name one thing Obama has done that has been good for America .



No world leader feels he's trustworthy.

By respected I meant amongst everyday people, where polls show that it clearly is true.

Amongst heads of state, we can't know without asking them all privately, but my sense is that he is fairly well regarded in areas where Bush was quite openly and publically considered an imbecile. This isn't as much a left/right problem with Bush - because many of his detractors were conservatives - but simply a matter of his incompetence and lack of knowledge of the world. Obama hasn't quite hit the popularity heights of Clinton, but I'd say he's done well in this area.


No world leader feels he's trustworthy.

By respected I meant amongst everyday people, where polls show that it clearly is true.

Amongst heads of state, we can't know without asking them all privately, but my sense is that he is fairly well regarded in areas where Bush was quite openly and publically considered an imbecile. This isn't as much a left/right problem with Bush - because many of his detractors were conservatives - but simply a matter of his incompetence and lack of knowledge of the world. Obama hasn't quite hit the popularity heights of Clinton, but I'd say he's done well in this area.
Well, most of their news is filtered, which explains the disparity.

Their leaders despise him, and to me that's what matters.

How do I know this?

Because of the lack of cooperation from NATO members in fighting ISIS.
Well, most of their news is filtered, which explains the disparity.

Their leaders despise him, and to me that's what matters.

How do I know this?

Because of the lack of cooperation from NATO members in fighting ISIS.

So the entire world has their news 'filtered'?

Really....that's just silly. Every western democracy I can think of as a fairly good array of news sources, most of whom are far, far, far less politicised than the major news sources are in the US.

Whether countries participate in military actions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria or Libya has absolutely nothing to do with Obama's personal popularity ratings. Those decisions are made purely on domestic issues - i.e. what people will think about the decisions, does it further our national interests, can we afford it, is it likely to succeed.

It just staggers me that anyone in the US would imagine France, Australia or Malaysua make decisions on where to spend their military budget based on what Americans think of Bush or Obama. That's simply bonkers.
What has President Obama done that is good for America?

Off the top of my head:
1) gotten rid of DADT

2) refused to defend DOMA

3) finally pushed thru universal health care

4) took seriously our mission to hunt down and kill OBL and other top AQ leaders

5) exposed, by just being in the WH, that lingering, festering racism to be found in certain dark corners of America.
What has President Obama done that is good for America?

Off the top of my head:
1) gotten rid of DADT

2) refused to defend DOMA

3) finally pushed thru universal health care

4) took seriously our mission to hunt down and kill OBL and other top AQ leaders

5) exposed, by just being in the WH, that lingering, festering racism to be found in certain dark corners of America.

Oh yes the if you disagree with Obama you have to be racist bit.

Yep the far left propaganda knows no bounds, then again it was the far left that proved once and for all that the true racists reside within their ranks.
Just for fun

sherelle.smithJun 9, 2014

Why Rebumicans hate President Obama:
Could it be that they hate him because he has been able to do what they failed to do:
1. Affordable Care Act
2. $789B economic stimulus package
3. U.S. auto industry bail out (GM and Chrysler)
4. Cash for clunkers
5. Incentives for buyers of hybrid automobiles
6. Housing rescue plan and incentives for first time home buyers
7. Credits for purchasers of energy efficient appliances
8. Equal pay for women
9. $716B MEDICARE savings over next 10 years to keep program solvent
10. Lower drug costs for seniors and elimination of donut hole
11. Ended policy forbidding Medicare from negotiating for cheaper drugs.
12. Limited lobbyist’s access to the White House
13. Ended the war in Iraq
14. Closed secret detention facilities in Eastern Europe and ended renditions
15. Removed restrictions on embryonic stem-cell and biomedical research
16. Increased infrastructure spending (roads, bridges, power plants) after years of neglect
17. Funded high-speed, broadband Internet access to K-12 schools
18. Expanded the SCHIP program to cover health care for 4 million more children
19. Expanded Pell grant program and implemented easier loan repayment policy
20. Phased out the expensive F-22 war plane and other outdated weapons systems
21. The Guantanamo prison camp is being phased out
22. Torture banned. U.S. now in compliance with the Geneva Convention
23. Better body armor provided to our troops
24. Restarted the nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear inspection talks
25. Increased pay and benefits for military personnel
26. Improved housing for military personnel and veterans benefits
27. Proposed a Veterans Jobs Act (filibustered by the GOP 3 weeks ago)
28. Ended no-bid defense contract policy
29. Closed offshore tax havens (sorry Mitt)
30. Negotiated deal with Swiss banks to allow US government access to records of tax evaders and criminals
31. Ended tax benefits to corporations that outsource American jobs
32. Championed credit card consumer protection legislation
33. Expanded loans and tax credits to small businesses
34. Appointed the first Latina to the Supreme Court
35. Limited salaries of senior White House aides to $100,000
36. Renewed loan guarantees for Israel
Ordered the raid that killed Osama bin Laden and authorized drone strikes against Al Qaeda targets in Pakistan, Yemen and other countries
37. Kept this country from wasting trillions more on unnecessary wars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
38. And many more that don't fit in this space!!!

