given to the press.
Let's do a quick herd immunity calculation. If the number of asymptomatic was 5 and 10 times the number of reported cases.

At 5 times, that would be 50% herd immunity, which would significantly stop the rise in reported cases. And at 10 times, it would drop the new cases to practically zero. Which the data shows did not happen.

In contrast the rollout of the vaccine, and subsequent drop in casees shows how well the vaccine works. It's simple cause and effect.

With herd immunity the cases continued to rise.
With the vaccine cases fell dramatically.

What are using for herd immunity?? Fauci started the bidding at 65% in about May and UPPED that to 80% in June when the lines to vaccinated started to thin-out.. So -- after REMOVING ALL the people UNDER 18 and taking about 70% as herd immunity target and guessing that about 1/2 of the UNREPORTED with natural immunity also got vaxxed (pretty damn generous) -- what number do you get for how shots in arms are neccessary?
Hate to break it to you....

Having 5,000 non-vaccinated persons spread out over 50 square miles is bad but it's alot better than having 5,000 non-vaccinated people in one city, university, church, etc...
It's a damn shame that so many have to suffer and die, and so many families have to grieve, because they listen to voices they shouldn't be trusting.
Like government and big pharmaceutical you mean…right? Or are you just another supporter of the corrupt establishment?
Dr. Anthony Faucci said he was not certain when asked how many employees had been vaccinated, he estimated 60%. FDA official Dr. Peter Marks agreed stating he believed a little over half of his staff had been vaccinated.
That was from may 11th, it's more than a month later. And the numbers were just an estimate.

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