- Dec 16, 2015
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Hi Everyone, New to forum here. This is my take on the Republican Debate and America.
Key word for the debate is Morons, The Morons that were on the stage and the Morons that were watching it thinking one thoes morons can fix anything. Why would I say this? Because the party system is or should be illegal, it divides, cost huge amounts of time and money and subverts true progress and give excuses to parties when they fail on purpose or not, they blame it on the other side.
George Washington in his parting letter warned of the party system, which took a good part of his letter. He may have left it to warn but instead it was used as a road map to subvert the government from within over time quietly, keeping the people happy while you slowly like moving chess pieces into place untill they have men in the positions and have control, and as long as things stay semi the same or change slowly over time then none are the wiser. The people that the american people sent to washington when they got there setup a government and system within our government, which was never meant to be the case and not all but most ( Edited Added: of americas problems) are a resualt of the party system and its use by the criminals now in government and in the past.
A house divided against itself will not stand! Our country is divided more than ever not just in the government. A main battle tactic is to divide and conquer, its not hard to understand.
Donald trump is a Chump and not a christian, just saying your a christian or wearing a cross or going to church, have nothing what so ever to do with being a follower of Jesus. Chump trump didn't even know he was taking communion, we was like oh I take my little cup of juice and cracker. There is not one true christian in the whole bunch and if there is their hiding it very well.
Chump trump says the bible is his faviorate book? Is there one word about God in his book? Dose he talk about God or include God?
Building a wall again what Morons? I guess they just want people to feel safe, because a wall will not work, Did they not just see that the drug cartels are masters of tunnels and a wall is just an object that can be subverted. A fence back from the border with tough laws that are inforced can do that Job. I'm not suggesting we need to go as far as the death penelty for thoes who come into our country illegally but I assure you if it were law and inforced then we would have less illegal immigration. It would not be the state or government that is killing anyone, Sin kills and if it were law then it is the actions of the individual themselves that is the cause of his or her own death by breaking the law, just as sure as if they grab a live 440volt wire or jump off a 400ft cliff you will die in most cases.
I charge the UN and all nations that could and didn't with crimes against humanity. What good is the UN if America is always doing all the work. The situation in syria was created by the US and its covert policies to subvert governments ( The US Government itself has been subverted by Criminals and Thieves) they can not control. We may need a dictator to make america great again, as its so full of criminals and thieves who only serve themselves.
People wake up Look at what people say and what they do, this is how you tell a tree from its fruits. The politicians tell us what they think we want to hear, having an agenda hid from the public, as they are smarter and know whats best for us right? NO! The true orginized crime figures are all business men and Politicians, and people wonder why america is so fracked up. Look at what they say and then what they do they do not match, this is a bad tree.
As President I would lead and protect the rights of all law abiding citizens, weather satan whorshippers, atheist or what ever as long as they are following the laws and their beliefs do not interfear with others rights. Ignorace under my presidency would continue to be protected, as it has been in the past. You can disagree with me thats ok Truth is all that matters and all that will survive.
A vote for Bush is a Vote for Hitler, Oh you thought the second world war was over did you? Sorry to tell you but were still at war and Hitler is winning, he was evil and so are the Bush family. Jeb may not be as hard core as the rest but hes a team player non the less.
You have to understand these people the people who have been behind the sceens for thousands of years rule from behid the throne, they learned this helps keep them in power while the scape goats come and go.
We need to do away with the federal reserve and charge them with subversion against humanity and the US and confinscate their assets. The system collapsed and who bailled out the Feds? Not the feds but the us tax payers and their children for years to come unless corrected.
We need to stabilize the markets and change the corporation laws. If you want to invest you should have to buy stocks with cash not on margin, as the way the stock market is set up now is a huge ponzzi scheme where the rich and inside traders skim money off the top while advising others to stay in as thats the only way they can continue to rob it. You should have to buy min of 3 month, 6month 12 month ect commitments. This is not all worked out but dose need attition.
As far as isis I would pray for them first then surround them, drop pamplets and new testiments, with a note that reads, You have say 24 hours to get ready to meet your maker or surrender or attack your captors and escape if you can.
We need to get more christians to be cops that trust God is protecting them and will not shot people because their wetting their pants thinking someone is going kill or hurt them, or just because they want to kill someone and are protected. We need to stop the protection of people who break the law and harder penilties for thoes who help cover up such behavior.
