'Narcisist' Or 'Nuts'? Dems Always Blame Others...'Iowa DNC Primary F*-Up Trump Supporters' Fault'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
There are some people in this world who can NEVER accept responsibility for their actions, specifically 'Failures & F*-Ups'. According to THEM, they are NEVER to blame - It is ALWAYS someone else's fault.

They lie, deny, justify, point fingers, and accuse others of doing what they have done, of sabotaging them, of 'doing this to 'me''.

The United States has had to suffer through more than 3 years of this from the Democrats, the Liberal MSM, and ignorant partisan snowflakes, and NOT just because Hillary lost the 2016 election...

Speaking of which, however, Hillary Clinton has become the 'Poster-Child' for this Mental Disorder.

In 2016 Hillary collaborated with a biased foreign double-agent spy to get her hands on Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda she intended to use to steal the 2016 election, Russian propaganda the Obama administration used to commit FISA Court Abuses, illegally spy on Trump and his team, and to initiate a political coup - the largest scandal in US history.

Despite being protected from Indictment and prison to keep her in the Presidential race ... despite the DNC rigging the Primary, helping her cheat, and eventually GIVING her the nomination she could not win herself ...... despite running the worst Presidential campaign in US history, after her loss Hillary blamed EVERYONE for her loss - the Russians, racists, sexists, Trump, Trump voters, and even the very people who kept her out of jail and in the election...

Democrats and Snowflakes continue to become angry when anyone brings up Ms. Clinton's name, falsely insisting that she is 'no longer relevant'. One can hardly argue that Hillary is no longer 'relevant' when she refuses to go away, and she continues to inject herself into federal politics, attempting to alter, affect, and / or control the balance of political power in this country.

Case in point: During the Senate Hearing on Impeachment, the White House Counsel pointed out that the Democrats were not just trying to steal 1 election through their weak, Un-Constitutional, admitted politically-biased Impeachment - they were trying to steal 2! As if to help them prove their case, the media exposed the fact that senior Hillary 2016 campaign members had taken over the DNC just in time for the 2020 Presidential election.

It gets better....

The DNC's 2020 Primary season kicked off with their Caucus in Iowa....and it turned into a DISASTER. The (Hillary-run) DNC refused to release the results, leaving EVERY candidate with the opportunity to claim victory while voters, the media, and the masses RAILED against the DNC and ANOTHER botched /secretive Primary.

The news quickly reported that the (Hillary-Run) DNC had decided it could not count the number of voters sitting on chairs underneath signs with the name of their preferred 2020 Democrat candidate on it without having an APP and that it was this APP, responsible for collecting, tallying, and reporting the results of the Caucus, that was to blame for the Iowa Caucus Meltdown.

The news went on to report that the company behind the APP is named 'SHADOW'... guess who is connected to 'SHADOW'? Yup...HILLARY CLINTON!

Ir did not take long, however, for the (Hillary-run) DNC to ramp up their Spin-Machine, and this morning the (Hillary-Run) DNC / Iowa Democrats to engage in THE NEVER-ENDIN Liberal / Democrat / snowflake practice of 'BLAME-SHIFTING':

Bumbling Iowa Democrats find new target to blame for caucus fiasco: Trump supporters

Red-faced Iowa Democrats have zeroed in on a new culprit for the botched caucuses that may cost the Hawkeye State its time-honored role as the kickoff to presidential races. After first blaming an app for the inability to declare Monday night, a problem that still lingers even as frustrated candidates have packed up and moved on to New Hampshire for the nation's first primary, the state party is blaming the president's supporters.

Trump supporters flood hotline for Iowa precinct chairs, adding to the confusion: report
Have you ever known a democrat to admit something was their fault?
'Psychologist Say 3 Reasons Why Some People Can Never Admit Fault'

1. They think being wrong means they’re unworthy

Poor Dems and snowflakes are insecure, fragile, and measure their self-worth based on the need to ALWAYS be FAULTLESS, never to blame for anything. To admit they are human, make mistakes, cheat, rig Primaries, lose elections, violate the Constitution, commit crimes, etc... will result in no one luvin' them.


2. They think never admitting fault makes you look stronger


3. They don’t value the truth

'Nuff said....

