Nawlin's Ritz-Carlton Manager Calls Williams A Liar

That is correct. You should love Brian Williams because he helped spread that lie.




Thanks for proving my point by posting random pictures from stormfront wannabees.

You and Brian Williams are two peas in a pod. Stupid.
As were all these armchair wags trying to tell me the French Quarter had no flooding, or describing hip-deep water as "ankle-deep". Fuck y'all too, you're no better than Brian Williams or the "New Orleans" Advocate -- which even lies about where it's based.

In August of 2005, as Hurricane Katrina approached the Gulf Coast, a seasoned hotel manager realized she needed to think fast. As the general manager of a mammoth Ritz-Carlton at the edge of the French Quarter in New Orleans, Myra DeGersdorff was in charge of more than 1,200 people.

DeGersdorff’s comments provide a glimpse into what transpired at a hotel sucked into a controversy over now heavily scrutinized claims that Williams has made. The NBC crisis was touched off last week when Williams conceded that a military helicopter he rode in during the Iraq War didn’t take fire as he previously claimed. Williams has since declined repeated interview requests — a surprise given his eagerness to hold forth on his reportorial trials, whether in a low-tech chat with a student newspaper, or in a video talk with Tom Brokaw, or a conversation for a book on the media and Katrina.

Those interviews, in which he boasted of the dangers he faced while pursuing truth, are now the subject of criticism. Three individuals told reporters that gangs never infiltrated the Ritz-Carlton, despite Williams’s claims. And DeGersdorff agreed.

“There absolutely was looting in the French Quarter,” DeGersdorff recalled. “But I wouldn’t say they were gangs. … They were primarily individual looters or two or three buddies attempting to break into camera stores; it was unpleasant.” She said that “on more than one occasion,” the looters tried to get inside the hotel. At one point, they did “breach a door” but were “immediately” chased out. There were “maybe one or two of them,” she said.


This contrasts with Williams’s recollection, as recounted to historian Douglas Brinkley for his 2007 book, “The Great Deluge.” According to Brinkley, Williams told him that “armed gangs had broken into the 527-room hotel, brandishing guns and terrorizing guests. Williams, in fact, had seen his first corpse floating down Canal Street from his eighth-floor window earlier that day. Then fever consumed him.”

At some point — it’s unclear when — Williams said he camped out in a stairwell on a mattress. That surprised DeGersdorff. “I can tell you that at no time did any of my people report any sightings of any bodies,” she said. “I witnessed no bodies floating. … He may have simply misremembered. But I can tell you no one broke out in the hotel with dysentery. I did have mattresses in the stairwells, sure. Did he walk into a stairwell and lay down? He could have, but Ritz-Carlton doesn’t invite its guests to sleep in the stairwell, so we certainly didn’t give him access.” :lol:

Brian Williams perhaps 8216 misremembered 8217 dangers of Katrina hotel manager says - The Washington Post
He should quit. The single nastiest thing about Katrina is all the reporting of looting and violence that the media reported, none of which turned out to be true. And you nits drank that shit like koolaid because it confirmed your bias that black people are thugs.

But that IS what television does. It's the only thing it's good at. And that's exactly why I'm always railing against it. Fear sells, violence sells. How many even fictional TV shows have been created about crime and cops? TV is by definition for the low-info superficial crowd.

And for a perfect illustration of why it sells, see the post directly above.

TV doesn't care. It's there to make money for itself, not to enrich the human race. If that human race gets hurt or polarized in the process, hey, as long as the profits are rolling in that's all that matters.
That's a good point but it still pisses me off. Journalists must have credibility. Reporting rumors as fact is not helpful to anyone.
That is correct. You should love Brian Williams because he helped spread that lie.





Some interesting photos there ShortBull. Where were they taken? Especially that last one with all the water?

Don't bother -- I already know. I searched it and found the photographer's page.

Here's the caption you didn't post:

New Orleans police flush out looters on Canal Street on Tuesday, August 30, 2005. Hurricane Katrina devasted the city days earlier. (Fort Worth Star-Telegram/Khampha Bouaphanh)

The same Canal Street which is both the edge of the French Quarter AND the address of the hotel Williams reported the body from. The one that "never flooded" or was "ankle deep".

