My thoughts on just whatever.. the condition of the US at this horrible time in history


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2022
The country is all but gone
The election was stolen but we are BAD to say that
So basically, we are all being LIED to on a HUGE scale

If that is not scary, what is? And yet people are going on about this Pelosi nonsense. I myself couldn't care less. I do care about Pelosi's soul. . which btw.. we need to pray for all those in mortal sin. But anyway..

I guess you could say I have a one-track mind at this point. I want america to become America again. I want at least the most egregious corruption in DC to end. I worry that the Rs are not so enthused about that?

They should be. They have to live in this country also. But I guess if you have enough money you can.. "fly over" as it were.. all the schmucky little people, those who live in small houses because they can't afford a bigger one.. or worse, have no home at all.. No problem for them, they can buy 10 houses and leave them empty most of the year.. and apparently "they".. the DC sewer rats apparently never worry themselves too much over the aforementioned un-wealthy Americans, which is most of us.

Anyway... I don't know what the answer is, really.. outside of VOTING

The connection is that the people

Chris Wray
Dykey Nancy
"Biden republicans"

Involved with covering up "UnderwearGate" are the same ones who stole the election and hate hoaxed 1/6.

If you figured out dePape is Paul's gay coke whore, you should be able to figure out that 2020 and 1/6 are frauds by the same liars.
The election was not stolen. Trump's ego would not allow him to admit he lost. He started the lie and it has kept going. That is why the cases were thrown out of court almost everywhere they tried to press it.
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The connection is that the people

Chris Wray
Dykey Nancy
"Biden republicans"

Involved with covering up "UnderwearGate" are the same ones who stole the election and hate hoaxed 1/6.

If you figured out dePape is Paul's gay coke whore, you should be able to figure out that 2020 and 1/6 are frauds by the same liars.
haha.. I figured out the election was bogus as soon as it happened, have been accumulating evidence galore ever since.. and there is tons of it

UnderwearGate.. LOL

Again, I couldn't care less except for the fact that.. eternity is a LONG time.. don't want anyone, even the unsavory Pelosis going to a rotten Place for that long.. (OK, confession time: I have moments in which I do not care. But I force myself to care bc Jesus does. As the Word says God is not willing that any should perish..)

Anyway... yeh.. we should all have a one-track mind RE how utterly rotten things are in this country.. and do whatever we can to fix it

We start with VOTING

on Tuesday.

Your vote absolutely does count..

It counts more in this election than any that have gone before..

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The election was not stolen. Trump's ego would not allow him to admit he lost. He started the lie and it has kept going. That is why the cases were thrown out of court almost everywhere they tried to press it.
one problem:

I didn't listen to anything Trump or anyone else said. I dug into the EVIDENCE

sorry you libs hate that........
one problem:

I didn't listen to anything Trump or anyone else said. I dug into the EVIDENCE

sorry you libs hate that........

Buchanan County Board of Supervisors member indicted on 82 felony charges

And that turd managed, with the help of his accomplice, to turn a small rural red county blue.

Sure the leftist liars (the real deniers) will say it was just a little county in rural Virginia but if the dems could do that there it stands to reason it was much more widespread, you know, like the votes on a thumb drive that were 'discovered' that put Spanberger (D 7-VA) over the top.....Also in here Virginia.

I can't even fathom what went on in dem controlled areas....Look at GA and the zero dark thirty ballot counting after the poll watchers were run off.
The country is all but gone
The election was stolen but we are BAD to say that
So basically, we are all being LIED to on a HUGE scale

If that is not scary, what is? And yet people are going on about this Pelosi nonsense. I myself couldn't care less. I do care about Pelosi's soul. . which btw.. we need to pray for all those in mortal sin. But anyway..

I guess you could say I have a one-track mind at this point. I want america to become America again. I want at least the most egregious corruption in DC to end. I worry that the Rs are not so enthused about that?

They should be. They have to live in this country also. But I guess if you have enough money you can.. "fly over" as it were.. all the schmucky little people, those who live in small houses because they can't afford a bigger one.. or worse, have no home at all.. No problem for them, they can buy 10 houses and leave them empty most of the year.. and apparently "they".. the DC sewer rats apparently never worry themselves too much over the aforementioned un-wealthy Americans, which is most of us.

Anyway... I don't know what the answer is, really.. outside of VOTING

Lol, it pleases me you are scared and miserable. That's what you get when you listen to fear mongering all day every day. Meanwhile I fish and hunt just about every day. Hang out with my best friend since 11 years old commonly 3 to 4 times a week. Play with my grandchildren. Live on the lake. Life is good. Maybe go outside and quit listening to the fear mongering all day every day you would be happy also.
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Buchanan County Board of Supervisors member indicted on 82 felony charges

And that turd managed, with the help of his accomplice, to turn a small rural red county blue.

