My Solution to Address North Korea Provocations

We can't sit on our hands like Obama did for (8) years. Under his watch he allowed Iran and NK to continue their development of nuclear weapons thus putting America in harms way.

I have an idea...

We respond militarily

But first, we must take steps to mitigate loss of life in South Korea.

If NK launches, or conduct other ballistic/nuclear test, our order of progression should be;

1- We officially notify North Korea of our intent to destroy their assets relative to nuclear and ballistic development. Our response will be carried out if they conduct (1) more missile launch or test of any kind

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.

3- Move our military troops off the Korean peninsula to an area where our rapid response, via airborne paratroopers, can be delivered. Ground invasion to follow

4- Move multiple Naval battle groups to the area for a massive conventional strike

We have to do something. The result of inaction WILL cost more lives than a pre-emptive strike.

We are at the crossroads and history will be our judge

North Korea has developed nuclear capabilities as a deterrent, as has every other country with nukes. What our allies in the area, South Korea and Japan, want is for US to stop provoking THEM further with increased saber rattling on our side of the border. This fuels NK's determination to protect itself. NK is not so unreasonable as to carry out a nuclear strike, since it would be suicide. US, Russia, China, Great Britain, France, Israel, India and Pakistan all have nuclear weapons. Are we having the vapors over any of them?
I think it would be wonderful if the nations of the world, working in unison, could dissuade NK from proceeding with its nuclear weapons program. I fear it's too late for that and what to do now is to approach them as a country that does, indeed, have nukes. Bring them back into the global discussion; show them how growing their nation's prosperity would be more helpful than fostering global destruction.
N. Korea is using their nukes to blackmail other countries into giving them stuff.
It's the only reason they have them .
We aren't a threat to them.
Now, imagine what will happen when Iran gets nukes. They can shut down oil coming from the Middle-East. The Sauds control 40% of our refining capabilities. America would become a 3rd world country in a matter of weeks.
Little Kim only has one course of action. Blackmail us into electing a Democrat that will take it in the ass and give him anything he wants.

If it;s a matter of giving things to our enemies, Trump is the one asking for a list of things he can give Russia. No reason to believe he wouldn't give the same stuff to Korea if they agreed to do a few business deals with him.
A Trump-Putin meeting is happening next week in Germany
Report: Trump Wants List of 'Deliverables' to Offer Putin
Yeah.....Trump is also taking millions in donations from Russian interests and getting a cool mil for giving a speech.....just lke Hillary...

You idiots will believe anything the fake news tells you.
We can't sit on our hands like Obama did for (8) years. Under his watch he allowed Iran and NK to continue their development of nuclear weapons thus putting America in harms way.

I have an idea...

We respond militarily

But first, we must take steps to mitigate loss of life in South Korea.

If NK launches, or conduct other ballistic/nuclear test, our order of progression should be;

1- We officially notify North Korea of our intent to destroy their assets relative to nuclear and ballistic development. Our response will be carried out if they conduct (1) more missile launch or test of any kind

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.

3- Move our military troops off the Korean peninsula to an area where our rapid response, via airborne paratroopers, can be delivered. Ground invasion to follow

4- Move multiple Naval battle groups to the area for a massive conventional strike

We have to do something. The result of inaction WILL cost more lives than a pre-emptive strike.

We are at the crossroads and history will be our judge

North Korea has developed nuclear capabilities as a deterrent, as has every other country with nukes. What our allies in the area, South Korea and Japan, want is for US to stop provoking THEM further with increased saber rattling on our side of the border. This fuels NK's determination to protect itself. NK is not so unreasonable as to carry out a nuclear strike, since it would be suicide. US, Russia, China, Great Britain, France, Israel, India and Pakistan all have nuclear weapons. Are we having the vapors over any of them?
I think it would be wonderful if the nations of the world, working in unison, could dissuade NK from proceeding with its nuclear weapons program. I fear it's too late for that and what to do now is to approach them as a country that does, indeed, have nukes. Bring them back into the global discussion; show them how growing their nation's prosperity would be more helpful than fostering global destruction.
N. Korea is using their nukes to blackmail other countries into giving them stuff.
It's the only reason they have them .
We aren't a threat to them.
Now, imagine what will happen when Iran gets nukes. They can shut down oil coming from the Middle-East. The Sauds control 40% of our refining capabilities. America would become a 3rd world country in a matter of weeks.
Little Kim only has one course of action. Blackmail us into electing a Democrat that will take it in the ass and give him anything he wants.

If it;s a matter of giving things to our enemies, Trump is the one asking for a list of things he can give Russia. No reason to believe he wouldn't give the same stuff to Korea if they agreed to do a few business deals with him.
A Trump-Putin meeting is happening next week in Germany
Report: Trump Wants List of 'Deliverables' to Offer Putin
Yeah.....Trump is also taking millions in donations from Russian interests and getting a cool mil for giving a speech.....just lke Hillary...

