My dog has a heart murmur!

It will be 11 weeks this coming saturday since I lost my beloved Gracie. It seems like...yesterday and at the same time..years ago. But I think of her every day, miss her sweet face and hugs and gentle kisses she gave me and I wrestled on whether I murdered her or did the right thing. The vet said I did the right thing. But it was not a soothing, quiet, pensive moment when they inserted that needle. It was horrible. I never ever want to witness that again. But the seizures were the worst...and getting stronger the day I said "enough honey. Time to go to God".

Do I still cry for her? Yes. But not as much. Does the rest of the pack still mourn her? Yes. All of us have changed. But Gracie is with God. HE is taking care of her. She is safe with Him. And there is no tumor growing in that sweet gentle head any more.

I hope Greta has a happy many years left, Koosh. And she just might surprise everyone. Just promise her that you will do what needs done...and ask her mentally and verbally to TELL YOU when SHE is ready. How is this done? You will know. Just like I did. Will it tear your heart out? Yes. But you have to be strong for her and the rest of your pack. And I know you will be.
Greta had a wonderful life with you. She loves you. You lvoe her. Enjoy what time you have left with her. But I STILL pray and hope she last to at least 15 years old and is not suffering at all in that time frame. At least, that is what my prayers are for you. 15 years. Pain free.

Now it is up to God...and Greta. :)
Let us allow Koosh to decide whether she prefers to believe your report or the report of the Lord which is that God does hear the prayers of his people and that His Word does not return back void unto him but will go forth to perform the work it was sent to do. This is according to Koosh's faith and my faith. NOT YOURS STROLLINGBONES.

- Jeri

When in doubt? Cast it out. With God all things are possible. - Jeri

I tell ya jeri, when it comes to beloved pets, there is no when it doubt cast it out. Most people want to hang on to them until the bitter end... for selfish reasons of not wanting to let them go.

There comes a time when you need to do what is best for the animal... not what is best for us.

In my opinion, if there is any chance of quality life.... do what ever needs to be done to give them that chance. If there is no hope, and they are in pain and suffering... then they should be let go, put down. It is not right, or loving.... to allow them to suffer.

I am pretty sure koosh knows this too.
Let us allow Koosh to decide whether she prefers to believe your report or the report of the Lord which is that God does hear the prayers of his people and that His Word does not return back void unto him but will go forth to perform the work it was sent to do. This is according to Koosh's faith and my faith. NOT YOURS STROLLINGBONES.

- Jeri

When in doubt? Cast it out. With God all things are possible. - Jeri

I tell ya jeri, when it comes to beloved pets, there is no when it doubt cast it out. Most people want to hang on to them until the bitter end... for selfish reasons of not wanting to let them go.

There comes a time when you need to do what is best for the animal... not what is best for us.

In my opinion, if there is any chance of quality life.... do what ever needs to be done to give them that chance. If there is no hope, and they are in pain and suffering... then they should be let go, put down. It is not right, or loving.... to allow them to suffer.

I am pretty sure koosh knows this too.

Perfectly said. I swore to Gracie she would not suffer. She lasted 8 months on the meds that did nothing for the tumor growing in her head which we thought was epilepsy. She started seizing again the night before. Every 2 frigging hours. She was exhausted by the time I got her to the vet the next day...and so was I. I took her, and had her put down. She was gone by 11ish that morning. For keeps.

It broke my heart. Broke it. But...she was suffering. It was time. Koosh will do the same.
Let us allow Koosh to decide whether she prefers to believe your report or the report of the Lord which is that God does hear the prayers of his people and that His Word does not return back void unto him but will go forth to perform the work it was sent to do. This is according to Koosh's faith and my faith. NOT YOURS STROLLINGBONES.

- Jeri

When in doubt? Cast it out. With God all things are possible. - Jeri

I tell ya jeri, when it comes to beloved pets, there is no when it doubt cast it out. Most people want to hang on to them until the bitter end... for selfish reasons of not wanting to let them go.

There comes a time when you need to do what is best for the animal... not what is best for us.

In my opinion, if there is any chance of quality life.... do what ever needs to be done to give them that chance. If there is no hope, and they are in pain and suffering... then they should be let go, put down. It is not right, or loving.... to allow them to suffer.

