My President, Right or Wrong: Bush


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Take the alternating side. If you despised Bush - what did he do right.

If you admired and respected Bush - what did he do wrong?

I voted for the man twice, but I was not politically aware until Obama took the stage. And if you doubt that, then you're not paying enough attention. MOST Americans are as I was back then. They vote party, for no good reason. "He's against abortion? I'm against abortion! Count me in!" And so it goes.

I'd like to believe y'all can maintain your dignity long enough to not bring the current POTUS into it. Use your TARDIS, travel back to say October 2008, and start typing.
Worst thing Bush did was create an environment ripe for Obama to step in and take over. Obama = worst POTUS eva.
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Take the alternating side. If you despised Bush - what did he do right.

If you admired and respected Bush - what did he do wrong?

I voted for the man twice, but I was not politically aware until Obama took the stage. And if you doubt that, then you're not paying enough attention. MOST Americans are as I was back then. They vote party, for no good reason. "He's against abortion? I'm against abortion! Count me in!" And so it goes.

I'd like to believe y'all can maintain your dignity long enough to not bring the current POTUS into it. Use your TARDIS, travel back to say October 2008, and start typing.

First 'Hollywood' candiate comes along, and you're suddenly 'politically aware'. Nice.
If you despised Bush - what did he do right.

I can't stand the guy, but going in to Afghanistan to get the Taliban and Bin Laden was the right thing to do for the country at that time. Additionally, he increased money going to fight the spread of AIDS in Africa.

Literally, those are the only two things he did right.
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I didn't vote for Bush. What did he do wrong - run for POTUS.


What did he accomplish for good, then (since you have taken the tack of "he should not have run"). What do you feel he did that left this country in better shape than his arrival.

Since, as I stated, I voted in a vacuum, I have to take the "What did he do right" argument. And I'll have to go do some research before I can answer, because I refuse to believe that in eight years, he didn't do some good. I mean - I know he did. But I don't know specifics, so I need to go read.
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Take the alternating side. If you despised Bush - what did he do right.

If you admired and respected Bush - what did he do wrong?

I voted for the man twice, but I was not politically aware until Obama took the stage. And if you doubt that, then you're not paying enough attention. MOST Americans are as I was back then. They vote party, for no good reason. "He's against abortion? I'm against abortion! Count me in!" And so it goes.

I'd like to believe y'all can maintain your dignity long enough to not bring the current POTUS into it. Use your TARDIS, travel back to say October 2008, and start typing.

First 'Hollywood' candiate comes along, and you're suddenly 'politically aware'. Nice.

Reagan was the first Hollywood candidate, doofus. Next was Clinton. Were you in a coma for those terms? Because if so, you're excused.

So. You can't answer either?
Things Bush got right:
-Standing on the ruins of the WTC and comforting the people of NYC and the nation.
-Initial attack on Afghanistan.
-Opening an undersea protected park near Hawaii.
-Proposing a path to citizenship through a guest worker program.
-Allowing Jim Baker to advise him in his second term..and replacing Donald Rumsfeld with Robert Gates.
-Tax cuts for the middle class.
-Most "colorblind" president in history.
-Bernake appointment.
-Aid to Africa.

Things he sorta got right:
-Medicare part D.
-TARP and GM bailout.
-Not bailing out Enron and friends.
-Brokering the Bear Stearns deal.
-Judge Roberts to the Supreme court.

Things he screwed the pooch on:
-Tax cuts for the wealthy.
-Underfunded regulators.
-Lax on environmental regulations.
-Attack on Iraq.
-Relations with allies and adversaries alike.
-Not provisioning funding for entitlements, new departments or 2 wars.

Overall..a terrible President.
Take the alternating side. If you despised Bush - what did he do right.

If you admired and respected Bush - what did he do wrong?

I voted for the man twice, but I was not politically aware until Obama took the stage. And if you doubt that, then you're not paying enough attention. MOST Americans are as I was back then. They vote party, for no good reason. "He's against abortion? I'm against abortion! Count me in!" And so it goes.

I'd like to believe y'all can maintain your dignity long enough to not bring the current POTUS into it. Use your TARDIS, travel back to say October 2008, and start typing.

First 'Hollywood' candiate comes along, and you're suddenly 'politically aware'. Nice.


If you despised Bush - what did he do right.

I can't stand the guy, but going in to Afghanistan to get the Taliban and Bin Laden was the right thing to do for the country at that time. Additionally, he increased money going to fight the spread of AIDS in Africa.

Literally, those are the only two things he did right.

Those are the only two things I can think of too. I don't keep up w/ things such as every sanctuary or park set-up but those are good things too.
What if we were indifferent??

Since I am a conservative and registered REP (to have a vote count in the primaries, if nothing else)... I will assume you all think I am a 'supporter'... so on the negative I say that Bush did not handle fiscal policy well at all... He had a chance, and whiffed majorly... And it put us in a worse place than we should have been
Take the alternating side. If you despised Bush - what did he do right.

If you admired and respected Bush - what did he do wrong?

I voted for the man twice, but I was not politically aware until Obama took the stage. And if you doubt that, then you're not paying enough attention. MOST Americans are as I was back then. They vote party, for no good reason. "He's against abortion? I'm against abortion! Count me in!" And so it goes.

I'd like to believe y'all can maintain your dignity long enough to not bring the current POTUS into it. Use your TARDIS, travel back to say October 2008, and start typing.

First 'Hollywood' candiate comes along, and you're suddenly 'politically aware'. Nice.



pssssssstttt... Kennedy: military background, congressman from '47 to '53, senator from '53 to '60

pssssssstttt... Reagan: 2nd Lt Army Reserves '37, active duty stateside in '42, Gov. of CA '67 to '75

You appear not to understand the term 'hollywood candidate'.
First 'Hollywood' candiate comes along, and you're suddenly 'politically aware'. Nice.



pssssssstttt... Kennedy: military background, congressman from '47 to '53, senator from '53 to '60

pssssssstttt... Reagan: 2nd Lt Army Reserves '37, active duty stateside in '42, Gov. of CA '67 to '75

You appear not to understand the term 'hollywood candidate'.

Nor do you. Any way you look at it, Kennedy and Clinton were striking men and yes. A fair number of people voted on them primarily because of their looks and charisma. Reagan was an actor.

I'd love to hear your definition, as it apparently is different than the rest of the world's.

P.S.: What did Bush do wrong. It's like herding cats, in here.
If John McCain wins this election, it will be because of Hollywood.

It's not that Hollywood is giving him big money (it isn't); or that big celebrities are attracting attention to him (they're not); or that star writers and directors are helping him with stagecraft and wordsmithery (again no).

It's that the gradual appropriation by Hollywood of politics, journalism and practically ever other domain of modern life is reaching its apotheosis in McCain's campaign. His persona, and the story he is telling, and the media narrative that frames and delivers it to us, all come straight from the movies.

Unfortunately, this movie may end really, really badly.

Marty Kaplan: The Hollywood Candidate Is Not Obama

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