Vote people because we need the House and Senate RepubliCONS to retire because they're not doing anything for the 99%, but wasting time and tax payer's money and that's the WHOLE TRUTH. They don't care if the 99% die. They want to focus on NOTHING and DO NOTHING! ALL they're good at is distracting the lame and dumb who fall for their LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Obama Has Now Fulfilled His 4 Big Promises -- NYMag

Here is one even crazy ass Republicans like:

Expanded gun laws
Got an "F" from the Brady institute for expanding gun laws
the man can't even call a terrorist a terrorist ! nothing this man has done has been a success .

He went on vacation for three weeks - it was the best three weeks America has had since he took office. :thup:
Well, most of their news is filtered, which explains the disparity.

Their leaders despise him, and to me that's what matters.

How do I know this?

Because of the lack of cooperation from NATO members in fighting ISIS.

So the entire world has their news 'filtered'?

Really....that's just silly. Every western democracy I can think of as a fairly good array of news sources, most of whom are far, far, far less politicised than the major news sources are in the US.

Whether countries participate in military actions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria or Libya has absolutely nothing to do with Obama's personal popularity ratings. Those decisions are made purely on domestic issues - i.e. what people will think about the decisions, does it further our national interests, can we afford it, is it likely to succeed.

It just staggers me that anyone in the US would imagine France, Australia or Malaysua make decisions on where to spend their military budget based on what Americans think of Bush or Obama. That's simply bonkers.

Many governments in Europe control their media it is no secret, except to maybe those far left simpletons that live there. But then again when you have far left hacks controlling the media and will no longer publish news based on flawed political ideologies, this is what happens.
Here is a list of 262 of President Obama’s accomplishments as President. Every one of them has a citation, so no one can dismiss these as lies.

Okay, now your turn.

Name even one thing the Repubs have done FOR the US.

Let me save you some time and typing.

The Repub have done NOT ONE FUCKING THING for the US.

Let me save you some time. Your entire problem in life is thinking that someone should do for you what you should get off your ass and do for yourself. No one owes you anything in life. Thinking someone should do something for you shows you aren't willing to do it for yourself.
He pissed racists like yourself off.

That's a good thing.

I'm not fan of Obama's, but I must admit that watching racists flip their shit for the last 6 years has been pretty entertaining. He should get a third term, just so we can watch this for 6 more years.

That you even think he can have a third term invalidates anything you said.

That's not what he said dipshit.

That's exactly what he said. Anyone that makes a statement saying Obama should be able to do something that isn't possible is a retard. Anyone that agrees with the person saying it is a retard.
What has President Obama done that is good for America?

Off the top of my head:
1) gotten rid of DADT

2) refused to defend DOMA

3) finally pushed thru universal health care

4) took seriously our mission to hunt down and kill OBL and other top AQ leaders

5) exposed, by just being in the WH, that lingering, festering racism to be found in certain dark corners of America.

1) Pandered to the homos

2) See #1

3) Pandered to the leeches, AGAIN

4) Had to do what you seem to be saying Bush didn't but what Bush woulnd't have had to do is Playboy Bill hadn't been running around using cigars on fatass interns.

5) Gave people like you an excuse to claim racism when someone doesn't bend over and take it like you're willing to do.
He pissed racists like yourself off.

That's a good thing.

He created an environment where anything that doesn't kiss his ass like you do is considered racist.

Yup. If you disagree with his policies your a racist.

Its a load of horsehit but the lefties gotta have some way to account for those who don't agree with their great one.

Racism is it.
He pissed racists like yourself off.

That's a good thing.

He created an environment where anything that doesn't kiss his ass like you do is considered racist.

Yup. If you disagree with his policies your a racist.

Its a load of horsehit but the lefties gotta have some way to account for those who don't agree with their great one.

Racism is it.

It gives them an excuse when they can't defend him.
Well, most of their news is filtered, which explains the disparity.

Their leaders despise him, and to me that's what matters.

How do I know this?

Because of the lack of cooperation from NATO members in fighting ISIS.

So the entire world has their news 'filtered'?

Really....that's just silly. Every western democracy I can think of as a fairly good array of news sources, most of whom are far, far, far less politicised than the major news sources are in the US.

Whether countries participate in military actions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria or Libya has absolutely nothing to do with Obama's personal popularity ratings. Those decisions are made purely on domestic issues - i.e. what people will think about the decisions, does it further our national interests, can we afford it, is it likely to succeed.

It just staggers me that anyone in the US would imagine France, Australia or Malaysua make decisions on where to spend their military budget based on what Americans think of Bush or Obama. That's simply bonkers.

Well, I guess you've never had to deal with this asshole personally, or have been deployed and had the rug pulled from underneath you by this guy.
the man can't even call a terrorist a terrorist ! nothing this man has done has been a success .

You know he has been a disaster, I know he has been a disaster, but you ask a question like this and the lefties will just say everything was good and then you will get into a useless waste of time argument that they will never ever admit to being wrong about.

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