National Association of Police Organizations endorses Trump


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
In America 2020, this is a no-brainer.
The Hill logoNational Association of Police Organizations endorses Trump

The National Association of Police Organizations, which represents more than 1,000 police units and associations across the country, announced Wednesday it is endorsing President Trump in his reelection bid.

God blessed America when American voters put in President Donald Trump to stand up to a criminal organization that controls the votes of millions of dead Americans, the damned Democrat Party whose strength is lying through its Press Lying League of Situation War Rooms that pump out lies to fluff the liars and haters that the Democrats are. They destroy the Constitution rather than help America thrive. They opened the floodgates to drugpushers from Mexico and Central America to help them not care for their fellow Americans. They pushed with all their might to eliminate America's police who took the oath to uphold the Constitution, which gets in the way of Demons like Nancy Pelosi who only wants omerta from her lowly subjects who depend on her for a fresh flow of cheap drugs from Mexico which kills off unknowing users who buy Fentanyl that first went through Chinese planners to rid America of the youth of America who survived the Democrat's 47-year push to kill all the unborn Americans using their corrupt Judicial system created largely by the baby-killer proponents and pushers in the Democrat Party and their helpers in "Planned Parenthood," their chief abortioneers, useful idiots in getting rid of Patriot families by killing off its young to the tune of a million or so reported deaths per annum of the unborn, making childbirth an inconvenience to the 2-income family in America. Thanks a lot, Demonrats who supported these killers. They also generated a class of pathetic sympathizers who assured the woman who killed her own children that she was a "hero" rather than a bald faced murderer of America's future, and the recruitment into the shameful activities of the Democrat Party was reinforced by godless women intrigued by sex with anyone anytime without any remorse or feelings whatever, and the freedom to lie their asses off by placing any man they felt like it into a lifetime of accusation and finger-pointing as a "sex abuser" if any lying woman said so. And the Democrat-paid-for justices backed up their bevy of liars to ruin good men who fell for the freebie sex foisted on society by a Democrat Party just waiting like the predators they are to take away from the little people of America their freedoms and create a class of subservants out of Republicans they hate.

President Trump has fought these lying liars tooth and nail by lifting up the working American to high-paying jobs that gives them a future in the American Dream the Democrats are working even harder to destroy with their atomic-bomb kill baby institution, elimination of the truth of their Deep State activities supporting pure evil against the American family, conservative Americans, and especially, the police force that serves to preserve and protect the Americans by upholding the Constitution that the Democrats wickedly and regularly abuse through loopholes the Democrats have built into laws since Lyndon B. Johnson strongarmed the party following the disaster of John F. Kennedy, war hero's assassination. The Democrats just couldn't abide a conservative in the Presidency who trusted society enough to take a ride in a convertible car in which he was an easy target for shooters in a Texas building in Dallas along the Presidential parade route. They picked someone good enough to kill Kennedy only who was flanked by loyal Democrat dignitaries and the fairy-tale princess Jacque Kennedy was to an admiring nation. Being the party in power, they controlled the subsequent investigation, the Presidency, and sympathetic policy-makers in the Judiciary, the House of Representatives, and the Senate. Smarming Nixon was easy, and they got rid of him quickly and efficiently by making him responsible for things he didn't even know about in his traitorous re-election campaign by people who abused the civil liberties of the Democrat opponent in a Press that worshipped Bob Woodward thereafter, and the anti-Republican Press was born and preached to the next generation of movers and shakers in every corroberative Ivy League school in America.

The current Democrat aparatus is trying a little too hard to eliminate police protections of hoi polloi.

And that's what I think.
A racist organization endorsing a racist president.
Looks like you're right. It is a no brainer.
You think the Police brotherhood that is under full attack by the Demonrat Party are racists? That is not so. They give their lives so others may life and be safe. Their families are always worried about a knock on the door of Police men weeping they lost a brother--the father of 4 kids and a beautiful widow taking the full loss that losing a father and husband are, in the twinkling of an eye. And those who lose fathers who died in the line of duty are frequently black police families who have bonded friendships with white and other races through their tireless work for the people all of the United States of America, who faithfully defend all that is good in America. They have been assured by Republicans no untoward political devices will be used against them, and quite frankly, the Democrat Party has a way of betraying people they've no use for. Right now, the Democrats have no use for law and order, so they're punishing the Police with blather that is a cause for discouragement and even mental illness of people who've given everything they have to support the Democrat Party who betrayed them with threats to take away the meager bread and butter they get for putting their lives on the line to help the American people.

