NASA Tests Atomic Clock for Deep Space Navigation

News | NASA Tests Atomic Clock for Deep Space Navigation

"The demonstration should confirm that DSAC can maintain time accuracy to better than two nanoseconds (.000000002 seconds) over a day, with a goal of achieving 0.3 nanosecond accuracy."

If my math is correct, that's accurate to one second in about 1.369 million years. Pretty good. :113:

Nothing new. Just a little different technology. I've worked with Stratum 1, 2 and 3 clocks based on cesium, this is a just a different technology adapted for outer space.
Nothing new. Just a little different technology. I've worked with Stratum 1, 2 and 3 clocks based on cesium, this is a just a different technology adapted for outer space.
Without getting to involved, what prevents the Cesium system from working in outer space?
Nothing new. Just a little different technology. I've worked with Stratum 1, 2 and 3 clocks based on cesium, this is a just a different technology adapted for outer space.
Without getting to involved, what prevents the Cesium system from working in outer space?

That's a great question. I don't know the answer and can't think of any reason why they wouldn't other than maybe cost, weight, size, shielding or power consumption. There is an obvious benefit to having a local time base reference in space.
Waste of money

Spoken from the country that still uses the triode and pentode in half its gear.

I do not know what "triode" and "pentode" is - this is the concept of your country ...
.. a country that does not know how to deliver its astronauts to the International Space Station ...
---- Countries that do not even know how to make toilets in space.
Learn to clean your shit in the cosmos ...

This boy probably means "tube amplifiers"?
Tell me, my young friend, the difference in the "working point" between tube and semiconductor amplifiers?
Waste of money

Spoken from the country that still uses the triode and pentode in half its gear.

I do not know what "triode" and "pentode" is - this is the concept of your country ...
.. a country that does not know how to deliver its astronauts to the International Space Station ...
---- Countries that do not even know how to make toilets in space.
Learn to clean your shit in the cosmos ...
Ever see a male diode with a third leg?
By the way ...
Why, in the everyday life of America, is semiconductor transistors still widely used?
By the way, what type of p-n-p or n-p-n?
Waste of money

Spoken from the country that still uses the triode and pentode in half its gear.

I do not know what "triode" and "pentode" is - this is the concept of your country ...
.. a country that does not know how to deliver its astronauts to the International Space Station ...

It's a vacuum tube, Dumbass. Actuaslly, it is a "British" concept, I guess you don't know who Fleming was. As to the ISS, thanks for the ride. At least your rockets haven't blown up yet on the launchpad. Small contribution. There woulds be no ISS if not for the USA, so stop clogging up the plumbing when you are up there.
Waste of money

Spoken from the country that still uses the triode and pentode in half its gear.

I do not know what "triode" and "pentode" is - this is the concept of your country ...
.. a country that does not know how to deliver its astronauts to the International Space Station ...

It's a vacuum tube, Dumbass. Actuaslly, it is a "British" concept, I guess you don't know who Fleming was. As to the ISS, thanks for the ride. At least your rockets haven't blown up yet on the launchpad. Small contribution. There woulds be no ISS if not for the USA, so stop clogging up the plumbing when you are up there.
They did manage to lose an expensive satellite on launch..
It's a vacuum tube, Dumbass. Actuaslly, it is a "British" concept, I guess you don't know who Fleming was. As to the ISS, thanks for the ride. At least your rockets haven't blown up yet on the launchpad. Small contribution. There woulds be no ISS if not for the USA, so stop clogging up the plumbing when you are up there.
Another such "answer", and I will consider you a simple asshole ...
I'm waiting for answers to my questions
By the way ...
Why, in the everyday life of America, is semiconductor transistors still widely used?
By the way, what type of p-n-p or n-p-n?

You are a total horse's ass! ALL transistors use semiconductor junctions, idiot! Even LSI chips. There is no transistor without a depletion zone. And your welcome. Bell Labs INVENTED the transistor too.
You are a total horse's ass! ALL transistors use semiconductor junctions, idiot! Even LSI chips. There is no transistor without a depletion zone. And your welcome. Bell Labs INVENTED the transistor too.

This entity has no physical education.
So I'll fuck you on all the branches touching Science ...
You seem to be the expert on toilets and what goes in them.
When you're polite, I'll tell you how the amplifiers work

By the way ...
The best book on electronic circuitry is the book of the Americans Horowitz Hill ...
I studied it in the late 80's
Do not disgrace your countrymen
This entity has no physical education..

At least I AM an entity! And I spent time studying the 5ESS at Bell Labs, you know, where they discovered the cosmic microwave background? You spent your time at the St. Petersburg Polytechnika learning how to forward bias a space charge in a glass jar. :abgg2q.jpg:

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