Let's see it again -- watch the water level:


Y'all are SO busted.
New Orleans police flush out looters on Canal Street on Tuesday, August 30, 2005. Hurricane Katrina devasted the city days earlier. (Fort Worth Star-Telegram/Khampha Bouaphanh)

The same Canal Street which is both the edge of the French Quarter AND the address of the hotel Williams reported the body from. The one that "never flooded" or was "ankle deep".

Y'all are SO busted.

:badgrin: You're like concede and then decide to count dangling's YOU and your little pal who are busted....and have been all week....and here I thought you might have a last glimmer of honor.
In August of 2005, as Hurricane Katrina approached the Gulf Coast, a seasoned hotel manager realized she needed to think fast. As the general manager of a mammoth Ritz-Carlton at the edge of the French Quarter in New Orleans, Myra DeGersdorff was in charge of more than 1,200 people.

DeGersdorff’s comments provide a glimpse into what transpired at a hotel sucked into a controversy over now heavily scrutinized claims that Williams has made. The NBC crisis was touched off last week when Williams conceded that a military helicopter he rode in during the Iraq War didn’t take fire as he previously claimed. Williams has since declined repeated interview requests — a surprise given his eagerness to hold forth on his reportorial trials, whether in a low-tech chat with a student newspaper, or in a video talk with Tom Brokaw, or a conversation for a book on the media and Katrina.

Those interviews, in which he boasted of the dangers he faced while pursuing truth, are now the subject of criticism. Three individuals told reporters that gangs never infiltrated the Ritz-Carlton, despite Williams’s claims. And DeGersdorff agreed.

“There absolutely was looting in the French Quarter,” DeGersdorff recalled. “But I wouldn’t say they were gangs. … They were primarily individual looters or two or three buddies attempting to break into camera stores; it was unpleasant.” She said that “on more than one occasion,” the looters tried to get inside the hotel. At one point, they did “breach a door” but were “immediately” chased out. There were “maybe one or two of them,” she said.


This contrasts with Williams’s recollection, as recounted to historian Douglas Brinkley for his 2007 book, “The Great Deluge.” According to Brinkley, Williams told him that “armed gangs had broken into the 527-room hotel, brandishing guns and terrorizing guests. Williams, in fact, had seen his first corpse floating down Canal Street from his eighth-floor window earlier that day. Then fever consumed him.”

At some point — it’s unclear when — Williams said he camped out in a stairwell on a mattress. That surprised DeGersdorff. “I can tell you that at no time did any of my people report any sightings of any bodies,” she said. “I witnessed no bodies floating. … He may have simply misremembered. But I can tell you no one broke out in the hotel with dysentery. I did have mattresses in the stairwells, sure. Did he walk into a stairwell and lay down? He could have, but Ritz-Carlton doesn’t invite its guests to sleep in the stairwell, so we certainly didn’t give him access.” :lol:

Brian Williams perhaps 8216 misremembered 8217 dangers of Katrina hotel manager says - The Washington Post
He should quit. The single nastiest thing about Katrina is all the reporting of looting and violence that the media reported, none of which turned out to be true. And you nits drank that shit like koolaid because it confirmed your bias that black people are thugs.

But that IS what television does. It's the only thing it's good at. And that's exactly why I'm always railing against it. Fear sells, violence sells. How many even fictional TV shows have been created about crime and cops? TV is by definition for the low-info superficial crowd.

And for a perfect illustration of why it sells, see the post directly above.

TV doesn't care. It's there to make money for itself, not to enrich the human race. If that human race gets hurt or polarized in the process, hey, as long as the profits are rolling in that's all that matters.
That's a good point but it still pisses me off. Journalists must have credibility. Reporting rumors as fact is not helpful to anyone.

Rumors and innuendo are what TV is all about. Power of suggestion. The prime directive is to keep you watching so they can sell commercial time. And since it's about money, they don't care what they have to do to keep you watching.

