My opinion on the Jimmy Kimmel tearful address...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
First I feel for him, and I wholeheartedly agree that no child should die of a preventable medical issue. God Bless him for sharing his story and it's great to hear his son is doing well.

One important point to make, when he states that "noone should be denied treatment because of a precondition". What he doesn't understand, and which many don't understand is that, any of these treatments isn't about some not having money or health insurance, but it's about the COSTS.

He stated that he had a world reknowned surgeon. There is simply no way public healthcare can sustain a system in which anyone and everyone could have such access. It's the way the world works. If you have the means, you have options.

How about excessive competition across state lines to ensure insurance and for people to have more options which will drive prices of insurance and healthcare costs down. I assure you, if I had a condition like his son, I wouldn't be able to afford, nor would my provincial healthcare cover the costs to have the same surgeon he had access to. I would be in no better position than 99.9% of Americans and Canadians for that matter.

Bottom line, it's not a perfect world, so choices for everyone relieve the system of the excessive obligations so that you can provide broad access to as many as possible. Young people won't pay excessively for particular health issues they won't need except in the most extreme cases for another 40-50 years. So why force people to have such coverage when all it does is pad someones pockets?

One final point about health insurance and pre conditions and people worried about premium costs. If you purchase auto insurance, who will get a better premium, someone with 12 accidents in the last 10 years, or someone without an accident the last 30? It's a business model, and as such, there have to be give and takes and reasonable price points based on risk. It HAS to be this way.
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Pre-existing condition requirement for health care insurance is a welfare scam. It is getting something for nothing that somebody else has to pay for.

It is like the government telling an insurance company that they have to pay for your house burning down if you sign up when the fire trucks are there. Is is like the filthy government mandating that a life insurance company issue you a policy on your death bed. Is is like a car insurance firm being told that have to issue you a policy covering the losses after you had a wreck.

It is wrong. Very wrong.
First I feel for him, and I wholeheartedly agree that no child should die of a preventable medical issue. God Bless him for sharing his story and it's great to hear his son is doing well.

One important point to make, when he states that "noone should be denied treatment because of a precondition". What he doesn't understand, and which many don't understand is that, any of these treatments isn't about some not having money or health insurance, but it's about the COSTS.

He stated that he had a world reknowned surgeon. There is simply no way public healthcare can sustain a system in which anyone and everyone could have such access. It's the way the world works. If you have the means, you have options.

How about excessive competition across state lines to ensure insurance and for people to have more options which will drive prices of insurance and healthcare costs down. I assure you, if I had a condition like his son, I wouldn't be able to afford, nor would my provincial healthcare cover the costs to have the same surgeon he had access to. I would be in no better position than 99.9$ of Americans and Canadians for that matter.

Bottom line, it's not a perfect world, so choices for everyone relieve the system of the excessive obligations so that you can provide broad access to as many as possible. Young people won't pay excessively for particular health issues they won't need except in the most extreme cases for another 40-50 years. So why force people to have such coverage when all it does is pad someones pockets?

One final point about health insurance and pre conditions and peopel worried about premium costs. If you purchase auto insurance, who will get a better premium, someone with 12 accidents in the last 10 years, or someone without an accident the last 30? It's a business model, and as such, there have to be give and takes and reasonable price points based on risk. It HAS to be this way.

I feel bad for him, but imagine if he was actually impacted by Obama Care and wasn't Rich?
And wasn't Subsidized either.
One final point about health insurance and pre conditions and peopel worried about premium costs. If you purchase auto insurance, who will get a better premium, someone with 12 accidents in the last 10 years, or someone without an accident the last 30? It's a business model, and as such, there have to be give and takes and reasonable price points based on risk. It HAS to be this way.

What they are debating in the Congress is not health insurance. It is a "pre-paid healthcare plan". If it was just insurance, this issue would be much simpler and far less costly.
He's a comfortable leftist that can personally afford to live detached from reality. Someone has to pay for the cost. Should we wait to have a auto accident before we look for insurance? That would bankrupt ins. companies if it was a requirement.

