My Wife Posing in Lingerie — Beyond Purple

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Unfortunately, the dove passed away on 16 October 2019. She'd been with us just a few months short of seventeen years.

Sorry to hear that Bob. :(

What terribly sad news. I'm sorry for your loss.

An unfortunate thing about pets is that they usually don't live nearly as long as we do, so having a pet nearly always means that one day, you're going to have to deal with the death of that pet. In my own nearly six decades of life, I've outlived more than half a dozen cats, as well as a few other unusual pets.

I have no idea what Ava's age was, when she showed up on our doorstep in Lompoc, on the cold winter night of 29 December 2002, cold and hungry and badly injured. She did not grow or develop in the time she was with us, so clearly, she was already fully-grown and mature at that time. What little Googling I've done on the subject gives the life-expectancy of a domesticated ringneck dove as anywhere from fifteen to twenty-five years. So the almost seventeen years that she was with us solidly puts her in that range.

I miss having a dove around my home. My wife and I were never really bird people before, and never originally sought to have a bird as a pet. It was the bird that chose us. But there's really something about having a dove in one's home, that seems to create a sense of peace and comfort.

It looks like I will have to wait a few more months, for doves to be in season, before I can obtain another one.

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Unfortunately, the dove passed away on 16 October 2019. She'd been with us just a few months short of seventeen years.

Sorry to hear that Bob. :(

What terribly sad news. I'm sorry for your loss.

An unfortunate thing about pets is that they usually don't live nearly as long as we do, so having a pet nearly always means that one day, you're going to have to deal with the death of that pet. In my own nearly six decades of life, I've outlived more than half a dozen cats, as well as a few other unusual pets.

I have no idea what Ava's age was, when she showed up on our doorstep in Lompoc, on the cold winter night of 29 December 2002, cold and hungry and badly injured. She did not grow or develop in the time she was with us, so clearly, she was already fully-grown and mature at that time. What little Googling I've done on the subject gives the life-expectancy of a domesticated ringneck dove as anywhere from fifteen to twenty-five years. So the almost seventeen years that she was with us solidly puts her in that range.

I miss having a dove around my home. My wife and I were never really bird people before, and never originally sought to have a bird as a pet. It was the bird that chose us. But there's really something about having a dove in one's home, that seems to create a sense of peace and comfort.

It looks like I will have to wait a few more months, for doves to be in season, before I can obtain another one.

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I also rescued my pet rabbit. I went outside to do something at about 11:30 PM (can't for the life of me remember what that was!), and I flipped on the light and stepped outside, and there he was, sitting there just looking at me. I had no idea what he was at first because it was dark and he was kind of in the shadows. Then I realized it was a rabbit, so I woke my son to help me catch him (my son actually caught him - LOL). He would probably not have made it through the night. My back yard borders a conservation area with woods, and there are foxes and cats and things out there hunting all the time. What luck that I happened to step outside while he was right there in front of my patio! :)

Anyhow, he passed away in March of 2019, and let me tell you, it was MUCH more difficult than I thought. Who would know you could get so attached to rabbits and birds? :) It has been almost a year and I have a new rabbit, but I still think of my bunny. He was very sweet and very special to me. My little rabbit friend. You gave her a great life and happiness and safety. :smiliehug:
She's pretty, but no more a “real woman” than my wife. Perhaps not even as much so. Do we even know who she is? Do we know anything about her personality, her intellect, her moral character, or anything else about her that really matters? My wife may not be quite as pretty, but she has virtues that are far more important, and which I would not trade for mere visual beauty.
Why do you question her character ? You dont know her and have never met her. She may be a wonderful person.
I think you are being too judgemental.
Why do you question her character ? You dont [sic] know her and have never met her. She may be a wonderful person.
I think you are being too judgemental [sic].

Where have I questioned her character? It seems to me that it should be obvious that the point of the seven-year-old post that you've decided to dig up now and respond to was to say that I do not know enough about the woman in question to judge her character, and neither, do I think, does anyone else on this forum.

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

  What do you do for a living, that you should look down on me for my profession?

&nsbp; Is being a worthless, burdensome welfare parasite really considered a more prestigious way of making a living over there in the UK, than being an honest electrician/construction worker?
I experimented a bit with this outfit, which fluoresced much more dimly, but in an interesting manner. Alas, this would not have worked to have my wife wearing it, because it required exposure times on the order of twenty to thirty seconds, much longer than my wife would be able to stay still.

View attachment 70112

One more pose please. From this angle

80085 & ( ! )
Where have I questioned her character? It seems to me that it should be obvious that the point of the seven-year-old post that you've decided to dig up now and respond to was to say that I do not know enough about the woman in question to judge her character, and neither, do I think, does anyone else on this forum.

  What do you do for a living, that you should look down on me for my profession?

&nsbp; Is being a worthless, burdensome welfare parasite really considered a more prestigious way of making a living over there in the UK, than being an honest electrician/construction worker?
Why dont you answer the question ?
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