A Psychologist On The 3 Reasons Why Some People Can Never Admit Fault

"We don't have a crime, have no evidence, &
have no witnesses, but next week Adam
Schiff, Jerry Nadler, and I will begin drafting
up NEW Articles of Impeachment against the
President for colluding with the Russians to
cause the DNC Iowa Caucus disaster we are
still seeing unfold!"

So...……...It's now Thursday, right? and the IOWA DMC had a conference call yesterday evening about all this (blaming Republicans, somehow, though Fox News could get NO confirmation that anyone Republican actually phoned into their hotlines and that's not the app problem anyway) ----- but they STILL three days later don't have results on this primary?

People, something is very, very wrong in Iowa --- my guess is that the election was terminally corrupted. That is, that it wasn't really "just" a problem of communicating the data. If it were, people could have driven to headquarters with the data on paper by now, two or three times. There is something wrong with the data itself, IMO. I wonder if they've "lost" or never really wrote down all that data on paper like they keep saying they did as a backup. By now, the backups should have long been counted and put out on the news.
There are some people in this world who can NEVER accept responsibility for their actions, specifically 'Failures & F*-Ups'. According to THEM, they are NEVER to blame - It is ALWAYS someone else's fault.

They lie, deny, justify, point fingers, and accuse others of doing what they have done, of sabotaging them, of 'doing this to 'me''.

The United States has had to suffer through more than 3 years of this from the Democrats, the Liberal MSM, and ignorant partisan snowflakes, and NOT just because Hillary lost the 2016 election...

Speaking of which, however, Hillary Clinton has become the 'Poster-Child' for this Mental Disorder.

In 2016 Hillary collaborated with a biased foreign double-agent spy to get her hands on Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda she intended to use to steal the 2016 election, Russian propaganda the Obama administration used to commit FISA Court Abuses, illegally spy on Trump and his team, and to initiate a political coup - the largest scandal in US history.

Despite being protected from Indictment and prison to keep her in the Presidential race ... despite the DNC rigging the Primary, helping her cheat, and eventually GIVING her the nomination she could not win herself ...... despite running the worst Presidential campaign in US history, after her loss Hillary blamed EVERYONE for her loss - the Russians, racists, sexists, Trump, Trump voters, and even the very people who kept her out of jail and in the election...

Democrats and Snowflakes continue to become angry when anyone brings up Ms. Clinton's name, falsely insisting that she is 'no longer relevant'. One can hardly argue that Hillary is no longer 'relevant' when she refuses to go away, and she continues to inject herself into federal politics, attempting to alter, affect, and / or control the balance of political power in this country.

Case in point: During the Senate Hearing on Impeachment, the White House Counsel pointed out that the Democrats were not just trying to steal 1 election through their weak, Un-Constitutional, admitted politically-biased Impeachment - they were trying to steal 2! As if to help them prove their case, the media exposed the fact that senior Hillary 2016 campaign members had taken over the DNC just in time for the 2020 Presidential election.

It gets better....

The DNC's 2020 Primary season kicked off with their Caucus in Iowa....and it turned into a DISASTER. The (Hillary-run) DNC refused to release the results, leaving EVERY candidate with the opportunity to claim victory while voters, the media, and the masses RAILED against the DNC and ANOTHER botched /secretive Primary.

The news quickly reported that the (Hillary-Run) DNC had decided it could not count the number of voters sitting on chairs underneath signs with the name of their preferred 2020 Democrat candidate on it without having an APP and that it was this APP, responsible for collecting, tallying, and reporting the results of the Caucus, that was to blame for the Iowa Caucus Meltdown.

The news went on to report that the company behind the APP is named 'SHADOW'... guess who is connected to 'SHADOW'? Yup...HILLARY CLINTON!

Ir did not take long, however, for the (Hillary-run) DNC to ramp up their Spin-Machine, and this morning the (Hillary-Run) DNC / Iowa Democrats to engage in THE NEVER-ENDIN Liberal / Democrat / snowflake practice of 'BLAME-SHIFTING':

Bumbling Iowa Democrats find new target to blame for caucus fiasco: Trump supporters

Red-faced Iowa Democrats have zeroed in on a new culprit for the botched caucuses that may cost the Hawkeye State its time-honored role as the kickoff to presidential races. After first blaming an app for the inability to declare Monday night, a problem that still lingers even as frustrated candidates have packed up and moved on to New Hampshire for the nation's first primary, the state party is blaming the president's supporters.