We need a way for people to remove corrupt official and politicians through a vote, even the president should not be safe from this action, after all was it not the people who voted these people in and should we the people not have the choice to remove them? Yes we should have by law. If not by law then the only option my be force, like say France. Ironic that the current french government started by cutting peoples heads off now ISIS is cutting peoples heads off and they call them terrorist, not that I disagree with them on that point.
There is a force in america and in control of top government positions that is more dangerious than ISIS and it needs to be destroyed ruthlessly and totally. Cockroaches do not live where food is, they live where they have been allowed to survive. America is full of cockroaches and they need stamped out just like roaches. I have no problem killing roaches, in fact if these roaches are not killed it will all of us the roaches kill. Where's the raid lol!
America is at a crossroads, Vote in a non-true christian and a party member and allow the party system to continue and america is doomed for sure, Vote in me and it's still going be hard but we may save our country and many souls in the process. It makes me very sad to see the ignorance in this world, God says his people perish for lack of knowledge, the truth hurts sometimes and I will not hold the truth from you just so you like me or so I could win the presidency.
We need many more things, I will always be willing to listen to all sides and with knowledge and wisdom and prayers make the rigth decision for the best of all.
As far as foriegn policy, I would sit down with the head of every country, at least once, after that would depend on their actions and participation.
The kill the roaches language was not to be taken literially, If a person is to live like Christ and for God he has to die to self, I want all to know the Love, Power and Peace that God has to offer. I therefore want all the sinners to die but live, Live a better happier life. All people have freewill of course or should as not all always do have true freewill to chose for themselves. I do not impose the truth on anyone, nor will I be silent as too the Truth!!!!!!!
May God Bless all people, Abundantly, Continually, for Perpetuity and may All People Bless God Abundantly, Continually, for Perpetuity in Jesus's Name
The Most High, Jesus, The Holy Spirit and I Proclaim THERE WILL BE PEACE!!!!!!! Resistance is Futile, No Negotiations, Everyone Wins!!!!!!!
The True Illuminated One, CEO of New, New World Order, Defender of the Faith, Holder of The Iron Scepter, Lowell D. Williams
"Tough Love is what the world needs, and Tough Love is what the world is going to get"
By Lowell D. Williams
I mean no one harm this is my opinion based on information from public sources, and have been for some time with no rebuttal. I don't plan on commenting at this time to any replys, feel free to discuss it with others of course.
Best regards Lowell D. Williams
Key word for the debate is Morons, The Morons that were on the stage and the Morons that were watching it thinking one thoes morons can fix anything. Why would I say this? Because the party system is or should be illegal, it divides, cost huge amounts of time and money and subverts true progress and give excuses to parties when they fail on purpose or not, they blame it on the other side.
George Washington in his parting letter warned of the party system, which took a good part of his letter. He may have left it to warn but instead it was used as a road map to subvert the government from within over time quietly, keeping the people happy while you slowly like moving chess pieces into place untill they have men in the positions and have control, and as long as things stay semi the same or change slowly over time then none are the wiser. The people that the american people sent to washington when they got there setup a government and system within our government, which was never meant to be the case and not all but most ( Edited Added: of americas problems) are a resualt of the party system and its use by the criminals now in government and in the past.
A house divided against itself will not stand! Our country is divided more than ever not just in the government. A main battle tactic is to divide and conquer, its not hard to understand.
Donald trump is a Chump and not a christian, just saying your a christian or wearing a cross or going to church, have nothing what so ever to do with being a follower of Jesus. Chump trump didn't even know he was taking communion, we was like oh I take my little cup of juice and cracker. There is not one true christian in the whole bunch and if there is their hiding it very well.
Chump trump says the bible is his faviorate book? Is there one word about God in his book? Dose he talk about God or include God?
Building a wall again what Morons? I guess they just want people to feel safe, because a wall will not work, Did they not just see that the drug cartels are masters of tunnels and a wall is just an object that can be subverted. A fence back from the border with tough laws that are inforced can do that Job. I'm not suggesting we need to go as far as the death penelty for thoes who come into our country illegally but I assure you if it were law and inforced then we would have less illegal immigration. It would not be the state or government that is killing anyone, Sin kills and if it were law then it is the actions of the individual themselves that is the cause of his or her own death by breaking the law, just as sure as if they grab a live 440volt wire or jump off a 400ft cliff you will die in most cases.
I charge the UN and all nations that could and didn't with crimes against humanity. What good is the UN if America is always doing all the work. The situation in syria was created by the US and its covert policies to subvert governments ( The US Government itself has been subverted by Criminals and Thieves) they can not control. We may need a dictator to make america great again, as its so full of criminals and thieves who only serve themselves.