I am pretty sure koosh knows this too.

Perfectly said. I swore to Gracie she would not suffer. She lasted 8 months on the meds that did nothing for the tumor growing in her head which we thought was epilepsy. She started seizing again the night before. Every 2 frigging hours. She was exhausted by the time I got her to the vet the next day...and so was I. I took her, and had her put down. She was gone by 11ish that morning. For keeps.

It broke my heart. Broke it. But...she was suffering. It was time. Koosh will do the same.

i know, my poor farina...i gave him every chance.... more and over and above what most would have done. And once it was clear he was not going to pull through i held him close as they put him down.... :(
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Farina IS beautiful. Not was. Is.
My FattyCat was the only cat I ever loved. I am not a cat person. I like them, but I don't connect with them like I do dogs. Fatty chose ME. He was 8, wild, and it took me 6 months to get him to just come in the slider door to eat AND let me pet him lightly. Another 6 months before he finally did it on his own, discovered hubby's rocking chair and plopped in it. Once he did...he claimed us as his own. He lived to age 23. He had one eye. No teeth. NONE. And he was my lovebug. Bone cancer got him. He went peacefully, in my arms, as they inserted the needle.

Another piece of my heart...dead. Broken. No repair. I have 3 left in the pack. When they all go...then I hope I don't last long and can go be with them all.

Which is why I pray that Greta hangs out for quite a few more years with Mom taking very good care of her.
Farina IS beautiful. Not was. Is.
My FattyCat was the only cat I ever loved. I am not a cat person. I like them, but I don't connect with them like I do dogs. Fatty chose ME. He was 8, wild, and it took me 6 months to get him to just come in the slider door to eat AND let me pet him lightly. Another 6 months before he finally did it on his own, discovered hubby's rocking chair and plopped in it. Once he did...he claimed us as his own. He lived to age 23. He had one eye. No teeth. NONE. And he was my lovebug. Bone cancer got him. He went peacefully, in my arms, as they inserted the needle.

Another piece of my heart...dead. Broken. No repair. I have 3 left in the pack. When they all go...then I hope I don't last long and can go be with them all.

Which is why I pray that Greta hangs out for quite a few more years with Mom taking very good care of her.

he was, and i miss him. :( We did all we could, we gave him the best chances.... and we still put him down. He was only a year and a half old.
You guys are awesome. I'm glad to have you here supporting me.

Well, the vet visit went well. I have a wonderful vet. He has taken care of Greta since she was six weeks old.

He said this. Yes, there is a murmur. But we don't need the expense of an ultrasound to check out the heart. We will do an...EKG? I think that's what he said...I'm so tired. Anyway, they can do it right there in his office but will be connected to a cardiologist in Seattle. When the test is done the cardiologist will analyze the results. My vet says this will give us all the information we need to know which meds to get her on for her heart.

There is no fluid in her lungs at this point. She is not coughing. Her energy level is good. She has lost weight but they say her weight is excellent. She is not underweight. So we may have caught this at the point where meds will delay the onset of actual heart disease...could be quite a while.

But my vet also said this...we need to get her leg healed first. The wound had opened up and he stapled it closed to give it a chance to heal. No anesthesia, but she's a tough dog. He said she's on enough meds right now with the antibiotics and painkillers, he doesn't want to add heart meds into the mix just yet. When the leg is healed in a couple of weeks and she's off all those pills we will proceed.

I feel full of hope. And I did pray. I only asked once, just once, for God to let her be okay.

I'm going to research things I can do to strengthen her heart like Gracie suggested. I've done just a little reading already, interested in primrose, etc. I'll do the best I possibly can for her.

But I feel much better. We will get her on the appropriate meds and hope for the best. Since she has no symptoms such as shortness of breath, coughing or lethargy, etc. I think we may have caught this early and the meds will be able to prolong her life.

This certainly put all my other worries in perspective. I have financial concerns, changes at work that I'm worried about and my marriage has seen better days. But everything pales in comparison to my concern for Greta.
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that is wonderful news.....from here we go to getting the leg healed...

i am so glad this went well for all of you...

financial concerns, work and marriage...are always with us
You guys are awesome. I'm glad to have you here supporting me.

Well, the vet visit went well. I have a wonderful vet. He has taken care of Greta since she was six weeks old.