Trump supporters flood hotline for Iowa precinct chairs, adding to the confusion: report
Are you saying it’s okay for Trump supporters to flood a phone line with useless calls to make matters worse?

It seems like a nasty thing to do to me.
There are some people in this world who can NEVER accept responsibility for their actions, specifically 'Failures & F*-Ups'. According to THEM, they are NEVER to blame - It is ALWAYS someone else's fault.

They lie, deny, justify, point fingers, and accuse others of doing what they have done, of sabotaging them, of 'doing this to 'me''.

The United States has had to suffer through more than 3 years of this from the Democrats, the Liberal MSM, and ignorant partisan snowflakes, and NOT just because Hillary lost the 2016 election...

Speaking of which, however, Hillary Clinton has become the 'Poster-Child' for this Mental Disorder.

In 2016 Hillary collaborated with a biased foreign double-agent spy to get her hands on Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda she intended to use to steal the 2016 election, Russian propaganda the Obama administration used to commit FISA Court Abuses, illegally spy on Trump and his team, and to initiate a political coup - the largest scandal in US history.

Despite being protected from Indictment and prison to keep her in the Presidential race ... despite the DNC rigging the Primary, helping her cheat, and eventually GIVING her the nomination she could not win herself ...... despite running the worst Presidential campaign in US history, after her loss Hillary blamed EVERYONE for her loss - the Russians, racists, sexists, Trump, Trump voters, and even the very people who kept her out of jail and in the election...

Democrats and Snowflakes continue to become angry when anyone brings up Ms. Clinton's name, falsely insisting that she is 'no longer relevant'. One can hardly argue that Hillary is no longer 'relevant' when she refuses to go away, and she continues to inject herself into federal politics, attempting to alter, affect, and / or control the balance of political power in this country.

Case in point: During the Senate Hearing on Impeachment, the White House Counsel pointed out that the Democrats were not just trying to steal 1 election through their weak, Un-Constitutional, admitted politically-biased Impeachment - they were trying to steal 2! As if to help them prove their case, the media exposed the fact that senior Hillary 2016 campaign members had taken over the DNC just in time for the 2020 Presidential election.

It gets better....

The DNC's 2020 Primary season kicked off with their Caucus in Iowa....and it turned into a DISASTER. The (Hillary-run) DNC refused to release the results, leaving EVERY candidate with the opportunity to claim victory while voters, the media, and the masses RAILED against the DNC and ANOTHER botched /secretive Primary.

The news quickly reported that the (Hillary-Run) DNC had decided it could not count the number of voters sitting on chairs underneath signs with the name of their preferred 2020 Democrat candidate on it without having an APP and that it was this APP, responsible for collecting, tallying, and reporting the results of the Caucus, that was to blame for the Iowa Caucus Meltdown.

The news went on to report that the company behind the APP is named 'SHADOW'... guess who is connected to 'SHADOW'? Yup...HILLARY CLINTON!

Ir did not take long, however, for the (Hillary-run) DNC to ramp up their Spin-Machine, and this morning the (Hillary-Run) DNC / Iowa Democrats to engage in THE NEVER-ENDIN Liberal / Democrat / snowflake practice of 'BLAME-SHIFTING':

Bumbling Iowa Democrats find new target to blame for caucus fiasco: Trump supporters

Red-faced Iowa Democrats have zeroed in on a new culprit for the botched caucuses that may cost the Hawkeye State its time-honored role as the kickoff to presidential races. After first blaming an app for the inability to declare Monday night, a problem that still lingers even as frustrated candidates have packed up and moved on to New Hampshire for the nation's first primary, the state party is blaming the president's supporters.

Trump supporters flood hotline for Iowa precinct chairs, adding to the confusion: report
Are you saying it’s okay for Trump supporters to flood a phone line with useless calls to make matters worse?

It seems like a nasty thing to do to me.

That's not what happened. You're trying to divert away from the Dems ineptitude. How many recounts will they need in Iowa? Lol.
There are some people in this world who can NEVER accept responsibility for their actions, specifically 'Failures & F*-Ups'. According to THEM, they are NEVER to blame - It is ALWAYS someone else's fault.

They lie, deny, justify, point fingers, and accuse others of doing what they have done, of sabotaging them, of 'doing this to 'me''.

