"My body my choice"

Nope. Your weird shit doesnt carry any weight here. Got anything that isnt fucking retarded?
only your retorts-not. My body my choice is just that it is a call for liberty of one's own body and for abortionist to stay away if that is someone's choice if they want to decide that path..
Considering you are a Europeon I will give you some leeway with yer accusation of bestiality which is against TOS on USMB, you can either stop now or be reported.
I never accused you of bestiality, but I am aware of your confusion about bulls being cows and simply pointed out you can't get either pregnant as well as being aware of your other limitations.

Report me if you wish.
only your retorts-not. My body my choice is just that it is a call for liberty of one's own body and for abortionist to stay away if that is someone's choice if they want to decide that path..
I actually agree with legal abortions. I believe in "my body my choice", but i dont suddenly sell out that belief when it comes to vaccines. My integrity is intact, while yours is in fucking shambles, as usual.
Ive heard this a lot over the past few months. Does this signal the end of the "pro choicers" or is it still "your body,my choice" ?

With jabs, it is only their body. With abortion there is someone else's body involved too.

With the politics however, people go with the slant that serves them. No different than the democrats declaring that Trump was lying about a vaccine his FDA was corrupt yada yada yada until Biden won and then the vaccines the Trump administration funded and his FDA approved became Biden's gift from God.
With jabs, it is only their body. With abortion there is someone else's body involved too.

With the politics however, people go with the slant that serves them. No different than the democrats declaring that Trump was lying about a vaccine his FDA was corrupt yada yada yada until Biden won and then the vaccines the Trump administration funded and his FDA approved became Biden's gift from God.
Nobody elses body is involved. Just a collection of tissue.
No U.S. government can MANDATE that any citizen get vaccinated, other then as a condition of government employment (including military). Possibly government contractors could be required to have all employees working on a particular contract vaccinated, but it would be necessary to allow for rational exceptions.

The first of the ten main points of the Nuremberg Code on human experimentation reads…

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment. The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.

As long as these mRNA “vaccines” remain in an experimental stage, applying any form of coercion to anyone to receive them is a violation of this principle. This would include discriminating or threatening to discriminate in any way against anyone in an employment context for declining to be exploited as an experimental test subject for any such experimental drug.
Ive heard this a lot over the past few months. Does this signal the end of the "pro choicers" or is it still "your body,my choice" ?

Odd how LIbtARdS see the slogan “my body, my choice” as a defense of the right to murder an innocent child in cold blood, who is given no choice whatsoever in his fate; but not as a defense of an informed person declining to be used as a test subject in a risky medical experiment.

Just goes, once again, to show what all rational people know, that modern LIbEralism is both a mental disease and a moral disease.
Nobody elses body is involved. Just a collection of tissue.
Odd how LIbtARdS see the slogan “my body, my choice” as a defense of the right to murder an innocent child in cold blood, who is given no choice whatsoever in his fate; but not as a defense of an informed person declining to be used as a test subject in a risky medical experiment.

Just goes, once again, to show what all rational people know, that modern LIbEralism is both a mental disease and a moral disease.
Tell the police bob. Do you have a list of names ?
Ive heard this a lot over the past few months. Does this signal the end of the "pro choicers" or is it still "your body,my choice" ?
If you do not believe you should be in control over your own body, there really is no place for you in a rational and civilised society. If it is not her body and her choice the who's body and choice is it? The State's? The Church's? Society's?
If you do not believe you should be in control over your own body, there really is no place for you in a rational and civilised society. If it is not her body and her choice the who's body and choice is it? The State's? The Church's? Society's?
Nope, a few religious nuts who want to punish "sluts" for getting pregnant.
Nope, a few religious nuts who want to punish "sluts" for getting pregnant.
From the Baby Boomer generation on in the Western World, a higher percentage of people have been spoiled. Its is not the abuses we do so much, as how much abuses we do. One million abortions a year in the United States is a brutal stat. That is not being responsible for ones own body as an example while denying a potential living being from having an a opportunity. This in itself is not the only part of the double edged sword. The endless amount of babies born in the nation to single parents and many teenagers. All of the Prog dominated TV shows...talk, comedy, dramas. sci fi, very rarely touch these issues. Although they attack the poverty and all the other issues surrounding it blaming someone else. So called Religious nuts left this nation when the Globalists diminished Christianity in the early 1970's. This is your show and has been. The taxes have exploded as a percentage of income and wealth since then.

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