Nancy Pelosi: “As a Catholic… I Don’t Hate Anyone.” But Killing Babies in Abortion is Fine


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Nancy Pelosi: “As a Catholic… I Don’t Hate Anyone.” But Killing Babies in Abortion is Fine

Nancy is quite a woman. She's pro-abortion and pro-same sex marriage, but then when she's called out as a Trump hater, she says "I'm a Catholic and don't hate anyone" and "I pray for Trump every day."

The Church should respond to Nancy's hypocrisy with an ex-communication.

Unfortunately, our Catholic bishops are afraid of their shadows and will not take action against a Catholic politician, even one who flaunts her faithlessness as Nancy Pelosi.
However, we can take comfort in knowing Nancy will end up in the very bad level of hell where bad Catholics go.
Nancy Pelosi burning for all eternity in hell isn't funny, but Mr. Clean thinks it's funny. Wonder why.
However, we can take comfort in knowing Nancy will end up in the very bad level of hell where bad Catholics go.
However, we can take comfort in knowing Nancy will end up in the very bad level of hell where bad Catholics go.

- all (true) christians are bad - sinners and will all end up in the bad place whichever level. I agree, Nancy is not a true christian, she just does not realize it. not so blackrook.
Nancy Pelosi: “As a Catholic… I Don’t Hate Anyone.” But Killing Babies in Abortion is Fine

Nancy is quite a woman. She's pro-abortion and pro-same sex marriage, but then when she's called out as a Trump hater, she says "I'm a Catholic and don't hate anyone" and "I pray for Trump every day."

The Church should respond to Nancy's hypocrisy with an ex-communication.

Unfortunately, our Catholic bishops are afraid of their shadows and will not take action against a Catholic politician, even one who flaunts her faithlessness as Nancy Pelosi.

I understand she's not eligible for communion in the RCC, though I could be wrong.
Nancy Pelosi: “As a Catholic… I Don’t Hate Anyone.” But Killing Babies in Abortion is Fine

Nancy is quite a woman. She's pro-abortion and pro-same sex marriage, but then when she's called out as a Trump hater, she says "I'm a Catholic and don't hate anyone" and "I pray for Trump every day."

The Church should respond to Nancy's hypocrisy with an ex-communication.

Unfortunately, our Catholic bishops are afraid of their shadows and will not take action against a Catholic politician, even one who flaunts her faithlessness as Nancy Pelosi.
<sob> But....but.....What about Abortion?
It appears that Nancy Pelosi missed a few basic lessons: i.e., Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Proclaim the Gospel always. When necessary use words. And, Actions speak louder than words. Her actions expose her words as meaningless.
Nancy Pelosi: “As a Catholic… I Don’t Hate Anyone.” But Killing Babies in Abortion is Fine

Nancy is quite a woman. She's pro-abortion and pro-same sex marriage, but then when she's called out as a Trump hater, she says "I'm a Catholic and don't hate anyone" and "I pray for Trump every day."

The Church should respond to Nancy's hypocrisy with an ex-communication.

Unfortunately, our Catholic bishops are afraid of their shadows and will not take action against a Catholic politician, even one who flaunts her faithlessness as Nancy Pelosi.

I understand she's not eligible for communion in the RCC, though I could be wrong.

Nope, and look at Giuliani the darling of the republicans and tramp.

No one has the right to withhold holy communion from anyone, half the men and women who take it have greater sins such as affairs, murderers, pedophilias, cheaters, liars, etc.
It appears that Nancy Pelosi missed a few basic lessons: i.e., Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Proclaim the Gospel always. When necessary use words. And, Actions speak louder than words. Her actions expose her words as meaningless.

She spoke up and defended herself against a rude journalist.
Nancy Pelosi: “As a Catholic… I Don’t Hate Anyone.” But Killing Babies in Abortion is Fine

Nancy is quite a woman. She's pro-abortion and pro-same sex marriage, but then when she's called out as a Trump hater, she says "I'm a Catholic and don't hate anyone" and "I pray for Trump every day."

The Church should respond to Nancy's hypocrisy with an ex-communication.

Unfortunately, our Catholic bishops are afraid of their shadows and will not take action against a Catholic politician, even one who flaunts her faithlessness as Nancy Pelosi.

You don't understand, once a Catholic always a Catholic.
Nancy Pelosi: “As a Catholic… I Don’t Hate Anyone.” But Killing Babies in Abortion is Fine

Nancy is quite a woman. She's pro-abortion and pro-same sex marriage, but then when she's called out as a Trump hater, she says "I'm a Catholic and don't hate anyone" and "I pray for Trump every day."

The Church should respond to Nancy's hypocrisy with an ex-communication.