He said this. Yes, there is a murmur. But we don't need the expense of an ultrasound to check out the heart. We will do an...EKG? I think that's what he said...I'm so tired. Anyway, they can do it right there in his office but will be connected to a cardiologist in Seattle. When the test is done the cardiologist will analyze the results. My vet says this will give us all the information we need to know which meds to get her on for her heart.

There is no fluid in her lungs at this point. She is not coughing. Her energy level is good. She has lost weight but they say her weight is excellent. She is not underweight. So we may have caught this at the point where meds will delay the onset of actual heart disease...could be quite a while.

But my vet also said this...we need to get her leg healed first. The wound had opened up and he stapled it closed to give it a chance to heal. No anesthesia, but she's a tough dog. He said she's on enough meds right now with the antibiotics and painkillers, he doesn't want to add heart meds into the mix just yet. When the leg is healed in a couple of weeks and she's off all those pills we will proceed.

I feel full of hope. And I did pray. I only asked once, just once, for God to let her be okay.

I'm going to research things I can do to strengthen her heart like Gracie suggested. I've done just a little reading already, interested in primrose, etc. I'll do the best I possibly can for her.

But I feel much better. We will get her on the appropriate meds and hope for the best. Since she has no symptoms such as shortness of breath, coughing or lethargy, etc. I think we may have caught this early and the meds will be able to prolong her life.

This certainly put all my other worries in perspective. I have financial concerns, changes at work that I'm worried about and my marriage has seen better days. But everything pales in comparison to my concern for Greta.

I am so blessed to read your report this morning, Koosh! I too prayed for Greta with my husband this morning and we agreed for Greta to be completely healed and that not only would she be healed but that the LORD would add 10 years to her life - even as He added 10 years to Hezekiah's life with "no trouble to it"!

This means that Greta will not be limping along in life - as if half healed and suffering along in old age but rather enjoying the fullness of her life to the very end without a drop of trouble! When God gives a Blessing he adds no trouble to it! None!

All doubt as to God's will concerning Greta's health and future has indeed been "Cast Out" this morning I believe with all my heart, Koosh, that we have got His answer, "yes" and once again this board shall see yet another animal healed by His Mighty power! Hallelujah and Amen!

Also! My deepest apologies to Strollingbones as I should not have used capitol letters in defending the faith for Gretas healing - as I can fully understand how she would have taken it as a direct attack on her own faith and truly I pray she be most blessed this morning.

I am very sorry for using the capitol letters, Strollingbones, you are right, that is like shouting and is very rude. Love is not rude. I do repent of doing that as I was wrong to do such a thing. Again, I sincerely apologise to you. Also Strollingbones, you may send me an email or PM anytime and I will count it a great blessing always. Be blessed and have a beautiful day!! With Love, Jeri
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What happened to Greta's leg? Is it high or low on it? Make sure she doesn't chew the staples or paw at it with her feet. When my dogs get an owie, I put baby socks on their feetsies, then use masking tape above the top of the sock and around the top of the sock to keep it in place but doesn't cut off circulation. Works like a charm. They tend to not scratch with that sock on.
My dogs never have had those cone things cuz the socks work just as well. :)
What happened to Greta's leg? Is it high or low on it? Make sure she doesn't chew the staples or paw at it with her feet. When my dogs get an owie, I put baby socks on their feetsies, then use masking tape above the top of the sock and around the top of the sock to keep it in place but doesn't cut off circulation. Works like a charm. They tend to not scratch with that sock on.
My dogs never have had those cone things cuz the socks work just as well. :)

She has a bad bite on her lower front leg. Just took seconds, a spat over a chewed up piece of bully stick. Damn Sharpei bit her. God forgive me, but I hate that Sharpei. Wish I'd just left her wandering around out on the streets, let somebody else do something for a change. This is the second time she has badly bitten Greta on the leg. This is not acceptable.

Anyway, I do have the cone on Greta. All dogs are different. Hannah had a bite or something on her lower leg and just had a bandage around it from the vet, and she never touched it. Didn't need the cone at all. Greta is different. She will tear through anything. I can't take a chance.

