Nationalist leaders are staying very popular in Europe

Polls show European politicians with anti-immigrant message remain as popular as ever

Great news! Hopefully all of Europe follows the lead of places already electing Nationalists.

Very fascinating to watch unfold the opposite of the West under HRC's once and never presidency. In the alternate opposite 2018 world of our serving POTUS, hordes of orcs from Mordor continued to overrun Europe and North America, and millennia practiced cultures of our Old World ancestors verged on extinction. Hope rises in the east, could the tides of Evermore have turned?
Polls show European politicians with anti-immigrant message remain as popular as ever

Great news! Hopefully all of Europe follows the lead of places already electing Nationalists.

This is the problem.

You have Nationalists who couldn't run a piss up in a brewery giving an anti-immigration message. Then you have others afraid of being seen as racist if they have similar policies.

I'm not pro-permanent immigration. I believe that countries can have strong borders to keep a sense of identity. But I'm not a Nationalist.

Basically I think almost all politicians and almost all voters are full of crap.

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