Mystery of the fishermen's Holy Trinity


Platinum Member
Jun 19, 2009
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Keeping it a mystery, because God forbid if you found out.
The original trinity found in older texts show it was Father- mother -son.
Ironically the ring worn by the Pope is the fishman god ring (Dagon) that they are kissing.
Dagon was the Father of Baal, who is the father of the morning star-rev 22:16.
Baal's wife was Isis which in other cultures was Ishtar(Easter).
This is why the Ishtar (easter) myth is that she births a giant egg by the river bed in which a fish is hatched called
the morning star(her son). This is why they wear the fish head hat called Mitre and have scales on their robes or trim.
And they reeled in their fish hook line and sinker thus called fishers of men.
:lol: bub, Christians don't worry about you anymore than they do about Guno.
:lol: bub, Christians don't worry about you anymore than they do about Guno.

Then why do they stalk and forum troll me?
Why do they care so much about addressing me instead of the lessons or commentary in the posts.
It seems to me the greater the ego or affiliation pride the more they will spite their lives to involve themselves in mine.
Even if it means jeopardising their jobs and relationships or even throwing their faith or icon under the bus their infatuation with doing evil to cover up their exposure is very obsessive.
Would you like a sample of their behavior?
Just mention my name in a forum post as one who has good points that make good scholarly theological discussions and watch the deteriation of human behavior right before your eyes.
In this experiment you can conclude that affiliation pride controls the group, and ego the individual and not spiritual matters or righteousness. In that the icon turns them bitter and poisonous thus the term Wormwood.
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What I don't get is why young people aren't flocking to RCC for the Satan worship? The Church attendance is as bad as at the local synagogues, young people just don't give a flying fuck about either
What I don't get is why young people aren't flocking to RCC for the Satan worship? The Church attendance is as bad as at the local synagogues, young people just don't give a flying fuck about either

I've mention this before.
The biggest creator of atheist and people's turn off is when they create rediculous fantasy concepts due to errors in not understanding the language and slang of that era or poetic usage of describing appearances.=bad rediculous interps.=insulted intelligence.
Keep it real, rational everything makes sense when you follow the rules of engaging in the stories through reality descriptions not passed down ignorant mistakes or bastardized versions.
:lol: bub, Christians don't worry about you anymore than they do about Guno.

Then why do they stalk and forum troll me?
Why do they care so much about addressing me instead of the lessons or commentary in the posts.
It seems to me the greater the ego or affiliation pride the more they will spite their lives to involve themselves in mine.
Even if it means jeopardising their jobs and relationships or even throwing their faith or icon under the bus their infatuation with doing evil to cover up their exposure is very obsessive.
Would you like a sample of their behavior?
Just mention my name in a forum post as one who has good points that make good scholarly theological discussions and watch the deteriation of human behavior right before your eyes.
In this experiment you can conclude that affiliation pride controls the group, and ego the individual and not spiritual matters or righteousness. In that the icon turns them bitter and poisonous thus the term Wormwood.
You are the one who seems bitter and poisonous. Just let it go.
The trinity seems to come in other ways as well for example I have seen the sign IHS on a number of different christian sites which modern day christians use to mean In His Service but to an ancient egyptian would mean Isis, Horus and Set so the trinity concept was borrowed from many cultures which were swallowed up by the roman world in their conquests and repacaged by the romans in christianity as a giant fish that swallows and conquers all funny how that 153 fish/ nations/ peoples were captured and subdued by them as they were netted or reeled in....
You are the one who seems bitter and poisonous. Just let it go.

He can't let it go. He has gone completely off the deep end and thinks he is the messiah so is is bound to ventilate hatred for Jesus at anyone that professes devotion to him. No sane Jew would listen to him so he has nothing else to do, no where else to go.

No problem. Let him spew the unclean contents of his defiled and contaminated mind like a flood that is easily swallowed up by the earth.

I think it only helps to solidify the faith of Christians by him demonstrating the exact same venomous species of pharisaic hypocrisy that Jesus opposed and fought against to the death. It might even help ethical Jews and people of all beliefs and unbeliefs to understand what Jesus was arguing about and come to accept that what he taught was right.

