I may be quite the story teller in how I get around to making my points on matters but everything I say is truthful and bluntly to the point.I'm sorry I don't talk about rainbows and ducks and bunnies and how everything is sugar coated and good like the wonderful human beings George Bush 1 &2 do.Great guys and they do what they have to do to get elected but they are great compromisers to the leftists and I know it must be a tough pill to swallow going against your principals.The truth hurts and people who tell it like me aren't looked upon favorably.Of course in my day to day life I don't talk like I do here where I'm annonymous because I don't want the forceful dominating leftist union thug types to kill my dog,slash my tires and burn my cabin down.The Christian conservative Republican types for the most part don't lash out in violence when their way of life is ridiculed by the left but when you offend the compassionate liberal democrats,watch out for retaliation.I guess it's a ball for me to speak my mind and vent here after being so pent up having my reins being brought in by the dominating left all the time.