I am reasonably sure that most of my non-Commiefornia fellow Americans have come to realize that the state of Commiefornia is unique, or maybe better said a very 'special' state within the American union of states. I mean the Commiefornia constituency & ESPECIALLY its elected(?) officials REALLY STAND OUT from the other forty nine states within our American union. A PhD authored a short commentary below on just ONE of the many unique attributes that has propelled Commiefornia into a league of its own! If you do take the time to read the link below I am again reasonably sure that you will come away with a unique opinion of your own on WHY Commiefornia is so often claimed by many of our fellow Americans as a truly 'special' state!
Why does California want to put a cancer warning on coffee?
I’ve commented many times on what I think is a ludicrous piece of legislation in California known as Proposition 65. This requires that the public be informed by signs, as is the case on entering Disneyland, or on product labels, about any possible exposure to a chemical “that is known to the...