"Behold, I will send for many fishermen," declares the LORD, "and they will fish for them; and afterwards I will send for many hunters, and they will hunt them from every mountain and every hill and from the clefts of the rocks. For My eyes are on all their ways; they are not hidden from My face, nor is their iniquity concealed from My eyes.…" Jeremiah 16:16
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Hobelim, when will you learn?
You always accuse people falsely of what you are doing in displacement behavior.
Fact: you are the stalker who "can't let it go" thus threatened to "expose me" and harass me even though you thought I was as mentally ill as you proved Yeshu (Jesus) to be.
Fact: you are the one abusing a disabled person (in your mind)and making fun of disabled ladies when they mentally lose it.
Fact:you are the one with multiple names on Craigslist and this forum=multiple personalities or hiding shame?
Fact: you are the one who has gone completely off the deep end and thinks he is God. Not christ, Hobelim thinks he's God.
Fact: you are the one who thinks Jews should not strive to be anointed Rabbis or be the top-best one or liberator for the people, nor believe that's possible.
Since Hobelim attributes God and messiah as the same, his comical wack- a-doodle mangod beliefs makes him blind to simple concepts and descriptions while accidentally admitting even he doesn't believe his own teachings. Hence my comment to his constant blowing up of his own beliefs without noticing=clueless.
Fact:it is Hobelim who said I was Moshiach and even proved I am top Rabbi.
And in many posts has accidentally called his sanity and Christians sanity into question.
Example:when asked who was his Christ he said Yashu or Yashua instead of Yeshu.
Proper transliteration Y=H sound.
That's why Book of Joshua is called Hosea. Yashu is pronounced HaShev and means Redeem/restore/return Yashua(HaSheva) means redeemer. So Hobelim said I am his Christ and this set him off into his tirade, which he does when frustrated with being outted in false info.
Once again proving Hobelim displaces & blames me for what he says or claims.

Fact: he posted Jeremiah 16 which is about the Chaldeans who as we all know
Michael was their great deity and Guardian.
How appropriate this conversation.

Fact: Hobelim thinks Jesus is an idol & false image and that I am a top opponent of this false image. Once again proving Hobelim thinks I am that Michael.

Fact; Hobelim is my greatest fan, has innadvertantly while trying to
"wack the Jew" accidentally help prove my points, reveal things, and teach others through.
But with fans like Hobelim, who needs enemas?
Look what he did for Jesus, he proved Jesus had to be insane, not exist and Believers had to be stupid (his own words) & delusional, including busting on his own sanity and intellect.
=obsessive fan who in his own words
"can't let it go. He has gone completely off the deep end"
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:lol: bub, Christians don't worry about you anymore than they do about Guno.

Then why do they stalk and forum troll me?
Why do they care so much about addressing me instead of the lessons or commentary in the posts.
It seems to me the greater the ego or affiliation pride the more they will spite their lives to involve themselves in mine.
Even if it means jeopardising their jobs and relationships or even throwing their faith or icon under the bus their infatuation with doing evil to cover up their exposure is very obsessive.
Would you like a sample of their behavior?
Just mention my name in a forum post as one who has good points that make good scholarly theological discussions and watch the deteriation of human behavior right before your eyes.
In this experiment you can conclude that affiliation pride controls the group, and ego the individual and not spiritual matters or righteousness. In that the icon turns them bitter and poisonous thus the term Wormwood.
You are the one who seems bitter and poisonous. Just let it go.

Really, the only reply you can think of is the ole Pee Wee Herman
"I know you are but what am I"
displacement behavior?
Did you learn that when you were 3 years old or did they just teach you that in missionary school?
Seriously, the fact you do not speak out at his behavior is proof of issues with affiliation pride and how it makes you accept bad behavior because it's the same gang but reject good & righteous things because it's outside your gang
=gang mentality.
Christians complain about moderate Muslims not speaking up and out and here we see you doing the same protective silence.
Just enjoying this thread like the other triune thread where Hobelim inadvertently named Yashu or Yashua for his Christ....I am not trying to get between the two of you because we don't want Hobe to be accusing me of being a brown nosed dork again but lol since Hobe joined this forum on ironically April 1 st that would truly make him a " fool " for Christ .......Smiling....
Fact:it is Hobelim who said I was Moshiach and even proved I am top Rabbi.
And in many posts has accidentally called his sanity and Christians sanity into question.
Example:when asked who was his Christ he said Yashu or Yashua instead of Yeshu.
Proper transliteration Y=H sound.
That's why Book of Joshua is called Hosea. Yashu is pronounced HaShev and means Redeem/restore/return Yashua(HaSheva) means redeemer. So Hobelim said I am his Christ and this set him off into his tirade, which he does when frustrated with being outted in false info.
Once again proving Hobelim displaces & blames me for what he says or claims.

