"My elbow hurts"


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
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Today, a patient came in for evaluation for elbow pain. It wasn't too bad and only hurt when he did certain things. He found that tylenol was helpful.

For a moment, I paused and contemplated the weirdness of the situation.

Here, I had a guy with mild tennis elbow, when elsewhere, this is happening...


But...I did my job.
Life goes on.
How many Sports games since the Hatian quake?
How many movies attended?
How many big dinners at restaurants?
Life goes on.
How many Sports games since the Hatian quake?
How many movies attended?
How many big dinners at restaurants?


We all have to move on. But I guess it's good to have occasional moments like above to put everything into perspective and make you appreciate life and what we have.
Life goes on.
How many Sports games since the Hatian quake?
How many movies attended?
How many big dinners at restaurants?


We all have to move on. But I guess it's good to have occasional moments like above to put everything into perspective and make you appreciate life and what we have.

Yes very true.

ps you got reps for your outstanding humanity.
Today, a patient came in for evaluation for elbow pain. It wasn't too bad and only hurt when he did certain things. He found that tylenol was helpful.

For a moment, I paused and contemplated the weirdness of the situation.

Here, I had a guy with mild tennis elbow, when elsewhere, this is happening...


But...I did my job.

Haiti is bad. No question about it. Have you ever been on a mission trip? Try going to places in Africa, Asia or even Mexico to see how most of the world lives and you'll be 'contemplating the weirdness of the situation' daily.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to xotoxi again.

I'll get ya later dude!
Xot, my shoulder still hurts...been almost 8 months now...can you exam it. lol
Today, a patient came in for evaluation for elbow pain. It wasn't too bad and only hurt when he did certain things. He found that tylenol was helpful.

For a moment, I paused and contemplated the weirdness of the situation.

Here, I had a guy with mild tennis elbow, when elsewhere, this is happening...


But...I did my job.

Haiti is bad. No question about it. Have you ever been on a mission trip? Try going to places in Africa, Asia or even Mexico to see how most of the world lives and you'll be 'contemplating the weirdness of the situation' daily.

These days, you don't have to travel the world to see how people in those places live. You can witness it at home in most western countries. Just visit the neighbourhood where immigrants from Asia in particular settle and see how they drag the area down to the standards they were used to back home!
If it REALLY bothers you VOLUNTEER to go to Haiti to help, I am sure there are groups that need Doctors.

I can not go I can barely get around. Am considering giving some money to Red Cross. Still haven't made up my mind though.
DOn't over react XOx this is not an attack on you, just pointing out that if it bothers you so much you have options.
What I don't get is why all of the outcry over Haiti? The telethon, the billions of dollars that will do very little to change anything, the obvious guilt feelings.......... where were these things, the outcry, the telethons, the billions of dollars when it was China that was hit with a disastrous earthquake or for the 200,000 + who died in many countries from a single tsunami? Why is this earthquake in Haiti so much more of a disaster?

Wyclef said last night that he was from Haiti which he claimed was the same as being from Africa........ the black people I know have made it a much bigger deal than either of the events in Asia, why? Is it all about race and skin color for them? Of course it is, that is all it's ever about with blacks and the guilt ridden whites that hate themselves for what others did hundreds of years ago.
What I don't get is why all of the outcry over Haiti? The telethon, the billions of dollars that will do very little to change anything, the obvious guilt feelings.......... where were these things, the outcry, the telethons, the billions of dollars when it was China that was hit with a disastrous earthquake or for the 200,000 + who died in many countries from a single tsunami? Why is this earthquake in Haiti so much more of a disaster?

Wyclef said last night that he was from Haiti which he claimed was the same as being from Africa........ the black people I know have made it a much bigger deal than either of the events in Asia, why? Is it all about race and skin color for them? Of course it is, that is all it's ever about with blacks and the guilt ridden whites that hate themselves for what others did hundreds of years ago.
Who knows, really. IMO it is because Haiti is our next door neighbor and therefore we have closer ties to them than we do to victims on the other side of the world.
What I don't get is why all of the outcry over Haiti? The telethon, the billions of dollars that will do very little to change anything, the obvious guilt feelings.......... where were these things, the outcry, the telethons, the billions of dollars when it was China that was hit with a disastrous earthquake or for the 200,000 + who died in many countries from a single tsunami? Why is this earthquake in Haiti so much more of a disaster?

Interesting point.

You are correct...there should have been much more of an outcry for the other disasters that you mentioned.

As a society, we failed.
What I don't get is why all of the outcry over Haiti? The telethon, the billions of dollars that will do very little to change anything, the obvious guilt feelings.......... where were these things, the outcry, the telethons, the billions of dollars when it was China that was hit with a disastrous earthquake or for the 200,000 + who died in many countries from a single tsunami? Why is this earthquake in Haiti so much more of a disaster?

Interesting point.

You are correct...there should have been much more of an outcry for the other disasters that you mentioned.

As a society, we failed.

Why should we care about China? They can take care of themselves. And we did TONS of shit for the Tidal wave stricken Countries. Even AFTER they bitched about it being Military doing the deliveries.
xox overcome your fear and go on adventure....even if you just go down for a week or two....go for it...

why help haiti? if you cannot see their need then you are truly blind...

sgt...look into "americares" 99% of your donation goes to food....that is a pretty good percentage
xox overcome your fear and go on adventure....even if you just go down for a week or two....go for it...

why help haiti? if you cannot see their need then you are truly blind...

sgt...look into "americares" 99% of your donation goes to food....that is a pretty good percentage

The problem I have with donating is A) no money and B) little is actually getting through anyway. Those people will need new buildings not food.
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