Nation with Crumbling Bridges and Roads Excited to Build Giant Wall


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
As America’s bridges, roads, and other infrastructure dangerously deteriorate from decades of neglect, there is a mounting sense of urgency that it is time to build a giant wall.

Across the U.S., whose rail system is a rickety antique plagued by deadly accidents, Americans are increasingly recognizing that building a wall with Mexico, and possibly another one with Canada, should be the country’s top priority.

Harland Dorrinson, the executive director of a Washington-based think tank called the Center for Responsible Immigration, believes that most Americans favor the building of border walls over extravagant pet projects like structurally sound freeway overpasses.

“The estimated cost of a border wall with Mexico is five billion dollars,” he said. “We could easily blow the same amount of money on infrastructure repairs and have nothing to show for it but functioning highways.”

Congress has dragged its feet on infrastructure spending in recent years, but Dorrinson senses growing support in Washington for building a giant border wall. “Even if for some reason we don’t get the Mexicans to pay for it, five billion is a steal,” he said.

While some think that America’s declining infrastructure is a national-security threat, Dorrinson strongly disagrees. “If immigrants somehow get over the wall, the condition of our bridges and roads will keep them from getting very far,” he said.​

Nation With Crumbling Bridges and Roads Excited to Build Giant Wall - The New Yorker
Well, you all are so worried over infrastructure. Get on with CLOSING down some of these Worthless government agencies and put a stop to opening anymore for the hell of it like with OscamCare and we'd have all that money they can use. But if you all don't want that then just live with the potholes

. and that was a lame excuse to not PROTECT us and our country from being INVADED by illegals and who knows how many terrorist has come in with them. man oh man that is the ONE THING this Federal government is suppose to do and took an oath that they would. and here they are whining over the COST of protecting us and our country. just sad
Have the Illegals rebuild our "Crumbling infrastructure"

are you kidding. anymore they seem to get more rights and sympathy than Legal American citizens. and if anyone should complain about it they will get BEAT down. We've been sold out not only by these snake politicians but it seems from our own fellow country men and women
The US used to have the best infrastructure in the world. Now we are ranked 14th.
Good infrastructure helps nation's competitiveness on the world stage.
Good infrastructure protects the nation's citizens.
The GOP has fought adequately funding our country's infrastructure as part of their "starve the beast" philosophy. It seems lives don't matter to the GOP and neither does our country's competitiveness.
Another display of party over country. These people should remove their American Flag lapel pins be cause them wearing them is a mockery of what America stands for.
They have so many freeway miles torn up here, new concrete, new bridges even the local lib rag is complaining about the delays.....
FYI, federal and state gas taxes were supposed to fund roads and bridges. But then again we are talking about government and the abuse of trust. I am certain Elizabeth Warren has something intelligent to say about who built what and whom is ultimately responsible.
A Trillion dollar, Zero Interest Rate Loan from the Fed would do the job.

Tell us Toro, what are the chances of that happening?
Where did the 800 million dollars go that Dear leader said would "stimulate" the economy and give us shovel ready job? oh never mind stupid question. But lets whine over how much the cost of protecting our boarders will be instead.

this country is doomed

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