‘I feel like I’m dreaming’: Dog stolen from Hamilton backyard reunited with owner after nearly five years


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Damn I miss my boy.

I'm glad she had her dog returned after so many years, what a pleasant shock it must have been. Dogs become like family. I'd love to be able to take him for one more walk, throw one more ball for him.

A dog who was stolen from a Hamilton backyard nearly five years ago has been reunited with her owner in what the latter calls a “pinch me” Christmas moment.

Kristan Tuffin says her one-year-old mixed-breed bulldog, Nova, disappeared from the Victoria Avenue South home she was renting with her brother on Dec. 26, 2019, a day after Christmas and coincidentally her 24th birthday.

“There was an alleyway right there on the side of the backyard, and it was a small backyard like most in that area of Hamilton, and someone just came and took her while she was outside,” the now 28-year-old remembered over a call Tuesday.
Oh man! To get your dog back after 5 years would be so awesome & enraging at the same time! They stole a third of the dogs life from you...yet so happy to have them back.
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Dog stolen from Hamilton backyard reunited with owner after nearly five years​

No self-respecting dog of mine would ever allow himself to be stolen. Especially out of his own yard.
I train my dogs to kill first and ask questions later.
Unless I am there and give him the sign, you are dead meat.


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