Sure the leftist liars (the real deniers) will say it was just a little county in rural Virginia but if the dems could do that there it stands to reason it was much more widespread, you know, like the votes on a thumb drive that were 'discovered' that put Spanberger (D 7-VA) over the top.....Also in here Virginia.

I can't even fathom what went on in dem controlled areas....Look at GA and the zero dark thirty ballot counting after the poll watchers were run off.
didn't know about that VA thing but knew about the GA debacle.. the after hours ballot.. crimes

I have read maybe all the books written on the topic, which are not many since we are told

Nothin to see here.. Nothing to see here.. Move along

Don't be an election denier! almost as bad as being a racist.. MAYBE WORSE!
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Lol, it pleases me you are scared and miserable. That's what you get when you listen to fear mongering all day every day. Meanwhile I fish and hunt just about every day. Hang out with my best friend since 11 years old commonly 3 to 4 times a week. Play with my grandchildren. Live on the lake. Life is good. Maybe go outside and quit listening to the fear mongering all day every day you would be happy also.
so it pleases you when people are miserable?

what a sicko. Do your grandchildren know how ill u are mentally/spiritually?

And Jesus said (yeh, I know.. you don't care what he said but anyhow) Jesus said that He who loves his life in this world will lose it, but that he who loses his life for HIS (Jesus's) sake will find it..

So.. take the Fryway... your choice..
so it pleases you when people are miserable?

what a sicko. Do your grandchildren know how ill u are mentally/spiritually?

And Jesus said (yeh, I know.. you don't care what he said but anyhow) Jesus said that He who loves his life in this world will lose it, but that he who loses his life for HIS (Jesus's) sake will find it..

So.. take the Fryway... your choice..
It pleases me that feeble minded idiots that are fed fear all day long and are stupid enough to believe it are miserable. Natural consequences. If you are stupid enough to believe in giant Jewish space lasers, pedophile vampire lizard people, that they are installing liter boxes in high schools and other flat insane shit yourfear mongers are feeding you, then you get what you deserve. I am fine with it. Grow a freaking brain and you won't have these problems. You look to be miserable you will be miserable. Lol, God designed this place to have natural consequences. You are reaping what you sow. Fix it or suffer the consequences. I don't feel bad for some one who chooses to be miserable. It's evidently what you want. You choose it.
Lol, it pleases me you are scared and miserable. That's what you get when you listen to fear mongering all day every day. Meanwhile I fish and hunt just about every day. Hang out with my best friend since 11 years old commonly 3 to 4 times a week. Play with my grandchildren. Live on the lake. Life is good. Maybe go outside and quit listening to the fear mongering all day every day you would be happy also.
Meh, I suspect I see more "outdoor time" than you ever dreamed of but I also have the common sense to know when we have been snookered by the left....One is not even related to the other.

As a aside.....I saw a nice 8-point start a scrape line in my damn back yard last evening.

He paid no attention to me what so ever. :laughing0301:

One of three.

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Meh, I suspect I see more "outdoor time" than you ever dreamed of but I also have the common sense to know when we have been snookered by the left....One is not even related to the other.

As a aside.....I saw a nice 8-point start a scrape line in my damn back yard last evening.

He paid no attention to me what so ever. :laughing0301:

One of three.

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Lol, I hunt and fish for a living. I doubt you see more out door time than I do. Hilarious. I will be in a tree stand after the buckeyes play. Would be on the lake right now if it were not for 5 foot waves. 70 degrees here but 25 to 40 mph winds. Suck s too my big boat gets winterized on Monday. Was hoping to use it this weekend.
Maybe it's easy to get hysterical about politics but the U.S. endured far worse times that make today's alleged hardships look trivial. Most Americans are victims of the media that has become the propaganda arm of the democrat party.
Meh, I suspect I see more "outdoor time" than you ever dreamed of but I also have the common sense to know when we have been snookered by the left....One is not even related to the other.

As a aside.....I saw a nice 8-point start a scrape line in my damn back yard last evening.

He paid no attention to me what so ever. :laughing0301:

One of three.

View attachment 721240
8 point?

dont get it
Maybe it's easy to get hysterical about politics
oh, that's what it is?

I thought it was

OMG Our once-great country (or at least greater than today country) is all but LOST

due to corruption and greed and criminal activity at the polls

But I guess that's just a itty bitty problem to some of us..
The election was not stolen. Trump's ego would not allow him to admit he lost. He started the lie and it has kept going. That is why the cases were thrown out of court almost everywhere they tried to press it.
The cases were thrown out by a politicized judiciary. It was apparent, on election day, that the election was being stolen.
The cases were thrown out by a politicized judiciary. It was apparent, on election day, that the election was being stolen.
and it got more apparent as the days and months and years have gone by

Atfirst something like 30% of thepeople said it was stolen

Today it is something like 60% +
and it got more apparent as thee days and months and years have gone by

Atfirst something like 30% of thepeople said it was stolen

Today it is something like 60% +
Elections in California are so fraudulent, the democrat governor isn't bothering to campaign.

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