Near record cold in New England for late July!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Who's not winning???:2up:

And here in New York on July 25th, everybody is walking around in hoodie sweatshirts in the mid-pm. the ? to the climate crusaders is, wtf?? Where is the global warming in the northeast the last several summers? Most summer days have been low 80's ALL THE TIME. A few 90 degree days but nothing like July's were 20-30 years ago. We haven't seen anything approaching 100 degrees around here in many years!! What the fuck is up with this? New York City would always get several days of 100 degree temperatures.

Sure as shit seems like that mini-ice age is settling in around here..........and in New England.:deal::rock::rock:
None of the honest people commented on the recent midwest heat wave, or any local heat waves.

That's because we're honest. We know little local weather fluctuations mean nothing. It's the global trend that matters.

That's why deniers never talk about the global trend, and always try to deflect from it with stories like this.
None of the honest people commented on the recent midwest heat wave, or any local heat waves.

That's because we're honest. We know little local weather fluctuations mean nothing. It's the global trend that matters.

That's why deniers never talk about the global trend, and always try to deflect from it with stories like this.

global trend mean the trend that they have to achieve by screwing with the temperature data? That trend?

Oh....btw s0n......peoples perceptions matter with this shit. That's what the studies say ( glad to post it up by request ). When summer temperatures are screwy cold like today, "My God it feels like fall around here!" ( stated by the locals left and right ) people don't take global warming seriously. duh..........fake data or otherwise.:2up::bye1::bye1:

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