You idiots will believe anything the fake news tells you.

I'll wait until after the investigation to decide how much Trump is getting from Russia, but I'm pretty sure it's a lot.
We can't sit on our hands like Obama did for (8) years. Under his watch he allowed Iran and NK to continue their development of nuclear weapons thus putting America in harms way.

I have an idea...

We respond militarily

But first, we must take steps to mitigate loss of life in South Korea.

If NK launches, or conduct other ballistic/nuclear test, our order of progression should be;

1- We officially notify North Korea of our intent to destroy their assets relative to nuclear and ballistic development. Our response will be carried out if they conduct (1) more missile launch or test of any kind

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.

3- Move our military troops off the Korean peninsula to an area where our rapid response, via airborne paratroopers, can be delivered. Ground invasion to follow

4- Move multiple Naval battle groups to the area for a massive conventional strike

We have to do something. The result of inaction WILL cost more lives than a pre-emptive strike.

We are at the crossroads and history will be our judge

North Korea has developed nuclear capabilities as a deterrent, as has every other country with nukes. What our allies in the area, South Korea and Japan, want is for US to stop provoking THEM further with increased saber rattling on our side of the border. This fuels NK's determination to protect itself. NK is not so unreasonable as to carry out a nuclear strike, since it would be suicide. US, Russia, China, Great Britain, France, Israel, India and Pakistan all have nuclear weapons. Are we having the vapors over any of them?
I think it would be wonderful if the nations of the world, working in unison, could dissuade NK from proceeding with its nuclear weapons program. I fear it's too late for that and what to do now is to approach them as a country that does, indeed, have nukes. Bring them back into the global discussion; show them how growing their nation's prosperity would be more helpful than fostering global destruction.
N. Korea is using their nukes to blackmail other countries into giving them stuff.
It's the only reason they have them .
We aren't a threat to them.
Now, imagine what will happen when Iran gets nukes. They can shut down oil coming from the Middle-East. The Sauds control 40% of our refining capabilities. America would become a 3rd world country in a matter of weeks.
Little Kim only has one course of action. Blackmail us into electing a Democrat that will take it in the ass and give him anything he wants.
We aren't a threat to them? I know we don't want to invade them. However, we have indeed been "threatening" them. THAAD system. Gunboat armada. Military drills directly on their border. We are reacting to their "threat" when they don't yet have a missile capable of a nuclear strike and fueling their paranoia. You can't put Pandora back in her box. What do we do to get them to behave like other, more normal, countries? Instead of giving them "stuff," invite them back into the global community and hold them accountable like everyone else. Let them earn their own stuff.
Reminder: They haven't struck anyone yet. They will not loose a nuclear bomb anymore than any other country with nuclear weapons. It would be suicide. It is a deterrent.
We can't sit on our hands like Obama did for (8) years. Under his watch he allowed Iran and NK to continue their development of nuclear weapons thus putting America in harms way.

I have an idea...

We respond militarily

But first, we must take steps to mitigate loss of life in South Korea.

If NK launches, or conduct other ballistic/nuclear test, our order of progression should be;

1- We officially notify North Korea of our intent to destroy their assets relative to nuclear and ballistic development. Our response will be carried out if they conduct (1) more missile launch or test of any kind

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.

3- Move our military troops off the Korean peninsula to an area where our rapid response, via airborne paratroopers, can be delivered. Ground invasion to follow

4- Move multiple Naval battle groups to the area for a massive conventional strike

We have to do something. The result of inaction WILL cost more lives than a pre-emptive strike.

We are at the crossroads and history will be our judge


So, are you willing to go to war with China? Yes or no would do, but an explanation of why, would do better.

I am definitely am not willing to take a nuke on the chin within the United States

We can't sit on our hands like Obama did for (8) years. Under his watch he allowed Iran and NK to continue their development of nuclear weapons thus putting America in harms way.

I have an idea...

We respond militarily

But first, we must take steps to mitigate loss of life in South Korea.

If NK launches, or conduct other ballistic/nuclear test, our order of progression should be;

1- We officially notify North Korea of our intent to destroy their assets relative to nuclear and ballistic development. Our response will be carried out if they conduct (1) more missile launch or test of any kind

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.

3- Move our military troops off the Korean peninsula to an area where our rapid response, via airborne paratroopers, can be delivered. Ground invasion to follow

4- Move multiple Naval battle groups to the area for a massive conventional strike

We have to do something. The result of inaction WILL cost more lives than a pre-emptive strike.

