Navy Seal Transgender Detransitioning after Destroying His Own Life.

Yes but......changing your mind after you have cut your privates or cut whatever you have cut....well...that's easily said than done!

Those people are :cuckoo:
I worked myself into a position of a disability, I should have been a bum.
Those who profit from maiming children should pay a heavy price.

As heavy as a millstone.

"Wake up" from what exactly?

What are you diagnosing as the problem, and what are you prescribing as the solution?
Did you read the link? Is there an adult there to explain it to you?
Here we have Super Meathead ! The best of the best ! Defunding freeDumb at any cost !
Perhaps its super secret elite in depth training can be utilized under cover to take out that pussy Vladin ?
Yup. This is the best ya got. Almost sunup. Make sure and fly that flag(made in Bangladesh) proudly today.
Sad. Nobody told this guy that dicks don't grow back!!! All he will every have is a piss slit, and thats it.
Yeah, a plastic surgeon can make a fake dick, but it's just for show.

ONE psychiatric session? No wonder all these kids are getting chopped up!!! They are supposed to have AT LEAST ONE YEAR of mental therapy and psychological questioning before EVER even being SUGGESTED that they start taking hormones for a transition! The entire process is supposed to last 2-5+ years, not ONE HOUR!!!!

These "doctors" need to be exterminated. They are nothing more than Nazi wanna-be lunatics!
"Chris really wanted to be a girl and felt that she was a girl and consolidated that identity very early on in childhood," said Anne Speckhard, co-author of Beck's biography "Warrior Princess," which was published over the weekend. Speckhard told ABC News Beck suppressed that secret for decades, however, through the trials of SEAL training and the harrowing missions that followed, growing a burly beard as she fought on the front lines of American special operations.


"For years Chris had turned off his sexuality like a light switch and lived as a warrior, consumed with the battle -- living basically asexual. For Chris the other SEALs were brothers and in the man's man warrior lifestyle, even if he had wanted to entertain sexual thoughts, there really was never any time to be thinking too much about sexuality," the book says.

After her retirement in 2011, however, "Now seemed the right time to go for it -- to make his body match his identity -- or at least start by dressing like a woman in his regular life."
Sad. Nobody told this guy that dicks don't grow back!!! All he will every have is a piss slit, and thats it.
Yeah, a plastic surgeon can make a fake dick, but it's just for show.

ONE psychiatric session? No wonder all these kids are getting chopped up!!! They are supposed to have AT LEAST ONE YEAR of mental therapy and psychological questioning before EVER even being SUGGESTED that they start taking hormones for a transition! The entire process is supposed to last 2-5+ years, not ONE HOUR!!!!

These "doctors" need to be exterminated. They are nothing more than Nazi wanna-be lunatics!

First on the agenda at Nuremberg 2.0


Five years later, 94% of kids are still living as transgender​

The Trans Youth Project looked at the so-called social transition between the ages of three and 12, with participants transitioning on average at age six and a half. Data was reported by parents and youth, either through in-person or online visits, or via email or phone correspondence.

The study looked at the gender identities of youth who transitioned, five years on.

The data, taken from 317 children across the US and Canada, finds that just 2.5% of transgender kids detransition to being cisgender. A further 3.5% of children retransition from identifying as binary transgender to nonbinary.

The data revealed that most youth, 94%, were living as binary transgender. There was also a small proportion of people, 1.3%, who retransitioned initially to cisgender or nonbinary – then switched back to binary trans identities.

Only 2.5% of kids actually went through detransition​

A small group were now living as cisgender, at 2.5% of the participant sample.

They found that the children most likely to live as cisgender were those who experienced an initial social transition before the age of six, with retransition happening before the age of ten.

Here we have Super Meathead ! The best of the best ! Defunding freeDumb at any cost !
Perhaps its super secret elite in depth training can be utilized under cover to take out that pussy Vladin ?
Yup. This is the best ya got. Almost sunup. Make sure and fly that flag(made in Bangladesh) proudly today.
Some folks just need more attention than other folks & anything to do with sex of some sorts seems to be the way to garner that attention. I mean look @ the Kardashian family(?) or sisters(?) they were always active trying to gain attention while pushing their bodies &/or create scandals of various types to get that attention. In todays world I'd call that type of activity pretty normal. In the yester-century world I grew up in I would have called that excessive need for attention 'narcissism', but who am I to judge other folks needs & desires? To each his own seems to be the logical order of the day. Just pray that the day does not arrive where we are compelled to be one in desire, thought & values.
Being intersex – an umbrella term for unique variations in reproductive or sex anatomy – is more common than one might think. The exact percentage of people born on the intersex spectrum is difficult to quantify; it may be anywhere from .4 percent to almost 2 percent, depending which research is cited and what definitions are used. A Human Rights Watch report says about 1.7% of people are born intersex, roughly the same percentage as people who are born as twins. About one in 2,000 babies is born with genitalia different enough from what is considered standard that doctors might recommend surgery.

