Navarro says that the inauguration could be delayed.....................


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Apparently, Peter Navarro doesn't understand what the Constitution says, nor does he understand how the government works. Navarro has claimed that Biden's swearing in could be delayed somehow. No, it can't, and Trump and his cronies and blind supporters need to understand that.

  • In a Saturday appearance on Fox News, White House trade advisor Peter Navarro falsely claimed that President-elect Joe Biden's January 20 inauguration could be postponed.
  • This is wrong: The Twentieth Amendment of the US Constitution states clearly that after an election cycle, the new president must be inaugurated on January 20.
Since when has being laughably wrong stopped Peter Navarro before? :lol:

Actually, you could have replaced Navarro with the words "Trump loyalists" and you would still be just as correct. It's amazing how Trump loyalists ignore everything, and keep bullshitting the people, hoping that something will stick. Matter of fact, looking at posts on USMB by the Trump supporters kinda verifies that they don't care about anything other than their particular idiot being kept in power.

I'm wondering how in the hell Trump manages to get blind loyalty, even when he's so obviously wrong and going against the Constitution. Anyone with half a brain, and willing to listen to facts can see how horribly wrong Trump and his cult followers are.

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