Unfortunately, our Catholic bishops are afraid of their shadows and will not take action against a Catholic politician, even one who flaunts her faithlessness as Nancy Pelosi.
<sob> But....but.....What about Abortion?
It is legalized murder of a child that is unborn. And the way out of unintended consequences of having sex without taking the precautions of making sure you don't have a baby.

Personal Accountability need not apply here. But the leftist butt hurt of harassing those who don't agree with the notion that a life has been terminated is unhinged............

Your side has slaughtered more human life with Abortion than all the Wars put together.........Own up to it.
Nancy Pelosi: “As a Catholic… I Don’t Hate Anyone.” But Killing Babies in Abortion is Fine

Nancy is quite a woman. She's pro-abortion and pro-same sex marriage, but then when she's called out as a Trump hater, she says "I'm a Catholic and don't hate anyone" and "I pray for Trump every day."

The Church should respond to Nancy's hypocrisy with an ex-communication.

Unfortunately, our Catholic bishops are afraid of their shadows and will not take action against a Catholic politician, even one who flaunts her faithlessness as Nancy Pelosi.
<sob> But....but.....What about Abortion?
It is legalized murder of a child that is unborn. And the way out of unintended consequences of having sex without taking the precautions of making sure you don't have a baby.

Personal Accountability need not apply here. But the leftist butt hurt of harassing those who don't agree with the notion that a life has been terminated is unhinged............

Your side has slaughtered more human life with Abortion than all the Wars put together.........Own up to it.

As they are taking Title X away from the poorer people.
It appears that Nancy Pelosi missed a few basic lessons: i.e., Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Proclaim the Gospel always. When necessary use words. And, Actions speak louder than words. Her actions expose her words as meaningless.

She spoke up and defended herself against a rude journalist.
She's a LIAR and a Fraud. Spare me the false outrage..........She was asked if she HATED TRUMP and then used this phoney I'm a Catholic BS in response...............Your side HATES Trump does she........even Ray Charles can see it.

Why the hell doesn't your side stop HIDING IT........when questioned......and at least be Honest with your BS.........

The I'M SADDENED and PRAYING FOR TRUMP........from this Lying mouthpiece is quite frankly a JOKE. This mockery of justice called Impeachment is a JOKE. Your party is a JOKE............

We might as well say it like it is..............and we ARE DOING SO........and you don't like it......

Well tsk tsk..............
Nancy Pelosi: “As a Catholic… I Don’t Hate Anyone.” But Killing Babies in Abortion is Fine

Nancy is quite a woman. She's pro-abortion and pro-same sex marriage, but then when she's called out as a Trump hater, she says "I'm a Catholic and don't hate anyone" and "I pray for Trump every day."

The Church should respond to Nancy's hypocrisy with an ex-communication.

Unfortunately, our Catholic bishops are afraid of their shadows and will not take action against a Catholic politician, even one who flaunts her faithlessness as Nancy Pelosi.
<sob> But....but.....What about Abortion?
It is legalized murder of a child that is unborn. And the way out of unintended consequences of having sex without taking the precautions of making sure you don't have a baby.

Personal Accountability need not apply here. But the leftist butt hurt of harassing those who don't agree with the notion that a life has been terminated is unhinged............

Your side has slaughtered more human life with Abortion than all the Wars put together.........Own up to it.

As they are taking Title X away from the poorer people.
WTF is title X........I'm sure that it's about abortion......

Most laws on abortion are for late term abortion in this country..........and I've heard many leftist Politicians say they are OK with killing the baby as he or she is born.........straight from the womb.......................

Are you OK with that............I'M NOT..........I watched a video of it.........and it was one of the most SICKENING VIDEOS I'VE EVER SEEN..................

I don't mind saying it.........and I WILL SAY IT........and I question the MORALITY of ANYONE who agrees with it..........I call it Murder..............and an ACT OF BARBARISM.

Now you can call me names...........say HOW DARE YOU..........As an AMERICAN SICKENED BY THIS PRACTICE.........I FUCKING DARE SAY IT..............and don't give a rip if you like me saying it or not.

Don't like it........stick it in a pipe and smoke it.
She spoke up and defended herself against a rude journalist.
She over-reacted which suggests that someone touched the sore spot she has about impeaching the President. She has no case, so she knows the only reason for continuing on is, in fact, hatred. Had she a strong case--or any case at all--she would have simply said, "No, I hate the sin, not the sinner."

Note her speeches. Long ago in burlesque theater when the performance was not going well, they had this trick of waving the flag to get the audience to react with applause. Magicians, of course, use the same trick, using sleight of hand to distract. Speaker Pelosi is frantically waving Jefferson, Hamilton, portions of the Federalist Papers, and the founding Fathers to distract from the fact she has no case. When one has a case, no such distractions are needed because distractions only get in the way.

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