We are at the crossroads and history will be our judge

North Korea has developed nuclear capabilities as a deterrent, as has every other country with nukes. What our allies in the area, South Korea and Japan, want is for US to stop provoking THEM further with increased saber rattling on our side of the border. This fuels NK's determination to protect itself. NK is not so unreasonable as to carry out a nuclear strike, since it would be suicide. US, Russia, China, Great Britain, France, Israel, India and Pakistan all have nuclear weapons. Are we having the vapors over any of them?
I think it would be wonderful if the nations of the world, working in unison, could dissuade NK from proceeding with its nuclear weapons program. I fear it's too late for that and what to do now is to approach them as a country that does, indeed, have nukes. Bring them back into the global discussion; show them how growing their nation's prosperity would be more helpful than fostering global destruction.
N. Korea is using their nukes to blackmail other countries into giving them stuff.
It's the only reason they have them .
We aren't a threat to them.
Now, imagine what will happen when Iran gets nukes. They can shut down oil coming from the Middle-East. The Sauds control 40% of our refining capabilities. America would become a 3rd world country in a matter of weeks.
Little Kim only has one course of action. Blackmail us into electing a Democrat that will take it in the ass and give him anything he wants.
We aren't a threat to them? I know we don't want to invade them. However, we have indeed been "threatening" them. THAAD system. Gunboat armada. Military drills directly on their border. We are reacting to their "threat" when they don't yet have a missile capable of a nuclear strike and fueling their paranoia. You can't put Pandora back in her box. What do we do to get them to behave like other, more normal, countries? Instead of giving them "stuff," invite them back into the global community and hold them accountable like everyone else. Let them earn their own stuff.
Reminder: They haven't struck anyone yet. They will not loose a nuclear bomb anymore than any other country with nuclear weapons. It would be suicide. It is a deterrent.

THAAD is a defensive weapon, not offensive

We can't sit on our hands like Obama did for (8) years. Under his watch he allowed Iran and NK to continue their development of nuclear weapons thus putting America in harms way.

I have an idea...

We respond militarily

But first, we must take steps to mitigate loss of life in South Korea.

If NK launches, or conduct other ballistic/nuclear test, our order of progression should be;

1- We officially notify North Korea of our intent to destroy their assets relative to nuclear and ballistic development. Our response will be carried out if they conduct (1) more missile launch or test of any kind

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.

3- Move our military troops off the Korean peninsula to an area where our rapid response, via airborne paratroopers, can be delivered. Ground invasion to follow

4- Move multiple Naval battle groups to the area for a massive conventional strike

We have to do something. The result of inaction WILL cost more lives than a pre-emptive strike.

We are at the crossroads and history will be our judge


So what do you think NK is going to be doing for the year or more it will take for the preparations you list? You think they will wait until after the entire country of South Korea is evacuated before they attack? Yours is one of the more childish ideas I have heard, but it sounds exactly like something Trump would try.

I hope it provoked them into doing something more stupid, thus providing us unquestionable justification for retaliation

We can't sit on our hands like Obama did for (8) years. Under his watch he allowed Iran and NK to continue their development of nuclear weapons thus putting America in harms way.

I have an idea...

We respond militarily

But first, we must take steps to mitigate loss of life in South Korea.

If NK launches, or conduct other ballistic/nuclear test, our order of progression should be;

1- We officially notify North Korea of our intent to destroy their assets relative to nuclear and ballistic development. Our response will be carried out if they conduct (1) more missile launch or test of any kind

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.

3- Move our military troops off the Korean peninsula to an area where our rapid response, via airborne paratroopers, can be delivered. Ground invasion to follow

4- Move multiple Naval battle groups to the area for a massive conventional strike

We have to do something. The result of inaction WILL cost more lives than a pre-emptive strike.

We are at the crossroads and history will be our judge

North Korea has developed nuclear capabilities as a deterrent, as has every other country with nukes. What our allies in the area, South Korea and Japan, want is for US to stop provoking THEM further with increased saber rattling on our side of the border. This fuels NK's determination to protect itself. NK is not so unreasonable as to carry out a nuclear strike, since it would be suicide. US, Russia, China, Great Britain, France, Israel, India and Pakistan all have nuclear weapons. Are we having the vapors over any of them?
I think it would be wonderful if the nations of the world, working in unison, could dissuade NK from proceeding with its nuclear weapons program. I fear it's too late for that and what to do now is to approach them as a country that does, indeed, have nukes. Bring them back into the global discussion; show them how growing their nation's prosperity would be more helpful than fostering global destruction.