A Katrina is a godsend that way, but of course it's the same for your competitors. So if news becomes about "competing" with other sources in the quest of money, somebody is going to inflate, overemphasize, exaggerate, and focus on the most emotionally-loaded content they can possibly find. And that's why TV is a fucked up medium
In August of 2005, as Hurricane Katrina approached the Gulf Coast, a seasoned hotel manager realized she needed to think fast. As the general manager of a mammoth Ritz-Carlton at the edge of the French Quarter in New Orleans, Myra DeGersdorff was in charge of more than 1,200 people.

DeGersdorff’s comments provide a glimpse into what transpired at a hotel sucked into a controversy over now heavily scrutinized claims that Williams has made. The NBC crisis was touched off last week when Williams conceded that a military helicopter he rode in during the Iraq War didn’t take fire as he previously claimed. Williams has since declined repeated interview requests — a surprise given his eagerness to hold forth on his reportorial trials, whether in a low-tech chat with a student newspaper, or in a video talk with Tom Brokaw, or a conversation for a book on the media and Katrina.

Those interviews, in which he boasted of the dangers he faced while pursuing truth, are now the subject of criticism. Three individuals told reporters that gangs never infiltrated the Ritz-Carlton, despite Williams’s claims. And DeGersdorff agreed.

“There absolutely was looting in the French Quarter,” DeGersdorff recalled. “But I wouldn’t say they were gangs. … They were primarily individual looters or two or three buddies attempting to break into camera stores; it was unpleasant.” She said that “on more than one occasion,” the looters tried to get inside the hotel. At one point, they did “breach a door” but were “immediately” chased out. There were “maybe one or two of them,” she said.


This contrasts with Williams’s recollection, as recounted to historian Douglas Brinkley for his 2007 book, “The Great Deluge.” According to Brinkley, Williams told him that “armed gangs had broken into the 527-room hotel, brandishing guns and terrorizing guests. Williams, in fact, had seen his first corpse floating down Canal Street from his eighth-floor window earlier that day. Then fever consumed him.”

At some point — it’s unclear when — Williams said he camped out in a stairwell on a mattress. That surprised DeGersdorff. “I can tell you that at no time did any of my people report any sightings of any bodies,” she said. “I witnessed no bodies floating. … He may have simply misremembered. But I can tell you no one broke out in the hotel with dysentery. I did have mattresses in the stairwells, sure. Did he walk into a stairwell and lay down? He could have, but Ritz-Carlton doesn’t invite its guests to sleep in the stairwell, so we certainly didn’t give him access.” :lol:

Brian Williams perhaps 8216 misremembered 8217 dangers of Katrina hotel manager says - The Washington Post
He should quit. The single nastiest thing about Katrina is all the reporting of looting and violence that the media reported, none of which turned out to be true. And you nits drank that shit like koolaid because it confirmed your bias that black people are thugs.

But that IS what television does. It's the only thing it's good at. And that's exactly why I'm always railing against it. Fear sells, violence sells. How many even fictional TV shows have been created about crime and cops? TV is by definition for the low-info superficial crowd.

And for a perfect illustration of why it sells, see the post directly above.

TV doesn't care. It's there to make money for itself, not to enrich the human race. If that human race gets hurt or polarized in the process, hey, as long as the profits are rolling in that's all that matters.
That's a good point but it still pisses me off. Journalists must have credibility. Reporting rumors as fact is not helpful to anyone.

Rumors and innuendo are what TV is all about. Power of suggestion. The prime directive is to keep you watching so they can sell commercial time. And since it's about money, they don't care what they have to do to keep you watching.

A Katrina is a godsend that way, but of course it's the same for your competitors. So if news becomes about "competing" with other sources in the quest of money, somebody is going to inflate, overemphasize, exaggerate, and focus on the most emotionally-loaded content they can possibly find. And that's why TV is a fucked up medium
And that's why journalists that report falsely should be fired.
That is correct. You should love Brian Williams because he helped spread that lie.





Some interesting photos there ShortBull. Where were they taken? Especially that last one with all the water?

Don't bother -- I already know. I searched it and found the photographer's page.