The United States has had to suffer through more than 3 years of this from the Democrats, the Liberal MSM, and ignorant partisan snowflakes, and NOT just because Hillary lost the 2016 election...

Speaking of which, however, Hillary Clinton has become the 'Poster-Child' for this Mental Disorder.

In 2016 Hillary collaborated with a biased foreign double-agent spy to get her hands on Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda she intended to use to steal the 2016 election, Russian propaganda the Obama administration used to commit FISA Court Abuses, illegally spy on Trump and his team, and to initiate a political coup - the largest scandal in US history.

Despite being protected from Indictment and prison to keep her in the Presidential race ... despite the DNC rigging the Primary, helping her cheat, and eventually GIVING her the nomination she could not win herself ...... despite running the worst Presidential campaign in US history, after her loss Hillary blamed EVERYONE for her loss - the Russians, racists, sexists, Trump, Trump voters, and even the very people who kept her out of jail and in the election...

Democrats and Snowflakes continue to become angry when anyone brings up Ms. Clinton's name, falsely insisting that she is 'no longer relevant'. One can hardly argue that Hillary is no longer 'relevant' when she refuses to go away, and she continues to inject herself into federal politics, attempting to alter, affect, and / or control the balance of political power in this country.

Case in point: During the Senate Hearing on Impeachment, the White House Counsel pointed out that the Democrats were not just trying to steal 1 election through their weak, Un-Constitutional, admitted politically-biased Impeachment - they were trying to steal 2! As if to help them prove their case, the media exposed the fact that senior Hillary 2016 campaign members had taken over the DNC just in time for the 2020 Presidential election.

It gets better....

The DNC's 2020 Primary season kicked off with their Caucus in Iowa....and it turned into a DISASTER. The (Hillary-run) DNC refused to release the results, leaving EVERY candidate with the opportunity to claim victory while voters, the media, and the masses RAILED against the DNC and ANOTHER botched /secretive Primary.

The news quickly reported that the (Hillary-Run) DNC had decided it could not count the number of voters sitting on chairs underneath signs with the name of their preferred 2020 Democrat candidate on it without having an APP and that it was this APP, responsible for collecting, tallying, and reporting the results of the Caucus, that was to blame for the Iowa Caucus Meltdown.

The news went on to report that the company behind the APP is named 'SHADOW'... guess who is connected to 'SHADOW'? Yup...HILLARY CLINTON!

Ir did not take long, however, for the (Hillary-run) DNC to ramp up their Spin-Machine, and this morning the (Hillary-Run) DNC / Iowa Democrats to engage in THE NEVER-ENDIN Liberal / Democrat / snowflake practice of 'BLAME-SHIFTING':

Bumbling Iowa Democrats find new target to blame for caucus fiasco: Trump supporters

Red-faced Iowa Democrats have zeroed in on a new culprit for the botched caucuses that may cost the Hawkeye State its time-honored role as the kickoff to presidential races. After first blaming an app for the inability to declare Monday night, a problem that still lingers even as frustrated candidates have packed up and moved on to New Hampshire for the nation's first primary, the state party is blaming the president's supporters.

Trump supporters flood hotline for Iowa precinct chairs, adding to the confusion: report
Are you saying it’s okay for Trump supporters to flood a phone line with useless calls to make matters worse?

It seems like a nasty thing to do to me.

That's not what happened. You're trying to divert away from the Dems ineptitude. How many recounts will they need in Iowa? Lol.

That’s not what the article said. Do you have some information that contradicts it?
There are some people in this world who can NEVER accept responsibility for their actions, specifically 'Failures & F*-Ups'. According to THEM, they are NEVER to blame - It is ALWAYS someone else's fault.

They lie, deny, justify, point fingers, and accuse others of doing what they have done, of sabotaging them, of 'doing this to 'me''.

The United States has had to suffer through more than 3 years of this from the Democrats, the Liberal MSM, and ignorant partisan snowflakes, and NOT just because Hillary lost the 2016 election...

Speaking of which, however, Hillary Clinton has become the 'Poster-Child' for this Mental Disorder.

In 2016 Hillary collaborated with a biased foreign double-agent spy to get her hands on Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda she intended to use to steal the 2016 election, Russian propaganda the Obama administration used to commit FISA Court Abuses, illegally spy on Trump and his team, and to initiate a political coup - the largest scandal in US history.