The NK leadership is not much interested in their nation's prosperity, they care a heckuva lot more about power. Their power, as in keeping an iron grip over their country and it's people and using the threat of force to bargain with the west to get as much as they can get. It's a strategy that has worked for them for decades now, but the problem has escalated because now this guy is on the verge of being able to deliver a nuclear warhead to Alaska and soon the continental US. What'll happen then? Should we allow that possibility to become a reality? We're talking about extortion here, on an international scale; should we be paying them to behave? What will his demands be once he has the nukes AND the missiles to deliver them here. Some say the NK leader is not all that rational, are you okay with somebody like that laving the capability to annihilate Seattle or SF or LA? Even if he wouldn't do it, suppose some nutcase general or whoever under him takes it on himself to push the button? That's a pretty big risk to take. Hoping it won't happen is not much of a strategy, some might say the US needs to remove that option from the table.
Blaming President Obama for acting diplomatically to keep the US out of a war with China.

OP and other RWNJs, including the spoiled, petulant brat in the WH all seem to think they're playing with toy soldiers.

Oh and, OP, suggesting to evacuate South Korea is ludicrous. But, in a rather naive way, it does address the fact that your "idea" will kill millions of innocent people in both N and S Korea.

The right doesn't generally care about that however, witness their utter disdain for innocent homeless children trying to escape sexual slavery and drug crime in South America and millions of innocent Muslim refugees. Why would OP think the R would care about Koreans?

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We can't sit on our hands like Obama did for (8) years. Under his watch he allowed Iran and NK to continue their development of nuclear weapons thus putting America in harms way.

I have an idea...

We respond militarily

But first, we must take steps to mitigate loss of life in South Korea.

If NK launches, or conduct other ballistic/nuclear test, our order of progression should be;

1- We officially notify North Korea of our intent to destroy their assets relative to nuclear and ballistic development. Our response will be carried out if they conduct (1) more missile launch or test of any kind

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.

3- Move our military troops off the Korean peninsula to an area where our rapid response, via airborne paratroopers, can be delivered. Ground invasion to follow

4- Move multiple Naval battle groups to the area for a massive conventional strike

We have to do something. The result of inaction WILL cost more lives than a pre-emptive strike.

We are at the crossroads and history will be our judge

North Korea has developed nuclear capabilities as a deterrent, as has every other country with nukes. What our allies in the area, South Korea and Japan, want is for US to stop provoking THEM further with increased saber rattling on our side of the border. This fuels NK's determination to protect itself. NK is not so unreasonable as to carry out a nuclear strike, since it would be suicide. US, Russia, China, Great Britain, France, Israel, India and Pakistan all have nuclear weapons. Are we having the vapors over any of them?
I think it would be wonderful if the nations of the world, working in unison, could dissuade NK from proceeding with its nuclear weapons program. I fear it's too late for that and what to do now is to approach them as a country that does, indeed, have nukes. Bring them back into the global discussion; show them how growing their nation's prosperity would be more helpful than fostering global destruction.
N. Korea is using their nukes to blackmail other countries into giving them stuff.
It's the only reason they have them .
We aren't a threat to them.
Now, imagine what will happen when Iran gets nukes. They can shut down oil coming from the Middle-East. The Sauds control 40% of our refining capabilities. America would become a 3rd world country in a matter of weeks.
Little Kim only has one course of action. Blackmail us into electing a Democrat that will take it in the ass and give him anything he wants.

If it;s a matter of giving things to our enemies, Trump is the one asking for a list of things he can give Russia. No reason to believe he wouldn't give the same stuff to Korea if they agreed to do a few business deals with him.
A Trump-Putin meeting is happening next week in Germany
Report: Trump Wants List of 'Deliverables' to Offer Putin
Yeah.....Trump is also taking millions in donations from Russian interests and getting a cool mil for giving a speech.....just lke Hillary...

You idiots will believe anything the fake news tells you.

I'll wait until after the investigation to decide how much Trump is getting from Russia, but I'm pretty sure it's a lot.
CNN already admitted that the Russian collusion story was fake news.

Wake the fuck up.
North Korea has developed nuclear capabilities as a deterrent, as has every other country with nukes. What our allies in the area, South Korea and Japan, want is for US to stop provoking THEM further with increased saber rattling on our side of the border. This fuels NK's determination to protect itself. NK is not so unreasonable as to carry out a nuclear strike, since it would be suicide. US, Russia, China, Great Britain, France, Israel, India and Pakistan all have nuclear weapons. Are we having the vapors over any of them?
I think it would be wonderful if the nations of the world, working in unison, could dissuade NK from proceeding with its nuclear weapons program. I fear it's too late for that and what to do now is to approach them as a country that does, indeed, have nukes. Bring them back into the global discussion; show them how growing their nation's prosperity would be more helpful than fostering global destruction.
N. Korea is using their nukes to blackmail other countries into giving them stuff.
It's the only reason they have them .
We aren't a threat to them.
Now, imagine what will happen when Iran gets nukes. They can shut down oil coming from the Middle-East. The Sauds control 40% of our refining capabilities. America would become a 3rd world country in a matter of weeks.
Little Kim only has one course of action. Blackmail us into electing a Democrat that will take it in the ass and give him anything he wants.