People wake up Look at what people say and what they do, this is how you tell a tree from its fruits. The politicians tell us what they think we want to hear, having an agenda hid from the public, as they are smarter and know whats best for us right? NO! The true orginized crime figures are all business men and Politicians, and people wonder why america is so fracked up. Look at what they say and then what they do they do not match, this is a bad tree.
As President I would lead and protect the rights of all law abiding citizens, weather satan whorshippers, atheist or what ever as long as they are following the laws and their beliefs do not interfear with others rights. Ignorace under my presidency would continue to be protected, as it has been in the past. You can disagree with me thats ok Truth is all that matters and all that will survive.
A vote for Bush is a Vote for Hitler, Oh you thought the second world war was over did you? Sorry to tell you but were still at war and Hitler is winning, he was evil and so are the Bush family. Jeb may not be as hard core as the rest but hes a team player non the less.
You have to understand these people the people who have been behind the sceens for thousands of years rule from behid the throne, they learned this helps keep them in power while the scape goats come and go.
We need to do away with the federal reserve and charge them with subversion against humanity and the US and confinscate their assets. The system collapsed and who bailled out the Feds? Not the feds but the us tax payers and their children for years to come unless corrected.
We need to stabilize the markets and change the corporation laws. If you want to invest you should have to buy stocks with cash not on margin, as the way the stock market is set up now is a huge ponzzi scheme where the rich and inside traders skim money off the top while advising others to stay in as thats the only way they can continue to rob it. You should have to buy min of 3 month, 6month 12 month ect commitments. This is not all worked out but dose need attition.
As far as isis I would pray for them first then surround them, drop pamplets and new testiments, with a note that reads, You have say 24 hours to get ready to meet your maker or surrender or attack your captors and escape if you can.
We need to get more christians to be cops that trust God is protecting them and will not shot people because their wetting their pants thinking someone is going kill or hurt them, or just because they want to kill someone and are protected. We need to stop the protection of people who break the law and harder penilties for thoes who help cover up such behavior.
We need a way for people to remove corrupt official and politicians through a vote, even the president should not be safe from this action, after all was it not the people who voted these people in and should we the people not have the choice to remove them? Yes we should have by law. If not by law then the only option my be force, like say France. Ironic that the current french government started by cutting peoples heads off now ISIS is cutting peoples heads off and they call them terrorist, not that I disagree with them on that point.
There is a force in america and in control of top government positions that is more dangerious than ISIS and it needs to be destroyed ruthlessly and totally. Cockroaches do not live where food is, they live where they have been allowed to survive. America is full of cockroaches and they need stamped out just like roaches. I have no problem killing roaches, in fact if these roaches are not killed it will all of us the roaches kill. Where's the raid lol!
America is at a crossroads, Vote in a non-true christian and a party member and allow the party system to continue and america is doomed for sure, Vote in me and it's still going be hard but we may save our country and many souls in the process. It makes me very sad to see the ignorance in this world, God says his people perish for lack of knowledge, the truth hurts sometimes and I will not hold the truth from you just so you like me or so I could win the presidency.
We need many more things, I will always be willing to listen to all sides and with knowledge and wisdom and prayers make the rigth decision for the best of all.
As far as foriegn policy, I would sit down with the head of every country, at least once, after that would depend on their actions and participation.
The kill the roaches language was not to be taken literially, If a person is to live like Christ and for God he has to die to self, I want all to know the Love, Power and Peace that God has to offer. I therefore want all the sinners to die but live, Live a better happier life. All people have freewill of course or should as not all always do have true freewill to chose for themselves. I do not impose the truth on anyone, nor will I be silent as too the Truth!!!!!!!
May God Bless all people, Abundantly, Continually, for Perpetuity and may All People Bless God Abundantly, Continually, for Perpetuity in Jesus's Name
The Most High, Jesus, The Holy Spirit and I Proclaim THERE WILL BE PEACE!!!!!!! Resistance is Futile, No Negotiations, Everyone Wins!!!!!!!
The True Illuminated One, CEO of New, New World Order, Defender of the Faith, Holder of The Iron Scepter, Lowell D. Williams
"Tough Love is what the world needs, and Tough Love is what the world is going to get"
By Lowell D. Williams
I mean no one harm this is my opinion based on information from public sources, and have been for some time with no rebuttal. I don't plan on commenting at this time to any replys, feel free to discuss it with others of course.
Best regards Lowell D. Williams