The unfortunate fact of the matter is that humans get sick and die at all ages. If Jimmy wants to donate his fortune to health care for children there's nothing stopping him but himself.
Go ahead and take healthcare away from people with pre-existing conditions you rubes. Dems will give it back and much more after their ensuing landslide wins.

Wrong. You already had all those votes last time and your criminal hag got TROUNCED.
Every person is a preexisting condition. You have a condition or a disease process as we speak, it just has not reared its ugly head yet.
Go ahead and take healthcare away from people with pre-existing conditions you rubes. Dems will give it back and much more after their ensuing landslide wins.

Wrong. You already had all those votes last time and your criminal hag got TROUNCED.
Do it. Take healthcare away from millions. The rube party repealed the ACA 61 times under Obama. Why haven't they presented Dump with that bill?
Pre-existing condition requirement for health care insurance is a welfare scam. It is getting something for nothing that somebody else has to pay for.

It is like the government telling an insurance company that they have to pay for your house burning down if you sign up when the fire trucks are there. Is is like the filthy government mandating that a life insurance company issue you a policy on your death bed. Is is like a car insurance firm being told that have to issue you a policy covering the losses after you had a wreck.

It is wrong. Very wrong.

No actually its like Government telling you freeloaders to buy insurance before the house catches fires. Its called being a responsible adult.
well, if what he said was true in that an insurance company could deny a newborn care on this by categorizing it as a pre-existing condition, that's just insane. I know insurance companies are fucking ghouls, but give me a break. If mom is insured, she's paying, so little Johnny should be covered. If they'd like to offer a rider to pregnant moms or something to cover the costs of potential birth defects, fine, but just handing people of choice of bankruptcy or burying their newborn, when they've paid for coverage, is simply insane....
I don't think this should be about denying people insurance for a precondition, though it will be a very difficult element to include, it could very well bankrupt the entire system. Look, I have a wife who has health problems, and family too. God has blessed me (and I have worked hard my whole life to stay active) with good health, never had anything serious. I know I am fortunate and I believe that all citizens should have healthcare of some kind.

The question is, costs. If you have a condition, you should expect to experience higher premiums. In the same breath, this is where cross borer competition is vital. Our house insurance was high, we shopped and got it cheaper. It's competition and those vying for our business.

Really if people are going to complain about healthcare costs, why don't they turn their vitriol towards those surgeons, doctors and hospitals who charge excessive amounts, shouldn't they? Yet, there is silence on this, because we all respect and appreciate the education expenses, costs and rare talents some have to be surgeons and doctors. So, with this being accepted, we much all accept there are costs involved.

Canada has socialized medicine and it is the single highest cost for each province, it is unsustainable as a single payer system. We are very slow to acknowledge this, at least many Americans understand basic economics, even if they disagree with the choices.
Pre-existing condition requirement for health care insurance is a welfare scam. It is getting something for nothing that somebody else has to pay for.

It is like the government telling an insurance company that they have to pay for your house burning down if you sign up when the fire trucks are there. Is is like the filthy government mandating that a life insurance company issue you a policy on your death bed. Is is like a car insurance firm being told that have to issue you a policy covering the losses after you had a wreck.

It is wrong. Very wrong.

No actually its like Government telling you freeloaders to buy insurance before the house catches fires. Its called being a responsible adult.

The filthy ass government needs to stay out of the oppressive business of telling me how to run my life. I need to be responsible for my own well being, not some stupid bureaucrat whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups. I'll be responsible for paying my bills and you be responsible for paying yours. Doesn't that sound a lot more fair than the government taking away my liberty?

Government pre existing conditions mandate in health care insurance is just another form of welfare and it is despicable just like all other welfare.
Pre-existing condition requirement for health care insurance is a welfare scam. It is getting something for nothing that somebody else has to pay for.

It is like the government telling an insurance company that they have to pay for your house burning down if you sign up when the fire trucks are there. Is is like the filthy government mandating that a life insurance company issue you a policy on your death bed. Is is like a car insurance firm being told that have to issue you a policy covering the losses after you had a wreck.