If it;s a matter of giving things to our enemies, Trump is the one asking for a list of things he can give Russia. No reason to believe he wouldn't give the same stuff to Korea if they agreed to do a few business deals with him.
A Trump-Putin meeting is happening next week in Germany
Report: Trump Wants List of 'Deliverables' to Offer Putin
Yeah.....Trump is also taking millions in donations from Russian interests and getting a cool mil for giving a speech.....just lke Hillary...

You idiots will believe anything the fake news tells you.

I'll wait until after the investigation to decide how much Trump is getting from Russia, but I'm pretty sure it's a lot.
CNN already admitted that the Russian collusion story was fake news.

Wake the fuck up.
No they didn't.
CNN employees resign after retracted article
In a staff meeting Monday afternoon, investigative unit members were told that the retraction did not mean the facts of the story were necessarily wrong. Rather, it meant that "the story wasn't solid enough to publish as-is," one of the people briefed on the investigation said.
N. Korea is using their nukes to blackmail other countries into giving them stuff.
It's the only reason they have them .
We aren't a threat to them.
Now, imagine what will happen when Iran gets nukes. They can shut down oil coming from the Middle-East. The Sauds control 40% of our refining capabilities. America would become a 3rd world country in a matter of weeks.
Little Kim only has one course of action. Blackmail us into electing a Democrat that will take it in the ass and give him anything he wants.

If it;s a matter of giving things to our enemies, Trump is the one asking for a list of things he can give Russia. No reason to believe he wouldn't give the same stuff to Korea if they agreed to do a few business deals with him.
A Trump-Putin meeting is happening next week in Germany
Report: Trump Wants List of 'Deliverables' to Offer Putin
Yeah.....Trump is also taking millions in donations from Russian interests and getting a cool mil for giving a speech.....just lke Hillary...

You idiots will believe anything the fake news tells you.

I'll wait until after the investigation to decide how much Trump is getting from Russia, but I'm pretty sure it's a lot.
CNN already admitted that the Russian collusion story was fake news.

Wake the fuck up.
No they didn't.
CNN employees resign after retracted article
In a staff meeting Monday afternoon, investigative unit members were told that the retraction did not mean the facts of the story were necessarily wrong. Rather, it meant that "the story wasn't solid enough to publish as-is," one of the people briefed on the investigation said.

um.... all righty then. CNN has spoken lol

We can't sit on our hands like Obama did for (8) years. Under his watch he allowed Iran and NK to continue their development of nuclear weapons thus putting America in harms way.

I have an idea...

We respond militarily

But first, we must take steps to mitigate loss of life in South Korea.

If NK launches, or conduct other ballistic/nuclear test, our order of progression should be;

1- We officially notify North Korea of our intent to destroy their assets relative to nuclear and ballistic development. Our response will be carried out if they conduct (1) more missile launch or test of any kind

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.

3- Move our military troops off the Korean peninsula to an area where our rapid response, via airborne paratroopers, can be delivered. Ground invasion to follow

4- Move multiple Naval battle groups to the area for a massive conventional strike

We have to do something. The result of inaction WILL cost more lives than a pre-emptive strike.

We are at the crossroads and history will be our judge


Another armchair general?

Number 2 is a fucking pipe dream! Get a grip!

Number 3 is another dream! Where are you going to move them too? Where are you going to get these airborne troops since they are already in Afghanistan or just returned? Ever see a paratrooper take out a tank with an MRE spork? Ground invasion by who? The Marines are busy!

Number 4, where are you going to get these battle groups? Most of our Navy's ships are already there, just left or getting ready to go. The others are in shipyards and getting maintenance. Our Navy is smaller than before WWII!
Before the US engages in military action, the US and Western nations need to really tighten the noose on China. If China is threatened with a similar sanctions regime as Iran was, it will realize that it isn't worth it for them, and create a fix for this problem. The Chinese are smart and good at gamesmanship, and are now just playing their cards right so that they can get as much as possible in exchange for throwing North Korea under the bus.
If it;s a matter of giving things to our enemies, Trump is the one asking for a list of things he can give Russia. No reason to believe he wouldn't give the same stuff to Korea if they agreed to do a few business deals with him.
A Trump-Putin meeting is happening next week in Germany
Report: Trump Wants List of 'Deliverables' to Offer Putin
Yeah.....Trump is also taking millions in donations from Russian interests and getting a cool mil for giving a speech.....just lke Hillary...

