Nazi's collect Social Security

Dozens of suspected Nazi war criminals and SS guards collected millions of dollars in U.S. Social Security benefits after being forced out of the United States, an Associated Press investigation has found.
The payments, underwritten by American taxpayers, flowed through a legal loophole that gave the U.S. Justice Department leverage to persuade Nazi suspects to leave the U.S. If they agreed to go, or simply fled before deportation, they could keep their Social Security, according to interviews and internal U.S. government records.
Among those receiving benefits were armed SS troops who guarded the network of Nazi camps where millions of Jews perished; a rocket scientist who used slave laborers to advance his research in the Third Reich; and a Nazi collaborator who engineered the arrest and execution of thousands of Jews in Poland.
There are at least four living beneficiaries. They include Martin Hartmann, a former SS guard at the Sachsenhausen camp in Germany, and Jakob Denzinger, who patrolled the grounds at the Auschwitz camp complex in Poland.

Expelled Nazis Got Millions in Social Security - ABC News

I guess, I would never get used to the hypocrisy of our government. It doesn't care about the morals or the crimes; it just does what is beneficial for it. Who cares those people are Nazi criminals? Our taxpayers would be glad to pay them if we say so.

If they paid into the system and were entitled to it, then they should have been paid. Same would be true for Black Panthers, members of environmental extremist groups, foreign workers who retire back to their country of origins etc.

This very principle is at the heart of the US-Mexico Totalization Treaty. All of those illegal infiltrators who've paid into the SS system are going to be entitled to benefits when they either retire of leave the country.

Except that that criminal illegal aliens committed criminal acts by using social Security numbers they weren't legally entitled to have, and their employers committed a crime by hiring them, so no, they're not entitled to collect a dime. Not that they won't be given money anyway, but no way they're entitled to the money, any more than somebody forging checks is entitled to keep their gains, just the opposite

Actually, they are. Their crimes don't erase the fact that they're paying into a retirement scheme. It's money coming from their pay check. They did the work, they got paid for the work, they're paying taxes on that income, and they're paying retirement taxes designed to be repaid to them when they retire.

Fraudulent credentials and illegal work status don't erase the taxes paid nor the SS obligation to the taxpayer.

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