It is wrong. Very wrong.

No actually its like Government telling you freeloaders to buy insurance before the house catches fires. Its called being a responsible adult.

The filthy ass government needs to stay out of the oppressive business of telling me how to run my life. I need to be responsible for my own well being, not some stupid bureaucrat whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups. I'll be responsible for paying my bills and you be responsible for paying yours. Doesn't that sound a lot more fair than the government taking away my liberty?

Government pre existing conditions mandate in health care insurance is just another form of welfare and it is despicable just like all other welfare.

Good for you, most people can't pay cash for medical care. If you do not have insurance, you should not be allowed to enter an er or ride in an ambulance.

You refusing to buy insurance is just your way of being a welfare case. Why would anyone who has cash not buy the best insurance policy there is.
Pre-existing condition requirement for health care insurance is a welfare scam. It is getting something for nothing that somebody else has to pay for.

It is like the government telling an insurance company that they have to pay for your house burning down if you sign up when the fire trucks are there. Is is like the filthy government mandating that a life insurance company issue you a policy on your death bed. Is is like a car insurance firm being told that have to issue you a policy covering the losses after you had a wreck.

It is wrong. Very wrong.

No actually its like Government telling you freeloaders to buy insurance before the house catches fires. Its called being a responsible adult.

telling you ?


Pre-existing condition requirement for health care insurance is a welfare scam. It is getting something for nothing that somebody else has to pay for.

It is like the government telling an insurance company that they have to pay for your house burning down if you sign up when the fire trucks are there. Is is like the filthy government mandating that a life insurance company issue you a policy on your death bed. Is is like a car insurance firm being told that have to issue you a policy covering the losses after you had a wreck.

It is wrong. Very wrong.

No actually its like Government telling you freeloaders to buy insurance before the house catches fires. Its called being a responsible adult.

The filthy ass government needs to stay out of the oppressive business of telling me how to run my life. I need to be responsible for my own well being, not some stupid bureaucrat whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups. I'll be responsible for paying my bills and you be responsible for paying yours. Doesn't that sound a lot more fair than the government taking away my liberty?

Government pre existing conditions mandate in health care insurance is just another form of welfare and it is despicable just like all other welfare.

Good for you, most people can't pay cash for medical care. If you do not have insurance, you should not be allowed to enter an er or ride in an ambulance.

You refusing to buy insurance is just your way of being a welfare case. Why would anyone who has cash not buy the best insurance policy there is.

Then where are all the millions of illegals going to go have their baby's?


Good for you, most people can't pay cash for medical care. If you do not have insurance, you should not be allowed to enter an er or ride in an ambulance.

You refusing to buy insurance is just your way of being a welfare case. Why would anyone who has cash not buy the best insurance policy there is.

If you can't pay for your medical bills then that is your problem, not mine. I don't need the filthy ass oppressive government establishing mandates that takes my money by force and then gives it to you. That is a form of slavery that takes away my liberty and the fruits of my labor. You don't support slavery, do you?

Because I am a generous person I may chose to help you if I feel you need help but I sure as hell don't need the government taking my money by force and giving it away to welfare queens who votes en mass for big government assholes to give them what they are too sorry to earn for themselves.

The government needs to stay out of the business of running my life.
Pre-existing condition requirement for health care insurance is a welfare scam. It is getting something for nothing that somebody else has to pay for.

It is like the government telling an insurance company that they have to pay for your house burning down if you sign up when the fire trucks are there. Is is like the filthy government mandating that a life insurance company issue you a policy on your death bed. Is is like a car insurance firm being told that have to issue you a policy covering the losses after you had a wreck.

It is wrong. Very wrong.

No actually its like Government telling you freeloaders to buy insurance before the house catches fires. Its called being a responsible adult.

telling you ?


Yes, telling you just like the GOP telling you if you miss a few months of no insurance it will cost more. Just like the Government putting a tax on gas, and a mortgage company insisted you have home insurance, just like the gov telling you to pay taxes, we live by a set of laws, if we didn't we'd be chaos.

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