You idiots will believe anything the fake news tells you.

I'll wait until after the investigation to decide how much Trump is getting from Russia, but I'm pretty sure it's a lot.
CNN already admitted that the Russian collusion story was fake news.

Wake the fuck up.
No they didn't.
CNN employees resign after retracted article
In a staff meeting Monday afternoon, investigative unit members were told that the retraction did not mean the facts of the story were necessarily wrong. Rather, it meant that "the story wasn't solid enough to publish as-is," one of the people briefed on the investigation said.

um.... all righty then. CNN has spoken lol

Well,yes. and they didn't say the Russian collusion story was fake news like Mudmouth claimed. He's lying again.
We can't sit on our hands like Obama did for (8) years. Under his watch he allowed Iran and NK to continue their development of nuclear weapons thus putting America in harms way.

I have an idea...

We respond militarily

But first, we must take steps to mitigate loss of life in South Korea.

If NK launches, or conduct other ballistic/nuclear test, our order of progression should be;

1- We officially notify North Korea of our intent to destroy their assets relative to nuclear and ballistic development. Our response will be carried out if they conduct (1) more missile launch or test of any kind

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.

3- Move our military troops off the Korean peninsula to an area where our rapid response, via airborne paratroopers, can be delivered. Ground invasion to follow

4- Move multiple Naval battle groups to the area for a massive conventional strike

We have to do something. The result of inaction WILL cost more lives than a pre-emptive strike.

We are at the crossroads and history will be our judge


Another armchair general?

Number 2 is a fucking pipe dream! Get a grip!

Number 3 is another dream! Where are you going to move them too? Where are you going to get these airborne troops since they are already in Afghanistan or just returned? Ever see a paratrooper take out a tank with an MRE spork? Ground invasion by who? The Marines are busy!

Number 4, where are you going to get these battle groups? Most of our Navy's ships are already there, just left or getting ready to go. The others are in shipyards and getting maintenance. Our Navy is smaller than before WWII!

Excuses, excuses, excuses

You sound like that slow drip Obama

I support we reinstitute the draft.
Shift priorities

If not, the consequences for the US will be dire

We can't sit on our hands like Obama did for (8) years. Under his watch he allowed Iran and NK to continue their development of nuclear weapons thus putting America in harms way.

I have an idea...

We respond militarily

But first, we must take steps to mitigate loss of life in South Korea.

If NK launches, or conduct other ballistic/nuclear test, our order of progression should be;

1- We officially notify North Korea of our intent to destroy their assets relative to nuclear and ballistic development. Our response will be carried out if they conduct (1) more missile launch or test of any kind

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.

3- Move our military troops off the Korean peninsula to an area where our rapid response, via airborne paratroopers, can be delivered. Ground invasion to follow

4- Move multiple Naval battle groups to the area for a massive conventional strike

We have to do something. The result of inaction WILL cost more lives than a pre-emptive strike.

We are at the crossroads and history will be our judge


Another armchair general?

Number 2 is a fucking pipe dream! Get a grip!

Number 3 is another dream! Where are you going to move them too? Where are you going to get these airborne troops since they are already in Afghanistan or just returned? Ever see a paratrooper take out a tank with an MRE spork? Ground invasion by who? The Marines are busy!

Number 4, where are you going to get these battle groups? Most of our Navy's ships are already there, just left or getting ready to go. The others are in shipyards and getting maintenance. Our Navy is smaller than before WWII!

Excuses, excuses, excuses

You sound like that slow drip Obama

I support we reinstitute the draft.
Shift priorities

If not, the consequences for the US will be dire


Great! Reinstate the draft so the military will be flooded with liberals causing all kinds of disciplinary issues. Did we not learn anything from Vietnam?

Then, after a couple of years training and billions of dollars revamping ships and aircraft for them to use, we might be able to deal with NK.

We fight the wars with the military we have.
We can't sit on our hands like Obama did for (8) years. Under his watch he allowed Iran and NK to continue their development of nuclear weapons thus putting America in harms way.

I have an idea...

We respond militarily

But first, we must take steps to mitigate loss of life in South Korea.

If NK launches, or conduct other ballistic/nuclear test, our order of progression should be;

1- We officially notify North Korea of our intent to destroy their assets relative to nuclear and ballistic development. Our response will be carried out if they conduct (1) more missile launch or test of any kind

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.

3- Move our military troops off the Korean peninsula to an area where our rapid response, via airborne paratroopers, can be delivered. Ground invasion to follow

4- Move multiple Naval battle groups to the area for a massive conventional strike

We have to do something. The result of inaction WILL cost more lives than a pre-emptive strike.

