Nancy Pelosi realizes impeachment was a mistake


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The left - in their infinite ignorance - believed that impeachment meant President Trump would instantly be removed from office.
Pelosi realized that impeachment was a mistake. She didn’t want the president to be able to tell voters that he had been exonerated by the Senate.
The Dumbocrats and their mindless minions demanded they rush through a faux process to achieve the political goals they couldn’t achieve through the votes of the American people. Now they are completely stuck and looking like the imbeciles that they actually are.

Speaker Pelosi’s Embarrassing Impeachment Blunder
The left - in their infinite ignorance - believed that impeachment meant President Trump would instantly be removed from office.
Pelosi realized that impeachment was a mistake. She didn’t want the president to be able to tell voters that he had been exonerated by the Senate.
The Dumbocrats and their mindless minions demanded they rush through a faux process to achieve the political goals they couldn’t achieve through the votes of the American people. Now they are completely stuck and looking like the imbeciles that they actually are.

Speaker Pelosi’s Embarrassing Impeachment Blunder
She was actually against it from the get go but she's a slave to the other idiots in her party and the mob who have no experience and or no brains.
Once Nazi slinks over to the Senate with her tail between her legs the fun begins,:5_1_12024:
They thought it would weaken him in an election year where their own candidate roster is weak. It's had the opposite effect.
The left - in their infinite ignorance - believed that impeachment meant President Trump would instantly be removed from office.
Pelosi realized that impeachment was a mistake. She didn’t want the president to be able to tell voters that he had been exonerated by the Senate.
The Dumbocrats and their mindless minions demanded they rush through a faux process to achieve the political goals they couldn’t achieve through the votes of the American people. Now they are completely stuck and looking like the imbeciles that they actually are.

Speaker Pelosi’s Embarrassing Impeachment Blunder
She knew it was a mistake before AOC made her do it.
It was a mistake for many reasons but no one thought finding him guilty in the House meant he would be removed.
I don't think the dems believed that he would actually end up tossed from office. I think they were just hoping that the media they control would influence people enough to damage his chances of being re-elected.

People are seeing through their underhanded machinations despite their having such control over the media and that is what they didn't count on.
It is hard to understand what the hell Pelosi was thinking. My personal opinion is that she had to appease her ding-dongs on the far left and so she went along with the charade hoping the Senate Dems could and would bail her ass out by calling witnesses that would make her impeachment effort appear to be justified. Maybe she thinks enough Senate RINOs will support the calling of witnesses, all they need is 4. Which may be the point of withholding the Articles of Impeachment - maybe given enough time to think about it, the GOP anti-Trumpers will come to her rescue. For mre, see what Trey Gowdy had to say about it:

Trey Gowdy: Dems want Senate Majority
All posturing that’s all it was and now they all look stupid in the three ring circus they call congress.
It is hard to understand what the hell Pelosi was thinking. My personal opinion is that she had to appease her ding-dongs on the far left and so she went along with the charade hoping the Senate Dems could and would bail her ass out by calling witnesses that would make her impeachment effort appear to be justified. Maybe she thinks enough Senate RINOs will support the calling of witnesses, all they need is 4. Which may be the point of withholding the Articles of Impeachment - maybe given enough time to think about it, the GOP anti-Trumpers will come to her rescue. For mre, see what Trey Gowdy had to say about it:

Trey Gowdy: Dems want Senate Majority

That's the exact same reason the (R)'s held hearings on the IRS and Benghazi spending millions and doing nothing about either.

Gowdy is a major hypocrite.
It was a mistake for many reasons but no one thought finding him guilty in the House meant he would be removed.

I'm hoping that the trial goes something like:
1. The democrat managers start presenting their case.
2. Defense lawyers object to the 2nd hand evidence, which is not allowed in the senate (no exceptions, period)
3. A motion is made to dismiss Article-1 for lack of evidence, motion passes.
4. Democrats begin to present Article-2.
5. A motion is made to dismiss Article-2 because the USSC already ruled that the Executive does have the right to challenge House subpoenas in court, and that is NOT "obstruction of Congress". Motion passes.

Trump is exonerated in less than one day, and the democrat's coup attempt is thwarted.

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