We Republicans will not let the police forces of America down. That's why we elected President Trump. He is a courageous fighter for all that is right in America. And the damn Demonrats can't stand it. They made their own bitter plates. And you're eating leftovers, Mr. Billyboom. I pity you for that.
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You think the Police brotherhood that is under full attack by the Demonrat Party are racists?
They give their lives so others may life and be safe.
They also kill black people for no reason.
We will not let the police forces of America down. That's why we elected President Trump.
Better hurry up. Clock is ticking. A few more months and this virus called Trump will be gone for good.
You do know they supported Obama right?
It wouldn't be a proper thread without an Obama reference.
It's nice to see him living rent free is trumpers heads.

You claimed they were racist. Yet you don't see how them supporting Obama is a relevant response?

You are just spewing shit from your face anus now.
You think the Police brotherhood that is under full attack by the Demonrat Party are racists?
They give their lives so others may life and be safe.
They also kill black people for no reason.
We will not let the police forces of America down. That's why we elected President Trump.
Better hurry up. Clock is ticking. A few more months and this virus called Trump will be gone for good.
No reason? You call counterfeiting American $20 bills and buying stuff with funny money engenders racist behaviors? No offense, but I don't buy that fantasy line dreamed up by the lying Democrat strongarm press. You obviously can't see the forest for the trees, dear obnoxious one.
You said they were a bunch of racists, yet they endorsed Obama twice.
Actually they didn't.
The order endorsed Republican candidates George W. Bush and John McCain in 2000, 2004 and 2008, and Democratic President Bill Clinton in 1996. It declined to endorse Barack Obama or Mitt Romney in 2012, declaring neither candidate had made police or criminal justice a priority.
You said they were a bunch of racists, yet they endorsed Obama twice.
Actually they didn't.
The order endorsed Republican candidates George W. Bush and John McCain in 2000, 2004 and 2008, and Democratic President Bill Clinton in 1996. It declined to endorse Barack Obama or Mitt Romney in 2012, declaring neither candidate had made police or criminal justice a priority.

Then what is this?

Police Group Endorses Obama-Biden Ticket

Joe Biden and the Obama campaign received the endorsement of the National Association of Police Organizations this morning, a group that represents over 2,000 police organizations across the United States.

NAPO president Tom Nee congratulated Biden by phone and promised the organization would support Barack Obama candidacy for president.

Unlike you, I link my sources.
You said they were a bunch of racists, yet they endorsed Obama twice.
Actually they didn't.
The order endorsed Republican candidates George W. Bush and John McCain in 2000, 2004 and 2008, and Democratic President Bill Clinton in 1996. It declined to endorse Barack Obama or Mitt Romney in 2012, declaring neither candidate had made police or criminal justice a priority.

Then what is this?

Police Group Endorses Obama-Biden Ticket

Joe Biden and the Obama campaign received the endorsement of the National Association of Police Organizations this morning, a group that represents over 2,000 police organizations across the United States.

NAPO president Tom Nee congratulated Biden by phone and promised the organization would support Barack Obama candidacy for president.

Unlike you, I link my sources.

Now we will see how being presented with proof of a change in the facts, will not effect his position in the slightest.

THis demonstrates that liberals positions are not based on facts, at all.
You said they were a bunch of racists, yet they endorsed Obama twice.
Actually they didn't.
The order endorsed Republican candidates George W. Bush and John McCain in 2000, 2004 and 2008, and Democratic President Bill Clinton in 1996. It declined to endorse Barack Obama or Mitt Romney in 2012, declaring neither candidate had made police or criminal justice a priority.

Then what is this?

Police Group Endorses Obama-Biden Ticket

Joe Biden and the Obama campaign received the endorsement of the National Association of Police Organizations this morning, a group that represents over 2,000 police organizations across the United States.

NAPO president Tom Nee congratulated Biden by phone and promised the organization would support Barack Obama candidacy for president.

Unlike you, I link my sources.

Now we will see how being presented with proof of a change in the facts, will not effect his position in the slightest.

THis demonstrates that liberals positions are not based on facts, at all.

I did find it a bit odd that the actual endorsement went to Biden, guess he used to have more of a law and order rep.

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