Despite being protected from Indictment and prison to keep her in the Presidential race ... despite the DNC rigging the Primary, helping her cheat, and eventually GIVING her the nomination she could not win herself ...... despite running the worst Presidential campaign in US history, after her loss Hillary blamed EVERYONE for her loss - the Russians, racists, sexists, Trump, Trump voters, and even the very people who kept her out of jail and in the election...

Democrats and Snowflakes continue to become angry when anyone brings up Ms. Clinton's name, falsely insisting that she is 'no longer relevant'. One can hardly argue that Hillary is no longer 'relevant' when she refuses to go away, and she continues to inject herself into federal politics, attempting to alter, affect, and / or control the balance of political power in this country.

Case in point: During the Senate Hearing on Impeachment, the White House Counsel pointed out that the Democrats were not just trying to steal 1 election through their weak, Un-Constitutional, admitted politically-biased Impeachment - they were trying to steal 2! As if to help them prove their case, the media exposed the fact that senior Hillary 2016 campaign members had taken over the DNC just in time for the 2020 Presidential election.

It gets better....

The DNC's 2020 Primary season kicked off with their Caucus in Iowa....and it turned into a DISASTER. The (Hillary-run) DNC refused to release the results, leaving EVERY candidate with the opportunity to claim victory while voters, the media, and the masses RAILED against the DNC and ANOTHER botched /secretive Primary.

The news quickly reported that the (Hillary-Run) DNC had decided it could not count the number of voters sitting on chairs underneath signs with the name of their preferred 2020 Democrat candidate on it without having an APP and that it was this APP, responsible for collecting, tallying, and reporting the results of the Caucus, that was to blame for the Iowa Caucus Meltdown.

The news went on to report that the company behind the APP is named 'SHADOW'... guess who is connected to 'SHADOW'? Yup...HILLARY CLINTON!

Ir did not take long, however, for the (Hillary-run) DNC to ramp up their Spin-Machine, and this morning the (Hillary-Run) DNC / Iowa Democrats to engage in THE NEVER-ENDIN Liberal / Democrat / snowflake practice of 'BLAME-SHIFTING':

Bumbling Iowa Democrats find new target to blame for caucus fiasco: Trump supporters

Red-faced Iowa Democrats have zeroed in on a new culprit for the botched caucuses that may cost the Hawkeye State its time-honored role as the kickoff to presidential races. After first blaming an app for the inability to declare Monday night, a problem that still lingers even as frustrated candidates have packed up and moved on to New Hampshire for the nation's first primary, the state party is blaming the president's supporters.

Trump supporters flood hotline for Iowa precinct chairs, adding to the confusion: report
Are you saying it’s okay for Trump supporters to flood a phone line with useless calls to make matters worse?

It seems like a nasty thing to do to me.

That's not what happened. You're trying to divert away from the Dems ineptitude. How many recounts will they need in Iowa? Lol.

That’s not what the article said. Do you have some information that contradicts it?

It was liberals that blamed trump. Thats all the information I need.
Read of another dimocrat incident this morning in USA Today that got me wondering how the dims would spin it as the fault of Republicans, Trump, et al. Seems the dims had to shitcan the two leaders of Milwaukee’s Host Committee for their 2020 Dimocratic National Convention. Getting the axe was Committee President Liz Gilbert and her chief of staff, Adam Alonso, one day after its board launched an investigation into “toxic workplace” allegations at the Committee. No word yet if either Gilbert or Alonso are suspected of being Russian agents.
Are you saying it’s okay for Trump supporters to flood a phone line with useless calls to make matters worse?
Last I checked, making a phone call is NOT illegal.

LAST I CHECKED, the telephone network's / company's inability to support a large number of phone calls did not cause the disastrous technological failure that resulted in the humiliating DNC Iowa Caucus DISASTER.

THAT would be the APP the (Hillary-Run) DNC decided it needed to count and report the number of Iowans standing under a sign with the name of their chosen candidate on it, an APP that cost the Democrats over $600k created by a company called 'SHADOW' that...surprise, surprise...Hillary Clinton is associated with.

"'Narcisist' Or 'Nuts'? Dems Always Blame Others...'Iowa DNC Primary F*-Up Trump Supporters' Fault'

Your comment just made it harder to determine which one you are.....

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