As a matter of fact, I took the cone off so she could go outside and go to the bathroom, and when she came back in the wound was all opened up and bleeding. Now it doesn't come off unless I am in the position to watch her every move. Tonight she can sit and watch Survivor with me, sans cone. :)
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You know what I keep realizing? If Greta and Lucy hadn't gotten into this sudden spat and I hadn't needed to take Greta to the emergency vet Saturday night...we might not have discovered the heart murmur at this early stage...

Hmmm. Silver linings?
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You guys are awesome. I'm glad to have you here supporting me.

Well, the vet visit went well. I have a wonderful vet. He has taken care of Greta since she was six weeks old.

He said this. Yes, there is a murmur. But we don't need the expense of an ultrasound to check out the heart. We will do an...EKG? I think that's what he said...I'm so tired. Anyway, they can do it right there in his office but will be connected to a cardiologist in Seattle. When the test is done the cardiologist will analyze the results. My vet says this will give us all the information we need to know which meds to get her on for her heart.

There is no fluid in her lungs at this point. She is not coughing. Her energy level is good. She has lost weight but they say her weight is excellent. She is not underweight. So we may have caught this at the point where meds will delay the onset of actual heart disease...could be quite a while.

But my vet also said this...we need to get her leg healed first. The wound had opened up and he stapled it closed to give it a chance to heal. No anesthesia, but she's a tough dog. He said she's on enough meds right now with the antibiotics and painkillers, he doesn't want to add heart meds into the mix just yet. When the leg is healed in a couple of weeks and she's off all those pills we will proceed.

I feel full of hope. And I did pray. I only asked once, just once, for God to let her be okay.

I'm going to research things I can do to strengthen her heart like Gracie suggested. I've done just a little reading already, interested in primrose, etc. I'll do the best I possibly can for her.

But I feel much better. We will get her on the appropriate meds and hope for the best. Since she has no symptoms such as shortness of breath, coughing or lethargy, etc. I think we may have caught this early and the meds will be able to prolong her life.

This certainly put all my other worries in perspective. I have financial concerns, changes at work that I'm worried about and my marriage has seen better days. But everything pales in comparison to my concern for Greta.

I'm glad it went well - I know with Dobies the heart thing is always an issue. I may have missed it but how old is Greta?

My Abby had a Grade 4 murmer, but lived to almost 15 and died of an unrelated issue. She never showed symptoms, and they xrayed her and there was no deformation of to indicate the heart was starting to alter. It might be Greta can manage a long time with this :)
You guys are awesome. I'm glad to have you here supporting me.

Well, the vet visit went well. I have a wonderful vet. He has taken care of Greta since she was six weeks old.

He said this. Yes, there is a murmur. But we don't need the expense of an ultrasound to check out the heart. We will do an...EKG? I think that's what he said...I'm so tired. Anyway, they can do it right there in his office but will be connected to a cardiologist in Seattle. When the test is done the cardiologist will analyze the results. My vet says this will give us all the information we need to know which meds to get her on for her heart.

There is no fluid in her lungs at this point. She is not coughing. Her energy level is good. She has lost weight but they say her weight is excellent. She is not underweight. So we may have caught this at the point where meds will delay the onset of actual heart disease...could be quite a while.

But my vet also said this...we need to get her leg healed first. The wound had opened up and he stapled it closed to give it a chance to heal. No anesthesia, but she's a tough dog. He said she's on enough meds right now with the antibiotics and painkillers, he doesn't want to add heart meds into the mix just yet. When the leg is healed in a couple of weeks and she's off all those pills we will proceed.

I feel full of hope. And I did pray. I only asked once, just once, for God to let her be okay.

I'm going to research things I can do to strengthen her heart like Gracie suggested. I've done just a little reading already, interested in primrose, etc. I'll do the best I possibly can for her.

But I feel much better. We will get her on the appropriate meds and hope for the best. Since she has no symptoms such as shortness of breath, coughing or lethargy, etc. I think we may have caught this early and the meds will be able to prolong her life.

This certainly put all my other worries in perspective. I have financial concerns, changes at work that I'm worried about and my marriage has seen better days. But everything pales in comparison to my concern for Greta.

I'm glad it went well - I know with Dobies the heart thing is always an issue. I may have missed it but how old is Greta?