The HRW report provides a searing analysis of the frequency and potentially devastating impact of forced genital surgeries performed on intersex kids at birth.

Many in the media have referred to such surgeries as “non-consensual”, but that’s not quite accurate.

I'm saying being intersex has a lot to do with gender indemnity. A lot of time they want a boy,and pick the wrong surgery.
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"Chris really wanted to be a girl and felt that she was a girl and consolidated that identity very early on in childhood," said Anne Speckhard, co-author of Beck's biography "Warrior Princess," which was published over the weekend. Speckhard told ABC News Beck suppressed that secret for decades, however, through the trials of SEAL training and the harrowing missions that followed, growing a burly beard as she fought on the front lines of American special operations.


"For years Chris had turned off his sexuality like a light switch and lived as a warrior, consumed with the battle -- living basically asexual. For Chris the other SEALs were brothers and in the man's man warrior lifestyle, even if he had wanted to entertain sexual thoughts, there really was never any time to be thinking too much about sexuality," the book says.

After her retirement in 2011, however, "Now seemed the right time to go for it -- to make his body match his identity -- or at least start by dressing like a woman in his regular life."

Five years later, 94% of kids are still living as transgender​

The Trans Youth Project looked at the so-called social transition between the ages of three and 12, with participants transitioning on average at age six and a half. Data was reported by parents and youth, either through in-person or online visits, or via email or phone correspondence.

The study looked at the gender identities of youth who transitioned, five years on.

The data, taken from 317 children across the US and Canada, finds that just 2.5% of transgender kids detransition to being cisgender. A further 3.5% of children retransition from identifying as binary transgender to nonbinary.

The data revealed that most youth, 94%, were living as binary transgender. There was also a small proportion of people, 1.3%, who retransitioned initially to cisgender or nonbinary – then switched back to binary trans identities.

Only 2.5% of kids actually went through detransition​

A small group were now living as cisgender, at 2.5% of the participant sample.

They found that the children most likely to live as cisgender were those who experienced an initial social transition before the age of six, with retransition happening before the age of ten.

Being intersex – an umbrella term for unique variations in reproductive or sex anatomy – is more common than one might think. The exact percentage of people born on the intersex spectrum is difficult to quantify; it may be anywhere from .4 percent to almost 2 percent, depending which research is cited and what definitions are used. A Human Rights Watch report says about 1.7% of people are born intersex, roughly the same percentage as people who are born as twins. About one in 2,000 babies is born with genitalia different enough from what is considered standard that doctors might recommend surgery.

The HRW report provides a searing analysis of the frequency and potentially devastating impact of forced genital surgeries performed on intersex kids at birth.

Many in the media have referred to such surgeries as “non-consensual”, but that’s not quite accurate.

I'm saying being intersex has a lot to do with gender indemnity. A lot of time they want a boy,and pick the wrong surgery.
Some folks just need more attention than other folks & anything to do with sex of some sorts seems to be the way to garner that attention. I mean look @ the Kardashian family(?) or sisters(?) they were always active trying to gain attention while pushing their bodies &/or create scandals of various types to get that attention. In todays world I'd call that type of activity pretty normal. In the yester-century world I grew up in I would have called that excessive need for attention 'narcissism', but who am I to judge other folks needs & desires? To each his own seems to be the logical order of the day. Just pray that the day does not arrive where we are compelled to be one in desire, thought & values.
The Kardashians are 20 year navy squeals too ?
They certainly have vast experience swabbing dicks :stir:
Well. I suppose a biologist/virologist could come in handy there too
So, recognizing basic science and biology, and giving greater credence to that than to the insane delusions of those who are mentally fucked up, makes me a “Christian Zealot”, does it?

Yes, it does, to someone with an IQ that matches my shoe size.


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