NAACP LDF Lawsuit: Trump Violated Voting Rights Act


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
In some grass near you
I'm glad the NAACP is trying to stop this shithead from disenfranchising black voters in three different cities with significant black populations, he's insinuating that the black vote is fraudulent.

I'm glad the NAACP is trying to stop this shithead from disenfranchising black voters in three different cities with significant black populations, he's insinuating that the black vote is fraudulent.

This is a nuisance lawsuit designed to harass and cause unnecessary expenses and waste lawyers' time .

Afro-AMerican Senatorial Candidate also claims that Michigan Elections are a BLATANT FRAUD

I'm glad the NAACP is trying to stop this shithead from disenfranchising black voters in three different cities with significant black populations, he's insinuating that the black vote is fraudulent.

Such is the racist, reprehensible right.
I'm glad the NAACP is trying to stop this shithead from disenfranchising black voters in three different cities with significant black populations, he's insinuating that the black vote is fraudulent.

why are you such a racist???

votes have no color,,,
I'm glad the NAACP is trying to stop this shithead from disenfranchising black voters in three different cities with significant black populations, he's insinuating that the black vote is fraudulent.

Such is the racist, reprehensible right.
Flaylo still hates you, no matter how much you kiss his ass.
I'm glad the NAACP is trying to stop this shithead from disenfranchising black voters in three different cities with significant black populations, he's insinuating that the black vote is fraudulent.

NAACP is racist and it's not disenfranchising voters--that's a bunch of bullshit
I'm glad the NAACP is trying to stop this shithead from disenfranchising black voters in three different cities with significant black populations, he's insinuating that the black vote is fraudulent.

Wow! What a revoltin' development this is.

I'm glad the NAACP is trying to stop this shithead from disenfranchising black voters in three different cities with significant black populations, he's insinuating that the black vote is fraudulent.

The NAACP is an outdated, irrelevant dinosaur which doesn't even represent the ideals and principles of the black folks anymore.

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