We are at the crossroads and history will be our judge

North Korea has developed nuclear capabilities as a deterrent, as has every other country with nukes. What our allies in the area, South Korea and Japan, want is for US to stop provoking THEM further with increased saber rattling on our side of the border. This fuels NK's determination to protect itself. NK is not so unreasonable as to carry out a nuclear strike, since it would be suicide. US, Russia, China, Great Britain, France, Israel, India and Pakistan all have nuclear weapons. Are we having the vapors over any of them?
I think it would be wonderful if the nations of the world, working in unison, could dissuade NK from proceeding with its nuclear weapons program. I fear it's too late for that and what to do now is to approach them as a country that does, indeed, have nukes. Bring them back into the global discussion; show them how growing their nation's prosperity would be more helpful than fostering global destruction.

The NK leadership is not much interested in their nation's prosperity, they care a heckuva lot more about power. Their power, as in keeping an iron grip over their country and it's people and using the threat of force to bargain with the west to get as much as they can get. It's a strategy that has worked for them for decades now, but the problem has escalated because now this guy is on the verge of being able to deliver a nuclear warhead to Alaska and soon the continental US. What'll happen then? Should we allow that possibility to become a reality? We're talking about extortion here, on an international scale; should we be paying them to behave? What will his demands be once he has the nukes AND the missiles to deliver them here. Some say the NK leader is not all that rational, are you okay with somebody like that laving the capability to annihilate Seattle or SF or LA? Even if he wouldn't do it, suppose some nutcase general or whoever under him takes it on himself to push the button? That's a pretty big risk to take. Hoping it won't happen is not much of a strategy, some might say the US needs to remove that option from the table.
I do understand all you've said. It is certainly a serious--many say the most serious--threat to us and anyone else in the world, actually. However, I have not heard a single military or diplomatic expert say that a military solution is viable. It would be extremely destructive to too many parties and probably instantaneously start a major war that would no doubt draw in China, etc. It would be a MESS.
Other than strong, firm diplomacy, what else but military solutions are there?
I know NK's leaders have had that stance in the past. This new kid is (1) young and (2) untried. He may not be quite the same as the old man; he just hasn't had any options presented that seem more attractive. It's an option that should not be ruled out. Remember it is suicide to send a nuke to Alaska. Do you really think he or anyone is that crazy? I have not seen any indication of that.
We can't sit on our hands like Obama did for (8) years. Under his watch he allowed Iran and NK to continue their development of nuclear weapons thus putting America in harms way.

I have an idea...

We respond militarily

But first, we must take steps to mitigate loss of life in South Korea.

If NK launches, or conduct other ballistic/nuclear test, our order of progression should be;

1- We officially notify North Korea of our intent to destroy their assets relative to nuclear and ballistic development. Our response will be carried out if they conduct (1) more missile launch or test of any kind

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.

3- Move our military troops off the Korean peninsula to an area where our rapid response, via airborne paratroopers, can be delivered. Ground invasion to follow

4- Move multiple Naval battle groups to the area for a massive conventional strike

We have to do something. The result of inaction WILL cost more lives than a pre-emptive strike.

We are at the crossroads and history will be our judge

North Korea has developed nuclear capabilities as a deterrent, as has every other country with nukes. What our allies in the area, South Korea and Japan, want is for US to stop provoking THEM further with increased saber rattling on our side of the border. This fuels NK's determination to protect itself. NK is not so unreasonable as to carry out a nuclear strike, since it would be suicide. US, Russia, China, Great Britain, France, Israel, India and Pakistan all have nuclear weapons. Are we having the vapors over any of them?
I think it would be wonderful if the nations of the world, working in unison, could dissuade NK from proceeding with its nuclear weapons program. I fear it's too late for that and what to do now is to approach them as a country that does, indeed, have nukes. Bring them back into the global discussion; show them how growing their nation's prosperity would be more helpful than fostering global destruction.
N. Korea is using their nukes to blackmail other countries into giving them stuff.
It's the only reason they have them .
We aren't a threat to them.
Now, imagine what will happen when Iran gets nukes. They can shut down oil coming from the Middle-East. The Sauds control 40% of our refining capabilities. America would become a 3rd world country in a matter of weeks.
Little Kim only has one course of action. Blackmail us into electing a Democrat that will take it in the ass and give him anything he wants.
We aren't a threat to them? I know we don't want to invade them. However, we have indeed been "threatening" them. THAAD system. Gunboat armada. Military drills directly on their border. We are reacting to their "threat" when they don't yet have a missile capable of a nuclear strike and fueling their paranoia. You can't put Pandora back in her box. What do we do to get them to behave like other, more normal, countries? Instead of giving them "stuff," invite them back into the global community and hold them accountable like everyone else. Let them earn their own stuff.
Reminder: They haven't struck anyone yet. They will not loose a nuclear bomb anymore than any other country with nuclear weapons. It would be suicide. It is a deterrent.