Here's the caption you didn't post:

New Orleans police flush out looters on Canal Street on Tuesday, August 30, 2005. Hurricane Katrina devasted the city days earlier. (Fort Worth Star-Telegram/Khampha Bouaphanh)

The same Canal Street which is both the edge of the French Quarter AND the address of the hotel Williams reported the body from. The one that "never flooded" or was "ankle deep".

Let's see it again -- watch the water level:


Y'all are SO busted.
Ferguson police need to see these pics to know what to do with looters..
New Orleans police flush out looters on Canal Street on Tuesday, August 30, 2005. Hurricane Katrina devasted the city days earlier. (Fort Worth Star-Telegram/Khampha Bouaphanh)

The same Canal Street which is both the edge of the French Quarter AND the address of the hotel Williams reported the body from. The one that "never flooded" or was "ankle deep".

Y'all are SO busted.

:badgrin: You're like concede and then decide to count dangling's YOU and your little pal who are busted....and have been all week....and here I thought you might have a last glimmer of honor.

I don't remember if you were one of the retards claiming there was "no flooding" in that area, but there definitely were others. You just helped me bury them even deeper. Even if I had to go root out the source myself, but I know a Canal Street storefront when I see it.
No link? No story? Did you just write it?

Funny the word "liar" never appears.
You mixing meds again?

Btw is this about the "Canuck" Brian Williams? :rofl:

You're thinking the sportscaster Brian Williams. He's a fixture up here. Well known and deservedly so for excellence in reporting on the Olympics.

He went to my high school. I'm a fan. :)
In August of 2005, as Hurricane Katrina approached the Gulf Coast, a seasoned hotel manager realized she needed to think fast. As the general manager of a mammoth Ritz-Carlton at the edge of the French Quarter in New Orleans, Myra DeGersdorff was in charge of more than 1,200 people.

DeGersdorff’s comments provide a glimpse into what transpired at a hotel sucked into a controversy over now heavily scrutinized claims that Williams has made. The NBC crisis was touched off last week when Williams conceded that a military helicopter he rode in during the Iraq War didn’t take fire as he previously claimed. Williams has since declined repeated interview requests — a surprise given his eagerness to hold forth on his reportorial trials, whether in a low-tech chat with a student newspaper, or in a video talk with Tom Brokaw, or a conversation for a book on the media and Katrina.

Those interviews, in which he boasted of the dangers he faced while pursuing truth, are now the subject of criticism. Three individuals told reporters that gangs never infiltrated the Ritz-Carlton, despite Williams’s claims. And DeGersdorff agreed.

“There absolutely was looting in the French Quarter,” DeGersdorff recalled. “But I wouldn’t say they were gangs. … They were primarily individual looters or two or three buddies attempting to break into camera stores; it was unpleasant.” She said that “on more than one occasion,” the looters tried to get inside the hotel. At one point, they did “breach a door” but were “immediately” chased out. There were “maybe one or two of them,” she said.


This contrasts with Williams’s recollection, as recounted to historian Douglas Brinkley for his 2007 book, “The Great Deluge.” According to Brinkley, Williams told him that “armed gangs had broken into the 527-room hotel, brandishing guns and terrorizing guests. Williams, in fact, had seen his first corpse floating down Canal Street from his eighth-floor window earlier that day. Then fever consumed him.”

At some point — it’s unclear when — Williams said he camped out in a stairwell on a mattress. That surprised DeGersdorff. “I can tell you that at no time did any of my people report any sightings of any bodies,” she said. “I witnessed no bodies floating. … He may have simply misremembered. But I can tell you no one broke out in the hotel with dysentery. I did have mattresses in the stairwells, sure. Did he walk into a stairwell and lay down? He could have, but Ritz-Carlton doesn’t invite its guests to sleep in the stairwell, so we certainly didn’t give him access.” :lol:

Brian Williams perhaps 8216 misremembered 8217 dangers of Katrina hotel manager says - The Washington Post
He should quit. The single nastiest thing about Katrina is all the reporting of looting and violence that the media reported, none of which turned out to be true. And you nits drank that shit like koolaid because it confirmed your bias that black people are thugs.

But that IS what television does. It's the only thing it's good at. And that's exactly why I'm always railing against it. Fear sells, violence sells. How many even fictional TV shows have been created about crime and cops? TV is by definition for the low-info superficial crowd.

