My jobs plan - build a wall


Feb 14, 2011
My jobs plan will be infrastructure heavy. Hmmm ... are walls infrastructure?

Anyway ... there will be construction jobs.

First job will be to build a wall around Washington, with no doors. Those politicians are useless. I don't want to see them anymore.
I would be prepared to consider quarantining DC until we can disinfect the virus that is currently running rampant throughout the government.
My jobs plan will be infrastructure heavy. Hmmm ... are walls infrastructure?

Anyway ... there will be construction jobs.

First job will be to build a wall around Washington, with no doors. Those politicians are useless. I don't want to see them anymore.
Does that mean that we have to airdrop food to them a-la Berin Airlift?
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My jobs plan will be infrastructure heavy. Hmmm ... are walls infrastructure?

Anyway ... there will be construction jobs.

First job will be to build a wall around Washington, with no doors. Those politicians are useless. I don't want to see them anymore.
Does that mean that we have to airdrop food to them a-la Berin Airlift?

We don't HAVE to. If we build the wall thick enough and take away their twitters, who will know?
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alright, alright. One drop.

Send them some seeds.

They can eat from the White House garden.
I would be prepared to consider quarantining DC until we can disinfect the virus that is currently running rampant throughout the government.

i agree... the tea party loons have really infected the place.

You can evidence inherent corruption from those who have been there for less than a year? Cool.

But at least they don't rank traitors among their number. That's your team, mo chara. Real, honest to G-d, according to the Constitution (assuming we still respect that document - I honestly can't tell any more) traitors.

Wanna play? Bring your very best game... The behavior of the TEAs may not suit your liberal sensibilities.... but at least they are not institutionally corrupt like your guys - and those other Republican bastards.
Amelia (that cat is adorable)

I'm not sure you could build a wall high enough.

Yes, you could keep average Americans out quite easily -you wouldn't even need a wall because they can't afford to buy politicians.

And... you wouldn't have much trouble keeping organized labor out. Why? Because Clinton sold Labor down river in order to get Wall Street $$.... (check out NAFTA to see what the Left thinks of the working man).

That leaves business - the private sector. I'm afraid you couldn't build a wall high enough to keep their money out. Research their lobbying contributions. Research the culture of no-bid contracts which provides the private sector with direct access to the taxpayer's wallet. It will melt your brain.

Or, go into Walmart. Check out where their products are made. You will discover that they are shipped from (and across) regions that sometimes must be "stabilized" with guess who's money? The sucker taxpayer. (While you're at it. Check out the expense of policing the global market system. Check out the expense of protecting supply chains so capital & resources can flow freely around the globe. Check out the cost of installing dictators who maintain the political conditions for cheap labor so that capital can realizes the highest returns on investment. This stuff is not cheap, and it requires very big, very powerful government)

Business craves a dynamic state sector which intervenes on its behalf (or do you think they pump trillions into Washington for fun).

Actually, to hell with it. Let's do it anyway.

Halliburton will build the wall at 100x the quoted rate. And then Lockheed Martin will blow it up with weapons that are no longer necessary in a post Cold War universe. Then Halliburton will re-build the wall.

And then . . . they will send some of their profits to talk radio for the purpose of convincing Americans that somebody besides business owns and controls Washington.

And then . . . we serfs will pour into the streets, pitchforks in hand, in search of a manufactured demon: government. . . .

(psst: everybody knows that government is bogus holding of corporate America, used to socialize costs and absorb losses. This is no longer Ayn Rand's world where Stalin steals your family's pharmacy. This is a world where the pharmaceutical lobby owns government)
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I would be prepared to consider quarantining DC until we can disinfect the virus that is currently running rampant throughout the government.

i agree... the tea party loons have really infected the place.

I would be prepared to consider quarantining DC until we can disinfect the virus that is currently running rampant throughout the government.

i agree... the tea party loons have really infected the place.

You can evidence inherent corruption from those who have been there for less than a year? Cool.

But at least they don't rank traitors among their number. That's your team, mo chara. Real, honest to G-d, according to the Constitution (assuming we still respect that document - I honestly can't tell any more) traitors.

Wanna play? Bring your very best game... The behavior of the TEAs may not suit your liberal sensibilities.... but at least they are not institutionally corrupt like your guys - and those other Republican bastards.
Those would be the Rinos...eager to join hands across the aisle to build a bridge to sell us down the river...those would be the establishment Repubicans that are having a hard time accepting that the TEA Party is about to redefine back what the Republicans have always been about, but have lost thier way in recent decades.:eusa_shhh:
My jobs plan will be infrastructure heavy. Hmmm ... are walls infrastructure?

Anyway ... there will be construction jobs.

First job will be to build a wall around Washington, with no doors. Those politicians are useless. I don't want to see them anymore.

Do that and then build a wall across our southern border and place 100,000 snipers on it. :eusa_whistle:

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