THAAD is a defensive weapon, not offensive

Yes, in use when open hostilities begin. If it weren't making NK nervous, SK wouldn't have asked us to get rid of it.
We can't sit on our hands like Obama did for (8) years. Under his watch he allowed Iran and NK to continue their development of nuclear weapons thus putting America in harms way.

I have an idea...

We respond militarily

But first, we must take steps to mitigate loss of life in South Korea.

If NK launches, or conduct other ballistic/nuclear test, our order of progression should be;

1- We officially notify North Korea of our intent to destroy their assets relative to nuclear and ballistic development. Our response will be carried out if they conduct (1) more missile launch or test of any kind

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.

3- Move our military troops off the Korean peninsula to an area where our rapid response, via airborne paratroopers, can be delivered. Ground invasion to follow

4- Move multiple Naval battle groups to the area for a massive conventional strike

We have to do something. The result of inaction WILL cost more lives than a pre-emptive strike.

We are at the crossroads and history will be our judge

North Korea has developed nuclear capabilities as a deterrent, as has every other country with nukes. What our allies in the area, South Korea and Japan, want is for US to stop provoking THEM further with increased saber rattling on our side of the border. This fuels NK's determination to protect itself. NK is not so unreasonable as to carry out a nuclear strike, since it would be suicide. US, Russia, China, Great Britain, France, Israel, India and Pakistan all have nuclear weapons. Are we having the vapors over any of them?
I think it would be wonderful if the nations of the world, working in unison, could dissuade NK from proceeding with its nuclear weapons program. I fear it's too late for that and what to do now is to approach them as a country that does, indeed, have nukes. Bring them back into the global discussion; show them how growing their nation's prosperity would be more helpful than fostering global destruction.

The NK leadership is not much interested in their nation's prosperity, they care a heckuva lot more about power. Their power, as in keeping an iron grip over their country and it's people and using the threat of force to bargain with the west to get as much as they can get. It's a strategy that has worked for them for decades now, but the problem has escalated because now this guy is on the verge of being able to deliver a nuclear warhead to Alaska and soon the continental US. What'll happen then? Should we allow that possibility to become a reality? We're talking about extortion here, on an international scale; should we be paying them to behave? What will his demands be once he has the nukes AND the missiles to deliver them here. Some say the NK leader is not all that rational, are you okay with somebody like that laving the capability to annihilate Seattle or SF or LA? Even if he wouldn't do it, suppose some nutcase general or whoever under him takes it on himself to push the button? That's a pretty big risk to take. Hoping it won't happen is not much of a strategy, some might say the US needs to remove that option from the table.
I do understand all you've said. It is certainly a serious--many say the most serious--threat to us and anyone else in the world, actually. However, I have not heard a single military or diplomatic expert say that a military solution is viable. It would be extremely destructive to too many parties and probably instantaneously start a major war that would no doubt draw in China, etc. It would be a MESS.
Other than strong, firm diplomacy, what else but military solutions are there?
I know NK's leaders have had that stance in the past. This new kid is (1) young and (2) untried. He may not be quite the same as the old man; he just hasn't had any options presented that seem more attractive. It's an option that should not be ruled out. Remember it is suicide to send a nuke to Alaska. Do you really think he or anyone is that crazy? I have not seen any indication of that.

Well, diplomacy has not worked for the past 60 plus years since the Korean armistice was signed. Is Kim that crazy, to fire a missile at us, without without a nuke on it? Or at South Korea or Japan? That's a pretty big risk to take; you say it's suicide, but maybe he doesn't think so. NK has been doing whatever they want for 3 generations now and gotten away with some pretty raw stuff. I dunno if NK has the capability yet to finally create an ICBM that COULD reach our west coast, but is it wise to wait until that time? And then there's this, they might be doing business with terrorist countries/organizations that would love to get their hands on tactical nukes if not an ICBM. Every day they are allowed to build nukes and delivery systems is another day closer to one of them being used, maybe against us. The stakes in this game are pretty high. Trusting diplomacy to work with somebody who has shown no tendency whatsoever to honor his word or any agreement is a somewhat questionable strategy.

As for a military solution being viable, just because no one has said it is possible doesn't mean anything. IOW, none of us knows what our true military capabilities are, this is why you want a range of options for the President to choose from; it's why spending on defense needs to be robust, we need to have the ability to take out NK's missile sites, artillery sites, and aircraft to defang them so to speak. I really do not know what we can and cannot do, but doing nothing is a very dangerous signal to send. Not just to NK but every other bad guy out there.

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