And for a perfect illustration of why it sells, see the post directly above.

TV doesn't care. It's there to make money for itself, not to enrich the human race. If that human race gets hurt or polarized in the process, hey, as long as the profits are rolling in that's all that matters.
That's a good point but it still pisses me off. Journalists must have credibility. Reporting rumors as fact is not helpful to anyone.

Rumors and innuendo are what TV is all about. Power of suggestion. The prime directive is to keep you watching so they can sell commercial time. And since it's about money, they don't care what they have to do to keep you watching.

A Katrina is a godsend that way, but of course it's the same for your competitors. So if news becomes about "competing" with other sources in the quest of money, somebody is going to inflate, overemphasize, exaggerate, and focus on the most emotionally-loaded content they can possibly find. And that's why TV is a fucked up medium
And that's why journalists that report falsely should be fired.

Actually it's why TV should be fired. This has been going on as long as the technology has existed. Here's another famous example:

See that talking head? That's Howard Kurtz, taking Fox Noise to task. Today he works FOR Fox Noise. These people are whores. They'll do anything for money.

Firing a journalist who does what TV is designed to do is just playing whack-a-mole. It's a medium with no redeeming social value that needs to go, yesterday.
WTF do you care if the manager used the word or not? Are you denying that Bryan Williams seems to have lied?

And for all the direct or indirect Bryan Williams advocacy you've done, this should now be the final nail. Time to give up the ghost, dude.

Pogo is a senile old doper who's spent most of the week claiming the French Quarter flooded and Williams wasn't lying.....This report probably blew what's left of his brain activity.


Other than noting BW's self-aggrandizing delusions of grandeur and what his job is as an actor I haven't posted about Brian Williams at all. Was he lying about the body? I have no way to know, and neither does anyone else. And we're repeating the same shit from yesterday.

What I did take issue with was this historical revisionism by John Simerman, and taken up by the partisan hacks here, that the French Quarter never flooded. I'm a Katrninte; I know better. And I proved it, over and over.

Does that mean he did see a body? Of course it doesn't. But it does mean it's not impossible as Simerman's premise postulated and then had to be walked back. That was the whole point. I will not permit Katrina revisionism. Even the hotel GM in this article says it's not impossible. Well that's a stark contrast to Simerman and the USMB wags who flatly declared it was impossible.

It ain't.

One of you jagoffs (won't mention any names but think Great Gnat's Pee) actually tried to tell me there were no bodies. That the city kept us residents out for seven weeks for -- well he never did address that question why. He ran away like the coward he is.

As far as Brian Williams himself and his general ego-bloating, fuck him. He's a TV talking head, so he already jumped into that gutter when he took the job, and I've never made a secret of my contempt for television. And good on the GM for standing up for her work at the Ritz if he's been impugning her performance there. That's stabbing the person in the back (DeGersdorff) who bent over backward to keep you comfortable and safe, and if that's what he implied that's dishonest too, and contemptible.

As were all these armchair wags trying to tell me the French Quarter had no flooding, or describing hip-deep water as "ankle-deep". Fuck y'all too, you're no better than Brian Williams or the "New Orleans" Advocate -- which even lies about where it's based. that the volcano has completely overflowed, you're not holding so tight to Brian Williams....But even then, you don't have the damn balls to call him a liar despite a mountain of evidence.

And your contempt about the French Quarter being flooded is just....well, lets just say get the fuck over yourself. You want to argue that bull shit so that you can regard Bryan Williams lies as little as possible. Because we've all seen the pictures of Canal Street flooded. It doesn't fucking really matter at this point how people see it other than as it relates to Bryan Williams's lies. If you want to be technically incorrect and call Canal Street part of the French Quarter, then whatever. Nobody believes that Bryan Williams saw a dead body floating down it anyways; just like at this point they don't believe armed gangs came into the Ritz; just like they know he lied about the helicopter stuff; just like he probably lied about saving the puppy as a firefighter; just like, well there's plenty of lies. But you're strategically getting hung up on technical flood details. If you think that's so important, then go ahead and go start a thread on it. But you're not going to do that when you could run interference on the issues of the day instead.
No link? No story? Did you just write it?

