name some personal events RE the virus/mask extremes you've had to deal with..


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021
Well, some places I go into, the staff have a mild caniption if my mask isn't on properly... Well, I have a sinus issue and sometimes feel my breathing is obstructed.. However, telling some people that means ZILCH and the gestapo... I mean, the staff.. insist i wear the damn thing or else.

So one day I thought to myself.. how maybe the next time this happens

I will just do the Hitler salute

and say

Well, the OP asks for virus extremes.

OK, can do that ...with sadness.

We have a neighbor who we think the world of. She was absolutely the most gracious and welcoming of neighbors...She was the one who organized an introductory party for the entire neighborhood to come and meet us. She is in her early 50's.
She has been a die-hard anti-vaxer.
She is now fighting for her life. Covid.
We ae heartsick over it.

We have known a particular builder for many years. Though never have done business with him, but......but we've been contemplating building a getaway hunting camp on the creek at the farm. He was gonna be the first builder we'd get a bid from. WE trust him implicitly.
He and his wife have been vocal anti-vaxxers.
She got Covid....was sick for a week.
He got Covid too.....and is now on ventilator and struggling. His brother tells me 'it doesn't look encouraging'.
He is in his mid-60's.

So, the OP wanted to know about some 'extremes'.
Those are ours.

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