Fact: he posted Jeremiah 16 which is about the Chaldeans who as we all know
Michael was their great deity and Guardian.
How appropriate this conversation.

Fact: Hobelim thinks Jesus is an idol & false image and that I am a top opponent of this false image. Once again proving Hobelim thinks I am that Michael.

Fact; Hobelim is my greatest fan,

LOL... As I said, the more you post the more ridiculous you look..

Well done!
Just enjoying this thread like the other triune thread where Hobelim inadvertently named Yashu or Yashua for his Christ....I am not trying to get between the two of you because we don't want Hobe to be accusing me of being a brown nosed dork again but lol since Hobe joined this forum on ironically April 1 st that would truly make him a " fool " for Christ .......Smiling....

Maybe, 'from the beginning' I have been having a little neighborly fun with you religious hypocrites and lying frauds? Maybe I have been deliberately tying up the tares in neat little bundles for burning? Maybe I'm crazy?

Its still a violation to eat the flesh of a brown nosed dork.

The power of life reveals itself in mysterious ways, even in humorous irony.
The power of life reveals itself in mysterious ways, even in humorous irony.

OH yeah, thanks for reminding me ....

God is not life personified.

You understand neither scripture nor the power of God.

but it really is very humorous watching someone pretending to be the great defender of the Jewish people, the Zohan himself wrestling and losing to Jesus, someone who he claims never existed.
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Just enjoying this thread like the other triune thread where Hobelim inadvertently named Yashu or Yashua for his Christ....I am not trying to get between the two of you because we don't want Hobe to be accusing me of being a brown nosed dork again but lol since Hobe joined this forum on ironically April 1 st that would truly make him a " fool " for Christ .......Smiling....

Maybe, 'from the beginning' I have been having a little neighborly fun with you religious hypocrites and lying frauds? Maybe I have been deliberately tying up the tares in neat little bundles for burning? Maybe I'm crazy?

Its still a violation to eat the flesh of a brown nosed dork.


You are calling yourself crazy through your logic, which means over 6 billion people are crazy, which is pretty much true to different degrees and levels. I'm crazy like a fox.
Willing to sacrafice my image and ego to do what is needed not what is wanted to bring the point to fruition.
However, it's never ok to constantly use that phrase everytime you disagree or are frustrated with your inability to gain on someone or refute an issue.
And it certainly is not ok to bash a disabled person knowingly and willingly trying to hurt them further. You got some growing up to do. Even thpugh you joined on April fools I don't accuse you of being totally foolish, since you do understand Jesus was made an image by Rome.
Who I find Foolish are the Christians who will egg on your poor behavior simply because you are Christian, not knowing you are closer and more similar to me in understanding then you are them.
Now that is also pure irony & a good Aprils fool joke that makrs for a great lesson in Affiliation Behavior.
Who I find Foolish are the Christians who will egg on your poor behavior simply because you are Christian, not knowing you are closer and more similar to me in understanding then you are them.

No... not at all...

According to scripture the dead in Christ will be the first to rise . You will see it with your own eyes while whittling away the hours in the comfort of your tomb. you won't notice though... you're way too busy grooming yourself for the priesthood dreaming of an imaginary position above everyone else in a theocratic paradise that will never be.
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Brown nosed dorks do have some purposes and ever since ironically April 1st was the new year till a pope in te 1500 decided to change it to jan 1 st with the stroke of a. Pen the joke has been. On. All who put any credence on th e NT. as they changed anything and everything on a whim as well...

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