Funny the word "liar" never appears.
You mixing meds again?

Btw is this about the "Canuck" Brian Williams? :rofl:

You're thinking the sportscaster Brian Williams. He's a fixture up here. Well known and deservedly so for excellence in reporting on the Olympics.

He went to my high school. I'm a fan. :)

I know - it was an inside joke. Shortbull came on here the other day and tried to tell us "Brian Williams is a Canuck and they're all liars'.
He should quit. The single nastiest thing about Katrina is all the reporting of looting and violence that the media reported, none of which turned out to be true. And you nits drank that shit like koolaid because it confirmed your bias that black people are thugs.

But that IS what television does. It's the only thing it's good at. And that's exactly why I'm always railing against it. Fear sells, violence sells. How many even fictional TV shows have been created about crime and cops? TV is by definition for the low-info superficial crowd.

And for a perfect illustration of why it sells, see the post directly above.

TV doesn't care. It's there to make money for itself, not to enrich the human race. If that human race gets hurt or polarized in the process, hey, as long as the profits are rolling in that's all that matters.
That's a good point but it still pisses me off. Journalists must have credibility. Reporting rumors as fact is not helpful to anyone.

Rumors and innuendo are what TV is all about. Power of suggestion. The prime directive is to keep you watching so they can sell commercial time. And since it's about money, they don't care what they have to do to keep you watching.

A Katrina is a godsend that way, but of course it's the same for your competitors. So if news becomes about "competing" with other sources in the quest of money, somebody is going to inflate, overemphasize, exaggerate, and focus on the most emotionally-loaded content they can possibly find. And that's why TV is a fucked up medium
And that's why journalists that report falsely should be fired.

Actually it's why TV should be fired. This has been going on as long as the technology has existed. Here's another famous example:

See that talking head? That's Howard Kurtz, taking Fox Noise to task. Today he works FOR Fox Noise. These people are whores. They'll do anything for money.

Firing a journalist who does what TV is designed to do is just playing whack-a-mole. It's a medium with no redeeming social value that needs to go, yesterday.

You're rationalizing it. Not all television reporters are liars. Better to kick out the ones that are than blame the entire industry.
No link? No story? Did you just write it?

Funny the word "liar" never appears.
You mixing meds again?

Btw is this about the "Canuck" Brian Williams? :rofl:

You're thinking the sportscaster Brian Williams. He's a fixture up here. Well known and deservedly so for excellence in reporting on the Olympics.

He went to my high school. I'm a fan. :)
lol, that's what I thought when I first heard Williams got busted. I thought it was the sportscaster and couldn't understand why everyone was having a fit over it.
WTF do you care if the manager used the word or not? Are you denying that Bryan Williams seems to have lied?

And for all the direct or indirect Bryan Williams advocacy you've done, this should now be the final nail. Time to give up the ghost, dude.

Pogo is a senile old doper who's spent most of the week claiming the French Quarter flooded and Williams wasn't lying.....This report probably blew what's left of his brain activity.


Other than noting BW's self-aggrandizing delusions of grandeur and what his job is as an actor I haven't posted about Brian Williams at all. Was he lying about the body? I have no way to know, and neither does anyone else. And we're repeating the same shit from yesterday.

What I did take issue with was this historical revisionism by John Simerman, and taken up by the partisan hacks here, that the French Quarter never flooded. I'm a Katrninte; I know better. And I proved it, over and over.

Does that mean he did see a body? Of course it doesn't. But it does mean it's not impossible as Simerman's premise postulated and then had to be walked back. That was the whole point. I will not permit Katrina revisionism. Even the hotel GM in this article says it's not impossible. Well that's a stark contrast to Simerman and the USMB wags who flatly declared it was impossible.

It ain't.

One of you jagoffs (won't mention any names but think Great Gnat's Pee) actually tried to tell me there were no bodies. That the city kept us residents out for seven weeks for -- well he never did address that question why. He ran away like the coward he is.

