My posts are unpopular because they are to the point and factual



I may be quite the story teller in how I get around to making my points on matters but everything I say is truthful and bluntly to the point.I'm sorry I don't talk about rainbows and ducks and bunnies and how everything is sugar coated and good like the wonderful human beings George Bush 1 &2 do.Great guys and they do what they have to do to get elected but they are great compromisers to the leftists and I know it must be a tough pill to swallow going against your principals.The truth hurts and people who tell it like me aren't looked upon favorably.Of course in my day to day life I don't talk like I do here where I'm annonymous because I don't want the forceful dominating leftist union thug types to kill my dog,slash my tires and burn my cabin down.The Christian conservative Republican types for the most part don't lash out in violence when their way of life is ridiculed by the left but when you offend the compassionate liberal democrats,watch out for retaliation.I guess it's a ball for me to speak my mind and vent here after being so pent up having my reins being brought in by the dominating left all the time.
Originally posted by Socialismbegone
I guess it's a ball for me to speak my mind and vent here after being so pent up having my reins being brought in by the dominating left all the time.

In other words: You're tired of being a little scared anonymous nobody who wants to blame your insecurities on the liberal movement.
your posts are unpopular because youre somewhere in the stratosphere while youre making them.

Come back down to Earth and reality, kiddo. Its not so bad.
Originally posted by Socialismbegone
The Christian conservative Republican types for the most part don't lash out in violence when their way of life is ridiculed by the left but when you offend the compassionate liberal democrats,watch out for retaliation.

Naw. Those who bomb abortion clinics and kill abortion doctors (and even clinic employees) without remorse (even when arrested) aren't being violent. One such person had the nerve to locate the address of someone who visited a clinic that provides abortions (among other services). The visitor was sent a letter warning her about the evils of abortions. She went there to have a health checkup. When confronted by this information, the meddlesome "Christian Conservative" was not the slightest bit apologetic.

No, those Christian Conservative Republican types who find nothing wrong with interrupting a funeral service by holding up big signs that read "God Hates Fags" while chanting such a slogan at the top of their lungs are not lashing out. No. They just support the creation and maintenance of many "victimless crimes" laws. They attempt to not only peacefully persuade people to behave (even in their private lives) in ways that they think proper, but to create many repressive nanny-style rules and regulation to force us to do as we supposedly should. They are nice and civil even with people with whom they disagree?!? Yeah. I have some oceanfront property in Arizona for you.

You are not a "Christian Coalition" devotee, are you? Gawd, I hope not!

Originally posted by mattskramer
Naw. Those who bomb abortion clinics and kill abortion doctors (and even clinic employees) without remorse (even when arrested) aren't being violent. One such person had the nerve to locate the address of someone who visited a clinic that provides abortions (among other services). The visitor was sent a letter warning her about the evils of abortions. She went there to have a health checkup. When confronted by this information, the meddlesome "Christian Conservative" was not the slightest bit apologetic.

No, those Christian Conservative Republican types who find nothing wrong with interrupting a funeral service by holding up big signs that read "God Hates Fags" while chanting such a slogan at the top of their lungs are not lashing out. No. They just support the creation and maintenance of many "victimless crimes" laws. They attempt to not only peacefully persuade people to behave (even in their private lives) in ways that they think proper, but to create many repressive nanny-style rules and regulation to force us to do as we supposedly should. They are nice and civil even with people with whom they disagree?!? Yeah. I have some oceanfront property in Arizona for you.

You are not a "Christian Coalition" devotee, are you? Gawd, I hope not!


The old "one bad apple spoils the barrel" story aye mattsie?
Originally posted by Socialismbegone
I may be quite the story teller in how I get around to making my points on matters but everything I say is truthful and bluntly to the point.I'm sorry I don't talk about rainbows and ducks and bunnies and how everything is sugar coated and good like the wonderful human beings George Bush 1 &2 do.Great guys and they do what they have to do to get elected but they are great compromisers to the leftists and I know it must be a tough pill to swallow going against your principals.The truth hurts and people who tell it like me aren't looked upon favorably.Of course in my day to day life I don't talk like I do here where I'm annonymous because I don't want the forceful dominating leftist union thug types to kill my dog,slash my tires and burn my cabin down.The Christian conservative Republican types for the most part don't lash out in violence when their way of life is ridiculed by the left but when you offend the compassionate liberal democrats,watch out for retaliation.I guess it's a ball for me to speak my mind and vent here after being so pent up having my reins being brought in by the dominating left all the time.

I don't think your new "I'm a victim" angle is going to get you much slack here. You're either with it enough to jump into the fray, or your not.

Maybe you could take a minute to notice how everyone else handles themselves on the board, and not clutter it up starting mediocre threads whining.
Originally posted by Pale Rider
The old "one bad apple spoils the barrel" story aye mattsie?

No. It is more like a mixed bag. I could give you a list of stories, events, and atrocious behaviors committed by "Christian Conservatives" that could fill a book. It would almost be more appropriate to say "a few good apples sweeten the barrel".
Your posts arent unpopular because they are to the point and factual. your posts are unpopular because they ramble and are incoherant.

You may have good points. i dont know. You cant write clear enough to make any sense of them. And your opinions may be factual but you dont back them up in any logical way.

You write your opinion, give a few assertions that you dont even try to explain and come up with wierd stuff like star wars having anything to do with asteriods going by the planet or Bush and Kerry in a fist fight and wonder why everyone isnt just falling behind your logic and insight.

Clean up your posts alittle. Organize them. make them coherant, add alittle support. there are alot of good schools out there that will teach you how to write better. But you might be interested in them if you are too scared of liberal teachers.
Originally posted by mattskramer
No. It is more like a mixed bag. I could give you a list of stories, events, and atrocious behaviors committed by "Christian Conservatives" that could fill a book. It would almost be more appropriate to say "a few good apples sweeten the barrel".

This isn't enough of a point to stab a soft stick of butter matts. I could do the same with any group you care to mention.

There's bad and good everywhere.
Originally posted by Pale Rider
This isn't enough of a point to stab a soft stick of butter matts. I could do the same with any group you care to mention.

There's bad and good everywhere.

I guess that the original post "rubbed me the wrong way". It was as if she was saying that you have these nice, kind and peaceful Christian Conservative Republican types merely tactfully and politely attempting to communicate their messages but you have these evil violent liberals who will do practically anything to stop you.
Originally posted by mattskramer
I guess that the original post "rubbed me the wrong way". It was as if she was saying that you have these nice, kind peaceful, and peaceful Christian Conservative Republican types merely tactfully and politely attempting to communicate their messages but you have these evil violent liberals who will do practically anything to stop you.

Yeah you got it down exactly. JK:p:

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