My Abby had a Grade 4 murmer, but lived to almost 15 and died of an unrelated issue. She never showed symptoms, and they xrayed her and there was no deformation of to indicate the heart was starting to alter. It might be Greta can manage a long time with this :)

Greta will be 10 years old on October 24. I've had her since she was six weeks and one day old. Her personality was already formed at that early age...she is extremely intelligent, willful and sassy with a mind of her own, but obedient when she knows I really mean it. :)

Your Abby? Abbysinian cat? I have an Abbysinian cat also. Her name is Bast. :) Bast just turned 13.

Cats tend to live longer than medium-large sized dogs I think.

But your post is nonetheless very encouraging to me. Thanks! :)
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You guys are awesome. I'm glad to have you here supporting me.

Well, the vet visit went well. I have a wonderful vet. He has taken care of Greta since she was six weeks old.

He said this. Yes, there is a murmur. But we don't need the expense of an ultrasound to check out the heart. We will do an...EKG? I think that's what he said...I'm so tired. Anyway, they can do it right there in his office but will be connected to a cardiologist in Seattle. When the test is done the cardiologist will analyze the results. My vet says this will give us all the information we need to know which meds to get her on for her heart.

There is no fluid in her lungs at this point. She is not coughing. Her energy level is good. She has lost weight but they say her weight is excellent. She is not underweight. So we may have caught this at the point where meds will delay the onset of actual heart disease...could be quite a while.

But my vet also said this...we need to get her leg healed first. The wound had opened up and he stapled it closed to give it a chance to heal. No anesthesia, but she's a tough dog. He said she's on enough meds right now with the antibiotics and painkillers, he doesn't want to add heart meds into the mix just yet. When the leg is healed in a couple of weeks and she's off all those pills we will proceed.

I feel full of hope. And I did pray. I only asked once, just once, for God to let her be okay.

I'm going to research things I can do to strengthen her heart like Gracie suggested. I've done just a little reading already, interested in primrose, etc. I'll do the best I possibly can for her.

But I feel much better. We will get her on the appropriate meds and hope for the best. Since she has no symptoms such as shortness of breath, coughing or lethargy, etc. I think we may have caught this early and the meds will be able to prolong her life.

This certainly put all my other worries in perspective. I have financial concerns, changes at work that I'm worried about and my marriage has seen better days. But everything pales in comparison to my concern for Greta.

I'm glad it went well - I know with Dobies the heart thing is always an issue. I may have missed it but how old is Greta?

My Abby had a Grade 4 murmer, but lived to almost 15 and died of an unrelated issue. She never showed symptoms, and they xrayed her and there was no deformation of to indicate the heart was starting to alter. It might be Greta can manage a long time with this :)

Greta will be 10 years old on October 24. I've had her since she was six weeks and one day old. Her personality was already formed at that early age...she is extremely intelligent, willful and sassy with a mind of her own, but obedient when she knows I really mean it. :)

Your Abby? Abbysinian cat? I have an Abbysinian cat also. Her name is Bast. :) Bast just turned 13.

Cats tend to live longer than medium-large sized dogs I think.

But your post is nonetheless very encouraging to me. Thanks! :)

Abby was actually a dog - a bc/sheltie sort of mix :) But it's funny you mention Abbysinians - I love those cats! I don't have one now, but I've had several over my life and they've been big personalities in a small package!

Dobies are sweet dogs - I've always liked them in our dog classes. Everyone has been a lover :)
I am only as happy as my sickest dog....Prayers and thoughts are with you guys. My dogs have lived to 17 years old and there is not one day that goes by where I do nothing about them and talk to them and cherish the wonderful gift of love and selflessness they have given me.
Don't be mad at the Sharpei, hon. Like you said...if it weren't for that little spat, you would not have known about the murmur.

Gracie and Moki got into a squabble once. Just once. Moki clamped down on Gracies ear and Gracie was swinging moki around in the air. Blood everywhere (ears bleed a lot). I broke them up and after a bit of time, they began to treat each other with respect. Moki knew not to take Gracie's stuffed animals, Gracie knew not to let her ear get too close to Moki's mouth. When they began to play with each other and one nipped too hard and the other yelped, they immediately stopped and licked each other like "sorry!".

Dogs. They are awesome.:)
I've been spelling Abyssinian wrong. :redface:

I can hear my schoolteacher parents tut-tutting up in Heaven.
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