As far as Brian Williams himself and his general ego-bloating, fuck him. He's a TV talking head, so he already jumped into that gutter when he took the job, and I've never made a secret of my contempt for television. And good on the GM for standing up for her work at the Ritz if he's been impugning her performance there. That's stabbing the person in the back (DeGersdorff) who bent over backward to keep you comfortable and safe, and if that's what he implied that's dishonest too, and contemptible.

As were all these armchair wags trying to tell me the French Quarter had no flooding, or describing hip-deep water as "ankle-deep". Fuck y'all too, you're no better than Brian Williams or the "New Orleans" Advocate -- which even lies about where it's based. that the volcano has completely overflowed, you're not holding so tight to Brian Williams....But even then, you don't have the damn balls to call him a liar despite a mountain of evidence.

And your contempt about the French Quarter being flooded is just....well, lets just say get the fuck over yourself. You want to argue that bull shit so that you can regard Bryan Williams lies as little as possible. Because we've all seen the pictures of Canal Street flooded. It doesn't fucking really matter at this point how people see it other than as it relates to Bryan Williams's lies. If you want to be technically incorrect and call Canal Street part of the French Quarter, then whatever. Nobody believes that Bryan Williams saw a dead body floating down it anyways; just like at this point they don't believe armed gangs came into the Ritz; just like they know he lied about the helicopter stuff; just like he probably lied about saving the puppy as a firefighter; just like, well there's plenty of lies. But you're strategically getting hung up on technical flood details. If you think that's so important, then go ahead and go start a thread on it. But you're not goign to do that when you could run interference on the issues of the day instead.

YOU, Sparky, were the most clueless retard in the crayon box yesterday, actually trying to tell us there were no bodies in Katrina and no business impact. That's what I schooled your sorry ass on. You didn't even know what the French Quarter is, came in calling it "French Court". A thread that will live in infamy.

So there's Shortbull's pic, drowning your bullshit even deeper.

And further, you made these noises about me shilling for Brian Williams yesterday, at which point I challenged you to post any example thereof.

You never took that challenge -- you ran away. There wouldn't have been anything to find anyway but you didn't have the guts to either admit you were wrong or not make it up in the first place--- you just .... ran away.

Do you actually enjoy being humiliated? Because you know how David Vitter paid a call girl to dress him up in diapers? I could hook you up. She's pricey though.
Last edited:
But that IS what television does. It's the only thing it's good at. And that's exactly why I'm always railing against it. Fear sells, violence sells. How many even fictional TV shows have been created about crime and cops? TV is by definition for the low-info superficial crowd.

And for a perfect illustration of why it sells, see the post directly above.

TV doesn't care. It's there to make money for itself, not to enrich the human race. If that human race gets hurt or polarized in the process, hey, as long as the profits are rolling in that's all that matters.
That's a good point but it still pisses me off. Journalists must have credibility. Reporting rumors as fact is not helpful to anyone.

Rumors and innuendo are what TV is all about. Power of suggestion. The prime directive is to keep you watching so they can sell commercial time. And since it's about money, they don't care what they have to do to keep you watching.

A Katrina is a godsend that way, but of course it's the same for your competitors. So if news becomes about "competing" with other sources in the quest of money, somebody is going to inflate, overemphasize, exaggerate, and focus on the most emotionally-loaded content they can possibly find. And that's why TV is a fucked up medium
And that's why journalists that report falsely should be fired.

Actually it's why TV should be fired. This has been going on as long as the technology has existed. Here's another famous example:

See that talking head? That's Howard Kurtz, taking Fox Noise to task. Today he works FOR Fox Noise. These people are whores. They'll do anything for money.

Firing a journalist who does what TV is designed to do is just playing whack-a-mole. It's a medium with no redeeming social value that needs to go, yesterday.

You're rationalizing it. Not all television reporters are liars. Better to kick out the ones that are than blame the entire industry.

I blame the entire medium.

The industry's problem is that it's based on profit. If you're selling widgets that's all well and good, but if you're dominating the public discourse, devolving into artificial bullshit based on greed is by definition inevitable.
Pogo really thought he had me on the "other" Brian Williams.....grasping at straws as usual.....

Now he's blaming TV for Williams being a douchebag.

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